A prince in love (ErrorInk)

By Springla

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oooH ok so sorry if this AU is weird to you...its my very own AU called PrinceTale TwT (Btw they're humans)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

300 11 10
By Springla


Drawing shrugged, "In the fictional world of books, hell yes! But in reality..I have no idea," Ink rolled his eyes. Error leaned his head against the table looking like he wanted to die. While Dream just sat there amused and Blue drank some soda. 

"Soooo Blue might have told me about your secret mission ~" Drawing said. After about 5 seconds of silence, Dream and Ink jumped while Blue spat his soda on Drawing. "Did you just fucking spit on me?" Drawing asked Blue with a glare. "Whatttttt? Nooooo you must be imagining things," Blue said slowly getting up as well as Drawing. 

"Ohhhh so why am I wet and sticky?" She asked grabbing some of the apple cider there was on the table. "I don't know what your talking about," Blue now said walking away from the table. Drawing following him slowly, and then Blue started running with Drawing chasing him. 

Ink, Error and Dream just started at the other two, "Soooo anyone knows what they're doing tomorrow?" Ink asked looking away. Dream looked down to one of the croissants he was eating "Not really, my mom said something about a meeting," he said pocking the croissant. "I think my dad said something about ... a dinner?" Error questioned himself. "What you already forgot?" Ink teased him, Error groaned a bit out of annoyance. 

"Hey Ink your 18th birthday is coming in a month right? Did you manage to unlock the last feeling?" Dream asked his friend. "Oh gosh I forgot about that ... honestly I don't think I had ..." Ink told Dream a bit disappointed with himself. "Wait..what's the last emotion you need? Is it a big one?" Error asked. He was hopping it was like confusion or anger. And nothing big like happiness and ... Love. 

"Hehehe, don't worry it's no big deal I'm sure it'll come ...." Ink said to Error. 'I wish I was sure like I sound ...' Ink thought to himself. . . .

"So did you get the information?" Nightmare asked one of his soldiers ...

"Yeah, I wrote it down in this paper." Cross said handing Nightmare the paper which he gladly took. "But I still don't get it..why couldn't you just asked Error? He's your best friend right?" Cross said scratching the back of his head. "He was never my friend, he would always avoid me like if he was ... afraid of me," 

"Never mind that, you can leave now," Nightmare told Cross. Cross left the room a bit confused. 'Gosh he never shuts up ..' Nightmare thought. The reason why Nightmare hired Cross to do this job, was because he was one of the few who didn't need to cross the boarder between the two realms. He could just teleport there. 

Many few people could do this, and Cross was the only soldier Nightmare has that could do just that. 

No one really knows much about the Prince of Negativity other than just the rumors they spread. Some say he's a cold heart beast, other's say he bottles up all his emotions. No one knows his reasons towards his actions other than just himself. He truly is a mystery. . .

Unlike his brother, Dream was more open, the Prince of Positivity. Everyone knew everything about him, but some things were kept private of course. He was known for being sweet and caring. He wouldn't hide away his emotions and was very open about them to make people follow his examples. But at the same time he was kind of of a mystery. . .

"I'm going off to sleep," Ink told everyone. It was about 3:00 a.m. right now. "Wait let's have a sleepover at Ink's room!" Drawing suggested barely being able to have her eyes open. "Say what now?"  Ink said confused "Oh don't be a party pooper, we'll all just sleep in your room, playing truth or dare, eating late night snacks...sleeping I guess," 

"That is a-"

"AMAZING IDEA!!" Blue half yelled from excitement. "Common Ink, you wouldn't want to make this cute boy sad.." Drawing said signaling at Blue "Cute? Bitch I ain't cute.... You know I hate that word," Blue complained. "And you guys can't just force Ink to make him have a sleepover at his room!" 

Ink thought furiously for over a straight minute "Wait...that sounds kinda fun, we can play truth and dare until one of us pass out," He said smiling devilish. Error looked over at him with an expression with 'Tf you talking about'. "Yeahhhhhh no count me out," Error commented.

"What?!" The two siblings yelled at the same time. "What? You two disappointed I don't want to join your dumb idea?" 

Dream looked up from his ground. He was leaning his head against the table trying to sleep. "I think I'm going to go home, my mom mentioned something about...a meeting??" Dream said trying to remember. He got up and said his goodbyes. 

"Error if you have to join, Dream left and it can't just be us three!!" Drawing told him signaling at her, Blue and Ink. "If I say yes, can we go to sleep before 5:00 a.m?" Error asked obviously just wanting to sleep. "Who needs sleep, am I right Blue?" Drawing said elbowing Blue. 

Blue laughed softly, "I guess, sleep if for mortals." He said following  Drawings role. "Well then, everyone to my room!!" Ink said standing up. Everyone followed. "Welcome to heave-" 

"More like you need to clean your fucking room," Error said cutting off Ink. Ink looked at him obviously offended. "Excuse you, it's not like your room is any cleaner," Ink said glaring at Error. "Actually it is," Error smirked at Ink who just groaned in defeat. 

Drawing left the room to get some mattress for the 'sleepover', once she came back and settled everything, Blue flopped his body straight to the ground. 

"I'm kinda agreeing with Ink right now, I just wanna sleep..." Blue said in muffled voice. "Let's just do ONE ROUND then!" Drawing announced. 

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