chapter 4 : happy life...

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      It's pretty night already... I was talking to my friends in the marriage party and Pete came and hugged me.....

Ae - what happened baby??...

Pete - I feel dizzy khab...

He was rubbing his face in my neck and hugging me tightly...

Ae - let's go home okay...

Pete nodded.

Ae - well... Thank you all of you for coming to our marriage today.... Byee...

They all waved to us.... I carried Pete in my arms and took him to his room... The party was in his restaurant... His home is in first floor...

I placed him on his bed..

Ae - baby... Are you okay?? ...

Pete caught his head ...

Pete - I feel dizzy khab.... I don't know why...

Ae - did you ate in the party..

Pete - no khab...

Ae - I told you too eat in time baby.... See.. You are tired now... Wait a minute... I will bring food.. Okay... Muah...

I kissed his forehead and went to bring him food....

He was sitting on the bed while catching his head...

Ae - baby... Here...

He hided something under the pillow when I came into room..
He is hiding something from me..

I feed him... He ate all of it...

I wiped his mouth and asked..

Ae - baby... Where are your medicines???

Pete - they are in the drawer .... They are a lot... I put them in the box khab... I don't know why doctor  wrote that many medicines.....

Ae - you should take care your medicines baby... Don't skip them okay...

The medicines were more than 10 .....he ate all of the medicines... He changed his dress and I changed mine...

I tugged him in blankets...

Ae - you should sleep now.... Good night baby...

Pete caught my hand...

Pete - where are you going khab??

Ae - I will lie down here.... On the ground..

Pete - sleep on bed naa...

Ae - no... Bed is small and you will be uncomfortable if I am beside you.... You are tired now... Sleep okay... Muah...

I kissed his forehead and took the quilt and pillow and arranged on ground and went to sleep....

In the dream....

A small kid was talking to me... " Daddy... You should catch me... I am gonna hide..close your eyes and count to 10 daddy.. " .

Ae - yes apple dear... Let's play..

Apple went to hide and I counted to 10 ...

" Apple... Daddy is gonna catch you.... Where are you??.... Apple dear.... " I was checking the garden..

After searching sometime... Apple was behind the tree opposite to me...

Ae - apple baby.... Daddy caught you....

Where is my PETE?? ( Completed )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum