Act Three ✷ Misc

By eImstreets

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eek eek eek! πŸ”ͺ Β© eImstreets misc / spam, rants, etc More

call jenny for a good time
this scene was so powerful
singular act ii stans wya
just bros being bros 🌈
billy hargrove antis wya
why is biphobia so normalized
acotar characters as b99 memes
just me hyping up sabrina again
we sue at dawn who's with me
important message
rachel zegler my new bff
ilysmrz (i love you so much rachel zegler)
here's a funny story for no reason
don't forget the meaning of christmas
mean girls on bway
spread some positivity 🌞
study buddies characters as b99 quotes
why #alllivesmatter is wrong
study buddies characters as parks & rec quotes
mgg is an ass and here's the proof
my fav scenes in my fav movies
recommend me fics besties
black lives will always matter
rosie in the canon!mcu - a one shot
sneak peek @ study buddies chapter 62
sambucky stuff bc march 19th pls hurry
random screenshots of texts i find funny for some reason
so study buddies is #1 in tomholland
study buddies characters as the good place quotes
less than 3 hours til tfatws bay bee!!!
tfatws episode 1 thoughts (spoilers duh)
tfatws ep 2 is so gay (spoilers ahead)
sambucky nation we r being fed (spoilers)
sambuckies i am requesting ur help
about the sambucky one shots
tfatws ep 3 said "serotonin time!" (spoilers)
top 20 fav mcu duos (bet u know who #1 is lol)
tfatws episode 4?!?! UM?!?! (spoilers)
ranking mcu movies bc kas told me to
men r stinky men r bad men r no good
omg i'm thriving
scisaac and sambucky parallels!!!
characters i believe aren't straight (part 1)
characters i believe aren't straight (part 2)
tfatws episode 5 supremacy!! (spoilers)
let's talk about kylo ren/reylo
tfatws shitposts + s1 finale predictions
my very last tfatws reaction chapter... (spoilers)
the Bs in bucky barnes stand for bisexual (tfatws spoilers)
sambucky content dump πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨β€ΌοΈ (tfatws spoilers)
top 10 fav teen wolf characters!!
top 10 fav teen wolf ships πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©
top 10 fav twilight saga characters πŸ§›πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸΊπŸ€!!
my top twenty fav gay ships! yay 4 fruity!
top twenty once upon a time characters!!
my top ten fav scream characters πŸ”ͺπŸ‘»
exposing my drafts !!
top 10 final girls πŸ”ͺ🩸
FINALLY my top fifteen harry potter characters!!
my top ten fav dcoms 🀩
top 10 fav disney channel shows <3
top ten animated disney movies mwah
ranking the star wars movies πŸͺ
top ten stranger things characters !!
ranking the new scream characters <3
top fifteen star wars characters πŸ›Έ
emails i can't send ranking πŸ’Œ
my favorite ships of 2022!!!

top 10 fav mcu ships (yes we know who #1 is)

198 22 176
By eImstreets

you guys have to pretend to be shocked when you see who number one is even though i know everyone already knows because i want to pretend i'm unpredictable ok so we're just gonna pretend that my username, carrd url, and constant posts about them aren't enough of a dead giveaway 🕺🏼

anyways welcome to another installment of this!!! i actually was gonna do top 20 because u know that's what i've been doing with everything else but apparently i don't care about enough marvel ships to do 20 because i only could come up with 19 and a couple of them i didn't care enough about so you get top ten instead!!

before we get into the top ten list, here's a quick honorable mentions section for ships i like but didn't include on this list because top 15 sounds weird so i had to narrow it down to top 10 lol.

— valkyrie x jane (yes i know they haven't interacted but they're a crackship that i am obsessed with and i can't wait for them to be girlfriends in love and thunder)

— mantis x nebula (idk what it is about these two that makes me obsessed with the idea of them being in love but yeah i want them to be girlfriends)

— wanda x vision (before the show i didn't give a shit about vision or this ship and now i'm like um give me vision back and i actually think they're so cute wow this is my character development!!)

