The falcon and the Winter Sol...

By writing_IsAnEscape

44.3K 888 632

X reader This is a TFATWS x reader story so I hope you enjoy it. (Steve was your brother and Bucky is our lov... More

In memory of Steve
New Captain America?
Couples therapy
Wilfred Nagel
The Dora Milaje
The whole world watches
Where he belongs
Stars and Stripes

Super soldiers

4K 88 109
By writing_IsAnEscape

"One minute to drop off Sam" Sam's friend Torres says. Bucky and I managed to convince him to let us come on mission with him. Sam and Bucky sat across from each other staring. Can I slap them? Two against one, I could take them. I chuckled at the thought. The both broke their contact and looked at me.

"What's are you laughing at Rogers?" Sam asks. I shake my head.

"Nothing" I stifle my laugh. Then they both get up and Sam gets his goggles.

"So what's our plan?" Buck asks. Sam ignores him. He's so petty sometimes but I love him.

"Great. So no plan"

"Thirty seconds!" Torres says.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck" Sam says.

"No, you can't call me that" Bucky remarks.

"Why not? That's what Steve and Y/n call you"

"Steve and Y/n have known me longer and they had plans" Bucky answers. Sam looks at me and I shrug.

"Fifteen seconds to drop!"

"I have a plan"

"Really? What is it" I ask. Then Sam jumped out of the plane.

"Great" I say. " adiós!" I tell Buck before I jump off after him. I use my magic and fly, following Sam to an old warehouse. I land next to Sam.

"Watch this" he says excited. I furrow my eyebrows but I watch the camera footage from Redwing and see Bucky jump out of the plane falling through the trees and landing flat on his back on the ground. I stiffled a laugh as hard as I could.

"I have all of that on camera you know that right?" Sam speaks to him.

"Get out of my face Sam or I'll break it" Bucky says grumpy.

"Okay head North come on" I giggle.

Bucky found his way to our location and I heard  heard Sam mention something about Bucky hurting Redwing. I rolled my eyes and soon found Bucky walking our way. He started staring down the hall. He stares a lot. You get used to it after a while.

"You're doing the staring thing again" Sam says. Bucky comes out of his trance and gives me a look. I smile and shrug innocently.

"They're in there" Sam nods his head. Redwing has eyes on people lifting boxes into two vans.

"Where's the guy?" I ask.

"I don't know" Sam answers. "I think they're smuggling weapons though"

"Well I think you could be right" Bucky sasses. Sam hums in return mocking his tone. I sigh annoyed, I feel like I'm babysitting.

"But There's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it" Bucky stares down the hall again and goes to leave but Sam stops him.

"We're not assassins" His lame attempt at a joke makes Bucky leave coldly and I shake my head hanging low.

"I'll see you inside or not" Bucky says before he disappears.

"Hey come on, man. I'm just messing with you. Come back" Sam defends. I punch his arm.

"Too soon Wilson" I glare at him.

I followed Bucky and we walked side by side behind a brick wall. "Look at you two love birds. All stealthy" Sam says. I blush at the nickname, while Bucky seemed unfazed. "A little time in Wakanda and you come out white panther"

"It's actually White Wolf" I wink at Bucky remembering the stories he told me from his time spent in Wakanda. He smiled slightly and I felt a warm feeling in my stomach.

"Huh?" Sam huffs confused. I purse my lips shut to stop myself from giggling. Bucky and I hid ourselves behind metal shelves as we watched the people load the vans.

"All right, we're inside. Therefore way ahead of you. It's not great, but very doable" Bucky starts. I sense someone beside me and pulled out my knife from my holster and prepared for combat but I sighed in relief when I saw who it was.

"Fuck. Sam you trying to get yourself killed!" I whisper yelled. Sam shrugged. Bucky's face scrunched up as he looked down the halls of which Sam magically snuck up on us from.

"Hello. How are you?" Buck asks.

"Good. What did I miss? Nothing"

"All right, let's go" I say walking away but Sam grabs me. "What?"

"No, wait"

"I've got magical powers and he's got a metal arm. We can take 'em" I say bluntly.

"and I can fly. Who give a shit? Wait" he commands I roll my eyes. I seem to do that a lot around them.
"I wanna see where they're going"

"There's two people" Bucky says.

"You only see two?

"That's what I saw"

"Let me see what redwing sees"

"All right"

These two are giving me a migraine.

Sam shows us what Redwing sees and you can see Definitely more than two bodies. I groan, I hate when Sam's right. "Oh look at that. How many people do you see now? One...two... three"

"Okay we get it Sam" I hiss.


"So they're strong, whatever" Bucky spits.

"All right let's go" I say excited.

"No, no wait" Sam pulls me back knocking down supplies while doing so.

"Good going Sam" I say sarcastically. The people look in our directions and one of them says to fire up the van. "Shit" I curse. "Language" I say to myself. "Oh god Steve what have you done" I whine. Bucky smiles widely.

"There's an eighth person. I think they have a hostage" Sam says. That's all it took for Buck to run after the vans. I then follow after him and use my magic to fly in the air. I watched far back letting Bucky have his moment.

"They're stealing medicine. Vaccines" Bucky says into the coms. I then land on the top of one of the vans.

"Bucky talk to us what's going on?" I ask. I take in my surroundings.

"Found the hostage" He says.

I was about to come down there when I saw Bucky get flown across the air into the windshield of the van across from me.

"Shit!" Bucky says.

"Language!" Oh Steve, look what you've done.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see two people with masks on with a red hand painted on them. The flag smashers. I fought them off and jumped to the other van. Bucky was pulled up by his arms by the flag smashers and a girl jumped inhuman like, onto the van. I punched a girl with her curly hair and the flew back a bit while the two other guys held Bucky in place. Where the hell is falcon? On cue Redwing came flying down shooting at the red head. She jumped high in the air caught Redwing and snapped it in half with her knee.

"I always wanted to do that" Bucky remarks. One of the guys punches him in the face hard and I use my magic and push the two guys off Buck. "Thanks" he says. I nod. Sam then come flying down kicking the girl to the ground, she quickly got up to fight and one guy came after me. I could easily destroy him but I wanted to make this a bit more fun for me so I made a new rule. No magic.

"Good of you to joint the fight, Sam!" Bucky held over the fight. I grunt as the guy I'm fighting lands a blow on my left cheek. I smirk as I swipe my leg from underneath him and his back hits the ground. Going for another punch I was tackled off him by two other flag smashers and onto the other van that was driving side by side to the one I was currently on. They had me pinned down when something shiny hit one of their friends and they went tumbling back. I took their distraction as my chance to kick their stomachs. They grunted as they fell back but not to the ground. These people were strong. Not in a regular human way. I looked towards the sound of a helicopter and say a man jump out followed by another man. You've GOT to be kidding me. There stood "Captain America" with Steve's shield. He had a proud smile on his face like he had come to our rescue. One of the guys charged at me but John threw his shield and knocked him back. I caught a left hook to the guys jaw and then knees him where the sun don't shut.

"Getting beat by a girl. And I'm not even using my powers" I laugh. The guy growled and lunged at me. I slid underneath his legs and kicked his back. I was having to much fun.

"Sam. John walker, Captain America" John introduce himself. Even if he wears that shield, which doesn't belong to him, he will never be considered captain America in my eyes. Is that being petty? Probably, but I don't care.

"Lemar Hoskins" his buddy says.

"Looks like you guys could use some help" John says. The red head charges at him and he hits her with the shield and it goes right past Bucky's head nearly hiting him. Bucky catches it and gives walker a look.

"Watch where you're throwing that thing!" I bark as I block another punch to the face. John stares at me for a moment before getting back to fighting. Bucky nods grateful for my words. I return it. Sam helps Bucky fight off guys. I manage to throw the guy I was fighting over the edge but he caught the side of the van. Then I saw Bucky go off the side holding on with his metal arm. He was inches from the road holding on to a metal bar with his strength. I would go and help him but these motherfuckers just don't give up a fight. Five of them run at me and I have to finally allow myself to use my magic. A small blast left my palms that shocked them and they ended up on the ground. I smiled before I felt a blow to the back of my head.

