The Balance Within

By DameKaraRen

22.8K 990 1K


Cell Five
Muja Fruit
New Home
Bested by a Girl
Resistance Scum
Broken Things
Dreams & Interruptions
Not Friends
Let's Talk
Meeting the Knights
Mind Reading
Fighting Knights
Cruel Fate
I Know
I Love You


419 21 30
By DameKaraRen

A/N I have finally done an official casting for the Knights for this story. Pic above!

"Look, we've spent a week debating this. The longer we wait the harder it's going to be to take him down." Hux groaned in frustration from the side of the table. "The pilot is out of control."

"We need a plan. We can't just go in there guns blazing. There are still innocent people caught up in the middle of this." Leia countered quickly. "I agree that we need to stop him but we need to be smart about this and not create unnecessary casualties."

"You weren't concerned with the lives of the innocent when you and that pilot blew up StarKiller base." Pryde sneered and curled his lip in distaste as he eyed Leia who sat to the Supreme Leader's right.

"I don't think the First Order has any right to comment on life lost after what StarKiller base accomplished." Leia snapped back.

Pryde stiffened in his seat. "A necessary price-"

"Enough!" Kylo shouted angrily, cutting off Pryde's words and silencing the room. Kylo rubbed his face out of frustration and exhaustion. "If we keep bickering amongst ourselves then we will never get anywhere. I do not want StarKiller base mentioned on this ship ever again. And anyone who disobeys my order will regret it."

A silence filled the room as Kylo's words registered with everyone. A few officers shifter in their seats uncomfortably, ready got the Supreme Leader to lose his temper. They had seen his temper too many times when he was Commander and knew to be prepared. Kylo took a deep breath and cranked his neck before setting his helmet in his hand as his elbow rested on his chair.

"Princess, when is FN-2187 supposed to arrive?" Pryde's tone was one of condescension.

Everyone, even Pryde, knew that FN-2187 was now Finn. Finn had been in contact with Leia several times and she had convinced him to break away from Poe and his new right hand Lieutenant Connix. Leia was waiting for his arrival that would not only bring Finn himself, but all of Leia's personal belongings that had been left behind on the Resistance base.

"Finn is expected to arrive later today if everything goes according to plan." Leia answered.

Kylo sat at the head of the table in the council chambers. His Supreme Council was a pain in his ass. Checks and balances and running things by people. He wanted to find the Resistance and just blow it up and be done with it. Then his mother would be stuck on the Steadfast with him. But Kylo knew that wasn't the way to go about the situation.

The door to the chamber opened and his apprentice walked in slowly followed by Ap'lek who almost never let her out of his sight. Kylo was grateful that his helmet had been repaired and he was able to hide behind it. The new red veins that held the pieces together made the helmet more intimidating which was good. But often when they were alone his apprentice had a habit of tracing the lines with her fingers and almost caressing the helmet as it sat on his head.

He watched her walk across the room and smiled under his helmet. He could have watched her walk back and forth all day and never get bored. But the look on her face said that something was terribly wrong. Kylo sat up straighter and waited for her to stand on his right side.

"Apprentice, do you have information for me." Kylo asked Kiarie knowing she wouldn't speak to him first in front of the council.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. The Resistance, under General Dameron's leadership, has attacked four First Order planets in three days. They have stolen supplies and razed villages. All planets have been in the Outer Rim and he seems to be moving to his next target as we speak. A planet called Dandoran."

"Fuck." Hux huffed and sat back in his seat.

"Are you sure, apprentice?" Leia asked as she looked up at the girl with a grave expression.

"Yes, Princess." Kiarie spoke firmly. "The planets are all asking that we intervene before Dameron causes any more damage. The Resistance has become a full blown terrorist organization. I'm sorry princess."

"Send several platoons to each planet to control the chaos. Dispatch another platoon to track the Resistance and take them out at their next destination." Pryde spoke from down the table.

"If I may, I believe sending the Knights of Ren after Dameron is a better idea. They are more skilled than the troopers and we will not lose more soldiers. The Knights will be successful in taking out the Resistance." Kiarie stood straight and stiff as she addressed the council.

"There would be less destruction in general if you sent the Knights." Leia spoke from Kylo's right side. "And perhaps they could capture him and Connix. Save us some blood shed."

"Perhaps." Kylo spoke quietly as he mulled over his options. His voice grew commanding and he looked over to Hux. "Send platoons of troopers to control the chaos on the affected planets. The Knights and I are going after the pilot."

"Supreme Leader. I do not find this a wise decision. Sending those idiots after the pilot would be a mistake." Pryde challenged.

"Well it's my decision to make and I've already issued the order. I suggest you all get up and move your asses." Kylo's voice boomed and echoed in the room. "And Pryde, refer to the Knights of Ren as idiots again and I make sure you regret it." 