— fitzsimmons (they'd probably be in my top ten list except for the fact that i've only seen part of the first season of agents of shield so far so i haven't seen much of them yet but OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO CUTE?!?!!!)

— monica x darcy (please i was so wanting them to be gfs in wandavision it's what we deserved)

ok and now onto the actual list lol. as usual, we're starting from the bottom and working our way up to #1 for dramatic effect.

"can i try the suit on?"

first of all let me just say LOOK AT THIS GIF LOOK AT THEIR SMILES THEY ARE BOTH SO ADORABLE IT MAKES ME WANNA SCREAM!!! anyways. i wasn't gonna use the can i try the suit on quote for this because i used it in my fav mcu duos chapter but for some reason i just love this quote lol. ok yeah moving on, i love these two so much. they have the potential to be the most adorable little best friends to boyfriends ship but obviously marvel would never so i can only dream about what could have been. like seriously they'd be the softest ever it'd be so cute! they already care so much about each other and i just love them so much. marvel please make them canon. i mean i know you won't but please do it anyways. for me.

"you get to decide what kind of king
you are going to be."

no because like they're SO cute and i feel like they're kind of underrated?? like nakia in general is underrated too which i don't get because she's so cool but yeah these two are so adorable and i hardly ever see people give them any appreciation and it makes me so sad because like!!! look at them!!! i love their whole dynamic of being exes who are obviously still madly in love and how he's the biggest nakia love bot on the planet like it's so soft and i know i keep saying this but i can not wrap my head around the fact that not many people give them the appreciation they deserve?!?! y'all are crazy like THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!

"i like to think of myself more as a titan
killing long term booty call."

sorry to put peter quill on ur screen kas i know u don't like him pls forgive me ily 💓💘💞 ok but i love these two so much i feel like their slowburn is so nicely done and them in infinity war never fails to make me full on sob but it's fine!!! like they really went from "i could care less whether you live or whether you die" to "i love you more than anything" and i love that for them!! i miss them so much though like wow. also this has nothing to do with starmora but i feel compelled to say it so: fuck you chris pratt you piece of human garbage <3

"i could use a co-pilot!"

WIVES GIRLFRIENDS SAPPHICS!!! they exude some of the biggest gay energy i have ever seen and i will never think otherwise. there is no way on earth either of them are straight like... it's literally impossible. they're in love, your honor! i can't get enough of them like watching them together in captain marvel makes me squeal because it's so obvious they're a married couple like just confirm it marvel it's ok we all already know. they're a little family of three w monica and i absolutely live for them like imagine being on their level.

"next time you ride with me, okay?"

it's the way i absolutely love them like... i say this about a lot of my favorite ships but whether or not you ship them romantically you can't deny that they're a great duo. their banter is so funny i always love it and they have great chemistry together too. they tease each other a lot but when it comes down to it they care so much about each other and it just makes me so happy 🥺 plus i say this a lot too but you know rhodey has to love tony to put up with his bullshit (sorry tony still love u) and you know tony has to love rhodey because i mean how can someone not love rhodey???

"kiss me."

idk what it is that has been making me so obsessed with them lately but yeah i've been so obsessed with them lately?? like i always thought aw they'd be cute but for the past couple months i've been genuinely upset that they never got together like it's so bad 😭 they have so much chemistry and they care about each other so much and like the little looks they always give each other um bye i'm gonna cry!!! plus i know i've said this before but maybe them get together would have saved them both from their absolutely shitty as fuck endings. they're such an incredible duo and the mcu knew that they'd be too powerful if they got together... that's the only logical reason for it not happening like come on.

