What goes around comes around...

By cheerfulreaper

18.7K 650 821

Izuku Midoriya. AKA: Karma A vigilante or a villain, depending on who you ask. In his mind, he's a gun-toti... More

Karma's Debt
Fear and Power
Final: Part 1: To be Challenged
Final: Part 2: To be Brutal

Finals: Prequel: Part 1: To study

2.2K 79 106
By cheerfulreaper

"Now, as you all know....Midoriya, what are you doing?" Aizawa asks, as I look up from the pieces of plastic and screws I'm working with. 

"What I want. To actually answer your question, I'm working on a piece of gear." I reply, gesturing the pieces in front of me

"I can see that, but what is it?" He asks, and I smirk

"That's between me and Nezu. But it's not a weapon. Midnight wanted a support item. I'm prototyping......gah, son of bitch...." I mutter, as the contraption falls apart when a screw slides out. 

".....What does Midnight need?" Aizawa asks, and I sigh. 

"She wants to be able to create gas grenades using the gas from her quirk. I'm working on a device that can do that, but it's not quite that simple. I need a way to capture her quirk, then compress it enough to fit in a grenade, which isn't exactly a simple process. Plus, she wants it to be portable. Luckily, she's willing to pay quite a bit." I say, as I finishing reconstructing the device, and look it over. 

"You make support items?" Yaoyorozu asks, as I lift up the model, and place it on my, and look at the relative size. Could be a bit smaller....

"More of a hobby, really. Fuck, does anyone have a pair of pliers?" I ask, and Kirishima reaches into his bag, and tosses a pair to me. I catch them, and pry off a small piece of plastic sticking off at an odd angle

"Thanks." I say, tossing the pliers back. 

"No problem, bro." He replies, putting the tool back in his bag. 

"........You are a problem child, you know that?" Aizawa asks

"You knew what you were getting into, allowing me into this class." I reply, setting the pieces aside, then pulling out the second set of pieces, which will build the actual grenade, which is much smaller than a regular gas grenade. I begin to assemble them, using small metal pins to hold it together. 

"Anyway, as you all know, your finals are coming up. Both written and practical. And as su-"

"Motherfucker!" I curse, holding my now-cut thumb, and inspecting the damage. It's not deep, but it covers in the entire pad of thumb. 

"Midoriya! Watch your language!" Iida says, and I reply by flipping him off. Iida looks ready to start shouting, but Aizawa glares at him, and he huffs, and turns away. 

"As I was going to say, as such, you need to study and prepare both mentally and physically. These tests will not be easy. I suggest you take them seriously. You have Modern Art next. Good luck." Aizawa says, then walks out

"Dude. I'm gonna fucking fail!" Kaminari cries the second Aizawa leaves

"Me too!" Mina says, and I sigh. 

"So study." I reply, and they both glare at me

"It's not that easy Midoriya! We don't have the time!" Mina says, and I raise an eyebrow

"I was able to study as a vigilante, while also digging up dirt on heroes, training, building and welding shit, along with, you know, being a fucking vigilante. If I could study, you can study." I reply, then finish assembling the grenade prototype, looking it over. 

"Besides, I bet you'll probably got a worse score than us! They're no way you could be able to stack up to U.A. students!" Kaminari says, and I chuckle. 

"I took the midterm the day I got here. If I had taken it at the same as you guys, I would've gotten second, behind Yaoyorozu." I reply, and everyone turns to face me, shocked, especially Iida

"What? There's....no way!" Mineta cries, and I shrug. 

"I'm smarter than I let on. You don't brag about how smart you are on the streets. You're just gonna get your ass beat, or get kidnapped." I reply, then sigh

"But that's beside the point. Anyway, you two idiots. Why don't you have someone help you study?" I say, looking at Mina and Kaminari

"How about you? You could help us!" Mina says, and I laugh

"Haha, no. I don't have the patience or the time. Besides, unless you wanna sit in my little house on campus, I got nowhere. Because I don't think your parents would like a former vigilante in their homes." I reply, and Yaoyorozu speaks up

"Well...I've told my parents about you, and my Dad actually thinks you're impressive. My mom is more on the fence, because of how violent you are, but I think that we could probably study at my home....if anyone wants to join, that is!" Yaoyorozu says, and a few people speak up. Mina, Kaminari, Ojiro, Sero. 

"Actually....I could probably use some help on quadratics. I'll come along." Jiro says, somewhat catching me by surprise. 