Lieutenant Irvine entered the chamber before Pryde could retort to Kylo's threat. "Supreme Leader the shuttle carrying FN-21-, sorry, Finn, has arrived."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Kylo shouted into the room. "I caution you all that the next person to call Finn, FN-2187 or anything other than Finn will be shot out of an air lock. I am quickly losing my patience." He looked around the room slowly and let everyone know he was serious. He didn't want the traitor on the ship any more than some of the others. But it would make his mother happy. And with Rey disappearing Kylo needed to keep tabs on everyone else so that they did not disappear as well. Kylo turned to the woman sitting on his right. "Mother, you're up. Finn's your responsibility. Ap'lek go with her."

"Son, he will be an asset in taking down Poe and returning the Resistance to the peacekeeping organization it's always been." Leia stood up and put her hand on Kylo's arm. "Thank you for trusting me with this."

"Hmm." Kylo hummed as he nodded and watched his mother leave the chambers. It was empty now with the exception of his apprentice. Once the door closed behind her Kylo waved his hand and engaged the lock from his seat. "Come here."

Kiarie took the hand that Kylo reached out for her and let him pull her into his lap. She straddled his legs as she faced him in his large chair. The large window behind his chair that showed the galaxy as it passed by offered the only light into the room as Kylo turned off the artificial lights above them.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Kiarie lowered herself down to Kylo's lap and she smiled at his helmet as her eyes moved across the red veins made by the Sarrassian iron that held it together.

"Mmm. You like my helmet too much I think." Kylo teased with a soft chuckle.

"I love your helmet. It's sexy and intimidating and powerful. Makes me want to do things not in my character." Kiarie teased Kylo as she reached up and traced a finger over the veins of red on the mouthpiece of the mask.

"Yeah?" Kylo's hands gripped the apprentices thighs tightly in his large hands that were covered in his leather gloves.

"Yeah." Kiarie settled her ass onto Kylo's thighs. "You're the sexist Supreme Leader I've ever seen."

"And you're the sexiest apprentice I've ever seen." Kylo ran his hands up under the cloak that surrounded the apprentice. He still hadn't had one made for her, seeing her in his cloak let everyone know, if there was any doubt, that she was his. Only one moronic Lieutenant had the audacity to speak to her so far. And once the Supreme Leader walked up behind Kiarie as he asked her to lunch he got the point real quick.

"So you do agree the Knights should go after Dameron?" Kiarie asked as she ran her hands over Kylo's chest on the outside of his tunic.

"I do. I think it's a good idea. You'll be far more successful than those damn bucketheads." Kylo chuckled as he reached up and removed his helmet before setting it on the table.


"You're practically a Knight. You commanded them while I was gone. They respect you as a leader and as a sister. When they go on missions, you go on missions." Kylo reached up and brushed the back of his fingers along Kiarie's cheek.

"You're so sweet."

"Don't tell anyone." Kylo chuckled and his face held that special smile that was only for his apprentice. He leaned forward and pulled her to him until her face was nestled into the side of his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, Supreme Leader." She teased him in a sultry voice. 

"You're gonna stop that before I make you regret it."

"What are you going to do to me, Supreme Leader?" Kiarie pressed her lips to the side of Kylo's neck causing him to groan out.

"You want to play dirty?"

"Maybe?" She teased again. Her lips brushed his ear as her tongue flicked out gently.

Kylo took a deep breath and concentrated. He moved the Force around him and used it to touch Kiarie's body without his hands. He knew she felt it when she jerked slightly in her seat on his lap. "You feel that?"

"Yes, what ... what is that?"

"The Force." Kylo turned his head and took Kiarie's lips in his pulling and sucking hers into his mouth, desperate to taste her. He held her mouth to his for a few moments before releasing her for a breath of air. "I'm gonna to make you regret teasing me."

"I'm not regretting anything yet." She countered as her eyes closed and she gripped his shoulders with her fists.

"Hmm." Kylo hummed in his apprentice's mouth as he devoured it again. Kylo focused his Force and sent a pocket to Kiarie's sex. He wanted to make her feel good but he knew even though she seemed ready he needed to take it slow with her.

Kiarie felt a pressure between her legs just over her sex. "Oh fuck. Is that..?"

"Yes. Want me to stop?" Kylo whispered into her hair as he unclasped his cloak and let it fall to the ground.

"No. Please don't stop." She whined and scooted forward in his lap. Kylo shifted in his chair and moved forward. Kiarie's sex made contact with Kylo's swollen cock through both of their pants. Hers thankfully being thin training leggings and Kylo's being his more casual pants for when he was on ship and not in battle, so no armor.

"Rock your hips against me." Kylo instructed her in a whisper as he guided her hips with his hands to help her find the correct rhythm. Her inexperience was a blessing and a curse. Her not knowing what to do meant he could show her exactly what he liked and teach her everything from scratch. There were no bad sexual habits he would have to break her off. A clean slate.

