(Undergoing Changes) Random S...

By Mr_HammerExe

3.6K 39 43

Random NGC bullshit I started back in my early teens. Coming back soon with more! More

Stargazing (Uninvited Guests AU Scene (Early Version))
RUN, IT'S MALICE GOJIRA! (Adaptation Art)
"YOU'RE CRINGE!" (Game Over AU Scene Idea/Oneshot)
"What do I say?!" Game Over AU Oneshot
Face Sketches
So uh....
"Your remote's dead." Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot
"Hey, what time is it?" Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot
(An Announcement)
A Cutscene I came up with:
Right chore, wrong idea. (Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot)
You can't defeat me.
A Headcannon Of Red and The Warlock.
An edit that I made.
No Context.
Some random idea I came up with.
An Unbelievably Wholesome Idea I Came Up With For The Game Over AU.
Kid Zachary Sketches (Past Mistakes AU)
Sneak Peak
He. Watches.
Gigamoth (Game Over AU)
Framed (Game Over AU Oneshot)
Old School.
(OUTDATED) Character Bio: Zachary (From My AU)
The Angelic Warrior.
An idea I decided to bring into reality from my imagination.
Trashy (Uninvited Guests AU Oneshot)
Red n' Sol Digital Draw.

The Invasion (Uninvited Guests AU Fan-Made Scene)

217 1 4
By Mr_HammerExe

In the moments that Zach was returning to his apartment while bringing Red and Solomon with him, The Warlock was putting his final touches on a new plan he was coming up with. 

"You're a monster! You ruined Red's life, made Solomon turn against him, and on top of all that,  destroyed their home!" Godzilla shouted towards The Warlock. 

"You're not the first person to tell me that, Goji. But it's not just their world that I will have destroyed." 

"W-What do you mean by that...?" Mothra asked, visibly worried by that statement. 

The Warlock then had a smug grin on his face, and everyone could tell that he was up to no good. 

"Since I'll be doing away with you all eventually, I may as well share the information with you." The Warlock said, as they could clearly tell he was scheming by the look on his face. 

"What are you planning to do, then?" Rodan asked sternly.  

"Since I released that Hellbeast and his little Bat friend into Earth, that gave me a brilliant idea...." The Warlock expressed to the three monsters. 

"Why don't I release ALL the lifeforms on all those other planets onto Earth, and I will rule over it?" He added, while doing a deep chuckle. 

"NO! So many innocent lives will be lost from your actions!" Godzilla shouted in protest. 

Mothra backed him up by saying "Y-Yeah, please, don't do it! You don't know what kinds of damage it could cause!" 

"Oh how cute is this, you all are only delaying the inevitable with your worthless begging." The Warlock snapped back at them, with smugness across his face. 

"We won't let you do this, Warlock!" Rodan shouted. 

"Well, spoiler alert....YOU'RE MUCH TOO LATE." The Warlock spoke, as three pairs of eyes appeared in the darkness behind him, two of them glowing red, and one of them glowing green. 

"Why don't we start off with this one, hm?" The Warlock asked, before he snapped his fingers, creating a gigantic rift with the downtown area in Zachary's city of residence on the other side of it. Through the rift, people in the streets watched in pure shock. 

Then, out from the rift, Mecha King Ghidorah emerged into the city, letting out three roars at once, one of them sounding metallic, due to one of his heads being replaced with a robot attachment. 

This in turn caused people to start running, whilst screaming in terror. "Heh, music to my ears!" The Warlock shouted, whilst laughing at the chaos he was causing.  

Zach, hearing the roar of the three-headed monster, suddenly sprang up, along with Red and Solomon. 

"T-Tell me you heard that too..." Solomon spoke to Red, anxiously. 

"WHO DIDN'T HEAR IT?!" Red shouted in response. 

"Quiet, you two..." Zach spoke as he approached one of the windows in his apartment, moving the curtains so he could take a peek outside. 

But when Zach looked outside, his heart dropped like it fell out of an airplane. 

He could see that there were rifts starting to open up all over the city, with the creatures from the NES Godzilla game emerging from them left and right. And they were causing chaos and destruction across the city. 

"OH...MY......GOD...." Zach spoke out loud. 

