Stolen| Complete

By Fuuckingpoet

11K 71 299

(18+ recommended but I don't care, read at your own risk) (this story was written so long ago and it's so cri... More

Authors note


1.1K 7 33
By Fuuckingpoet

"You will never leave me. I wont let you. Ever."

I woke up still in the arms of lucas. i slowly turn to face him order for him to not wake up, he looks so peaceful and nice when hes asleep.. the total opposite of when hes awake.

I slowly grab his wrist and move his arm off of me, when i put it down he adjusts which makes me freeze in my place. fuck. is he awake?  i slowly check and....Phew hes still asleep.. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that could've ended worse than it did.

I slowly take the covers off of me and rotate my legs off of the bed and slowly step off to let the mattress stay in place. When im up i put a soft pillow where i once was and started slowly tip toeing to the door.

I put my hand on the handle quietly and try to turn it slowly but it only goes half way.

Shit. its locked.

"You really think im dumb enough to leave it unlocked with you.. Miss 'i need to escape'? And what is this? Youre replacement? I know the difference between you and a pillow fawn." lucas  looks down and says in his deep.. Kinda hot morning voice with a chuckle as he throws the pillow away

I freeze and think of an excuse to get myself out of this mess

"I-I dont think youre stupid.. I just needed...." quick fawn.. Think

".. water. I just needed some water and i didnt want to wake you" yeah! that sounds believable enough.

"You know i have to say, you my dearest fawn, are a horrible liar. if you needed water you could've just gone to the bathroom and gotten it from the faucet. Come on get back in bed" he says as he pats the bed next to him

I roll my eyes and start walking towards him "i know you did not just roll your eyes at me"

"Oh yeah and what if i did? Youll punish me?" i mumble out hoping he doesnt hear or at least cant understand

"Yes i will." he grabs my waist and pulls me back into my spot on the bed next to him

"Im beginning to think you like being punished fawn. Only a masochist would act out the way you do" which i instinctively roll my eyes at

He straddles my hips and grabs both of my wrists and pins them above my head "Am i right?" he looks at me no longer playing

I know a little bit about bdsm but not a lot.. I know what a sadist and a masochist are but not much more than that.. But he doesnt know that. He cant. Its nothing anybody could find out about a person. "N-no" i tried to sound calm but it came out shaky..

"Im wrong? I wouldve surly thought that one of your 3 boyfriends you claim you have had would have been a sadist. oh and while we are still on this topic.. Do you maybe want to tell me the actual number of boyfriends you have had?"

"I already did.." i say quiet enough for him to hear but to not try to make him more angry

"Oh fawn.. When will you learn to tell me the truth. When will you learn that I know everything about you? And if i dont or i havent yet, just know. I will find out sooner or later So stop trying to hide it from me."

"What do you mean? How?" how can he know everything? Ive never even seen him before besides that one day at the cafe.

"I am a powerful person. I can find anything out. I know that your little sister.. What was her name? Oh right caroline is 6 years old. I know your mother is in debt and is working 3 jobs to care of you two... your dad died-"

I was crying hard now "STOP! Please.. Just stop. No more.. Please. I get it"

He climbs off me "im going to take a shower. Dont think you can try anything because you wont be able to and thatll just result in more pain for you. Understood?"

"Yes sir..." i hate saying that and i hate crying so much, it makes me feel like there is a black hole opening in my chest

I looked around the room and i saw another door... i should take what could be my only chance while hes preoccupied.. So i got up and went to the other door and surprisingly its unlocked

What!? Its only a closet... but its HUGE. i mean, its a whole nother room in here.

I saw that half of it was empty and the other half was filled with mens clothing.. I would assume are lucas's.

Apperentally i zoned because i heard lucas talking right behind me and it snapped me back into reality "what are you doing?" i quickly turned to him but instead i ended up hitting his chest

"Oh, im so sorry i didnt mean to.. I was just-" i got cut off by him pulling me into his chest and hugging me

"Its ok i wasnt accusing you of anything i was just asking a question" as he kissed the top of my head

"I need you to move and leave so i can get dressed unless you wanna stay for the show" i quickly moved past him cause i sure as hell didnt want to 'stay for the show' as he put it

When i got back into the main part of the room i saw jason sitting on the bed and the door wide open "haha dont even try. You wont make it to the door before i get you."

jesus.. What are they? Brothers?

"Come here." i stay where i am, why? I honestly dont know.

"Right now. If i have to go over there and get you i will not be happy and neither will you" i start slowly walking towards him and he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me down on the bed next to him i instinctively scootch away but he pulls me back and holds me tighter

"Remember the rules. Now, we are going to the mall today to get you clothes. We need you with us so you can try on the clothes. Remember the rules and dont scream. Dont try to call the cops because that wont work out for you. Youll just end up back here" i nod my head saying i understand

He puts a finger under my chin and tilts my head so im looking at him "I prefer verbal responses. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." he smiles and lets my chin go he grabs my wrist and stands me up "im taking her downstairs to eat" he shouts to lucas, he leans down and whispers in my ear "dont try anything."

we start walking down the stairs and i trip over my feet but he yanks me back and pushes me against the wall "what was that?" as he puts a hand around my throat "i-i tripped im sorry" his grip loosens and we start walking again

He sits me down at the dinning room table and i just look down at my lap not wanting to look at him

"Why did you feel the need to lie about how many boyfriends you have had?" i look up to see he is staring at me

"I-" i actually contemplated telling him why

"Dont lie to me this time. We know you havent had 3 boyfriends" he rolls his eyes

"I dont know" i saw quietly

"Well it wasnt a smart move. You havent had one. So tell me, besides the fact that you havent had one. Have you lost your virginity ?"