"Kylo." Kiarie's arms wrapped around his shoulders as she pulled herself closer to him and let him guide the movement of her hips. She knew she had no idea what she was doing. And she was grateful he was willing to take charge and have patience as she learned from him and with him. Kiarie felt her Master's arousal through their clothing and it only spurred her on more. The force was swirling on her pulsing bud and now she was grinding down on him and it all felt amazing. She wanted more. She wanted so much more.

"Kiarie." Kylo whispered in her ear. "I want you so bad."

"Take me. Please."

"No. Not here."

Kiarie groaned in frustration. It was never the right time or the right place. "You're starting to piss me off."

Kylo chuckled and bit down on Kiaire's neck as he increased the intensity of his Force on his apprentices swollen clit. His hands moved up and down her back until he gripped her ass and pulled her forward on his swollen cock. He wanted to pick her up and slam her down on the table. Rip her clothes off and take her right there as his own. Leave his marks all over her neck and chest before making her walk around in one of her little tops that showed her shoulders and let everyone know who she belonged to. But Kylo wanted to make her his own in another way first.

"Kylo, it feels so good." Kiarie whined as she took his lips in hers and slid her tongue in Kylo's mouth taking her time to taste his lips, teeth and tongue. She felt a buzzing spread through her body. It was like nothing she had ever really felt before. She could only describe it as her entire body falling asleep at the same time. Her breath picked up and she rocked harder and faster on Kylo's clothed cock without even realizing what she was doing. "I want more. Please Kylo. More."

Kylo pushed his hands under the apprentice's tunic and found her breasts. Sliding up under her sports bra he found her nipples that were already hard and swollen. He tweaked them between his fingers as he swirled the Force on his apprentice harder and faster. "Can you come for me, little apprentice? Can you come in your pretty panties for me." 

"Yes, Master. Please." Kiarie bucked her hips on Kylo and felt a surge of electricity through her body as the Force assaulted her sex in the most pleasant way. "Shit.. I don't.. What is that?"

Kiarie cried out as her body shook and Kylo took over, moving her hips against him to work her through her orgasm. She'd never come before in her life. She had no idea what to expect. She'd only ever been touched violently for a man's pleasure and never had her own pleasure even thought of, much less taken care of. Kylo was going to change all of that. Her pleasure was the only thing Kylo cared about. As Kiarie came undone on top of him, her head was thrown back as she howled in pleasure and her nails dug into his shoulders quickly bringing him his own release.

"Fuck." Kylo felt himself come in his pants as Kiaire's pulsing clit pressed against him over and over again. "Oh shit." Kylo bucked up into the little body on top on his lap. He rocked her hips against him until the both crossed to the other side of their orgasms. "Kriff, your body is my favorite thing in the universe."

"Mmm." Kiarie leaned forward and nuzzled her face into Kylo's neck. "That was incredible. Is it always like that?"

Kylo chuckled as he pulled her close to his chest. "No. It's usually better when we're both naked and I can lick every part of you."

"When will that be?" She sighed into his neck.

"Soon, baby. Soon." Kylo reached up and pet his apprentice's hair before scooping her up and wrapping her legs around his waist. He summoned his Cloak to his one hand. "Hold on."

Kiarie held tight with her legs and arms as Kylo clipped his cloak around her shoulders. He called his helmet to his hand and placed it on his head. "Kylo, I can walk."



"Silence." Kylo commanded her in his baritone voice that was even deeper through his helmet.

"Yes, sir." She sighed with a smile and held tight as Kylo's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her into him incredibly tight.

"We're going to go get changed and then we'll head to the Buzzard with your brothers to go kill that fucking pilot who's attempting to call my mother a war criminal."

"Sounds fun." She giggled and closed her eyes against his chest.

Kylo held Kiarie tight to his chest, not giving one fuck who saw him carry her through the halls. He had just got a little peace of her that he never had before and he wasn't going to let her go until they were safe in their quarters.

Kiarie and Kylo made their way to the Buzzard to meet the Knights for today's mission to go after the pilot who was wreaking havoc on First Order planets across the galaxy. Finn's shuttle was sitting a few feet away from the Buzzard as he stood with Leia at the ramp's entrance. Finn had so far refused to leave the hangar, terrified of what could happen to him. Terrified to be back on a First Order ship. Kiarie heard Finn's thoughts and paused to take him in. She also felt something she hadn't felt before.

"Kylo." Kiarie whispered.

"What?" He turned and looked at Finn with a tilt of his helmet.

"Do you feel it?" She asked quietly.

"It can't be?" Kylo took a step towards Finn. "It's not possible."

"It would explain a lot. Like why his training didn't stick."