"Well, Midoriya? Would you be willing to help me tutor them over the week and weekend?" Yaoyorozu asks, and I groan, then sigh

"Alright. I'll help. Not sure how much I'll be, but I'll help." I reply, and Yaoyorozu smiles

"Thank you!" She says, as I look over my grenade. 

"Alright. Everyone, watch your heads." I say, reeling back my arm

"Wait, what?" Iida asks, and then I yeet the grenade at the wall, testing it's weight a tiny bit. It slams into the wall, and bounces off, skittering on the ground

"MIDORIYA, WHAT WAS THAT?" Iida shouts, as I walk over to the grenade, pick it up, and examine both it and the wall for damages. 

"A test. Also, will you stop shouting? It's too early in the morning for this." I reply, then walk back to my desk. 

"YOU JUST THREW A OBJECT AT THE WALL!" Iida says, and I shrug

"Okay. You're screaming your head off at 8 am. I can play this game Iida." I reply, as Midnight walks, or rather, saunters in. 

"Hello! Are you guys ready for Modern Art?" She asks, bouncing on her feet a tiny bit, making the rest of her bounce. Closing my eyes, I press my fingers from my left hand onto the bridge of my eyes. 

"Uh...Midoriya, what is that on your desk? It is time for class, you know." Midnight says, and I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me

"I'm working on your support item, if you must know. This is the first prototype. By the way, do you care on the weight? By my current measurements, it's gonna weigh about 7 pounds or so. Is that good? Or do you want it lighter? Oh, and that's just the compressor/extractor combo. That doesn't include the nades." I say, and she thinks about it

"Can you make it 5 pounds?" She asks, and I nod

"Yeah, that won't be too hard. Alright, thanks. I should have a working prototype in about two weeks, barring material arrival." I say, then put everything away, pull out a notebook, and a pencil, and look to Midnight, ready start the lesson. 

Saturday: 9:35

"Jesus fuck.........that is a big ass house." I mutter, looking at the frankly gargantuan house beyond the gate I'm standing. I'm dressed in a pair of black jeans, a red shirt with a bomber jacket over it, and my red high tops. I also have my black backpack slung over one shoulder

"Yaoyorozu's parents might not like that language." Ojiro notes, walking up beside me, and I glance at the tailed boy. Didn't notice him behind me. I'm losing my touch a bit. 

"You think I care?" I ask, walking over to a small keypad with a camera and a speaker on it, and looking into the camera

"Hello, whoever is on the other side of this camera. Even though it would be about ten times easier to just hop the fence, I should probably be let in through the gate, since I don't need cops chasing me down the street. I'm here to study with Momo Yaoyorozu, if that makes your life easier." I say, and after a few seconds, a very, very posh voice comes over the speaker

"May I inquire what your name is?" The voice asks, as Ojiro walks up next to me

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. The guy next to me is Mashahiro Ojiro. We are both members of Class 1-A." I reply. The man on the other side, whoever he is, is silent for a few seconds. 

"Alright. Come on in." The man says, sounding a bit apprehensive, as the metal gates swing inward, allowing us to walk down the ridiculous walkway, lined with plants that look like they're worth more than my home. At one point, I'm fairly sure I spot what appears to be a white peacock

"Dude, how rich is Yaoyorozu's family?" Ojiro asks, and I chuckle. 

"The legal money or the illegal money? Because those are two veeerrrryyy different numbers." I reply, and he looks at me, very confused. 

"Wait, what? Illegal money?" He asks, and I shrug

"Hey, you asked. To answer your question, ridiculously so. They could buy about 1/3 of all major corporations, and have money to spare. That's just with the legal stuff." I say, as we walk up to the wooden door. 

"How do you even know this?" Ojiro asks, and I smirk, putting a finger to my lips

"A magician never tells his secrets." I reply, as the door opens. I look, and see who I assumed answered the door. 

It's a tall, spindly man, dressed in a black and white butler outfit, with slicked back black hair, and a disapproving, grey eyed gaze. 

"You are Ms. Yaoyorozu's friends?" He asks, and I nod. 

"Yep. That's us." I say, keeping my tone neutral, not giving him anything to bite on. 

"Hmph. Well, follow me. She is the secondary hall." The man says, gesturing for us to come inside. 

"Shoes off, I assume?" I ask, and the man looks down at our shoes

"As long as you do not go upstairs, and your shoes are not covered in mud, I do not care." The man says, and I nod

"Duly noted. Thank you for informing me." I say, keeping my tone neutral once again. 