Obviously i havent but there no way in hell im going to tell somebody i havent even known for a day, let alone my kidnapper.

I was shocked but i had to keep it together so i said strongly "I thought you said you guys know everything about me. Put the pieces together and youll know."

"And i thought i said to not smart mouth me" he says grabbing my arm

"you actually didnt say that." i spit back at him

He pushes me out of my chair and makes me fall to the ground so im laying on my back and he climbs on top of me straddling my hips and takes off his belt, meanwhile i try to hit him in any way i can but then he grabs my hands and ties them together around the table leg with his belt

"Dont you dare tell lucas about this. And keep quiet, we wouldnt want him to come down and think that youre being a whore now would we?"

He quickly takes off my tank top and leaves it around my elbows all i can think of is 'thank god i put the bra on'

"Oh youre a little tease. With your black lace bra." my eyes are starting to fill with tears as he reaches around my torso to the clasps but before he can unhook it we both hear lucas say

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Her" while walking towards us

"Relax lucas.. We are just having fun. Arent we fawn" i release a tear but dont dare say anything

"It doesnt look like shes having fun jason. Now for the last time. Get off of her." he came over and pushed jason off, pulled down my shirt and untied my wrists

I backed away from both of them to the corner of the cabinets then i closed my eyes and pretended like i was playing a game with my little sister. It was very short lived.

"Fawn. open your eyes. Now." i heard lucas demand

I open them slightly but my vision is blurred from tears and i dont see jason anymore

"What did he do." he asks softly

"Nothing. It doesnt matter." i say harsher than i meant to

"Fawn. tell me what happened right now" he has lost any softness that he had before.

"He just asked if i was a virgin or not and i said he should know because apparently you guys know everything about me"

"He doesnt know everything. I do. Hes just a piece of shit who likes it when women are scared of him." i see his fist is clenched by his side

"Well he succeeded at that" i mumble

"Now get up and eat. We have a long day ahead of us." he grabs my arms and pulls me up

We ate some cereal. Nutritious breakfast I know right.

Then we all got in the car and left for the mall.

On the way there lucas was telling me all of the things they will do if I try to run, scream, or talk to anyone besides them that isn't a simple yes or no.

We got there and I started trying stuff on. Lucas was in the room with me and Jason was standing directly outside of the door.

I tried on a lot of clothes and lucas wouldn't look away while I changed. He just kept staring at me the whole time. Most of it was eye contact but for a couple seconds he would look me up and down then snapping his eyes back like hes holding himself back from doing something.

Go ahead lucas. Do it. See what happens.

He was dragging me around by the time we got to our last couple of stores, i was exhausted.

"Can we please just go home? I think i have enough clothes." i say as i start dropping to the ground like a child

"Fawn. not now. We are finishing up and going home. Stop acting like you are three, you know damn well youre not." he pulls at my arm but i just stay sitting down

"I dont wanna" i whine and put on my best pouty face

"Fine. if you want to act like a baby.. Ill treat you like a baby."

He picks me up and sets me over his knee

"No wait im sorry, lets go." i say while trying to get out of his grip

"Bad children get spanked in public too right? So if you're acting like a child. We will treat you like a child. Stop whining and deal with it. You're really getting on my nerves. This is your last fucking straw." he lays a quick slap on my ass as he stands me up with him and looks me in the eye

"Now if you act like that again i wont hesitate to pull down your pants and make your ass as red as a fucking cherry. Do you understand me?"

I'm not looking him in the eye anymore and i just nod, i feel tears streaming down my face

"Verbally answer me." he says as he lifts my chin up so i'm looking at his face

"Y-yes sir. I understand"

We finish up at the mall and start heading back to his house.

I fell asleep in the car and then felt someone pick me up, I opened my eyes just a tiny bit to see who it was and I was horrified by what i saw


Fuck. Not him, not again.

I was way too tired to do anything, i looked around looking for lucas and saw him talking to a man and another girl, they were both standing in front of a new car talking. I was too tired to look anymore so I just feel asleep. All i could think at that moment was "who is that girl" and "i need to protect her from them"


im so sorry i posted so late! it has been CRAZY lately.

anyways. i hope you liked this chapter.

huge plot twist right? nobody thought Jason would do that, or at least. i didn't. i planned on him being an amazing character from the start. you'll just have to see what i do later on. 

word count: 2273

i wanna know. what time is it for you right now? its 9:15 pm here right now.

i love you all have fun reading more XXXXX

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