Where is my PETE?? ( Complete...

By ChikkiMugala

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hey cuties🥰🥰.... this is my second story...hope you 'll like it... this story contains drama, action, roma... More

chapter 1 : who is he??
chapter 2 : babe!!!!..
chapter 3 : i dont like you...
chapter 4 : happy life...
chapter 5 : ae!!!.
chapter 6 : love magical town....
chapter 7 : pain....
chapter 8 : i will kill you...
chapter 9 : i am scared...
chapter 11: for pete....
chapter 12 : boyfriend ..
chapter 13 : i am sorry...
chapter 14 : honeyy...
chapter 15 : hiding....
chapter 16 : the truth!!!
chapter 17 : taking care...
chapter 18 : our baby!!
chapter 19 : wake up!!...
chapter 20 : chompoo...
chapter 21: i beg you...
chapter 22: i am sulking...
chapter 23 : uncle max...
chapter 24 : drink??
chapter 25 : be careful
chapter 26 : apple??
chapter 27 : love??
chapter 28 : mom??
chapter 29 : sam...
chapter 30 : burger??..
chapter 31 : parents...
chapter 32 : husband...
chapter 33 : good boy....
chapter 34 : king...
chapter 35 : how...
chapter 36 : i want them!!
chapter 37 : stay ...
chapter 38 : dad!!...
chapter 39 : happy ....
chapter 40 : my girl .....
chapter 41 : love remains ....
chapter 42 : only love ....
new story ...new love ...
update !!!

chapter 10 : the past...

463 24 10
By ChikkiMugala

Pete pov :

His majesty and me went to home and his majesty went to bath..... I bathed and came to bed... His majesty hugged me and he went to sleep....i patted his hair and his majesty went to sleep..... I slowly removed his had from my waist and tugged him in blankets.... I went near drawer and took the diary.... There were many of the books..totally five books were there.... I took the first book and sat on the bed while his majesty rolled onto my lap.... I was patting his hair and opened the book....

I read all the books and understood why his majesty loves Pete so much... I got that I am not his Pete.... He isn't my majesty too.... I wiped my tears which were on my cheeks while studying the book.... I understood their love now and why his majesty have the highest large love wave around him....

I want to be his Pete.... The Pete who gets all the love from ae.... In other words iam jealous of myself.... I kept all the books in the drawer and went to sleep beside him... He hugged me again.... I rubbed his hair and went to sleep....

Five years ago... ( flash back )

Ae pov :

My mom and dad died 6 years ago when I was ten.... My dad was a mafia gang leader..... When mafia groups were attacking people my dad tried to stop other mafia groups who harmed people.... But his gang needed guns and everything to stop other mafia gangs.... By the time goes...

They considered us as another mafia gang... But we don't hurt people... We save them.... One of his enemies attacked my mom and dad.... I went to school and returned... I found my dad dead and my mom was handing her bloody hand towards me...

I ran to her and she touched my face... The blood was on my cheek and she said " Take care son..... " She died... I cried a lot and all of the people in the gang consoled me.... From that moment I never allowed anyone to touch my face.....

I went to school and no one sits beside me.... Everyone thinks iam cursed and iam unloved child.... They were right... My parents left me and no one loved me from that day.... Everything about my future was fixed by my fathers assistant.... I was only near to my uncle max..... He wasn't related to me.. But he is cook in my home...

My fathers brother works in our gang.... He was trying to get the position but he failed every time.....

I went into my classroom... Everyone went silent and started gossiping about me.... I was used to it from the last six years.... The class was noisy again and someone entered the class everyone was calling " Faggot... Faggot... " He didn't cared and someone was with him said " Shut up all of you " ...

They all went silent and they were chatting again... He came and sat beside me.... I looked at him and he was so beautiful... Those cute cheeks..... Pink soft lips and his wonderful eyes.... His skin... Everything attracted me... I don't know what was this feeling called... He looked at me and smiled.... My heart fluttered at that smile.... But I hid my emotions...

The day passed away.... Next day he sat beside me and he smiled to me again..... I pretend to ignore him.... The days got passed and his smile was accompanying me all the time... One day I forgot my lunch and I looked away.... Everyone was eating and I was listening to songs.....

A box slided to my side.... I looked to him..... He was smiling.... He gave me spoon.... I took and closed the box and kept it under my desk..... His face fell... How can he be so cute.....

" My name is Pete khab..... " His voice was angelic and I turned to him..... What a beautiful name!!!!... I never showed my emotions to anyone... Because they trained me like that... I can fight and use guns from 15 years age....iam 16 now....

" What is your name khab??" He asked innocently..... " Ae intouch!! " I said firmly....

