Tension - Harry Styles

By hxnnxsedits

213 15 0

*Contains mature and explicit content* "Tell me what you want, because you know I want it too. Let's skip all... More

Formalities First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

23 2 0
By hxnnxsedits

"That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch.
Drive her own car, she don't need no lyft. On the dance floor she had two, three drinks.
Now she twerking, she throw it out and come back in."


Mary is a person everyone wants to be befriended with, which sometimes gets a bit annoying. We normally can't go somewhere without someone noticing her. From time to time I feel excluded, but I'm happy to have her though, a person to talk to about my problems and insecurities. It just feels good having a friend like her, knowing she cares about me.

It's ironic that we hated each other back then in school, because she was one of the famous students and I was the silly washout. I can't even remember the day things changed.

Dad always said. "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." And I think he was absolutely crazy right with that.

One day I couldn't understand my own way of thinking why I hated her that much. Yes, she was more popular than me, but we had a lot of commonalities such as helping out in an animal rescue center.

We always said that after school we will do everything to make sure we don't lose sight of each other. Until now, it probably worked out pretty well. I couldn't even imagine losing her. Before this is about to happen I will be having a boyfriend.

Funny. I will never find someone loving me for the rest of my life, except for Mary. I'm not able to say anything to a foreign person standing in front of me. How should I then be dealing with a boyfriend? Or at least finding a potential one?

Mary always hates me for my self-doubts, saying I'm stupid as hell. She thinks I'm one of the most beautiful women she ever met in her life. I don't know about that. Whenever I see myself in the mirror, I see a weak and shy small girl being scared of everything that's unusual for her.

That's the reason why I don't think it's the best idea for me to go to a party with the most confident girl I've ever seen. "Don't worry about that." She says optimistically when she straightens my hair. It took her about an hour to put on the make up onto my face. I feel like a doll, or even like a slut as my stepfather called me, seeing that make up all over my skin.

"Everything's gonna be fine. You look stunning." I know she tries to cheer me up a bit, to strengthen my self-confidence, but I just don't think it's going to be working.

"Mary, I don't know, if I should really go to that party." I almost don't dare to pronounce these words out loud, since I know she won't accept a withdrawal from me now.

"I'ma just pretend I didn't hear that right now, love." I can tell she's trying not to freak out right now. She hates it profoundly hearing me questioning everything she plans to do with me.

Well, that's who I am, feeling miserable knowing it won't change, even if I tried harder.

"And...you're done!" I can tell by Mary's face, that she wants me to go to the bathroom and look at me in the mirror. When I stand up from the chair, she instantly does the same and follows me into the bathroom.

She nailed it. How is Mary even able to conceal all the impurities on my face? "Oh my-... Thank you a lot, Mary! It looks absolutely stunning." I praise Mary with all my heart.

"You're welcome, love!" She says and leaves the bathroom at a fast pace. I immediately go after her. She directs me back into her room.

"No way!" I blurt out. Mary's standing right in front of me and holds up a little black dress. "I can't wear that." I say straight away.

"Oh, yes, you can and you will!" She commands me, giving the dress into my hands and pushes me all the way back again into the bathroom. When I find myself back in there, I hear the door closing.

"Hurry up! We're leaving in 5 minutes." I don't like it when she rushes me and puts me under pressure. I already hate myself for putting on that dress that emphasizes my curves and is way too short for me.

I always feel constricted in dresses like this one.

I open up the bathroom door, seeing Mary's eyes glancing at me. "You look fabulous, Claire." After her jaw dropped, she puts on a jumbo smile.

"I-I don't really know about wearing this dress, Mary." I try to tell her gently, not wanting her to be upset with me. "What do you mean? No one will ever look that beautiful like you do right now. So shut your mouth and get yourself out of this house now. We have to rock a party!"

She laughs. I can't go against her, so I'm just going to do what she told me to do.

As I go down the stairs, I already can tell that the dress tries to slide up again and again.

It's going to be a restless night. I have a queasy feeling. Something has to happen because of my clumsiness.

When Mary opens the front door, I notice her spiny dark red dress that is even shorter than the one she gave me.

"Wow! How can you look this good in that?" I whisper amazed and fascinated. I think she didn't hear me, luckily. If I really think about it, I wouldn't have wanted an answer to that question. I'd probably only have felt even worse.

"Are you ready to go?" I can hear the excitement in her voice and I decide to just nod my head while smiling at her.

