Strings from The Heart (A Omo...

By Yog-sazeth

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welcome to head space More

Chapter1 Stepping into the world
Chapter 2 Friends, and the bully
Chapter 3 Uh, oh
Diet chapter
Chapter 5 Climb with me to the moon
Chapter 6 Mixtape
Chapter 7 The incredible kel
Chapter 8 It's been a while
Doodle chapter
Chapter 9 Where in the world is aubrey
Chapter 10 Simple minded
Album Covers
Chapter 11 Into the Thick of It
Doodle chapter 2
Happy (Late) Valentine's day
Happy Birthday
Chapter 12 Forcefully Wed
Chapter 13 The Wedding's Off!
Chapter 14 Ebony and Ivory
Chapter 15 The Last Resort
Chapter 16 Everything was Better
Happy Halloween
Chapter 17 Stop asking me
Merry Christmas
Chapter 18 Shards of The Past
Chapter 19 Good Morning
Happy Halloween
Merry Christmas

Chapter 4 The thing that went bump in the night

3.5K 98 79
By Yog-sazeth

3rd POV

Look at all of us...

These are all of our memories together...

They're a little sad now...

But we should be happy that they ever happened at all...

Let's make some new memories together, okay?


You see a boy sleeping in his room. What's his name?


Sunny slowly wakes up in his bed. It was still dark out. He gets up of bed and checks his phone. He sees one voice message left by his mom

"Hey sunny, it's mommy. I'm still in the city setting thing up for our new home. Did you finish packing yet? The movers are going to be at our house in a few days, so I left a list of things for you to do before they arrive. Also, sorry! Mommy messed up! I forgot to tell the electric company that we need a few extra days before we're ready to move, so the lights might cut out sometimes tonight. Anyway... I know moving to a new place can be a little nerve-wracking right now, but I think a change of scenery will be positive for both of us! I know you haven't talked to anyone in a while, but you might want to say goodbye to your old friends before he leave. Kel has been trying really hard to get a hold of you ever since we put our house up for sale. He's been calling us every week for the past few months! He seems a little lonely... Maybe you pay him a visit. Ok, that's it for now! Mommy loves you! Bye, honey!  Bzzzt"

Sunny suddenly feels a growl coming from his stomach, probably because he was hungry

He walks out of his room to find some downstairs in the kitchen

It was dark out in the hallways too, not even a strand of moonlight shown through the window

He arrives at the stairs, the long...spiraling......dark......terrifying....stairs

"Calm down sunny... There just stairs, harmless, normal stairs, stairs that you use everyday, stairs that you can slip on and fall down and die... I can't do this"

Sunny quickly makes his way back to his room and crawls into his bed. and shut his eyes

(Time skip brought to you by sunny's fears and anxieties)

Some time later, sunny woke up again and this time it was a bit more light out. Sunny got up and walked out the hall again, this time, the hall was illuminated by a eerie red light coming from the window. He cautiously made his way back to the stairs

"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down" Sunny mumbles to himself

He starts making his way down the long flight of stairs. As he was making his way down he could...feel stuff wriggling, twitching, reaching towards him, trying to get him, trying to grab him, drag him into the dark. Sunny suddenly stops. He picks up something, a knife? He looks down at the knife. It was like it's beckoning to you....Sunny shake's his head


Sunny cleared his mind and start his descend back down the stairs. As he descended he could feel the things again, they seem to be closing in closer....and closer......hand reaching out trying to wring his neck. He started to move faster trying to get away from the thing, but the thing was not going to let sunny escape that easily. It reached out it's many hands, trying to grab sunny. At this point sunny was running, terrified of the tangle of hands reaching out towards him. He kept running and running until he was caught by the.....thing

The thing was big and black, with arms sprouting out all around it. A creepy smile with a bunch of jagged teeth. Sunny was practically shaking, breath short and sharp, Head pounding, swirling with thought's, but all of them coming to one conclusion: "RUN! GET OUT OF THERE!!". He tried to run but his legs were to shaky to move. So with no other choice he pulled out his knife and prepared for battle. He slashed his knife at the thing, but the blade hit nothing, the knife just phased through the thing. Sunny slashed at the thing again and again frantically trying to hit it but nothing happened. Suddenly the thing's long arms streached outward, wrapping around sunny's neck, the grip tightening. Sunny struggled to escape the thing's grasp but his body was too weak, he couldn't breath, everything started becoming fuzzy. "This is it.." He thought. "This is where I die....""They'll find me, dead. Or will they won't even notice I'm gone?........""It doesn't matter if I'm dead................"



"Take a deep breath. Don't be afraid. It's not as scary as you think"


Sunny tried to take a deep breath. He closed his eye's and breathed. In and out....In and out.... He breath steadied, his mind cleared. He opened his eyes. He was in his house, at the bottom of the stairway. He looked around. No monster in sight. He sighed, it was all in his mind. "There was no monster trying to kill you. You were just being stupid" He said to himself. Still, he was sorta relieved. 

He walked into the kitchen and open the fridge. There was a cold piece of steak. Sunny took it out of the fridge and put it in the microwave. When the steak was done he pull it out of the microwave and started eating with the steak knife he found on the counter.

When he finished the steak sunny's stomach let out an unhappy gurgle. Something must have been wrong with the steak because his didn't take it well. Sunny, not feeling too good inside dash out kitchen, across the living room, up the stairs, and into the bathroom. Long story short: He threw up

Not feeling too hot, sunny was about to climb back into bed when-

Knock knock

He froze, someone was at the door

He cautiously made his way to the door

Knock knock

"Who's there?" Sunny ask nerviously

A voice came from the other side of the door. "Hey Sunny! It's mari!"


"I'm finally back home. bit I forgot my keys... Could you open the door?"

What was mari doing here?

"Oh, by the way, I have to ask you something"

"w     H       A        t              H         a         P      P       e       n       E        D       t       H      a       T     d     a     Y     ?"

Sunny frantically closed the door and ran up to his room and quickly climbed in to bed

His eye's darted around his room. Looking for thing that didn't look right

Eventually he started getting sleepy

His slowly started to close as his mind drifted off to dreamland


"Good night sunny..........."

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