RWBY X MALE OC A Hero From Be...

By Bryce459

386 12 4

What Would Happen if a boy found by a legendary Hero Ozma and Salem found a boy and raised him as their own... More

Yusuke Giovanna RE- Bio (Volume 1-3)
Schnider Bio
Important Please Read
Op 1

A fate UnWanted. But not a boring one to live through.

76 4 1
By Bryce459

Prologue: A Fate Unwanted. But not a boring one to live through.

(If you didn't read the son of Mavis... then I SUGGEST YOU READ IT AS THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!")

I never wanted this, and this life was not supposed to be like this... Let me start from the beginning... My name is Dante Dreyar, but when I used a forbidden move to protect my friends back home, it took the dragon and me out, and now I'm falling deeper and deeper into darkness. I'm waiting till I fade out of existence. I first saw the light.

"You're not done yet...I still need your help.." As soon as the voice said that, he could feel himself changing and feeling lighter than usual Dante looked at himself to see his body was gone! It was gone, and Dante was turned into a ball of energy.

"What the HELL!?" Dante shouted in agony as he was freaking out. He floated around and around and around, only to feel himself freeze by dark chains around him. He looked to see two figures, but one was dark, and the other was light and had deer antlers.

"Brother!? You can't be serious!? Why him!? WE DON'T NEED SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER RACE TO DEAL WITH OUR SITUATION!! WE ALREADY HAVE ONE!!!" The dark one argued.

"I know, brother, but we need all the help we can get.. you saw what happened, didn't you.. so trust in me that we both need him," The light with deer antlers said while the brother in dark energy sighed and walked away from the light brother.

"I know this is not what you wanted, and you have questions, but I must apologize for bringing you here... But we require your help..." the light brother said.

Dante couldn't hear the rest of his speech, confused and scared. He wanted to return to his world, the place, his family, but he saw the light brother and the dark brother snap their fingers, and Dante was gone and awoke to someone's voice.

Dante's eye's slowly opened to hear two figures talking as he heard himself crying,

"Wait.. did.. No...could they!? This feeling it's wrong. Why am I in a pod!?" Dante looked around and saw that this was new, yet he could feel himself losing his true self.

Dante was crying as his brain was losing himself and the memories of the family he had left behind. He was scared, more scared than anything, as he attempted to keep them no matter what, as he used his little power to save the precious memories he had left in his heart.

"Mage style - ???????" Dante thought as his last memories were gone from his mind, and he soon cried.

(replace kakort's name with Lottus or Yusuke... It depends on you)

As the pod flew through space, he looked behind him to see a massive energy ball flying toward a planet.

As he looked on as he saw the planet slowly being destroyed by the big ball of energy that looked like the fucking sun. He cried as much as he could and as loud as he did... All he saw next was a white light, then nothing.

But there was a dim light... A glimmering light shines in the distance beyond the whiteness around him.

"Wake up!!! Wake up!!!"

Around them, they're living in an apartment together. A male groaned in his sleep as he started to wake up. His eyes began to twitch and slowly opened to see a strange girl with a mix of pink and brown hair, an athletic build, and unique color eyes. He could see she was now getting changed.

The Female sees his eyes flutter, making her smile, and slowly leans in and pecks him on the lips before winking at him. As she walks to the chair across from him and sits to look at him as she begins to grab what looks like a cell phone and starts typing as she does, a voice comes out and speaks.

Female - *smile* "Morning, sleepy head, you look like you were in a tussle, sweetie. *Sigh* Are you having that dream again, love?" the voice says as she looks at him with a questionable look on her face.

The man groaned and nodded.

Man - "Yes, Neo.. but it was different.. There were these weird people, and they looked so sad...." the man shrugs off as if that issue would be dealt with later. "Good morning, Neo. If I may ask, not to be rude or anything, but why are you here? What time is it?"

The Female known as Neo looked at him as she puffed out her cheeks and began to type, and from what he heard, she was angrily pouting.

Neo - "IT'S BECAUSE I MISSED YOU, DUMMY HEAD! IS IT WRONG OF ME TO COME TO VISIT YOU EVERY NOW AND THEN!?" as she looks at him with an angry look in her eyes. The man smiles sadly and looks down as if he hates making her feel this way... "Also, the reason I came to visit is that the infiltration into the gang has begun... Torchwick has offered me a position for a job, so I... I wanted to see you, Yusuke, just one last time for a while at least...." 

The man smiled and walked over to her, and as he did, the sheets covering him were gone as he was now fully exposed with a brown tail from behind, wiggling around with every step he took.

Young Man - "Neo... please forgive me... I didn't want to make you mad that.. Is the last thing I wanted for you to feel, my beloved Minx." he said with sorry and a little happiness in his voice as he gently brushes her hair away from her eyes as they stare deep into one another.

Neo looks at him with still an angry pout as she looks away from him. The young man chuckles at her but sits down in front of her.

Young Man - "Neo.. please forgive me and how I said it... I love your visits, as seeing you makes me smile every day as you remind me that even one single action is what it takes to make a difference in someone's life.." he said as he pecked her on the cheek, making her blush-looking as if it caused her to look at him.

She types Neo - "Yusuke!" before throwing her cell phone onto the bed. She began to straddle him as he was lying on the wooden floor. She felt his little Yusuke slowly waking up, making her smirk before getting off of him and asking Yusuke to smile at her. Action as he watches her pick up the phone and type something again.

Neo - "Before I forget, Miss Sunohara... Send you some presents for your acceptance to beacon academy.

Yusuke groans in embarrassment.

Yusuke - "Mom... how did she find us!?" he yells.

Neo smirks at Yusuke.

Neo - "Oh... I had dinner with her two nights ago, but don't worry, and I made sure that Torchwick or the others didn't follow me, so she's safe."

Yusuke sighed in relief before he looked at the mirror.

Yusuke - "Neo.. would it be okay if I had a moment alone, please." he said with a bit of seriousness.

Neo looked at Yusuke, as she was a bit worried about him and judging by his tone as she typed on the phone.

Neo - *worried* "Well... okay. But... if you need me, call me, okay?" she types into her phone before vanishing into broken glasses.

Yusuke looks around and checks every inch around him to ensure he's alone.

Yusuke - "Okay... what did I see?"

"That.. my friend, is a fraction of my memories... which are yours. Strangely, it happened now during intercourse with the sundae hair girl... Wow, that Suarez sure has a flexible body~. *giggitty*"

Yusuke looked in shock as his eye twitched as the voice in his head was a pervert! Which makes him a pervert.

"You know it's true, don't you, Yusuke Giovanna~?"

Yusuke - "Okay.. ignoring the fact you called my woman hot and getting a boner... Let me ask this..what is going on... You told me that I wasn't ready.."

For a moment, it was quiet until he heard it again...

"Indeed, you weren't. We were working on the basics of fighting and ki for a while, But now, it seems the process is slowly approaching you. But rest assured, Yusuke, I won't take over nor force you to let you lose what you have due to this doing of mine. Once again, I ask you to forgive me."

Yusuke wanted to be mad... And curse him out... but what would that be? It wasn't the fault of the voice... Yusuke wanted to help ease the voice's burdens.

Yusuke - "I have to ask, what would happen to me when the process is complete?

"To be honest with you, it's different for many. As I told you, slowly, you will gain my powers and memories, but... It's different for which some could tap into a new power that even I could think of... Or it's just ki fully powered up to its Full Potential... With you, Young Yusuke, it could be different or not... That depends on the matters of the heart... Your heart, if I wasn't clear." The voice explained.

Yusuke gave in to what he heard and looked at the mirror, hoping to see the voice.

As he stares deep into the mirror, he looks to see a figure slowly appearing in the mirror.

Yusuke smiled and gave a toothy grin.

Yusuke - "I'm glad to get an image of the voice who lives in my head.

The figure shrugged and sighed before looking at Yusuke's entire body.

"I have to say... First off, nice package. Second, it PUTS SOME DAMN PANTS! I want to see Ladies naked, NOT GUYS!!"

Yusuke looked at him, shrugged, and looked at the image next to him.

Yusuke - "First off, you're in my body... A man's body means if you see what I see, then there's a chance of us seeing guys naked in a locker room... Second, there's something else, and it considers the headmaster of Beacon... How do you want to approach it?"

"Be on your guard, it is true that my past is hidden from you, but know that I want some time before I want to decide on an approach, and when it comes, I want you to be well prepared if a fight breaks out as I still have anger against that fucker!" The voice said as he looked pissed. Yusuke could tell he had some grudge against the headmaster for some reason, but he wanted to help, and if that meant kicking an older man's ass, then so be it.

Yusuke looked at himself and sighed.

Yusuke - "Hey.. umm, how about we start training after breakfast... I want to get ready for my first day!"

The voice looked at him, slowly smiled towards the daylight, and sighed as he raised his hand at the ray of light.

"You Know, Yusuke, I want to thank you once again for indulging in my request, and I know you were initially scared."

Yusuke chuckled at the voice's exaggeration.

Yusuke -"Scared!? I woke up bright and early and started my daily routine training my hand-to-hand combat, making breakfast for my mom and me, going to school dreaming of becoming a huntsman and making some friends, and creating bonds like my momma and father had made." Yusuke said as he started to put some clothes on.

 Yusuke - "But one day, I came across a girl with long yellow hair and a body that would make me and many men drool getting harassed; I wanted to help, and that involved me jump-kicking the man in the face... And let me tell you... He was a pro at kicking my shit, and even the girl tried to help, but she was held back by, I suppose, his friends... But as I was getting the shit kicked out of me... I felt this surge of power flowing into me. And that rush made me grab his leg before it kicked me in the gut, crushed it, then tossed him through 20 concrete walls!!" Yusuke said.

"He lived, didn't he!?"

Yusuke sighed and nodded.

"He did, but I'm saying it terrified me. It scared me for good reasons, but when we first met... Or in this case, a dream version of me, it explained to me little by little each time. And when I freaked and screamed, you left to give me room to breathe... Do not rush first and tell me to do this or that... But you gave me time to absorb this new information. Then when I thoroughly listened to you... you said you could help me control this surge of power that you called ki. But in return, you asked me to help you with a task...."

"Yes, I remember Yusuke... I asked you to train and stop the person controlling the Grimm, and for you to do that... You would need to master ki and train your body and mind, and while I was training you, you found that minx called Neo Politan."

"Yeah.. it was the 3rd day of training. I had already mastered summoning a ball of energy, and it was time to learn to fly, and learning and doing are way different, but as I was concentrating all around me, I sensed a ki that was dying and weak. I rushed to find it only to see a girl about my age, alone and scared. She was wearing a white dress and a unique eye color, and it looked so beautiful that I was in a trance when I opened my hand. She pushed it away, but I carried on, placed my hand on her stomach, closed my eyes, and did my first energy transfer. When she was done, my hand was still on her chest, and she fucking slapped me. And let me tell you about what my previous half-power was, and that being the first transfer, I was drained, and that slap didn't help!" Yusuke yelled out,

"Well, it worked, and you lived! But didn't she slowly come around to you, huh?"

"In time, yes... It took 20 days for us to be friends and ten days for me to bring her food and clean clothes for her to talk to me in her way. But on the 10th day, I woke up to see she was cuddling against me, and let me say my mother was happy that I found a girl."

"Well, look at that, see you're getting your wish granted, you got a woman and a friend, and who knows, maybe you can meet that sexy long yellow hair woman or that cat Faunus! Meow!!!"

"Maybe, but I only met the blond four times, mostly me freezing up just to talk to her, and as for the cat faunus... I don't know where she is...but I want to say thank you for everything, my friend." Yusuke said as he walked downstairs, where he saw Neo cooking breakfast.

"I had a little help, but your determination drove you to your current strength. I may have given you some power, but it was your will to succeed, don't just say you had nothing to do with this part... Now go... Enjoy your day with your lady but know that when she is gone... The real training starts now."

Yusuke nodded as he went behind Neo, hugged her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. Making Neo smile as she kissed back.

Meanwhile, at Beacon Academy...

At the top of the school building, a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and light brown eyes. He has a pale complexion and sharp facial features, black eyebrows, and he wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a buttoned vest and green shirt, and he also wears black trouser shoes, long, dark-green pants, and an addition to his cane. His name is Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy.

Ozpin was observing around Vale and stumbled across a video where Yusuke released his energy burst to save Yang from danger. Ozpin is intrigued by that young man's abilities and talents. Ozpin drinks his coffee from his favorite mug.

Ozpin: Hmm... interesting.

Ozpin hears an elevator on the top floor and opens it to see a middle-aged woman.

Middle-aged Woman: Ozpin, any news in Vale?

Ozpin: Why yes, Glynda, I have. Take a look at this video.

Ozpin reveals the middle-aged woman named Glynda Goodwitch. She's a middle-aged woman with very light blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes are bright green, and she wears thin ovular glasses. She has dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar.

She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top with a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs flared in pleats at the wrist. A black high-waisted pencil skirt covers her lower body with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She wears black boots with bronze heels and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back. Above this line of beads appears an emblem of a tiara that is her symbol.

Video playback

"Leave him alone!!!" The girl says as she begins beating down the friends holding her. But as she does, the guys and young woman stop when they feel the ground shake a little.

The visual changes position to another angle where we see the guy kicking Yusuke in the stomach but stops as a hand grabs it, and Yusuke's eye slowly changes color as he looks at him with curiosity before punching him in the gut sending him crashing into walls leaving the two friends and the blonde shocked he did that.

Yusuke looked at his hands while shaking and was surprised to see his power. But turns to the others he smirks at them.

"It would be wise for you both to leave while I still have a shred of kindness, but let me be blunt, if you even talk to her or even suggest something uncouth, I will find you and make sure that what makes you men gets ripped out slowly and painfully!"

End playback video (with a pause)

Ozpin stopped the video and zoomed in on Yusuke's change of eye color as they were flashing in and out as if it was temporary. He looks at him carefully and gasps as he looks at him with shock, and that surprise knocks over his papers.

Ozpin - "Could it be?

Ozpin looked into Yusuke's eyes on the monitor and could swear he's seen that before, but he was interrupted by Glynda's voice.

Glynda - "Oz? Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

Ozpin composed himself, looked at the video, nodded, and turned to his assistant.

Ozpin - "It's nothing, Glynda, just.. Lost in thought, is there anything more to Mr. Giovanna?" Ayka Sunohara.

Glynda - "Mr. Giovanna lived in an apartment; he's with his mother, Ayka Sunohara, recently a widow. His father died in a Grimm attack trying to save his friend. Currently, in a spiral academy and works part-time at Dust in a Shop bookkeeping. No details on friends or hangouts... Only that he keeps his mother safe and helps out anyone who needs it."

Ozpin - "I see. Go to him, and have him enroll in this academy."

Glynda bows halfway as she nods to him, "Understood. I'll go to him right now," she says as she walks off into the elevator, leaving him alone to his thoughts.

Ozpin - "If I'm right about this.. It could help turn the tides.. But.. could I reason with him... would he understand why...and if I had seen it.. Would she sense it..." he asks himself as he pulls up a photo of Yusuke Giovanna's video's as well as any recent battle clips from the academy.

Ozpin soon stands up from his chair, stares at the glass window, and sighs as he looks at the sun slowly rising as it shines through his window and on the statue.

Ozpin - "May the gods forgive me... And may my past forgive me... for what comes next if I'm right about what is to come." he says as he walks away to review the following few applicants.

A few hours later...

Neo had just left after an eventful breakfast, and accurate to the voice's words after Neoploitien left, the agent began the rigorous training to get his body used to the power he would someday achieve. And throughout the exercise, Yusuke had gained a better handle on ki and used it to fly to new heights, but as he trained, something began to enter.

"Dodge!!!!" a voice said as a punch was thrown at Yusuke's face. The mysterious figure was trying to land a hit on Yusuke, but he was successfully countering the attacks that the figure made. 