It's getting dark while we're still on our way. I wonder what club she'll take me to. I've never been to any clubs before and if I'm being honest I don't like the idea of going into one tonight.


"What the fuck, Mary? This is a strip club!" I shout at her as we stand in front of the club called 'Demon'. I feel the memories flashing back from today's morning.

We walked for about 30 minutes until we arrived here, but if I knew she'd take me to this exact same club my mom became acquainted with Mason, I wouldn't have come along here.

"I can't go in there." showing Mary a worried expression of mine thinking I'm not able to face whatever is going on in there.

She tilts her head, almost seeming like she thinks I'm an idiot. "If you don't voluntarily get your silly arse in there, I'm sorry, but then I feel like I have to kick your goddamn arse in there."

Friendly as always.

Mary always says straight away what she thinks, which sometimes gets a little annoying.

I know it's futile trying one single thing getting out of this situation. I look around undetermined and worried and in the next moment I feel Mary's hand between my shoulder blades, pushing me further towards the entrance to the club.

Before we go inside, however, Mary notices a group of men and walks straight towards them. I stay exactly where I am, because I have no idea how this all works.

Why am I afraid that Mary is not here for the first time? Why do they all laugh over there?

I'm so nervous. Preferably I would've walked over to them, but I'm too scared and shy. I can see Mary pointing at me, which is followed by whistles from the men.

What did she tell them?

Another laugh. I notice that Mary hands some money over to one of the men. He looks so intimidating with his long dark brown hair and the black suit he's wearing. Thank god, I'm a long way from them otherwise I'd be more terrified than I already am.

My eyes widen as he draws her closer to him by her waist. He mumbles something inside her ear, still keeping his hands on her waist. His hands wander down her arms and he pushes her slightly away from him, giving her a kinky smile and putting a small bag in her hands.

I'm getting more and more anxious over here, but then finally Mary turns around walking towards me. "M-Mary, the man there still watches you..." I splutter, looking over her shoulder to see his dirty smirk and his eyes surveying every single inch of Mary's body.

"I know, sweetheart. What's wrong with that? You look like you've seen ghosts. You are so pale." I shrug my shoulders, looking at her completely confused.

"Doesn't he intimidate you? What's that he gave to you?" There's so many questions buzzing around in my head right now.

"Um, no, he doesn't." She looks amused by my inexperience. "He's a self-employed young man who also looks extremely hot. He turns me on instead of intimidates me." She lets out a short laugh before returning to her serious look.

"Okay, listen, if you feel uneasy, I can bring you home." To be honest, that's what I would like best, but I don't want to disappoint Mary.

"No, no, it's okay. I just have to get used to it first." I didn't even recognize, that she ignored my second question about what the man gave to her a few seconds ago.

"Well, then, let's go!" She smiles at me and I know she's really up for it. When the small black entrance door opens, steam gushes out of the club and loud music can be heard.

Mary takes my hand and pulls me into the club with her, I trip over my own feet a few times, but every time I still catch myself. As soon as I find myself in the crowd, I feel insecure.

I don't even know anymore, where we were coming from. The steam makes it hard to see and the music numbs my ears.

Knowing Mary's still holding my hand makes me feel a little facilitated. "Let's go, get some drinks. We need to fix the paleness of your face." She laughs, already in the mood for getting drunk and have some fun. In her case, I bet she wants to have some fun with the guy she talked to outside of the club.

We walk over to the counter and Mary grins at the bartender. "Two shots for us!" She nearly screams and at the same time she dances to the beat of the music.

How can she be so loose?

I mean, I'm losing my shit over here. Moreover, the steam isn't only affecting my sight but also the ability of breathing. I feel like I'm almost suffocating.

"You need to relax, Claire. Get that damn shot to sting down your throat!" She almost seems kind of annoyed by my cautiousness. She hands me the little glass, giving me a warning look.

While Mary has already instilled the shot, I'm still unsure of this whole thing going on here. I never thought I'd end up in a club like this one.

"Drink it!" Mary commands me and I know, I can't wait longer, otherwise she will kill me only with her facial expression.

The shot really hurt my throat when I drank it, but somehow it feels relieving. Maybe I need to try new things more often. I mean, experiencing new things can't be bad, can it?

"Another two shots!" She calls out to the bartender. He already prepared those and handed them over to Mary. She gives him a short wink and then turns back to me.

What was that?

"Um, Mary, why did you just-" I mumble quietly.