"That little girl kicked your ass" I hear Sam comment to Bucky as he groans. I moan as I get up off the ground and get into my stance. I noticed Johns buddy Lemar being choked by a flag smashers but before I could help I was hit in my stomach. These People are starting to get on my nerves.

"Is that the best you can do. Here. I'll make it fair" I put my hands up. "No magic" I smirked. The guy growled and slings his fists at my head which I dodged. John manages to help out his buddy so I stop worrying about that. I catch something out of the corner of my eye and see Sam and Bucky rolling in the grass. Wow so romantic. I build up my strength and punch the guy hard in the head making him unconscious. I see Lemar get thrown off the van and he was falling to the ground I use my magic the help lift his body so the impact wasn't as bad and John threw the shield under him. I felt a stinging sensation in my neck and saw a different girl with black hair holding a syringe. I started feeling dizzy. I quickly used my magic to get out of there so they won't have the chance to hold me hostage. Whatever was in that syringe wouldn't affect me it would a regular person so I know I wouldn't lose consciousness. I flew to the field Sam and Bucky were and they saw me. Sam waved and I wobbled slightly in the air. I let my magic calm down so I could land but that didn't go as planned and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. Buck and Sam ran up to me worried.

"Ow" I groaned.

"You good?" Sam asks. I nod.

"I just need a minute. They tried to sedate me" I yawned.

After a couple minutes I was back to normal. I was still tired but I managed to walk up the road, heading back to the plane Torres had for us.
"Those were all super soldiers" I say.

"We know, We know" Bucky replies. "Sorry about Redwing" he adds.

"No, you're not" I Sam and I say in unison.

"What's going on in that big cyborg brain of yours?" Sam jokes.

"It's computing" Bucky answers his same monotone voice. I chuckle.

"You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning" I pitch in. It's not like Bucky wasn't used to us picking on him. He's immune by now.

"Oh. They're malfunctioning, shutting down. Yep, they're on fire" Sam says.

"We gotta figure out where the serums coming from" Bucky ignores our ignorance.

"Yeah, and how in the hell after 80 years are ther eight super soldiers running loose?" I say. I then hear a car on the right side of us and I turn my head and see an army keep pass us with none other than Lemar and "Captain America". Yay. Note the sarcasm. The car stops a foot in front of us. I immediately tense up.

"So that didn't go as planned huh?" John asks opening the car door hoping for us to get in. We ignored him and kept walking. Our eyes forward. John tells the driver to keep going and they drive with us at a steady pace.

"Look at least we know what we're up against now, huh? I mean we're pretty sure it's one of the big three, so..." John says.

"Aliens, androids or wizards?" Sam asks.

"Pretty sure"

"There's no such thing as wizards" Bucky says annoyed.

"Alright then, aliens or androids"

"Or super soldiers" Sam adds.

"Shit. Super soldiers, for real?" Lemar asks.



"All right, all, then we gotta work together" John suggests

"That's not happening" I speak up for the first time. John looks at me taken back.

"I think we stand a much better chance if we all just-" Bucky cut him off.

"Just because you carry that shield doesn't mean you're captain America" the relief I felt knowing I wasn't the only one who thought that was comforting.

"Look, I've done the work, Okay?" John says.

"You ever jump one top of a grenade?" I bark.

"Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It's a thing I do with my helmet. It's a reinforced helmet... it's a long story, but look, it's 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride" he defends. He stops the car and opens the door.

"That's not the same. You jumped on top of a grenade with a helmet while my brother did with his own body." I hiss back. John sighed giving up knowing he wasn't gonna win this argument. Bucky and Sam stop and go to get in the car. I stood in place. I do not want to get in a car with Walmart rip-off Captain America.

"Y/n?" Sam says. I hang my head low and shake it. I finally give in and get in the car next to Buck.

