Kidnap (Spinel X Reader)

By MementoMori456

16.8K 341 162

this story was originally on my tumblr thought I post it here too Spinel x Reader You have been pen pals with... More

The Beginning
Steven is a Jerk
Lost Hope
Burning Bridges
Planting Seeds
Water the Seeds
Sprouting Weeds
Wild Flowers Blooming
Garden of weeds
New Pot for the Garden
You New Bestfriend
Pink Thorns
Welcome to Little Homeworld
A walk around Little Homeworld
Over the Edge
Getting to Know Yourself
Steven has lost his mind
Training with Bismuth
Fusion and Destruction (final chapter)

Feeding the Fire

1.2K 31 16
By MementoMori456

(Back on Earth with the Crystal Gems)

Steven managed to get Amethyst's and Pearl’s memories back but Garnet’s, not so much, she was fused once more but in her cotton candy form not knowing much what was going on. Steven, Amethyst and Pearl were brain storming ways to get her memories back when Peridot ran up to Steven and started shaking Steven’s arm “Steven, we have a situation!” Peridot said in a panic, Steven sighed heavily 'like I need another problem to fix' Steven thout to himself “what now?” Steven ask annoyed “the injector Spinel left is dumping biopoision into the ground, it's pure and uncut very very potent, and there is no way to remove it with touching it!" Peridot said looking at the data on her tablet “how long do we have” Steven asked trying to stay calm “um....48 hours more or less" Peridot said showing him the screen with a count down of the poison destroying the planet "ok” he said with a sigh “so, Spinel has to know how to shut this thing off right? and if she wants to keep Y/N alive she has to come back for supplies” Steven said thinking out loud “I suppose” Pearl said thinking “but I am not sure if she will come back to earth, Spinel seems less caring then how she use to be” Pearl said remembering Spinel in her old form and how happy lucky-go Spinel used to be. “Well let’s check the house just to see if Spinel is at least there pick up supplies for Y/N or anything else” Pearl and Amethyst nod in agreement Steven turned towards Bismuth “can you keep an eye on Garnet while were gone?" Steven ask Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis "sure thing” Bismuth answered Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst made their way to the house. When Steven walked inside he immediately notice that all the kitchen cabinets were open with a good portion of the snacks missing “looks like Spinel already pick up some stuff” Amethyst said “I'm going to look up stairs" Steven said with a worried look his face, as he entered his room he then saw his room seeing his comforter gone and some shirts missing "ok ok but Spinel may have taken that stuff but has to come back for more food…unless” Steven went up to the galaxy warp pad where he had all his planet he saw the packet of cherry seeds he had were gone and also the bottle of his mother tears that made growing alot of his gardening a breeze, Steven started panicking “no no no if she took that then Spinel may not come be coming back at all” Steven was in a full blown panic mode trying desperately to think of something “come on think” then it hit him, he could try and type in where Spinel warped to. Steven didn’t use this program for the galaxy warp often because the program itself was still a little buggy having him warpping to homeworld or a unknown colony, “come on come on” then the text popped up on the screen ‘Pink Diamond’s Garden' then beside the text it said 'would you like to warp?’ Steven typed in the command to activate the warp pad Steven then crossed his fingers that it doesn’t send him to homeworld by accident “please work” he whispered to save the planet.

(Back in Pink Diamond's Garden)

You wake to the sound of Spinel planting something, you open your eyes and look over to her and see she is putting a seed in the ground. Spinel then dropped some pink water on top of it, in what must have been five seconds you saw the seed start to grow into a sapling of a cherry tree, ’that must be Rose’s tears’ you think to yourself about half awake.

Spinel sees you sitting up with a stretch and yawn she then stopped her gardening for the moment “'sorry I woke you ” she cooed sitting you up in her lap “did you sleep OK Y/N?” Spinel asked petting your hair, you nod feeling comfortable in her lap.