3 hours earlier

Yusuke was now in his training gi, which consisted of an orange sleeveless gi and blue work pants; he slowly moved his left hand near his gut and moved his right arm up as he smiled. 

"Let's go. Round 2," he said as he called upon the ki aura that surrounded him and pressed on to see how much he could reach as he wanted to know how much further he could advance.

"Because this power is only a fraction... If I had to say, it's about only 20% of the power, which is your current limit... unlike others. You are still young, and your aura is limited to what you can do now."

Yusuke nodded and looked at what appeared before him and looked at it with a weird look.

Yusuke - "Um... what is this?" he asked with curiosity as he saw a man with an athletic build.

"This is what you call a spiritual projection, a manifestation of an image I created to test your physical capabilities, in standard terms, if he punches you. You feel it... U punch him, he'll feel it."

Yusuke looked at the figure and nods

Yusuke - "So basically, I learn by feeling pain, right?"

"Well, look at that..., and here I thought I was going to need pictures for you...." he said as he looked at the figure before he was punched in the jaw by the constitution.

"Keep up your hands... A fighter must be ready for anything and everything, anticipate your opponent, and predict their next moves before they make it."

Yusuke groans as he rubs his jaw. The figure taunting him with a silent grunt towards him was pissing him off.

"Did you have to give him an attitude?"

The voice said nothing, but Yusuke could tell he was smirking at the punch the figure did. Yusuke slowly got up and readied himself again before trying again, but this time attacked first with some good hits, but the figure blocked them with just one hand.


Yusuke was now panting as he was getting tired, but he wanted to keep going as he tried to help the mysterious voice in his head, and if he needed to go through this, he would go all out for himself and for himself to show him that he will give this training everything he had.

Yusuke looked at him, and out of nowhere, he screamed and unleashed a new form of power.

The figure stopped and looked at Yusuke's energy swirling around him, then nodded excitedly before rushing in with his power...

While the figure looked at Yusuke's power with awe, he was surprised that he could unlock a new ki power with determination.


Glynda was mentally preparing herself to see this Yusuke kid for herself as she had seen the video that Oz had shown her, but this will be her first face-to-face with him.

"Okay.. so I have to be cautious of what I say and how I am... as this could be an elaborate hoax or something more to this... but one thing is for sure, Ozpin seems keen on enrolling this student... I need to learn more about him and see if he's like that ruby fellow.

As she knocks on the door, but as her knuckle approaches the door, she hears a grunt coming from inside. As she stopped to listen to the grunt, she thought they head first and burst into the door, and what she saw made her blush as she saw Yusuke shirtless and half naked and wearing nothing but blue pants that looked torn up.

Yusuke looked at her with a smile and waved.

"Good afternoon. Would you mind closing the door, please? I want to get dressed if you don't mind; I would rather not get peeped on," he said with a smile.

Glaynda stammered and quickly shut the door.

"When you're done..."

Before she could finish, he was already changed and slightly bowed to her in a manner of respect and courtesy.

"Forgive me... I was in the middle of a training regime my trainer suggested I do... It helps me prepare for the next part of my training., but what can I help you, Miss Glynda.." Yusuke said with a smile on his face.

Glynda looked at him skeptically but sighed as she knew that it was her job to talk to him and see what Ozpin saw in him.

"Mr. Giovanna, you are invited to meet with Ozpin tomorrow morning. Please report to this location and do not be late." She said before she left in a hurry.

Yusuke looked at her with confusion before the voice was talking to him as he looked at the letter of the invite.

"This is strange... I'm not too fond of it... there has to be more than what the big busty woman had.."

Yusuke looked at the letter and smiled as he ignored the voice and smiled.

"You're happy, aren't you.."

"Well yeah!!!! Sure, it's probably a lure to learn about me or you. But still! I'm going to Beacon!!!!"

Yusuke said with a smile on his face.

The voice sighed but smiled as he was happy to see him. This excited he knew what this meant for him and his mother as they were good people, and he hoped the family would be safe.

"Okay, Yusuke, I understand you are happy, but let's focus on this last bit of training; I feel you are close to perfecting your ki attacks. So from the top... "The voice said as he began to train him once again.

Yusuke smiled as this was his first step into the world of training huntsmen. Sure, there was more to this than the voice let on. But he didn't care... he wanted to help the vote, and that's precisely what will do.

The next day

Yusuke was getting his stuff ready as he was getting ready to leave for Beacon Academy. Since this was just an invitation, he only took a few things: a gi, some clean clothes, and a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Still, as he left, he looked back at his apartment, smiled, and waved as he began running towards his destination, where he saw others getting on board the Bullheads. As he walked on board, he considered an open seat near the aircraft's left side and took a seat. As he closes his eyes, he begins to close his eyes in hopes of gathering his thoughts.


Yusuke shrugged at the voices yelling at him for riding an aircraft.

"Look, if I go flying out in the open, it will raise questions, and well, I would rather not be hunted down by reporters or the student... if I do... It is better to be friends or to team up. Rather than about my powers or how I can," Yusuke responded as he mentally talked to the voice.

As he rested, a girl wore a black, buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high-necked crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on each leg, emblazoned with the YKK logo of the real-life Japanese zipper manufacturer. She also wears black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. Her emblem is visible on the outside of both thighs, just below her shorts in white.

 On her left arm is a black detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose, black scarf is wrapped around her neck, and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair. She often keeps her weapon attached to the magnetic bag when not using it. A black ribbon is tied with a large bow on her head.

