A Conflict of Duty and Heart

By Grumpytabby

499 9 18

Constance, an agent amongst her queen's special forces, is given an important assignment: keep an eye on that... More

Bit of info before we begin
A formal invitation
First Contact
The Apartment
Confusion and Conversation
Planting the Seeds of Doubt
Bonding over frogs

A light bit of reading

61 1 2
By Grumpytabby

Constance dropped the manilla envelope on her kitchen island with a huff. She'd been careful to hide her true emotions regarding this mission while in the presence of Queen Sekhmet but now that she was in the privacy of her own home she let her frustration be known. She honestly felt a little insulted, this was just an incredibly long surveillance mission with extra steps. Literally anyone else could have easily taken care of this. Normally she was tasked with things that had her play a more direct role, like tracking down and apprehending dangerous criminals.

The worst part of this whole situation was the time it would take. Six months, at least six months! She'd told Djoser that she'd try to visit five months sooner than that. Speaking of which, she should probably let him know that wouldn't be happening sooner than later. Constance pulled out her phone and flipped through her contacts before landing on Djoser's number. Her finger hovered over the call button for a moment before ultimately deciding she should wait until she'd calmed down a bit before she disappointing her brother.

Constance flopped onto her couch and buried her face in her hands, groaning loudly. It wasn't that she disliked the work she did for her queen, quite the opposite in fact she had a real passion for it. She took quite a bit of pride in the fact that she was actively helping to keep her people safe by ensuring dangerous cats went to prison where they belonged. There was also the wonderful perk that the job payed incredibly well. Her frustration stemmed from other aspects of the job.

For starters she wasn't allowed to tell anyone exactly what she did for a living. This was presumably so that those close to her didn't get targeted by anyone who had a vendetta against her or the things she stood for. That was understandable and all but it sure made it hard to explain to her family exactly why her mystery job was so important and took up so much of her time. Another thing that proved to problematic was that she was technically on call all the time, no matter what she was currently doing. She was expected to drop everything and respond immediately regardless of whether she was off of work or not.

All of this had started to take a toll on her relationship with her family and friends and let's not get started on how abysmal her love life had been recently. Actual romantic relationships didn't last very long, most of the time things tended to end because Constance's general unavailability. It looked like that wouldn't be changing any time soon now that she had to babysit some guy twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, for six months at least.

She let out a frustrated growl as she rose into a sitting position. Constance removed her hands from her face and rested them on her knees. She slowly rose to her feet, retrieved the envelope from the island, and flopped right back onto the couch. She fiddled with the metal fastener that held the envelope shut, not intending to actually open it. She toyed with it a bit before tossing it onto the coffee table in front of her and pulling out her phone once more. She could either open the envelope and start working on this job, or she could call Djoser. She didn't want to do either of those things right now but ultimately decided that doing a bit of reading would be easier than talking to her brother.

Constance opened up the envelope and removed it's contents, placing them on the coffee table in. In front of her were a couple sheets of paper, most likely containing the additional information Queen Sekhmet had mentioned, and a handful of photographs. Constance flipped through the papers first, the first of which restated the information Sekhmet had relayed to her earlier that day. The second page was much more interesting.

This page contained all the information they had already gathered on the target. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of information to work with. There was a physical description, estimated age, and his last known location but little more than that. Constance sighed with slight irritation at the lack of info and began to actually read.

The target was a tall, dull orange tom with sealpoint markings and a cream patch of fur on his chest. He was described as having green eyes and navy blue hair. He looked to be in his mid twenties, early thirties. Other things of note were the notch in his right ear and the fact that he was always seen wearing a large, red coat.

"Last seen downtown near the Primrose Cafe." Constance muttered aloud.

Constance set down the paper and picked up one of the photos. She whistled softly, this man was either very handsome or she was very lonely. It could very well be both, probably both. If it wasn't for the fact that he was likely a rebel anarchist Connie honestly might've considered taking him on a date or two. Then again, that in and of itself wasn't entirely out of the question.

Constance leaned back and considered how she was going to go about gaining this stranger's trust. After debating briefly she came to the conclusion that she would have to get a gauge on this guy's personality before she decided on anything. She decided that the best way to begin approaching this would be to stake out the Primrose Cafe where he had been sighted recently. If she was lucky he would be somewhere close by perhaps she could even make some sort of contact with him directly.