He smiled to me cutely....

Pete - I bought extra lunch box khab..... You can eat khab... You look hungry.....

Ae - I won't eat your lunch.... Thats why I kept it aside....

Pete looked into my eyes.... He just nodded and started eating...
I pretend to ignore him and the class ended.... He was taking the lunch box from desk... I caught his hand...

Ae - what are you doing???

Pete - taking my lunch box khab...

Ae - it's mine!!!.... I will throw the food and I will give it to you...

Pete - okay khab...

He smiled and waved to me.... After everyone left.... I opened the lunch box and ate the food.... My eyes got watery because it was same as my mom food.... I enjoyed it all and closed the lunch box...

I handed it to him next morning and he smiled to me.... His eyes were red today.... While he was taking the lunch box... I saw red mark on his hand.... I was about to ask him.... But I didn't...

Everytime he enters the class everyone teases him..... He won't care all of that and he silently sits beside me..... A year passed like that.....i am 17 now and still I don't talk to him... In the last year he gave me his lunch 50 times.... Every time he thinks I threw the food.... But I ate it everytime....

I didn't took my lunch box intentionally today and he smiled to me again....

He looked at me and said " Wait khab ae.... " He took the lunch box out if his bag and handed to me...

Pete - throw the food and give it to me khab ae....

I nodded and looked away.... How he understands me all the time...

After going home... I opened the box.... There is a paper in the box..it says " Tomorrow is my birthday khab ae " .. I smiled to it .... I ate the food.... He know my favorites.... He cooked shrimp fried rice for me....

Uncle max - wow.... You are smiling widely son!!!... What's the matter???..... Let me guess.... It's Pete right???

I nodded.... I was thinking of giving a gift to him.... What should I give it to him...??? A lollipop.... It's better than nothing I think...

Pete came and sat beside me as usual...... Tin came and wished him.... Our class cancelled and everyone went out side..... Me and Pete was only left in the class.... Pete was resting his head in the book while facing away from me....

Ae - Pete.....

That's the first time I ever called him by his name.....

He turned to me.... My heart ached.... He was crying... I hated his tears... I don't want to see them...

He wiped his eyes and sat straight...

Pete - k.. Khab ae...

I gave him lollipop..... He smiled widely....

Pete - is it for me khab ae????

Ae - happy birthday....

Pete - thank you khab ae....

He took it and started eating it.... He was so cute.... I looked away and smiled...

Pete - do you like my food khab ae???

Ae - I didn't eat it..... I threw it away...

Pete - okay khab.... I believed it...

I nodded and he understood me now too.... I looked away..

Pete - so... You threw the food I made khab right???..... Oh I made shrimp soup.... Which will be in vain now.....

It's my favorite.... I looked at him..

Pete - what khab ae???

Ae - I didn't brought my lunch today....

Pete - I saw just now khab ae.... You brought your lunch box...

I threw my lunch box from the window...

Ae - see.... I didnt brought it...

Pete - soo....

Ae - so..... Iam hungry....

Pete - so....

Ae - give me your lunch box...

Pete - ae khab .... You will throw it anyway... Let me eat it okay??...

Ae - but...

Pete - what khab ae???

Ae - iam hungry....

Pete - i didn't bring extra lunch box for you to throw in the dustbin khab....

He opened his mouth and was eating the shrimp.... I caught the shrimp from his mouth from mine..... Our eyes met and I licked his lips for getting shrimp from his mouth.... He parted and was blushing....

I wiped his lips.... And his face was flushing like tomato....

He pushed the lunch box to my side and said .....

Pete - you can eat khab ae....

I was enjoying the food and he took his extra lunch box and was eating and looking at me....

I ate all of it and the first shrimp I ate from his mouth was tasty than the other.... I don't know why.... I liked it....

Ae - it was tasty....

Pete - w... What khab??..

Ae - the food...

He nodded and he was stuffing food in his mouth... His cheeks were so cute... I pecked his cheeks... He looked at me surprise....

He touched his lips and cheek... He hid his face in his hands....
I was staring at him...

Pete - ae ~~~ don't look at me like that!!.....

He was shy.... I liked his shyness too....

I have some friends ... Can, pond....

They always sit behind me... They also train with me... Can was the son of my fathers assistant.. He is a nice friend... Pond too... One of our important men's son in the gang...

Some of the days passed and the day when my parents left me came.... I didn't went to school and went to the visit them .... I knelt in front of my parents tomb and was crying hard...

Ae - why no one loves me mae???.... Am I really unloved ....????.. .. Come back mae...