"That... guy. He looked familiar, yet as the Cat Faunus looked at Yusuke, she couldn't help but get a sense of familiarity from him... but against her judgment, she decided to look closer... she could tell just by the look at him he was strong. Yet, there was something about him... he gives off a fighter experience, and yet he has the presence of a newborn who hasn't seen a war or a battle in his life."

??? - "Just what are you?" she asked in a questionable tone.

Yusuke, being focused, didn't hear, but the other guy did.

Back in Yusuke's mindscape,

Yusuke was busy training with the same guy he did yesterday. This time he was practicing his level of kai, from standard to what he calls ki oh ken; according to the voice, it is supposed to up his physical strength and kai ability, but it causes some damage to him as well, depending on how high he goes...

"So remember that Cat Fanus, yeah, she's looking at you closely... how do you want to respond, lover boy.." he said teasingly at Yusuke, who was blushing but trying to keep his cool.

Yusuke - "I'll take care of it... calmly with a hint of smooth.." Yusuke said calmly before he slowly faded from the realm of the mindscape, leaving the man and the voice alone.

"He's going to mess up badly, isn't he..."

"Most definitely..."

As Blake looked at Yusuke more closely, she felt a twitch in her ears as if she knew he would wake up.

As Yusuke's eye twitched, she quickly backed away, sat on his left side, pulled a book from her back, and acted like she was reading.

Yusuke slowly opened his eyes and stretched out his arms and legs as he yawned.

"Man, that was good, stretch" He looked around but saw nothing. Looking to his left, he saw a black-haired girl reading a book. The title was called a Man of two souls.

"A man with two souls, Maybe. That's like me and the voice." Yusuke thought to himself as he looked at her... she looked so gorgeous with that milky tone skin and those yellow-amber eyes... She looked like the gods themselves created her.

"NO! STOP IT, Yusuke! If Neo found out.. (shivers), she would kick my ass and make sure I would pay... But... that girl. I sense something familiar about her... but I don't know why.

After a few seconds of staring at her... he decided to talk to her

Yusuke - "Umm, Hi umm *shivers* my name is Yusuke Giovanna, and I'm a first-year student (Well, soon to be if I pass the old geezer's test)," Yusuke whispered.

Usually, she doesn't speak to strangers. Still, something compelled her to, whether it was her thinking from reading the book or his sense of aura around him making him different than the rest she met, but she decided to trust her gut and talk to him.

Blake - "Blake... Black Belladonna, I'm sorry, but I was curious about you... you have the presence of a fighter, yet your company has a different feeling, like a kind person.

Yusuke looked at her and smiled.

Yusuke - "You don't say... well, like my dad always says... You should never judge a book by its cover 'cause it may surprise you."

Blake nodded.

Blake nodded at this but was determined to ask more to find out if there was more to learn. What this feeling told her was that she would feel safe...

But before she could do that, there was a voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Beacon Academy. Please prepare for landing.

Yusuke looked at Balke and smiled as he gave her a slip of paper. That paper had his number.

Yusuke - "When we have time, we should chat more.. I would love to talk about the book you were reading..." he said with a smile.

Blake looked at him and nodded.

Blake - "Me too, Yusuke.. well take care..." she said as she walked away.

As the bullhead landed, he looked around and smiled joyfully as he was here! He was really at Beacon Academy!

As he first took his first step into the new adventure. A bundle of rose petals shoved him. He quickly saw that it was a mini bundle of a tornado that pushed him off.

???: () Ohmygosh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword! () Ow! Ooww!

??? - "Easy, Ruby.. they're just weapons." said the older girl with blond Geroguos hair with a body that looked hot as all hell. 

Ruby: 'Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves, Yang! They're a part of us! Oh, they're fantastic!" she said enthusiastically in her voice.

Yusuke looked at her curiously, wanting to learn more about these weapons.

Yusuke - "Um, excuse me...." He said with a lower voice as he approached the two girls.

Ruby - "ahhhhh, stranger danger!!!" Ruby screamed in horror as she was scared at the muscular dashing ... wait, dashing, why am I thinking about him that way.

Yang - "Oh... It's you. Been a while, huh, Mr brute.."

Yusuke was shocked that she. The woman that he saw was unreachable and called him a brute. But it didn't sound negative when she called him that. So maybe he was joking.

Ruby looked at him with a deeper look. He looked lovely and nervous, making her feel a bit calmer now.

Yusuke looked at her and her weapon, which looked like a synth. He took a deep breath and calmly talked to her.

Yusuke - "Ruby, was it... I meant to talk to you more... about the weapon being like a being of yourself... just what did you mean by that?"

Ruby looked at him in awe as she could see it now. Ruby rose to take on an apprentice of her own, molding him to be a master of weapons.

Ruby snickered and looked at him.

Ruby - "You see, a weapon tells a person and yourself who you are and what you can do. For me, it's a crescent rose... The weapons that remind me of summer rose... My mom, she was a strong mom... The way she wielded her weapon with honor and courage in my dad's story, it wanted me to be like her... A hero and a huntress."

Yusuke looked at her and smiled.

Yusuke - "You know, Ruby. I was wondering if you were not busy you could help me with my weapon when I decided to go look for one, who knows when I do find a weapon, I'll be able to be like a hero that saves everyone with a smile on my face" he said with a smile on his face.

Ruby didn't know why, but how he smiled and talked made her feel safe around him like she could do anything and he'll be there.