"You seem to be trying to hard, young man. Someone to impress?" The butler asks, his tone still calm though I sense a bit of teasing, as well as an edge to his voice

"If you're implying I might be trying to get in your good graces so that I can date Yaoyorozu, you're dead wrong. I'm not so easy to read." I reply, and the butler remains silent for a few seconds. 

"You are either incredibly good at lying, or you are telling the truth." The butler says, and I chuckle. 

"I may be a liar, but I'm not lying about this." I reply, and the man glances over at his shoulder

"Ms. Yaoyorozu is friends with a self-proclaimed liar?" He asks, and I chuckle yet again. 

"I wouldn't call us friends, persay. She asked for my helping teaching, because I had the second highest test scores, and my classmates are rather to refuse. Plus, I needed to actually get off of campus for once." I reply, and the man hums. 

"Yes. Ms. Yaoyorozu has informed of your unique situation. Anyway, here you are. I welcome you both to the Yaoyorozu manor." The man says, opening a door leading into a room with an overtly long table. 

"Thank you." I say, bowing slightly to the man, then walking into the room. 

"Dude, your personality pulled a 180 when talking to him." Ojiro says, and I shrug

"Better to be polite than be an ass when I'm fairly sure he had a gun." I reply, and Ojiro gives me a confused look

"I didn't see a gun." He says, and I shrug

"He had it concealed. IWB holster, right side. Probably either a Glock or something similar, based on the size." I reply, as I sit down at the end of the table where everyone, save Yaoyorozu, has shown up. 

"It's too early for this." Kaminari says, as I shrug, then reach into my bag, and pull out a energy drink, and slide it across the table to him, then grab another out of my bag, pop the tab, and take a sip. 

"Dude, how did you even get those?" Sero asks, rubbing his hair 

"Bribing Aizawa. Gave him 500 yen as a handling fee, gave him 2,000 to buy the drinks." I reply, taking another sip. 

"How do you have money anyway? I thought you were a vigilante!" Mina says, and I shrug

"I did bodyguard work, enforcer work, stole some shit from Yakuza, caught a few Trigger dealers, to name a few things." I reply

"How are you not dead?" Jiro asks, and I quickly look her over. Black tee shirt with a small logo on the left upper chest, purple hoodie draped over the back of the chair she's sitting in. Small purple choker on her neck. Too fucking cute. 

"Who knows? Certainly not me." I reply, and before anyone else can ask questions, Yaoyorozu comes in, pushing a small cart, filled with scones, tea, and other confections. 

"Oh, glad to see you Midoriya, Ojiro! I was worried you two weren't gonna show up." Yaoyorozu says, smiling. 

"I wasn't gonna pass up a chance to get off campus for once. Plus, this place is nice. Like, seriously, how many square feet is this place?" I ask, looking around

"I....am not quite sure. I know it's above 10,000....but that's unimportant! We have a lot to work to do, but let me serve tea first!" Yaoyorozu says, as me and Kaminari both subtly set our drinks on the floor. 

Yaoyorozu proves to be a ridiculously good, if not a bit nervous, host. After we're all served, she pulls a whiteboard away from the wall, and writes down our subjects on it. Hero Laws, Math, Science, Modern Art, English, Modern Literature. 

"So, where do you guys need help?" She asks, as I pull out a small notepad and a pen

"Everywhere." Mina and Kaminari say at the same time. 

" Just Math, really." Jiro says

"Math, English, Science." Sero replies

"Math, Modern Art..." Ojiro says, and I look at Yaoyorozu

"Well, looks like Math is first." I say, cracking my neck

"Do...do you want to handle this one? I can do it, but if you want too, I think it'd be go-"

"What do you want to do? If you want me to teach it, I can do it, but I feel like you'd probably be better, since my patience when dealing with this kind of thing is practically non-existent. I'll just help people individually if they need help." I explain, cutting Yaoyorozu off

"Well....I..." She says, and I raise an eyebrow

"Ya gotta choose, 'cause I ain't gonna do it for you." I say, and she stays silent for a second, then takes in a deep breath

"I like your idea. I can do the main teaching, you can just help those who really need it." She says, and I nod, then reach down under the table, down half of my energy drink, then set it down on the table

"Well? Let's get to it, huh?" I ask, and she nods, then begins to do a set of problems as I noe Jiro staring at me out of the corner of my eye. 

Studying. Shouldn't really be a crisis that needs that much debate. 

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