"Okay so we got eight super soldiers on a bulk supply run. Why?" John asks.

"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the blip. Maybe they're just trying to help" Sam explains.

"They had a funny way of showing it" Bucky speaks up.

"That serum doesn't exactly have a great track record. No offence" John says. I clench my fist. The only reason why Bucky is alive right now is because of that serum. Bucky noticed this and placed his hand on mine giving it was squeeze showing me it was okay. I gave a small nod not being noticed by anyone else but him.

"We need to figure out where they're going" Sam says.

"How'd you track 'em here? The flag smashers?" I ask.

"Uh, no, we didn't track them, we tracked you, uh, through Redwing" Lemar said.

"You hacked my tech?" Sam asks angry.

"Sorry. It's not exactly hacking. It's government property. Kind of the government" John laughs. I lean up to whisper in Bucky's ear. "Can I punch his stupid face....Please" I pull back and Buck laughs at me. "No" he whispers back. I pout and slump into my seat.

"What did she say?" John asks.

"Why don't I show you instead?" I ask about to get up but Bucky pulls me down. "Calm done princess" John chuckles. I almost threw up. That's what Steve used to call me.

"Don't call me that" I choked out. Silence fell out until John broke it.

"Does he always just stare like that?" He asks.

"You get used to it" Sam answers.

"Okay, look" John clears his throat. "You know thing last have gotten kind of, uh..."

"Chaotic" Lemar answers for him.

"Yeah, we'll the GRC, they're doing the best they can to get things up and running, post Blip" John says.

"Reactivating citizenship, social security, healthcare. Basically just managing recourses for the refugees who were displaced by the return" Lemar says.

"The global repatriation council does all that. I get that. So why are you two here?" Sam asks. He reads my mind sometimes.

"Well, they provide the resources and we keep things stable"

"Yeah, violent revolutionaries aren't good for anyone's cause" John says.

"Usually said by people with the recourses " I say.

"We got a lot of recourses. If you guys , if you joined up with us, we could..."

"No" Bucky and I say at the same time.

"I got mad respect for the three of y'all. But you were kinda getting your asses kicked til we showed up" Lemar says.

"Oh is that so?" I ask getting agitated. "A) I wasn't using my magic half the time B) who got thrown of the van and C) who got thrown into a windshield. Have you ever fought aliens before who destroyed half the universe?!"

Lemar and John both look at me defeated. That the second time I've one upped them. They have no experience to be dealing with this kind of stuff.

"Who are you?" Bucky asks Lemar.

"Lemar Hoskins" he answers.

"Look, I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear I need a lot more that Lemar Hoskins" Sam says.

"I'm battlestar. Johns partner" Lemar says.

"Battlestar?" Bucky says angrily. "Stop the car!"

"Look, I...I get its, okay?" John says as Bucky hops out of the car. "I get the attitude, I do. You didn't think that the shield was gonna end up here, I get it Bucky"

"It's James to you" I scoff.

"I' not trying to be Steve" John says looking in between Sam and I. "I'm not trying to replace Steve. I'm just trying to be the best Captain America I can be"

I feel tears build up in my eyes and I try my best to fight them away.

"That's it. It'd be a whole lot easier if I had Caps wingman and Sister on my side" John adds. I scoff.

"It's always that last line" Sam says and gets up. He leaves the keep and I stand up. I glance at the shield debating if I should just take it and run. But after waht happens with Steve and Bucky, we were on the run for years. I sigh and turn to face John.

"You don't deserve that shield" I say and walk off.

"Maybe over a cup of coffee?" He jokes. I turn around and I punch him in the jaw. He groans loudly and I get out of the car and fly away. Who the fuck does he think he is?

Tears stream down my face as I catch up with Sam and Bucky who were both beaming at me.
"What?" I sniffle.

"We saw that" Sam says referring to the punch, both of them smirking at me.

"The son of a bitch deserved it" I smile innocently. Bucky hugs me and we walk back to the plane.

"Language" Sam mocks me. I roll my eyes, but couldn't fight the smile that ached it's way onto my face.

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