Just then, an emergency news alert blared over every TV across the city, and it caught Zach's attention, along with the two Demons. A reporter who was live at their news station said these following words:   

"The situation is becoming more and more catastrophic as these mysterious portals are appearing all over the city, and monsters are emerging from them as they destroy everything in their path!"  

A female reporter added "We don't where these things are coming from, or why this is happening, but this is our first, and potentially our last contact with extraterrestrial life. Say goodbye to your friends, and your loved ones while you still can, just in case you don't make it out of this alive." 

Right after she said this, one of the blue giants from Pathos smashed its way into the news station, the camera lens shattering, accompanied by people's screams and gasps, before it cut to black. 

"TH-THIS ISN'T HAPPENING....!" Zach thought to himself. 

Just then, Zach received a text from Billy, and it read "Dude, are you seeing this?!"   

When Zach looked at it, he knew that this was really happening if Billy, along with the other citizens, were seeing the same thing he was.  

Zach quickly texted back "Yeah, I am, what do we do?!" 

He waited anxiously for his friend to respond, and he did. 

"Here, we can meet up in a secluded back alleyway near my apartment complex, just be careful, alright?" 

Zach took a deep breath, before finally responding. 

"Alright, I'll meet you there. But if I don't make it there alive, I just want you know that you're a good friend to me, Billy." 

Billy responded saying "You too, Zach." 

After that, Zach quickly gathered his valuables, along with the NES and the Godzilla Cartridge. 

"Come on you two, we need to leave, NOW!" Zach shouted to the two demons as they quickly climbed onto him. 

Zach carried Solomon, while Red hung onto his backpack. 

Right as they left the apartment room, a flock of Horse Bats from Trance flew through the window Zach used to look outside, shattering it as they made loud screeches.  

Zach quickly ran down the stairs, with a few of his neighbors doing the same, they were too focused on their own safety to even take notice that he had two of these otherworldly beings with him. As they ran down the stairs, some of the Snow Raptors from Entropy burst through one of the doors above them, as they let out those high pitched, enraged roars, and gave chase to the fleeing humans.  

The only thought that was racing through Zach's head at that moment was " I'm Gonna die,  I'm Gonna die, I'M GONNA DIE, I'M GONNA DIE!" 

But thankfully, they all made it into the lobby of the building, as some employees were also fleeing out into the city streets much like they were doing too. 

Yet outside, they saw how much chaos and destruction was being caused. 

There was Mecha King Ghidorah, and the Firebrand creature from Zenith collapsing tall skyscrapers in the downtown area, the Tapeworm-esc creatures from the Organic Level coiling around buildings, and constricting them until they collapsed in on themselves, there were even soldiers and police officers firing on some incoming Skull Birds from the Toxic Waste Dump on Entropy. But their bullets did little to stop them. Military Helicopters that were flying in the air were being struck down by most of the flying creatures, as they crash landed in the streets, or into buildings as burning heaps of metal. 

"How are we gonna make it to Billy?! It's like War Of The Worlds out here!" Solomon shouted in a panic. 

Zach ducked into an alleyway nearby, to avoid a pack of beasts from the Shadow Labyrinth/Red Temples coming up the street, and chasing down several people. 

"I'll try and get us there the safest way I possibly can." Zach reassuringly spoke to the two Demons. 

"Hang on tight, because I'll be running like hell." Zach added, Red and Solomon doing as he said. 

When the coast was somewhat clear, Zach began running in the direction of Billy's apartment, as more destruction unfolded around him. 

People were ducking away into storm shelter areas underground, but Zach was too focused on meeting up with Billy, he had to make sure his friend was safe. Even so, he wasn't going to take anymore chances with risking his life than he already was.  

What helped him avoid most of the creatures was weaving through alleyways as he used those to cross between city blocks, making sure to avoid any that were occupied by any creatures, or were between buildings that those giant Tapeworms were constricting.  

Eventually, he made it to the apartment complex Billy lived at, and he went into the back alleyway where Billy told him they would meet up. And sure enough, Billy was there, waiting for him. 

"Zach, you made it!" Billy said, running over to his friend, who was pretty much out of breath. 

