
By Tj-morris

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Sapphire on the verge of total depression.. Unknown to her a path or direction to follow .. Memories of her p... More

Characters {2}
The End


64 10 1
By Tj-morris

"Sometimes our faith can be complicated"

Sapphires pov

Its been three days, and i don't even know where i am, i have tried to see if there's any way or source of escape but the people watching me have been very careful, i don't even go to the toilet on my own, i have no idea who has kidnapped me, and why they did, but i know that Lissa, and Erick would be really worried about me.

The man with a tattoo walked in, and approached me having a smirk on his face, his face reminds me of the day when my father was shot, had those same tattoos on his hand and that voice is so alike, it has to be him.

"Who are you?, and what do you want from me, i have nothing to give you, if you kidnapped me for ransom money i really pity you a lot, because you'll get nothing"

He looked at me and let an annoying laugh, that seemed i had no idea why he had me in here.
He took a stool at the corner of the room, and sat close to me, looked me straight in the eyes in a way that revealed the secrets like a web of truths all trapped inside. Whatever it was he had a lot of secrets, that were surely eating him up in the inside, i could feel it.

He finally spoke up to me
"Listen up baby girl, i am not the one who needs something from you, someone else does, and you'll know who he is soon"

"Then who is he, that has had me in here for days now, does he realise I'm a student and that i go to school?, because of his insanity, I've missed three days of my classes"
I yell at him so irritated.

"Oh, believe me when i say, he knows everything about you" he says and walks away.

"Where the hell are you going?, come back here, i need to see him, he needs to tell me his reason for locking me up in here!!!"
He already walked out of the room, its been three days and i don't even know why I'm here, although they've been giving me food, they have been really cautious, in not allowing me escape, ever since i got kidnapped my wallet and phone was taken away so that i wouldn't be able to reach anyone or tell them where i'm at.

Whoever it is that has me in here, its just best that he or she toughens up and shows his or her face, its time i know who it is.

Lost in thoughts and reasoning a way to escape, the guy with a tattoo, walked back in again and this time he started untying my hands, surprised i had to ask what was happening.
"whats happening?, why are you untying me, don't tell me you've had change of plans and you want to release me"

"The boss wants to see you, just follow me and don't try to act smart, I'm warning you" He said with a hard glare.

I tried acting stubborn, but i was eager to meet this boss of his, and followed him, we walked all the way to a sitting room, it looked like we were in a large mansion, and all this while i was kept in the attic of the house, which is quite confusing, the tattooed man, that i call him since i didn't know his actual name, finally motioned for me to sit down.

I did eager to see this boss of his and why he had me in here.
The tattooed guy stood by my side which I'm sure was to make sure i didn't escape.
My thoughts drifted to Erick, I'm sure he might be worried about me, i really hope he finds me, if he is looking for me, i just really want to leave this hell hole.

Suddenly a mature looking man, he could be in his seventies walked in and the tattooed man walked towards him.

"Boss, the girl is here and ready to see you"
He walked up towards me looked me in the eyes with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hello grand daughter" He said

This is shocking because i thought my grand parents were dead, maybe he could be a scammer, I'm not going to believe him that easily.

"I know your surprised and shocked at what i just said, but yes you Sapphire Tiffens, your my grand child"

"What?" i said to him

"Yes dear, I'm sure your really surprised at why i had you kidnapped, your mind would be questioning my actions, like what kind of grand parent would do that?, but the question is if i told you to come here on an invite would you?, specially judging from all your mom might have told you about me"

"Its not like all she told me were lies, your a horrible person, throwing your only child out the house just because she was influenced by her youth and got pregnant" i yelled at him showing clearly the agony in my eyes.

"Yes i did she defiled me as her father, disobeying me and falling in love with someone below her social class, below her status, she disappointed me, i had high hopes for her, but she let me down to be with a no good person of a husband"

"Do you know because of your terrible actions i was never able to have a happy home?, because of you my mom never showed me love as a mother, and the one person whom you hate so much was there for me as a father, he was the one that impacted good morals and thought me all i know now, until some sort of monster, beast anything you can call him took my father away from me"
I said turning my glare towards the tattooed man.

"Admit it, it was you i remember it, i remember those same tattoos, your voice and how you cold bloodedly shot my father right in front of me, what sort of a monster are you?"

I asked with tears rolling down my face. He looked up to me and spoke up showing no sort of emotions on his face.

"I was only following orders"

"Whose orders where you following that will lead you to destroying someones home and having no conscience?"

The man who clearly claimed to be my grandfather looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Mine, i was angry, disappointed, irritated, your father thought he could just snatch my daughter away from me and leave a peaceful life, there's no way i would make that possible for him, so i had to make sure at his lowest point i would strike him, which i did he borrowed money not knowing it was from me, and when he owed me and couldn't pay back, i had to do what i did"

"Your a monster, i hate you so much i never want to have anything to do with you" I yelled at him

"What i did, i did for you, you would understand it in time"

Hey guys, waohhhh what just happened, things are getting hotttt, stay tuned to Emotions more chapters would be coming in..
Love y'all 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Follow on instagram: teejaay350 and

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