Ruby - "I would be happy to. Yusuke," She said with a smile on her face.

Yang: Well, look at that, you made a new friend, and he's your first..." She snickered at her joke as it made Yusuke and Ruby blush, making them think of naughty birds and bees.

(sure, just because he's been with Neo doesn't mean he doesn't get nervous around girls..")

Yusuke was blushing bright red as he didn't understand it very well. But I chuckled nonetheless.

Yusuke - "Listen, I'll catch you guys later!" he said as he ran towards what looked to be the tallest tower. Ruby waved goodbye, Yang didn't as she didn't feel like she could, but she wanted to, but for some reason, she couldn't wave back.

Yang - "Next time." she said to herself before talking to Ruby again.

"You know you surprised me, Yusuke."

Yusuke looked confused as he continued running towards the tower to meet with Ozpin.

"What do you mean?" he asked, avoiding people and running towards the front door.

"What I mean is that I thought you were going to make a total fool of yourselves, but you didn't, and look at that, you made three new girlfriends." the voice said teasingly.

Yusuke scorched at that comment.

Yusuke - "Yang, Ruby, and Blake are not my girlfriends, but neither are my friends yet, so I can't say that for certainty.. Now, what is the plan for Ozpin?" he asked the voice inside his head.

"Don't screw up... if I'm right, then we should play our hand right and not reveal too much, as I feel that Oz will have his way one way or another. But all I can say is.. Do what you think is right, and I will support you all the way."

Yusuke nodded as he walked through the front door, where he bumped into Glynda Goodwich.

Yusuke blushed and smiled.

Yusuke - "Hello, Miss Glynda; how are you?" Before he could finish, a riding crop hit him on the head.

Glynda - "Mr. Giovanna, right on time.. Come, Ozpin is waiting for you." she said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the elevator.

Ozpin Office

Ozpin looked down at the students walking around, talking to one another, and smiling until he looked to the bottom left to see a girl in a red hood sneezing, causing an explosion.

Ozpin - "Huh, that's quite a first impression." he said as he took a sip from his mug. As he heard the elevator ding, he looked across from him to see Glynda escorting Yusuke to a chair.

Yusuke looked around the area as he walked to the chair to see all the cog pieces, each turning like an interpretation of life. Each has its piece to fit in place and does its duty to keep it moving.

Yusuke - "So... what is this place? Is this like an office, or do you like to damage your eardrums? Seriously, we are in an office of cogs that click clank... How can you still hear, let alone not go insane."

Ozpin chuckles as Glynda growls in anger at the disrespectful saying to Ozpin. But before she could do anything, Ozpin shook his head as if he knew what she was doing.

Ozpin then walked forwards to Yusuke to take a better look at him as he stared into his eyes as if trying to find what he saw on the video monitor, but nothing came except Yusuke being freaked out and nervous as hell.

Yusuke - um, I need an adult.

Ozpin chuckled

Ozpin chuckled before speaking.

Ozpin - "*CHUCKLES* forgive me. I saw something that I saw on the video. During your little escapade when the men kicked you to the ground."

Yusuke looked at him and shook his head

- "Umm, I didn't hurt them that much and -"

Ozpin - "Well, you sent one through the wall, which broke a few ribs and damaged his head, leaving a small scar and his friends with broken hands. So tell me, how is that not hurting."

Yusuke looked at him and chuckled nervously - "They're still breathing?" he said nervously as he didn't know what to say next as he was afraid of the worst.

Ozpin - "You know, I was surprised at that's all they got..." he said, which surprised him and Glynda.

Yusuke - "Um. Sir?"

Ozpin - "Well, given how far you threw the first guy, I was surprised he was still breathing, alone alive, and with just a scar and a few ribs broken.

Yusuke - "I didn't mean to hurt him that bad... *makes a fist* I was just.. Trying to help out Yang." he said sadly.

Ozpin nodded

Ozpin - "Ahh yes... Miss Zaoi Long said, "He was like a blur... one moment he was quivering and being defensive, the next he came and took them down in a flash." I have to say. Though your score was impressive on the written portion, the fighting came to a low score... But after that incident, your fighting score exceeded Miss Nykos's."

Yusuke chuckled.

"Oh.. um, it was because I had a great teacher at school, and I trained under the best I could afford," he said, scratching his head.

Ozpin smiled and nodded.

Ozpin "I'm sure you did, given your mother's situation.." Ozpin said. I was once told that Yusuke's calmness and nervousness were gone and replaced with a severe tone change in Yusuke.

Yusuke - "What do you mean Ozpin?"

Ozpin - "Well, given that she's a widow due to your father, her husband was killed due to him saving some lives." he said with curiosity and surprise.

Yusuke didn't like him talking about his father like that when his father did the best he could to save the town they lived in.

Yusuke - "Please, sir.. Don't talk about my father like that." he said while trying to keep his rage in check.

Ozpin - "Why? He should have let the huntsmen deal with it or the police? They had the training! They had the tools... all your father did was have a heart and not talent-" he said before he was punched in the face by Yusuke.

Yusuke looked at him angrily as his eyes slowly changed to emerald green.

"I can handle you talking about me. How do you think I'm no good? But when you insult my father... The man who taught me what it means to help people... I don't care who you are. You can be a noble, king, queen, or even god himself, but... I WON'T JUST SIT HERE AND LET YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT MY FATHER OZPIN!!!" he shouted as he released a tremendous amount of aura and ki energy, making Glynda shake and Ozpin trembles in fear, but he remained calm as best he could. But once he saw him, he couldn't help but feel fear for this boy as his assumptions were correct, and now it was taking him down.