"Not that important." She gives me the shot and we swallow it at the same time. "I'm proud of you, Claire. You finally seem to have gotten out of your comfort zone." She says euphorically.

"I-I'm not sure about that." I murmur more to myself than to her.

"So Claire, would you mind finding us a good place to stay for a while? Maybe a couch or some other seating? I still have to clarify something with the bartender, if you know what I mean." And finishing her speech with these words, she dissappears in the room behind the counter followed by the bartender.

I let out a deep breath before I try to find a free spot on a black couch standing in the corner of the club. I'm already proud of myself to even have noticed there was a couch.

On my way through all the drunk people I spot a free place on the couch. Without bumping into someone I reach the couch and sit down, waiting for Mary to come back.

When I sit down, I cross my legs and fold my hands on my lap.

Not even a minute goes by when I feel the couch lowering a little, someone sat down next to me and put their arms on the backrest. I swallow heavily before I can speak.

"Um, sorry, but my friend's supposed to sit there."

Ugh. Claire, really? Why didn't you tell him directly to find another seat? And why didn't you even look at the person next to you? I'm such an idiot.

"Yeah, that's okay, she can sit in my lap." It's a male voice I can hear. He says it calmly like something normal he would offer everyone.

My eyes widen, glaring straight on the ground. I bet that my face turned as pale as possible. "Are you okay, gorgeous?" He adds after noticing my expression.

I slowly nod my head as I feel unable to make any sounds. In the corner of my eye I can see him staring at me. I can't look over to him. Why is it so hard for me to communicate with other people or to just look at them?

Mary, please come back. I could need you over here RIGHT NOW.

This whole situation is embarrassing and it gets worse and worse the more time flies by.

"Look at me!" My heart stops beating when I hear these words. Can't he see, I'm uncomfortable and unable to look at him.

The only thing I can do is shake my head, hoping he will accept it.

"You have to learn a lot, baby girl." His deep voice is so intimidating, it immediately gives me goosebumps. "There's one thing, I hate the most. It's what you just did." He stops, still looking at me.

He puts his hand on my chin and roughly turns my head towards him, forcing me to face him. He smirks at me. "Giving me a refusal." He continues and focuses on the dress I'm wearing.

Holy shit! It's the guy from outside. The one with the long hair who gave something to Mary.

I swallow. Thinking about his words make me shiver.

"Did you hear me?" He asks while looking at my face. I nod quietly.

"I can't hear you. I want you to speak with me, honey!" He commands and gets more intimidating as he continues. "Open your beautiful mouth! Let me hear your voice!" He furrows his brows and sucks in his bottom lip.

"I heard you." I say rapidly, trying to get out of this situation and trying to get him satisfied with that. "She speaks, finally. Was it that hard?" I nod, instantly regretting it, when he grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him.

I feel his warm breath at my ear. "What did I tell you, baby girl? Do you want me to punish you, huh?" My hands are shaking and I try to calm down, which seems to be impossible while being stuck in a situation like this one.

"I-I'm so-sorry...um...yes, sorry, I mean, no, it wasn't that hard looking at you." I stutter, feeling exposed to him. "Good girl. That's the way I want you. And now climb on top of me! If you sit in my lap, your friend doesn't have to. And don't forget, I don't accept refusals otherwise I'm going to have to penalize you." I can tell by his tone of voice that he's being serious.

"You can try to run or hide away from me, but I will find you anyways." He threatens.

Why me? What did I do to him?

His smirk grows when he sees the fear in my face. I breathe heavily and my cleavage rises and falls swiftly.

"Claire! There you are. I looked for you in the whole club." I abruptly feel relieved when I hear Mary's voice and see her walking towards me.

I stand up and go up to her, trying to not turn around one more time. "Mary, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I can't stay any longer." I say hectically and agitated.

"But-... Claire, wait!" She screams as she watches me sprinting out of the club. I don't even turn around one more time. All I know is that I want to get out of here as fast as I can to soothe myself.

I slam the doors open and just run. When I couldn't her the music anymore I stopped.

I lean back against a cold wall and just breathe a few times before sliding down to the ground and pulling my legs towards my upper body, folding my arms around them. I press the back of my head against the wall, trying not to scream about what just happened.

I don't even want to know what happens next. I literally gave him a refusal and did what he said I shouldn't do under no circumstances.

"I will find you anyways."

Shit. I hate myself.


I think you already know, who the intimidating guy with the long hair is ;)

Let's see, what's going to happen.

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