What About Love? Catthew (edi...

By GirlLovesGayboys

83.2K 2.9K 667

MattxCarter If you dont like boyxboy go a way. WARNING- Make contain sexual c ontent. #MARTER #CATT #CATTHEW More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 / Epilogue

Chapter 28

1.3K 64 6
By GirlLovesGayboys

Matt's POV

One week later...

I've been hangout a lot with Aaron lately. Every time Carter asks me to hang with him he ends up bring Kya with us. Not that I'm jealous. I totally am. Its just we never get to spend one on one time anymore.

But I don't need him when I have Aaron. He sweet and nice, And kinda hot. But I would never go after him for one: he's not gay, and for two: he's like one of the few friends I have left.

But with Carter its weird. One minute he wants to be friends the next he's trying to spoon. I just dont get him anymore. I might as well try and give over him so it doesn't ruin our friendship again.

"Mr. Espinosa would please stop day dreaming and pick a partner." My science teacher Mr.James yelled at me. I look around. I sighed everyone has a partner except for Cameron.

He won't even look at let alone be my partner he'd rather fail. "Mr. Dallas no partner? Good your with Mr.Espinosa over here." Mr. James said.

"Uh no thanks I'd rather work on my own." He said as he glared at me. "Oh I didn't mean to say it like you had a choice." He said as he gestured him to sit next to me. He sighed and walked over to me. "Hey." I smiled. "Hi." He mumbled.

"So how have you been?" I asked plainly. "Look Matt just because I was forced to work with you doesnt mean were friends ok. So dont talk to me unless you absolutely have to." He snorted. "Okay sorry." I whisper as I continue to do the work.


"Ok guys I want you work on my deck by Monday. Not Tuesday Monday. Understand." Mr james asked as the bell rang. "So we could do the rest of our work at my house?" I asked.

"No we'll do it at mine." He said as grabbed his things and walked out. I sighed as I got my thing and walked to my locker. I put in the combination and opened. "Hey." A familiar voice said. I looked to my left seeing Carter.

"Hey." I say as I put some books into my looker. "Kya has to go to a family thing after school. So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out just us." He asked.

"Sorry im going over Cameron house today." I could see his facial expression change. "Why you going over there I thought you guys weren't friends." He asked as I closed my locker. "Well were working together so we just decided to go to his house." I said.

"Well mabye after you guys are done."


I walk straight until I get to my next class.


*After school*

I walk to my locker when I hear my name being called. I turn see Aaron walking to my locker. "Hey Aaron what's up?" I say as I closer my locker.

"Nothing I was just seeing if you wanted come over tomorrow my moms having this barbecue." He asked. "Yeah sure sounds fun." I smile. "Matt." I hear my name called. I see Cameron gesturing me to follow him to his Car.

He gets in and I walk over to the passenger side and get in. He started up the car and pulled out of the drive way.

The ride to his house was silent except for the faint background music that was on. We pull up to his house and I open the car door. I forgot how big it was.

He opens the door and walks in and I follow. "Hi sweetie." His mom greets him. "Hey mom we're going up to my room." He said. "Ok honey I'll bring you guys some snacks later." She smiled.

"K thanks." He said as we walked up to his room. He opened the door. And I walkes in. I take a seat on the bes and look around. "I haven't been here in a long time." I sighed looking at the pictures on his wall. All the ones we took together we're gone or my face was covered with black marker.

I look over to cameron as he gets the laptop out and put it on the bed. "You really do hate me." I sighed. He looked up at me hearing my comment but not saying anything just going back to what he was doing. That really hurt.

He sits down and goes on the laptop. We sit in silence for a while. He cleared his throat. "We should get started." He spoke up.

I stud up and put my backpack over my shoulder. "I just do my part at my house and you to yours. We'll meant up on Monday to see what we got." I said. I don't think I can stay anymore.

I'm a very sensitive person and if I stay any longer I'm afraid I'll cry. And Cameron's the last person I want to cry in front of. "No, matt don't leave." He sighed. "Why you obviously hate me and down want me here." I say my voice cracking at the end. Oh no don't cry matt.

"Matt I don't hate you." He sighed again as he walked over to me. "Oh really." I say sarcastically as I pointed over to pictures on his wall. "Look when I did that yes, I was mad but... I never really hated you."

I smiled as I pulled him into a huge hug. He was taken back at first put then hugged back. "I missed you." I mummbled. "I missed you too buddy."



So I just wanted to tell you guys I've started a one shots book and I'm going to post chapter. Yeah its boyxboy dirty,cute and sad. It would me a lot if you guys checked it out.

Thanks babes.


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