Running From You - Tom Hiddle...

By Monkeygurlalways

15.5K 752 93

In the next installment... Becca has been in a relationship with Tom Hiddleston for less than a week, they've... More

Darkness - Becca
Darkness - Mum
Darkness - Tom
Darkness - Dave
Gravel - Becca
Blood & Gravel - Tom
Waking - Becca
Waking - Tom
First Time
Mile High
Four Poster
Loki POV
Family - Tom & Becca
Forever - Tom & Becca

Blood - Becca

480 22 0
By Monkeygurlalways

Dave dropped the phone and it bounced off the table on to the floor.
I tried to see what made him move off me when I saw Natalie.
She was white as a sheet, groaning through her gag, blood running down the inside of her legs... The baby...

"What... What the fucks happening?" Dave was starting to panic.

She was loosing her baby and I couldn't help her, I might have hated her for what she had said to my children, but she didn't deserve this.

I tried to shuffle off the table, when Dave pulled me up and cut the bonds on my wrist and dragged me over to her, he'd left my ankles still tied though. He roughly pulled the gag out of my mouth.

"Do something" his voice was trembling.

"I... I... You need to move her off this chair and lay her down"

He cut her ropes and kicked the chair out of the way and laid her on the floor. Her groaning became even louder and tears were streaming down her face. I took the rag out of her mouth and she started screaming...

"What's happening, it hurts!, Becca help me"

I held her hand, I didn't know what to do. The blood was starting to pool on the floor between her legs.

"She needs an ambulance Dave!" I was pleading with him.

"You've had two kids, you can deal with it" he snapped back at me. When I'd had our children he wasn't even in the room.

"Dave she's loosing the baby and she's bleeding way too much, I can't help her. She needs doctors. Please!"

Natalie's hands were starting to go limp, she was in and out of consciousness. The amount of blood she was loosing, she must have been haemorrhaging.

"Dave! Dave! Fucking listen to me for once in your life!" I was screaming at him, but it was like he'd completely shut off.

Her breathing had slowed right down, "oh my god Dave, I think she's bleeding out! Dave! She's fucking dying Dave... Call a fucking ambulance!"

I held her hand tighter, leaned into her and started talking to her, "Natalie please... Please Natalie... You've got to hold on!"

The blood was now touching my legs, it was so dark, like cherry juice. She took a few more shallow breaths then stopped...A deep breath then escaped her open mouth... She went limp, like her hands completely let go and her head tilted to face me.

I started screaming...

Dave looked over, but had no emotion at all on his face... Like nothing, it was frightening. I didn't know he could be like that, so cold. He walked over and just dragged Natalie away to a bedroom and shut the door once he'd dumped her there. It was like she was a piece of meat to him, something just to get out of the way. There was a trail of blood across the carpet where he'd moved her... I looked away, I couldn't believe he was like this and I couldn't believe I'd just had someone die next to me. If he was like this with her, what the hell was he going to do with me?

"That's on you Becca" I couldn't believe what he was saying.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"It's your fault, your fault! All of its your fucking fault" He was shouting at me.

One minute he was devoid of any emotions, the next it was like he couldn't control himself. He was all over the place, like he was different people from one minute to the next.

"How is it my fault?, you hit her, you tied her up, you bought her here. This is on you!" I spat back at him.

He pulled me up by my hair and slapped me across the face. I fell backwards on to the sofa and then he was on me. I was trying to push him away, but he was so strong and much bigger than me. If only my ankles were free I could probably knee him again.
He started trying to kiss me and was ripping at my top.

All I could think about was getting back to the children, to Tom. I had to do something.

"Get off me... Stop... Dave, STOP!"
"I want you... I want you to love me like you did" he was kissing me again.

I was trying to look around for something to hit him with when I remembered the glass lamp on the small table next to the sofa. I had to shuffle up to reach it, but he was so heavy I just couldn't move.

"Becca I love you, please why won't you just say what you feel. I know you love me" he was looking directly at me in the eyes.
I had to get him to move off me, he was such a fucking psycho, the only thing I could think was to lie to him, to pretend I still loved him.

I tried to relax and put my hands on his chest, but didn't push him, took a deep breath and then looked him straight in the eyes...

"Your right Dave, I do still love you... I'm sorry... I couldn't say before...Let me show you" I pulled him down and kissed him, but I kept my eyes firmly open. He leaned back, "I knew you did".

I took my top off myself, I had to stay in control... His eyes were fixed on my breasts and it made me cringe.
"If you could untie my legs... I can show you how much I want you" I purposefully ran my tongue across my bottom lip, it fucking stung where it was split, but I couldn't show it.

He jumped back off me and pulled a pen knife out from his back pocket and cut the ties then put the knife back in his pocket. He sat back on his knees...

"Why don't you sit back here and relax... Let me take care of you like I used to" I gestured for him to sit on the sofa where I was laying, if I could just get him to sit close enough to that lamp...

I crawled off the sofa and he sat down, but ever so slightly short of where I wanted. I was going to have one chance to do this and if I fucked up I dreaded what would be the consequence.

He sat there staring at me, I could see his erection growing in his trousers. I wanted to run, just run, but I knew I'd never get out of here before he would have grabbed me. I crawled back over to him on all four staring at him. He licked his lips unconsciously and I climbed up on to him. The only thing between my skin and him was my knickers, bra and skirt.  He leaned back and I leaned into him with my breasts in his face. He ran his hands up the back of my legs under my skirt and over my bum. I had to suppress my urge to vomit as he did it. I stretched as far as I could without drawing attention to what I was doing, my fingertips were just on it. Not close enough. Fuck this wasn't working, he was going to notice.

I removed myself from his face and lent down to kiss him when my fingers felt the cable of the lamp... If I could just pull it across just enough I'd be able to grab it.

I slowly started inching it closer, I kept my eyes open whilst I kissed him. I'd managed to get the lamp close enough, I just had to get hold of it...

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