Glynda was about to attack as she was charging for an attack, Ozpin shook his head and calmly pressed a button on his staff, and an energy barrier surrounded the enraged Yusuke. He looked around to see himself encased in a sphere like that.


Yusuke shouted in anger as he started to punch the green barrier.

Ozpin looked at him with awe and walked around him as he continued hitting the barrier, and as he did, he began to talk to Yusuke.

"Yusuke... you should know that my semblance powers this barrier, an unbreakable barrier meant to trap them in. or protect," Ozpin said confidently. 

Yusuke looked at him angrily as his eyes slowly changed color as he held out his hand; as he did, his power grew more robust, and the building started to shake from its core.

"You are right.. Barrier is strong, but... is it strong enough to withstand this!?" he asked as he started to scream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" he screamed out as the power was growing around him and the barrier started to make a crack. As the intensity grew and his punches were warring it out, it was as if he was getting stronger as every second passed.


Below the office, the entire school and faculty could feel the tremble as the tables, the chairs, and almost everything shook. Some called in panic remained calm, and were ready for a fight. But the school staff reassured the student that this was just the building's clocks in Ozpin's office on the fritz.

But a few students were skeptical about this as some wondered what was causing this rumbling and what felt like power or something shaking the school.

Elsewhere far away,

A woman was sitting in her throne room, tending to the weird monsters around her as they approached her and either sat or bowed their heads to her.

But something got her eye. A lone pup was howling at the moon, and soon another and another and another until all were howling at the scarlet moon. It was as if they were either calling out to someone or responding to a howl they heard from far away.

The woman looked at this closely, curious about it, but remembered that they only roared when he summoned his power.

???? - "It can't be..." she said in shock as she snapped her fingers to which she summoned a man with a buff build and a clean haircut as he grunted and bowed to the woman.

??? - "Hazel, I need you to go and find this phenomenon and see if he's special."

The man known as Hazel looked at her with a questionable look, folded his arms, and looked at her while still on his knee.

Hazel - "But Mistress, if I may, why does it matter if I may? Aren't we supposed to look for the maidens and the relics?" He said with such confusion that he didn't understand his mistress' thinking and didn't think this was a concern of his or his mistress' time.

??? - "It does matter to me as this boy could be a great help to you and me..." she said with a smile as she calmly walked up to him, looked at him, and placed her left pointer finger on his chin.

Hazel - "Ummm. Salem," he said nervously as he didn't know what to do and was scared.

Salem - "Now listen very closely, I want you to find him and bring him to me, use any means if you must, but I want him alive!" she yelled as hordes of black claw hands game from the ground and pulled him to both of his knees making him bow to her and proving that he is not to kill him.

Hazel - "Ehhh, understood, Mistress." he said as he squirmed around, trying to break free but was unsuccessful.

Salem eventually let him go as he slowly backed away before walking out of her throne room, leaving her alone.

Salem - "So you've finally resurfaced. I wonder which one of you has resurfaced?" she asked as she walked back to her throne and sat down, contemplating what was happening and what she previously felt.

Salem - "It matters not, cause sooner or later you will come seeking me like you always have; one way or another, you will come to me." she said to herself as she looked at her ceiling.

Meanwhile, back at Beacon,

Glynda and Ozpin were still unable to move as Yusuke continued to unleash more of his power, creating a wind barrier that prevented them from moving any closer.

Yusuke was yelling in power as his hair slowly transformed into a blonde. Still, it was going on and off repeatedly.

Ozpin looked in shock, knowing he would have to stop this before bringing the grim with this negative emotion. He hurt the students and faculty with his power, or worse, and she will come to him.

Ozpin knew what to do, and he hoped and prayed to the brothers that this would work. He pressed a button on his staff, deactivating the barrier that kept Yusuke in a small area.

Once Yusuke saw his chance, he saw that this was the perfect opportunity to rush to Ozpin and fly at him with anger in his eyes and proceeded to grab Ozpin by the throat and started to choke him.

Glynda was about to interfere but was stopped by Ozpin as she was now being blocked from stopping this.

Yusuke - "Ozpin, suffer pain... Hurt!!!" he screamed while he squeezed Ozpin's throat harder and harder, ensuring that Ozpin had a slow and painful end to his life.

Ozpin - "If... this keeps up, I won't worry about the grim, but Yusuke killing the students," Ozpin thought to himself as he was trying to come up with a plan to calm him down, but he thought of something that could work "If I can use my cane I could positively calm him down and maybe speak to him one on one."

Ozpin used his quick thinking, his cane, and every ounce to hit Yusuke's Heart, making a green feeling between their hearts as it connected their souls.

As the light brightly flashed, Ozpin saw nothing but pitch black, but his vision changed. As soon as he could, a cage below him looked like water.

Ozpin slowly stood as he slowly gained his balance; he saw multiple doors, each had something written down, but he could barely make it out. One thing stood out among the rest... a big ass cage. Inside he could feel something powerful and dangerous. 