"so why don't you lift up that face
mask and give me a kiss?"

ok pepperony and the #3 ship are literally tied for me but i had to rank them so i just flipped a coin to see who to put higher and the #3 ship won the coin toss so yeah i guess technically these are my top nine favorite ships since two of them are tied? but whatever. THEY ARE THE BLUEPRINT OK!!! rewatching the iron man movies always makes me love them even more each time which i never think is possible but i always do end up becoming more of a pepperony stan. like i love them both as individual characters anyways too so. but yeah they're so cute and their dynamic right from the very beginning is incredible because it's so obvious they're in love and i just live for those will they/won't they couples. i'll forever be so sad that they don't get to finish raising their daughter together but remembering that the moments tony was happiest were when he was with his family (especially pepper) makes it like slightly easier to cope. pepperony supremacy okay thanks!!

"we were working together, training
together... other stuff-ing together."

like i said pepperony and scotthope are tied but anyways oh my GOD i don't think people appreciate how amazing of a couple they are?? like i think the movies handle them so well especially because hope isn't written as just a love interest, she's written with a lot of her own storylines going on (like since amatw and from now on the ant man movies aren't just for scott they're for her too um hence and the wasp) and she's a woman who knows her worth and scott never feels intimidated or threatened by that (i know that's the bare minimum but come on seeing fictional men not be plagued w toxic masculinity makes me happy). and he's always so proud to admit that she's the one who taught him a lot of his fighting moves and stuff. oh my god and i love seeing their development in both movies like in the first one i love seeing them go from her not giving a single shit about him to clearly having feelings for him and i love seeing them in the second movie go from exes (ish) who are really bitter (ok mostly hope,,, scott was still whipped) to falling even deeper in love than before and just i swear to god i could talk about them all day. please stan them. my comfort hets (or well i guess not really because i headcanon them both as pan so... i guess my comfort man x woman ship?? ew wait idk man x woman ship sounds weird shsh ANYWAYS)

"what happened to your hair? [...] it looks good!"

my favorite himbo and geek boyfriends!!! i can not stress how much i love these two like i've been a thorbruce warrior for like three years now and i will never stop being one. can't wait for valkyrie to matchmake them in love and thunder (i mean i don't think it's confirmed bruce is coming back for it but apparently taika wants him to so... fingers crossed). anyways can i also just scream for a moment about how much i love their height difference? like something about it makes me freak out idk i just love it so much 💓💖💞 ragnarok was just them acting like boyfriends and everyone knows it. marvel i will pay you to make it happen like. please. it's what we want it's what we need it's what we deserve. i at least need to see more of them as a duo. PLEASE!!! they mean so much to me i just 😭 omg also look at these thorbruce memes i found because i think they're funny and i wanna share them so.

"i'm coming with you."

this is the part where you all pretend to be shocked as if you had no possible idea that they'd be #1 on this list because i am so very subtle about my love for them. ANYWAYS oh. my god. i mean what can i say about them that i haven't said a thousand times already? as everyone knows i've shipped them for a few years now, even when all we had was a tiny little crumbs to go off of. and now that we get a whole show with them being the most chaotic bisexuals who are madly in love? HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE like i don't think i'll ever shut up about them now that tfatws exists. literally never. on my gravestone will say "the #1 sambucky stan, may she rest in peace." they're genuinely one of my favorite ships of all time and they bring me so much serotonin. they're both some of my biggest comfort characters ever, especially when they're together because their scenes and their development give me pure happiness. watching them go from saying they hate each other every five minutes to genuinely checking in with each other every five minutes / trusting each other implicitly / clearly caring about each other so much that even my little nephew thinks they're gay is something i'm so happy to have witnessed and still be witnessing. like i'm not even joking when i say they are the source of a whole lot of my happiness. they are EVERYTHING TO ME!!! and they should be everything to everyone. also on that note i promise my sambucky one shots book is coming i just have major writers block right now! anyways this was so long and it was almost a lot longer but i had to stop myself from continuing to yell about them because nobody wants to read a 737293 word paragraph about the same topic.

ok that's it for this week's episode of "lila makes another list ranking her favorites in a topic because she has nothing better to do!!"

as usual if u see any typos avert ur eyes because i'm not about to proof read and edit this🧍🏼‍♀️

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