The Golden Girl Trio, Harry P...

By Ginny_lovegood_8

755 53 57

Join these 3 girls thought their adventures and at Hogwarts. These three young girls grow older and have to d... More

The Characters
Chapter 1: Aboard the train
Chapter 2: The Sorting
Chapter 4: Quidditch tryouts
Chapter 5: Lovebirds in the library♡
Update ♡
Chapter 7: The Quidditch match
Chapter 8: Lily and Scorpius
Chapter 9: Arch Enemys
Chapter 10: The Name
Chapter 11: The Fall Dance Party Part One
Chapter 12: The Fall Dance Party Part two
Chapter 13: The School Is Expanding!
Chapter 14: Decorating for Halloween
Chapter 15: The Halloween Party
Chapter 16: Lily's House ~The talk
Chapter 17: The all nighter
Chapter 18: back at Hogwarts
Chapter 19: Decorating for the holidays
Chapter 20: Winter ball
Chapter 21: It's Christmas
Chapter 22: New years
Chapter 23: A New Teacher
Chapter 24: The fight

Chapter 3: Feast and the Speech

42 2 1
By Ginny_lovegood_8

"now, it is a tradition that we have a even greater feast than normal on the day of the sorting, all food are made by the elves who work in the kitchen daily, if you want you say 'Hi' to them just pop by the kitchen sometime, it is on the left of the doors into this very room (the great hall)" Professor McGonagall explains "l will then to the annual speech of the rules and announcements" McGonagall says waving her wand and making all of the food appear.

there was a big and loud 'WOW' to the magic that the headmaster just did and everyone started pilling food on there plates.

"Okay," said McGonagall starting her speech "I'll start with the rules the 7th floor of this school is banned from ALL students at ALL times, the forbidden forest is out of bounds and all student must be INSIDE the castle by 8pm everyday. you must stay in the Hogwarts grounds and only 3rd years or older can go to Hogsmeade, animals you must NOT bring your animal to class unless instructed. The house heads are Victoire Weasley(Gryffindor), Olli Elehight (Hufflepuff), Rebecca-Elm Snide(Slytherin) Autumn McKinnon (Ravenclaw), The passwords for you common room change every month, your head will tell you them when they are leading you there. moving on to announcements, there will be posters in all of the common rooms for quidditch try-outs and tutors, if you are feeling like your are falling behind in classes please come to me and I will set you up with a tutor, more announcements will be posted the bulletin boards in your common room. Dorms, there are 14 dorms in each common room 5 people in each dorm, 7 dorms for boys and 7 rooms for girls, all 5 first year girls in your house will share 1 dorm, all 5 first year boys in your house will share 1 dorm, all 5 second year girls and so on. your trunks and animals have already been brought to your dorm and they are beside whatever bed you are getting, you have the rest of the night to explore and have fun, breakfast is serves from 7:00- 8:45 and classes start at 9" the headmaster said and everyone got up and followed there house head to there common rooms.

 We walked up the moving stair cases that change every day to the portrait of the fat lady, the girls head Victoire said "I AM only saying this once the password is 'phoenix flame'" "Phoenix flame" we all said and the portrait sild open "now one last thing" Victoire said "there are signs on the dorm doors saying the names of who are in your dorms have a fun night, classes start at 9 am" and with that she was gone.

"Melody, lets go check out who we are with" Rose said, the girls all walked up to the sign that said '1st year girls' below it it said 'Melody, Lily, Rose, Kayla and Maya' "Kayla and Maya! aren't those the two girls we saw in the sorting?" Lily asked Rose "I think so" Rose replied "I'm going into the dorm" Mel said she walked into the dorm and, Maya was writing a letter to her mum with parchment and a quill, "Hi" Maya said "Hi, I'm Melody" Melody replied.

Lily and Rose opened the dorm door and walked in. Rose quickly started organising all of her books in stacks, layed out her robes and got everything ready for school the next morning. Lily took out all of her Holihead harpies poster's and taped them to her wall then she placed all of her chaser things on the end of her bed on the ground. Maya finished writing the letter to her mum and tied it to the foot of her sister, Kayla's owl. that reminded all 3 of the girls to send letters to there parents, Lily sent letters to Harry and Ginny, Melody to Emma and Jack and Rose to Ron and Hermione.

   A/N all copyright goes to J.K Rowling except for my own characters and plot, Maya and Kayla are from my friend Padfoot's story AnneRastogi or search up The golden girls harry potter next generation on Wattpad. Hannah McKay and Rebeca-Elm are my own characters as well as Melody, Michael, Emma and Jack

- Ginny_Lovegood

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