Miraculous : The tales of MrB...

By Tinea_

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• A new ennemy is rising from the shadows. The small town of Thavach, in the east of France, will need to fin... More

The God of Light / Part 1
The God of Light / Part 2
Following the Rainbow
The Empty Harvest / Part 1
The Empty Harvest / Part 2
The Dullest Star
The Bird of the Golden Land
He had Wings / Part 1
Bunnies everywhere !
The Black Book / Part 1
The Black Book / Part 2
Lamp shade
Broken System
Lovesick Ghost / Part 1
Lovesick Ghost / Part 2
On Tour
Uppity / Part 1
Uppity / Part 2
Lost Cat
Growing Up / Part 1
Growing up / FINALE
Epilogue : Basil

He had Wings / Part 2

36 14 12
By Tinea_

Tinea and Valentin had arrived at the snack, both looking at the menu. But before Tinea could order, his ring made the same sound meaning he was getting a call.
He tried to cover up the sound with his hand.

Shit !

Tinea: H-hey Val, take me the same thing as you, I have an urgency. I'll be back soon !

He rushed to the bathroom.

Tinea: Plagg !

Plagg: Fleeing your first date ?

Tinea: Don’t hurt me more than I already am. Claws out !

Once transformed into Lucky Cat, he escaped through the window, leaping onto the nearest building as he answered the call.

Antony: I found it-


Antony: The pond-

Tinea: Of course, you couldn’t be close !

Antony: Sorry-

He hung up, rushing towards the forest to reach his partner's position.


Seeing his partner arrive, Antony jumped off his perch, grabbing him by the tail, making him hiss in the process.

Antony: Sorry, sorry, sorry, please stay calm. It’s asleep ...

Tinea refrained from shouting at his partner, noticing the bird. He turned to him.

Tinea: Where are your wings?

Antony: You saw them ?

Tinea: Yeah.

Antony: Did it look cool ?

The glance of his teammate sent him the message.

Tinea:… What’s the plan? I can't just cataclysm the bird itself. You must’ve seen something with your pretty eyes.

Antony: Well it has something around its legs… For the moment we just know your cataclysm needs to be close enough. And please don’t cataclysm the house, I can’t use my lucky charm ...

Tinea: I never promise anything.

The cat stalked up to the cabin. This was one of his perks that he didn't think he had any use for, his footsteps making no sound.

He climbed onto the wooden planks, but before he could reach the raptor, the cabin door opened.

“Hey you ! Get off my house! “

The raptor awoke and the cat's ears fluttered back.

Tinea: Oh no …

He was way too close to the bird, which immediately turned its head in his direction, sharpening its claws. 

The memories of the evening came back.

Thanks to the alcohol, he hadn't even noticed that the raptor, catching him, had planted its claws in his skin. 
It was his classmate, Antony, who finally noticed he was injured.

His friends had accompanied him to the emergency room, where the nurses had tried not to judge the young man's blood alcohol level.

It was only the next day and the days after that the pain from his injuries, although superficial, started to be felt.

He had no idea, but those facts were what had led him to have a fear that stood out, even being Lucky Cat. So rather than run away, he was paralyzed.

The raptor was ready to attack and it didn't take long for Mr. Bug to notice that his partner was in need of help. He launched his Yoyo, wrapping it around him.

Tinea: What the-

The young man was pulled back violently enough to arrive and bump hard into his colleague. Making them both fall on the ground. 

Antony: OOF-

Tinea: Why are you pulling so hard on this thing ?!

Antony: Sorry ! I was scared !

Tinea: For what ?! You weren't the one in front of this-

Antony: For you, you stupid bitch !

Tinea lost his words, not knowing what shocked him the most between the fact that he cared for him or that he had just used an insult.
Antony: S-sorry, I didn’t mean-

Tinea: Shut up and run now !

Indeed, the raptor was already in the right direction to attack them. Tinea glanced over at the man, who didn't seem to mind the bird's presence.

But he didn't have time to think more. He got up, grabbing his colleague in the process and they started to flee.

Tinea: It would be good to have your wings right now !

Antony: I can only use them one time, like my lucky charm !

A small sound escaped from Antony's earrings, Tinea had a much more worried look already.

Tinea: You’ll transform soon ?! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME !!

Antony: I'm sorry okay ! I didn't want to bother you more than that !!

Tinea dodged a branch, leaping over a trunk, mumbling to himself.

Tinea: …How much time do you have left ?!

Antony: M-maybe less than a minute…

Antony looked behind them, the raptor began to gain ground. He really didn't know what to do to get out of this. He couldn't face it without his powers, nor let Lucky Cat face him alone.

But suddenly they came to the edge of a slope, almost a ravine. By reflex Antony stopped in front of it. But his colleague had another idea. coming up behind him and pushing them both into the void.

Fortunately for them that they made that leap, the raptor's claws narrowly missed them. 

But on the other hand, unfortunately for them, they hurtled down the slope, hitting a good deal of bushes and branches in the process.

Tinea had grabbed and held his partner against him and thanks to this reflex he saved him from a lot of bad injuries. 
Since this one, in the meantime, had lost his powers.

After a few long seconds of falling, they finally came to a stop in a field, cushioned by the grass.

The young man was lying on Antony, trying to regain his senses after the fall. Seeing that he was getting up, Antony immediately put his hand in front of the cat's eyes.

Antony: P-please, don't open your eyes ...

The cat was silent for a few seconds, understanding the reasons and the risks. By losing his powers, he also lost his great resistance.

Tinea:… Are you okay?

Antony:… Yes, thanks to you.

His partner couldn't see his grateful smile anyway. 

He looked around for his beloved kwami, who had just emerged from a tuft of grass. 
Tikki watched the two, then floated over to them, taking refuge in Antony's small bag.

Antony raised his head, looking out for the raptor in the sky. But for now, it was no longer chasing them.

Antony: I think… I can go home by myself-

Tinea: No.

Tinea grabbed his hand, lowering it but keeping his eyes closed.

Tinea: I'll bring you to town. This dirty bird may find you and I did not take all the stones of this hill so that you die right after.

The other young man looked at him, surprised. Then a sweet smile spread across his face, with a touch of remorse.

Antony: I'm sorry to put you in this situation… But how… Will you bring me home if you can’t see anything ?

Tinea’s famous little mocking smirk appeared, he mimicked Antony's way of speaking.

Tinea: “ Well, you would be surprised by what I learned. ”


Antony was wondering what was the coolest. He had wings and his partner whiskers. 

One thing was for sure, nothing was cuter than the whiskers. 
But he didn't dare to tell him, knowing full well that he would take all the insults the catboy knew, and he knew a lot.

Tinea had managed to bring him back close to town, eyes closed. 
That was a big flex. 
His cat-like whiskers gifted him the ability to sense the environment around him, allowing him to easily calculate his leaps from tree to tree.

Tinea placed him gently on the ground, after carrying him.

Tinea: No birds in view ?

Antony: Nope.

The cat walked away, turning its back to him, finally being able to see with his own eyes.

Tinea:… See you next time, Buggy.

He jumped up, perching on a tree branch.

Antony: Kitty !

He stopped himself.

Antony:… Thank you.

Tinea had come this far, respecting his partner's secret identity. 
He didn't know why, but at that moment his curiosity tried to get him to look in his direction. 

Before succumbing, he jumped away without another word.

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