Couples therapy

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The three of us got on the plane and sat in silence. I laid down on the seat with my head resting on my jacket, my eyes closed. I've never felt such form of hatred towards someone. Except for Thanos of course.

Those same things I saw from my nightmares keep flashing through my head. The mask with the painted hand, I don't know what the shield has to do with it, but I have a bad feeling.

"Y/n?" Sams voice pulled me out of my train of though. I hummed in response.

"When I showed you one of the leaders of the Flag Smashers you said you've seen it before. What did you mean?" He asked. I sat up from my position and looked at him. I cleared my throat.

"Umm..." how do I explain this. "Man. These past six months have been hard. Constant worrying about something going wrong, I thought I was going crazy" I chuckled. I do that sometimes to try and ease the mood. Coping mechanisms I guess. "Anyway, I uh, started to have nightmares again. Or at least I thought I was. I would wake up with spray all over me and had trouble breathing. The last nightmare, was the first time I remembered anything. Short images. A mask with a red hand painted on it. And..." I pause. "Steve's shield with blood on it. I don't know if it's a sign or if I can see into the future" I joke. "But I have a bad feeling about this"

I notice Bucky's intense stare at the ground and I furrow my eyebrows. "You okay?" He nods slowly.

"Let's take the shield, guys" he finally says. "Let's take the shield and do this ourselves"

"We can't just run up on the man, beat him, and take it" Sam says.

"Yeah. much as I really really want to do that. Hell I almost did it before I punched that guy, but do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?" I say.

"Maybe" Buck replies.

"I'll help you in case you forgot. Sharon was branded enemy of the state, and Steve, Y/n, and I were on the run for two years. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna live the rest of my life la vida loca" Sam says.

"We just got our ass handed to us by super soldiers, and we got nothing" I put my head in my hands.

"Not entirely true" Buck says. He hops of his seat sits next to Sam and across from me. "There is someone you should meet" He looks in between the both of us. Sam and I exchange the same confused/ curious look before looking back at Buck.


Bucky took us to Baltimore, Maryland. We walked along the streets past two kids who recognized Us.

"Hey it's Y/n, and the Black Falcon" one of them said. Yeah, I don't have a cool superhero name like everyone else, don't judge me.

"It's just Falcon, kid" Sam retorts.

"No,no my daddy told me it's Black Falcon" the kid says.

"Is it because I'm black and I'm the falcon?" Sam asks.

"Well, technically, I mean yes"

"So are you, like, black kid?" Sam jokes. His friend starts laughing and Sam joints in. "I got him right"
I chuckle and shake my head. Bucky leads us to the front door of a house where the door had metal bars over it, with a lock. Bucky knocks and we stand waiting before the door opens to be an older kid.l, probably 17, or 18.

"We're here to see Isaiah" Bucky says.

"Nobody named Isaiah live here" the kid says.

"Look, we just want to talk to him"

"You must not heard what I just said. You ain't getting in this house. Y'all can leave now"

What a nice kid.

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