The Siren and The Monkey (Sam...

By LilAsian1864

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Nanba Prison is about to get a new guard supervisor to Building 13 cell 13 she is also the Warden's assistant... More

Prologue: Rose and Samon's first meeting
Meet the Cast of this story:
Chapter 1: Trying to escape again
The Inmates for Cell 23:
Chapter 2: Cell 13 and 23's training with Yamato
Chapter 3: Wood work activities
Chapter 4: The New Years Eve cleaning
Vote and Comment:
Chapter 6: The New Years Tournament part 2
Chapter 7: The New Years tournament part 3
*Mini-Chapter*: Rose and Momo's girl talk alone
Chapter 8: The New Years Tournament part 4
Chapter 9: Rose and Samon's day together
Chapter 10: Hajime's Suspension part 1
Chapter 11: Hajime's Suspension part 2
*Mini-Chapter*: Samon and Rose first date
Chapter 12: Rose and Hajime interrogate Jyugo
Chapter 13: Samon and Rose go to the Mainland

Chapter 5: The New Years Eve Tournament part 1

118 2 0
By LilAsian1864

*At Nanba Prison the very next morning with Rose, Mitsuru, and the Warden in her office*
~Third Person's POV~
It was now the next morning Rose, Mitsuru, and the Warden were in her office in the Warden's building to discuss any last minute adjustments to the list as Rose had predicted the Warden has placed down Building 13 Cells 13 and Cell 23 is just back up they were more skilled in fighting, calligraphy in Japanese, reading, games, and making mochi since they spend some days in the kitchen with Shiro. But Rose she was dressed in a different outfit for today's tournament every Supervisor and their Deputy Supervisor were ready with the cell inmates they've chosen.
~Rose Siren's POV~

I was speaking with Mitsuru our MC for the tournament and Momo our Nanba Prison's Warden she'll be attending the event so she could see not just how strong her Guards are but also see Hajime fight so she could tell me about it later in her room tonight they're very detailed but anyways Mitsuru and I stood beside one another to discuss any last minute adjustments to the list as Rose had predicted the Warden has placed down Building 13 Cells 13 and Cell 23 is just back up.
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As our Warden spoke "As you know today is the New Years tournament and Mitsuru your our MC," (Mitsuru and I nodded our heads) then she spoke again "Which is why Rose you and Cell 23 are back up incase some of the inmates from Cell 13 doesn't want to compete in the tournament but of course Rose I expect to see you fight out there," I looked at my friend and spoke "Of course I will Momo Cell 23 are very capable on doing this," she nodded her head before dismissing us both.
Let the games begin....
Pic of Cell inmates from Cell 23:

~Mitsuru's POV~

The Warden spoke "As you know today is the New Years tournament and Mitsuru your our MC," (Rose and I nodding our heads) then she spoke again "Which is why Rose you and Cell 23 are back up incase some of the inmates from Cell 13 doesn't want to compete in the tournament but of course Rose I expect to see you fight out there," Rose looked at her friend and spoke "Of course I will Momo Cell 23 are very capable on doing this," she nodded her head before dismissing us both.
Let's go have some fun....
~The Warden's POV~
I can't wait to see Hajime fight in this years New Years tournament.... Of course I knew that I was in the middle of a conversation with Mitsuru and Rose about some last minute adjustments I then spoke from my chair  "As you know today is the New Years tournament and Mitsuru your our MC," (Mitsuru and Rose nodded heads) then spoke again "Which is why Rose you and Cell 23 are back up incase some of the inmates from Cell 13 doesn't want to compete in the tournament but of course Rose I expect to see you fight out there," I looked at my friend and she spoke "Of course I will Momo Cell 23 are very capable on doing this," Rose nodded her head before dismissing them both.
Ohhhhh I hope that you win Hajime....
*Skip to when they have started the introduction of the New Years tournament *
~Nobody's POV~
It was now time for the introduction to the New Years tournament this year which would introduced by the Warden and the inmates at Nanba Prison don't even know that there Warden was a female while Mitsuru was in his place on a crane holding his microphone, as Rose stood with Yamato, Hajime, Seitarou, and the inmates from 13 and 23 listening to the rules of this year's tournament as well too so they could win the prizes.
~Seitarou Tantabana's POV~

Those of us who were competing this year for the New Years tournament today was standing in the arena on the field listening to the Warden and Mitsuru explaining everything as Rose stood with Yamato, Hajime, Me, and the inmates from 13 and 23 listening to the rules of this year's tournament as well too so they could win the prizes when number 11 yelled "What! Nobody told me that the Warden was a female," and number 69 replied afterwards with "She's beautiful," as Rose smiled and her inmates stood in there places quiet while listening to the Warden.
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~The Wardens POV~