Two hands embraced me in the warmth... I looked at him.... He is pete.... He hugged me and was patting my back.... He was about to touch my face... I stopped his hand.... He smiled to me again and took the kerchief from his pocket and wiped my tears....

Pete - don't cry naa.... Khab ae.... Everything will be alright...

I smiled to him....

He hugged me tightly..... And I hugged him back... For the first time I felt warmth and peace...

The days passed.... Our class completed.... It was break hour now.... Everyone went out....

I was solving problems....

Pete - ae khaab....

He called me so cutely.... I looked at him....

Ae - what is it???

Pete - I have doubt in this problem khab ae.... Can you explain khab....

Ae - where is the problem..???

He showed me the problem and I was explaining it to him.... He came close to me and he was asking questions...... I was explaining it to him.... His face was so close to me...i breathed his scent.... It was so good....

He looked at me..... Our faces were so close... My heart was racing so fast.......

I was staring at him..... It was a wonderful moment...i inhaled his smell... It was melting me...

Pete - ae khab....

Ae - hmm....

Pete - what are you looking at khab??

Ae - looking at you...

He blushed....

Pete - ae ~~~ tell me the problem khab...

I closed our distance and touched my nose to his cheek.... I was rubbing my nose to his face and he closed his eyes..... I looked at his neck.... There was wound on his neck....

Ae - what happened here??..

He closed his mark and said

Pete - n.. Nothing khab.... It's just a small scratch khab...

I removed his hand....

Ae - let me see....

I looked at his neck.... It was red...

I blowed on it....

Ae - is it paining??.... Why don't you take care of yourself??.... See it's red..... Just tell me... If you are hurt again.... I will apply medicine... Okay...

He was tearing.... And smiling...

Ae - why are you crying Pete???... Is it hurting so much.... Shall we go to hospital??..

Pete - it's okay khab ae..... ( sob).. Thank you for worrying about me khab...

I wiped his tears....

Ae - don't cry..... I hate your tears...

He smiled... And nodded..

We listened to our class and I went home....

My thoughts were filled with Pete 's wound..... I don't have his phone number.... I should ask him tomorrow....

Pete pov :

   I silently went and sat beside someone.... He was good looking and I smiled to him.... There is something interesting about him... He attracted me a lot... Why everyone call him unloved??.... Everyone needs to be loved... I learnt that when my own father and mother left me in orphanage..... I don't know why???

      Ae forgot his lunch.... So I gave him mine..... I know he ate it but he doesn't admit it...

Someone adopted me..... Tin was my brother... Only he cares about me in the family..... I forgot the lunch box and my step mother knew it..... She beat me.....

Yeah... I know they don't love me  .... They only see me as a working machine.... I was used to it.... If I do any small mistake.... They beat me with a wooden stick or with something else.... Tin always pleads his mom... No to beat me... But they don't listen to him....

   Ae likes my food I know it.... He doesn't smile.... But he always smiles while looking at the window.... My birthday was never celebrated in home.... Only tin remembers my birthday... I said to ae.....

   Maybe he didn't read it.... I rested my head in book and was crying..... Why I have no right to be happy??.... Why no one loves me or treat me as a human???....
I was lost in my thoughts and ae first time called me after one year... " Pete... " .. I wiped my tears and smiled to him..

He gave me lollipop..... That's the first gift someone gave me on my birthday... Expect tin... ae was staring at me and....he wanted his favourite shrimp soup... I knew it was his favorite.... I played with him some time... Ae threw his lunch box... I was shocked.... He likes my food.

When ae kissed me..... I felt shivers in my spine.... It was my first kiss and my heart was pounding fast... Ae likes me???... I gave him lunch box and he pecked my cheek... I still can't believe someone kissed me..... I like  ae too.....

I went to school and ae didn't came.... I asked can and he said.. It was his parents death anniversary..... I went to him... He was crying hard... My heart ached while seeing him cry... I went and hugged him... He was in pain.... I understand that..

I was about to wipe his tears.... He caught my hand... Maybe he doesn't like touching his face... I wiped his tears by my kerchief.. He calmed down a bit....

After some days..... Ae was explaining a problem to me... I can feel his breath on my face and my heart started racing..... Ae was sniffing me and was rubbing his nose on my cheek.... I was melting by his touch.. I don't want to stop him.... Suddenly he asked about my wound.... My step father beat me yesterday with a stick.... That was the mark.... I don't want ae to know that....

He was blowing and worrying about me.... My eyes got watery when he took care of me.... No one ever did that expect my step brother...... He wiped my tears and told me not to cry.... I like his care..... I like ae...

How's the chapter???

Comment me down your thoughts...

I will update new chapter soon...

Until then...

Luv you cuties....

Your author ❤❤

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