"Perhaps." Kylo gripped Kiarie's hand and pulled her with him to the shuttle. "You talk to him." Kylo whispered down to her.

Kiarie approached the shuttle where Finn stood with Leia. Leia offered a small smile and a nod and Kiarie could feel her tension. Kiarie smiled back before addressing the former trooper. "Finn. Welcome to the Steadfast."

Finn swallowed nervously. "Thank you I guess." He looked to Kylo's helmet and then back to Kiaire before looking down at their hands where their fingers were woven together. "I want to apologize for what happened on Batuu. I didn't-"

"I know." Kiarie cut him off. "I know Dameron lied to you. It's okay. I forgive you. I can read inside your mind, I know you hold no ill will towards me."

"Okay, well thank you." Finn offered a small but genuine smile.

"That being said. How long have you known that you were Force sensitive?" Kiarie asked. 

"What?" Finn asked.

Leia gasped as well. "I thought that... well I don't know, Rey was always with you. Oh my."

"Finn I can feel you in the Force. It wasn't there when I was captured. At least not as strong. And Rey did cloud it. You have the Force in you." Kiarie smiled at the man in front of her. She knew in order to get Dameron she had to let the past die, as Kylo liked to say.

"I.. I don't know." Finn replied and eyed Kylo carefully. 

"I can train you if you like. Just basic stuff. No dark. No light. Just the Force. You will need a teacher." Kylo's voice spoke through his modulator making the offer sound like a threat even though everyone could feel Kylo's calm energy.

"Umm. I don't know." Finn looked to Leia.

"An excellent idea. We can discuss it when you return from your mission." Leia spoke for the group.

"Mother see Hux, he will assign Finn," Kylo sighed, "quarters on our secure floor. But do not let him wander the ship alone. For his own safety." Kylo paused and looked to Finn. "Not everyone is thrilled with your return. They'll just have to get over it though."

"Um thank you....." Finn trailed off.

"Supreme Leader." Kiarie offered Finn and he nodded in agreement. "That will do for now. Come Master, let's get going."

Kylo and Kiarie headed for the Buzzard and boarded the ship. She followed him to the cockpit and he sat in the copilot seat before pulling Kiarie into his lap and taking his helmet off. They hadn't sat like this in a long time and it was his favorite way to travel on the Buzzard. With his apprentice in his lap. She was more than an apprentice now and he planned to make her even more very soon but they had to sort out the pilot and everything else first.

"So he's on the planet Dandoran right now?" Kuruk looked over to Kylo as he Kylo stared at the apprentice curled in his lap.

"Yes. Let's head that way. I wanna kill this asshole and get it over with." Kylo grumbled.

"You know, if Dameron makes the galaxy see the Resistance as a terrorist organization then Leia won't be able to take it back over. It'll have to go completely. No one will trust it anymore." Kiarie picked her head up from Kylo's shoulder and frowned.

"Well maybe that's a good thing." Kuruk chuckled.

"People fear the First Order as well." Kylo chimed in. "I'm not changing it."

"Maybe you should." Kiarie turned and glanced at the man whose lap she sat in.

"What?" Kylo stared at his apprentice.

"Not completely but what if it was The Republic of the First Order? Or the First Order Republic? That way you don't have to waste money on new uniforms and what not. The symbols stay the same. Maybe faze in a newer symbol over time when new uniforms are needed. I don't know about that part really. But if you made it more of a constitutional monarchy and not a dictatorship then we, I mean you, could rule and make the galaxy so much better. Have representatives from all the planets but you get the final say. That way if they all vote on something dumb or crooked you have the ultimate veto. I mean you are the most powerful Force user alive you don't really need permission but people will see you as fair and just."

"What about everyone we've killed? What about the StarKiller base?" Kuruk asked.

"All of that was under Snoke. Under Kylo the worst thing to happen so far is what we did to Resistance supporters when we thought he died on StarKiller at the hands of the Resistance. And since we were after the Resistance and the Resistance is now the ones slaughtering people I'd say we were on the right track." Kiarie shrugged and ran her hands through Kylo's hair. A grin stretched across her face. "I think you'll be an amazing ruler."

"Yeah?" Kylo looked down at his apprentice. "I'll need an Empress on day you know?"

"Well I'm sure lots of planets will be offering up princesses for alliances." Kiarie narrowed her eyes at Kylo playfully. "You'll have your pick of beautiful women."

"Indeed." Kylo smirked back. "Do you think any of them might want the job?"

"I don't know." Kiarie smiled playfully. "You can be a bit of a pain in the ass. They'll have to want to put up with your tantrums."

"Maybe you can teach them how?" Kylo narrowed his eyes at his apprentice.

"Maybe I will." She pursed her lips at him and winked.

Kuruk looked over at the two people to his right and shook his head as he huffed. "You two are idiots." 

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