As Ozpin took a closer look, he saw what looked like eyes, and when he moved closer, he saw that it was an ape. And it was screaming from within the cage; he slowly moved away and looked around, and began to speak as he shouted out his sentence,

"Yusuke, Forgive me as this was my fault; I pushed you too far and said things I'm not proud of, but Yusuke, please understand I didn't mean to push you this far... but know I'm deeply sorry for the pain and hurt I caused you but if you don't calm down then everyone in this academy will die," Ozpin said as he shouted as best he could. And before he knew it, he saw a figure standing before him.

Ozpin - "Who are-" the strange figure cut him off

??? - "I'll help you this one time Ozma.. but if you decide to make my partner mad again... I won't stop him from destroying your fucking school or you!" he shouted before he summoned a gust of wind, pushing him out of the area and back into the real world.


3rd pov

Ozpin was thrown to the floor and landed hard on his ass.

Glynda - "Ozpin!!" she shouted before she ran to him, checking if he was okay.

Glynda - "Are you all right?" she asked in concern as she studied his body to make sure it was fine, but the only thing she found was just a scratch, and there wasn't any depletion to his aura that was protecting him.

Ozpin, however, greatly gasped as he looked around and was a bit startled at what he just saw, but as he regained his senses, he slowly stood up with the help of Glynda.

Ozpin - "Thank you... I am fine... What happened?"

Glynda looked at him and then at the Dust around the other half of the room, covering Yusuke completely.

Glynda - "Well, the damage it did was significant but repairable, but there are cracks above and below, but no one was hurt but...*looks at where Yusuke was last scene* Mr. Giovanna is unknown but calmed down.

Then before she could speak more, a voice was heard from the Dust.

Yusuke - "Forgive me.. Ozpin, but" as the Dust cleared, showing Yusuke in a new form. His aura was calm yet terrifying, but it was breathable for Ozpin, Glynda.

Yusuke looked at him with a serious look as if he was different. His muscle build was more biff but not much, and it looked tight as fuck!...

Yusuke - "Apologize, Ozpin, but... I take my family very seriously, especially regarding my dad, Oz." He said as he looked at them with a rugged look.

Glynda was pissed off, but Ozpin held his smirk as he calmly walked to him and reached out his hand.

Ozpin - "Forgive me, Mr. Giovanna, as I never meant to go this far, let alone to this severe, but Mr. Giovanna, please understand.-"

Yusuke - "Understand... UNDERSTAND!? You told me that my father wasted his life for nothing! And he should have stood there and done nothing; he should have watched everyone die! Meaning the people would have lost their loved ones, their friends! At least he saved people, and should tell the people that one person can make a difference, that we can be our heroes!" he said with determination and feeling that he believed his father was his hero... He showed him that it only takes one to make a difference.

Ozpin looked at him as he closed his eyes and remembered when there was a time that he remembered someone like that .. who would do the impossible sure, he had powers but no training, and yet they made a difference. So he could understand where he was coming from.

Ozpin - "Yusuke, my boy, forgive me... As I know what it means to look up to someone. Forgive me, and let me be the first to welcome you to Beacon Academy if you'll join.

Yusuke looked at him with curiosity as he was shocked and skeptical as he took the words of the voice to heart... And wondered how far he would go.

Yusuke - "On two conditions; the first is for my mom... I want you to help my mother with her bills and ensure she is financially safe and protected, and I don't want anyone to hurt her."

Ozpin - "I'll arrange to move her to a well-secured place. What is the second condition?" Ozpin asked as he wondered what the boy had in mind.

Yusuke smiled as he looked at him.

Yusuke - "I don't want you to spy on me or my friends, and that goes for my mother as well!" he said with determination.

Ozpin nodded.

Yusuke slowly reached out his hand, and Ozpin shook it.

Ozpin - "Then Welcome to Beacon Academy Yusuke Giovanna... and if I may.." as he walked to his desk and pressed a button. "Bring them up," he said before he let off the switch.

Yusuke looked at him with a questionable look, as he could hear a doorbell ring out and looked behind him. He could listen to the dings of the elevator and the sound of something coming up.

As the door to the elevator opened, two men came out of the elevator as they both walked out and stopped when they reached the center.

??? - "Dang.. fuck Oz... You seriously made the brat mad? It made a mess of the classrooms with that tantrum the kid did. The whole school felt that rumble! But I have to say. Not bad, but next time, try not to do it in the school rookie. " said the tall man with long unkempt white hair, blue eyes, and black bushy eyebrows.

?? - "Seriously, Schneider, calm down. Ozpin wanted to test him to see if he would join our covert group. So did he pass Ozpin, Sir?" Said the man with a mix of blue hair on the sides, black on the top, and weird things on his body that looked like Dragon Scales covering his face, neck, and arms.

Ozpin smiled and nodded as he sat on his chair.

Ozpin - "Ahh, Mr. Cain Draiga, I'm glad you and Mr. Schneider could make it up here.." As he looked at Yusuke and smiled at him.

Yusuke - "Who in the hell are they!?"

Ozpin - "They are your new Teammates you will be leading."


I know this took a while to get the post, and I appreciate everyone who's read my stories and my announcements, the readers who added my stories to their reading list, those who commented on them, and those who favorited my chapters.

You are the ones who help me get through every chapter... motivate me to create exciting chapters, and push me to be better. So I thank you, and I'll promise to continue writing the chapters and story as much as possible!

ShadowFlame21Thank you for your oc, and I promise to make him the fullest he can be in this story!

Please comment on who he should spend time with more.. as his life will get Bizzare 

1) Ruby

2) Yang

3) Blake


5) someone from a particular world (for more clarity, pm me)

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