After Mitsuru and I had explained what the tournament this year is gonna be like as everyone whose participating was listening to the rules as Mitsuru started his commentary on the first event which was Calligraphy by writing Happy New Year so every Supervisor were going over which Supervisor and Inmate will do the event Rose was with Hajime and Deputy Supervisor Yamato talking.
"The First event is Calligraphy and they are to write it in Japanese and its theme is Happy New Year," Mitsuru said excitedly.
Pic of Hajime and Yamato:

~Cell 13 inmates's POV~ (Rock, Uno, and Nico)

This is easy with Jyugo's help he's native Japanese this will be easy to do all he has to do write "Happy New Year" in calligraphy style we all watched him get his inspiration getting ink for the brush and when he wrote it the words looked so sloppy and we couldn't read it.
"That's terrible at this rate we'll never win," we all said freaking out as Jyugo looked so disappointed when we heard the announcement "Times up and the winner is Building 13 for this round," Mitsuru said as Miss Rose looked at Akira and Leo write down the words on there papers when we looked over it was so perfect and legible to read it.
~Cell 23 inmates's POV~ (Yumi, Veronica, Six, and Mikael)
All we have to do is write "Happy New Year" in calligraphy style we all watched Akira and Leo get inspiration getting ink for the brush and when they wrote the words looking so neat and we could read it easily.
"That's terrible at this rate we'll never win," Uno, Rock, and Nico all said freaking out as Jyugo looked so disappointed when we heard the announcement "Times up and the winner is Building 13 for this round," Mitsuru said as Miss Rose looked at Akira and Leo write down the words on there papers it was so great when Akira spoke "This would look great in our Cell room for decoration," showing everyone in 13 there works.
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*skip to the second event of the New Years tournament which was mochi pounding*
~Third Person's POV~
It was now time for the second event of this years New Years tournament and Building 13 was winning so far with the others behind them and Rose was making sure her inmates participate as well too if the inmates from Building 13 win the tournament they can get anything there hearts desire and both cells from 13 have things that they have wanted for a while. But they needed to win the whole tournament first and break open the prize where there Warden would be standing at.
~Rose Siren's POV~

I watched as my inmates Akira and Leo were doing the calligraphy event with Hajime and Yamato when I heard Kiji and Kenshirou as well as Samon telling their inmates that the next round they'll beat us "Times up and the winner is Building 13 for this round," Mitsuru said as I looked happily at Akira and Leo write down the words on there papers it was so great when Akira spoke "This would look great in our Cell room for decoration," showing everyone in 13 there works. But speaking of which I wonder what the next event is and on cue Mitsuru spoke again "The next tournament event is Mochi pounding this is a 3 player team one Supervisor, one inmate, and a third person as backup," I looked over at Yamato, Hajime, and our inmates when Yamato spoke "So, who's teaming up with me," he said holding two mochi sticks.
This should be fun to watch but kinda dangerous to....
Pic of Yamato, Nico, and Jyugo:

~Leo Arsene's POV~

We were moving onto the next event which was Mochi pounding the Warden was watching intensely as Mitsuru got the prisoners and there Supervisors hyped up while we were competing was fighting for something that we always wanted if our Building won the tournament so Rose walked over to me and spoke "If Rock doesn't wanna do it then you go in his place with Yamato," I nodded my head as Yamato handed Number 15 the stick the rules were quite simple.
"So who's teaming up with me," Deputy Supervisor Yamato said to us inmates then Hajime volunteered Rock to help Yamato defend the durama from the other team as well too against Building 5's inmate number 2 and Deputy Supervisor Inori.
This should be very interesting.....
Pic of Rock and Liang fighting:

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~Deputy Supervisor Yamato's POV~

We were doing so good when the cell mate from Building 5 knocked out one of our duramas while I was pounding the mochi with no violence involved I just need number 69 to focus but he was in the middle of a fight with the inmate from Building 5 as Deputy Supervisor Inori came to me and tried to attack me when number 69 yelled "Because when I win I want to install a stone oven," (Hajime: So he's fighting for the kitchen not surprised) then Rock grabbed the inmate 2 from Building 5 as I handled the Deputy Supervisor from 5 and punched him into the air.
Pic of everyone watching:

*End of Chapter 5: The New Years Eve Tournament part 1*

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