It bothered it bothered her to a certain extent that she didn't have a name to put to the face. All she could do for the moment was refer to this fellow as the man or this guy. I'd honestly the general lack of information surrounding this individual frustrated her greatly. She hated not having much to work with and subsequently not much to prepare for. She wasn't particularly fond of the thought of walking into something so important blindly.

One bit of information that fortunately was available regarded the target's enchantment status. An enchantment was a magical ability tied to the very soul of an Abyssinian. About one in every four Abyssinians were born with an enchantment. The power of each individual's enchantment varied from cat to cat. Some were powerful enough to flatten cities if left unchecked, others were as tame as sneezing bubbles.

Constance herself was one of the Mundane, an individual born without an enchantment. Quite honestly she was just fine with that. Fortunately for her the target appeared to be Mundane as well. That was a relief, this would be much easier without having to worry about any sort of magical shenanigans.

Constance returned everything to the envelope with a dejected sigh. With so few leads it was highly unlikely that she'd be able to finish this job in a timely fashion. She set the envelope aside and pulled out her phone to do a bit of her own research on the Primrose Cafe and the area surrounding it. With a bit of luck she might find something of actual use.

Several hours of fruitless research later Constance felt about ready to scream. She had found the cafe menu, it's hours, a detailed history of the building, and the autobiography of the individual who'd started the business. Was any of that of use to her? Possibly, if she'd been writing an essay for a highschool english class. She tossed her phone on the coffee table and sank into the couch, only to jump as it began vibrating with a jarring loudness on the glass surface.

Constance quickly picked up the phone and checked the caller id, it was Djoser, again. She sighed and decided to just rip the bandaid off and get this conversation over with.

"Hey Djoser."

"Hey Connie! Did I catch you at a good time this time around?"

"Yeah, I've been off work for a little while now."

"Perfect! Did you remember to request some time off like we discussed?"

"I did," Constance replied hesitantly, "but...."

"Don't tell me they shot you down again"

"Actually, that's exactly what happened."


"I'm sorry Djoser but that's just how things are!"

"If you aren't coming down next month then when are you planning to visit?"

"About that....." Constance grimaced, "I won't be able to come down for a while."

"How long exactly is a while?"

"Six months," Constance tentatively replied, "at least."


"I'm sorry, my boss insisted!"

"What could possibly be so important that they aren't able to spare you for SIX MONTHS?"

"I'm working on a really important company project and it's not something that I can take care of quickly."

"And no one else could have taken care of it?"

"I guess not apparently, I'm not exactly happy about this whole situation myself."

Constance could practically hear Djoser pinching the bridge nose in frustration.

"My boss did say that if things go smoothly for a little while I might be able to come down sooner but I'm not sure what that all entails." Constance mentioned hopefully. "I'm going to try my best to get this taken care of as quickly as I can, I promise."

"And what makes you think that they won't just assign you something else once you're done with this like they've been doing for months now?"

Constance didn't respond, she didn't have an answer for that one.

"You need to put your foot down and establish some boundaries. Let them know that you need a break after this project is done and don't take no for an answer."

"It's not that simple Djoser, I can't just tell off my boss."

"Well you need to do something! You can't just work your life away."

"I'll see what I can do." Constance promised half-heartedly.

"That's what you said this morning." Djoser replied, a hint of exhaustion creeping into his voice.

"I'm sorry Djoser, I really am." Constance apologized genuinely.

She took note of the time, it was a little past ten in the evening. If she wanted to be fully rested and alert tomorrow she should probably get to bed soon.

"I'll talk to you later okay? I think getting some sleep might do us both some good." Constance suggested.

"Alright," Djoser sighed, "but I'm serious about the whole taking a break thing. Good night."

"Goodnight" Constance repeated before hanging up, trying her best to swallow the feeling of guilt that had begun to rise in the back if her throat.

With that Constance walked over to her room and plugged in her phone before setting it on her nightstand. She quickly changed into some light pajamas before flicking the lights off and climbing into bed. As she began to drift off to sleep Constance quietly hoped that tomorrow would go at least a little smoothly.

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