"Y-Yeah...I did..." Zach said, while taking deep breaths. "I don't think...I...I ever ran so hard in my entire life...." he added. 

"Well, I'm just glad you're safe." Billy said. 

"H-Hey, Billy, since this is all happening around us right now....I think that there's two people you should meet here." 

"Wait, who...?" Billy asked. 

Zach let Red and Solomon come out from hiding behind him, as he let them introduce themselves to Billy. 

"Wh- How....?!" Billy exclaimed, visibly confused. 

Zach then explained everything that happened the night he revisited the game, where Red was thrown out of the game, and the following day, where the same thing happened to Solomon as well. 

"So, let me get this straight, you both live on another planet, in another solar system that actually exists, and that other solar system is where all these monsters came from?" Billy questioned the two Demons. 

"Yeah, you're right." Red replied. 

 "I know, it's a lot to take in. I didn't believe any of this myself at first." Zach spoke. 

Just then, they heard a loud roar behind them in the alleyway, and they saw the Canidont, one of the deadliest beasts on Zenith, snapping its sharp jaws into the alleyway towards them. All four of them gasped and screamed in shock, before going into an "Employees Only" door on the side of one of the buildings that made up the alleyway they were hiding in. 

Zach and Billy quickly locked the door behind them as they entered the backroom, and they were both fearing for their lives, along with Red and Solomon. 

"W-What do we do now?! We can't hide in here forever!" Red exclaimed. 

"Well, maybe we can hide there!" Solomon shouted, pointing to a rift that lead to the planet of Pathos that had opened up nearby in the building they were hiding in. 

"Whoa, wait a minute, you're saying we should actually go to Pathos...?!" Zach said, visibly concerned. 

Red sighed, before saying "As much as I hate to say this, Solomon's actually right, we'll have to escape to another world, it's not safe for us here anymore." 

Zach looked at Billy, and Billy looked at Zach. The two of them were thinking what would happen to Earth while they were gone. 

Solomon mimicked a telephone ringing, and used his fingers to make the shape of an old-fashioned one. "Ring Ring! Hello? Who is it? Ah, yes, I'll have them speak with you right away!" 

"Solomon, what are you doing..?" Red asked. 

"Hey you two, adventure is calling. Mind picking up?" Solomon said, as he held up the same hand to Zach and Billy. 

Zach knelt down, and held Solomon's hand up to his ear, as he played along with what he was doing. "Yeah, hello Mr. Adventure. Sorry, we can't take your offer, we're too busy dealing with an alien invasion right now." Zach said, pretending to hang up the Phone. 

"What?! You're seriously just going to sit here and wait to DIE?!?!" Red shouted. 

"We don't know what dangers Pathos could hold! At this point, I think it's better for us to just wait for the end..." Billy said in a defeated tone. 

Solomon then said this to them: 

"Well listen here you two, if you won't do it for me, or if you won't do it for Red, do it for future generations on your planet. Because right now, they're headed on a path of enslavement and brutal execution under The Warlock's order. Hell, you could even do it for future generations in the entire solar system me and Red live in!" 

Red backed Solomon up by saying "And also Melissa, Zach. She needed you when she still lived, and right now, she needs you more than ever." 

Zach then felt those words stir something inside him. Before, he had to fight to save himself, and the life of his friend, Melissa. But now, he had to fight to save the entirety of existence.

Zach then picked up Solomon's hand once again, placing it to his ear. "Hey, uh, Mr. Adventure, it's me again. I've changed my mind, and I'm very intrigued by your offer. But my friend here is still on the fence with it, so I'll get back to you momentarily."  

Billy turned to Zach, saying "Zach, are you sure you want to do this? This is a VERY big promise to fulfill..." 

"...Yes, I am sure. I ventured through these worlds before, but now that they're all in danger, I'm going to help save them. But....I may not be alone on this adventure..." Zach said, holding his hand out to Billy. 

Billy looked at Zach's hand for a moment, before shaking it. 

"Alright, I'm in...." 

The quartet turned towards the rift, as they all walked into it. 

"Get ready, Warlock....we're coming for you..." Red spoke before the rift closed. 

With that, our heroes' journey begins.....

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It's exactly as the title says with just a bit more ;)
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