However you don't know why but you feel so at easy in her arms, more than you when you ever hung out with Steven 'what is wrong with me’ you think to yourself unconsciously snuggling into Spinel's lap. Then the warp pad activate you sit up a bit seeing who it was you were shocked to see “Steven?” you say in a hushed tone, Steven looked at both worried and angry “Y/N get away from Spinel!" Steven shouted at you running down the stairs. You felt fearful of his words some how and Spinel noticed that and took pleasure in that, Spinel got up gingerly sitting up all the way "now, now, now , Universe I thought you had 'good’ friends to take care of” Spinel purred Steven tried to summon his shield but it failed “and here you are upsetting my best friend here” Spinel stretched her arm and grabbed him by his shirt dragging him towards her “so let me ask you, 'loser hero' what are you doing here?” Spinel hissed, Steven struggled to get free but then answered “the earth is dying!” 'the earth is what’ your eyes grew wide at first you wonder how this was happening and why but then you remembered Spinel’s injector that she left back on earth.

You stand up behind Spinel tapping her on the shoulder “Spinel, what was in your injector?” you ask hoping for a good answer Spinel grinned patting your cheek gently “oh just some biopiosion Y/N," Spinel said casually, your eyes grew wide as Spinel continued "the poison will kill everything on earth including all of your supposed 'friends’ on earth" Spinel glared at Steven, then looked back at you with caring eyes "but we don't need that dumb planet anyways when we have our garden to use” Spinel said cheerfully, you started to panic you did hate Steven for leaving you here with Spinel but it seemed harsh just to let everyone die just because you were upset at one person, “but Spinel we can’t destroy the earth I still need stuff” you plead, Spinel looked at you puzzled still holding Steven who was wondering the same thing “what do you need?” Spinel asked “” you had to 'think Y/N think think think' “I need... more books for gardening and, more seeds and um some place to bathe along with some medicine for if I get sick” you were hoping this would convince Spinel to save the earth.

Spinel thought a moment she knew Steven and how he would do anything to save the world but Spinel knew you had already been hurt all she had to do was push the right buttons. “OK Y/N what ever makes you happy best friend” Spinel said dropping Steven on the ground she then took your hand and coiled hers around it tightly. You and Spinel walked up the stairs, but Steven was tossed on the warp pad Spinel while she giggled.

(Back on Earth at Steven's house)

Spinel wasn’t given a warm welcome when walking in Steven's house

(where Pearl and Amethyst were waiting for Steven to get back from)  seeing your arm all wrapped up in hers Amethyst and Pearl immediately got their weapons out as soon as they saw Spinel. You jumped back with Spinel “it's OK guys everything is chill” Steven said in a semi calm voice, Amethyst rised her whip "but didn't Spinel kidnap Y/N, and drop off all that poison" Amethyst said bluntly, Steven nodded in agreement to Amethyst statement "yes but, Y/N convinced her to remove the injector so the earth won't die, right Y/N" you nod, Pearl and Amethyst look at each other and shrugged then put their weapons away Pearl sighed placing her hands on her hips "OK so let's head back to the injector and deactivated it" Pearl said walking towards the door, everything seemed to be working out OK 'maybe Steven does care’ you think to yourself.

(Still on Earth now at Spinel's injector site)

You walk up the hill to where Spinel has her injector, Peridot spots you and Spinel and jumps she shakes off her state of shock “Steven! what’s the status on Spinel?!” Peridot asked in a panicked tone, Steven sighed in relief “Spinel is here to help Peridot” Spinel looked at you before doing anything, you give a small smile and nod, she releases her arm around yours and then turns her pinky into a horn once it was fully formed she blows into it with the mere sound removing the injector with that the Crystal gems cheers, Steven sighs rubbing the back on his neck “man thanks for the help Y/N and Spinel” you smile genuinely happy that Steven was thanking you “no problem Steven, that's what friends-” then Steven turns his back to you as Spinel arm coils around yours again 'Steven what about Spinel?’ you think to yourself “OK we almost got this mess cleaned up all we need is my powers and Garnet memories” you smile faded turning into a frown 'did he not see me did he not notice something is wrong here’ Spinel smiled as she slowly pulled you away “what about me, Steven?” you interrupting him “ that all you needed me to do? to help stop this thing?” you say feel like someone punch you in the gut, Steven rubbed the back of his neck looking away from you “yes, no well sort of” your thoughts start to spiral down hearing this “I see how it is Steven Universe, as long as you have 'good’ friends around why have second best right!?” you shout feeling so betrayed tears fall down your face 'we were friends 'good' friends so why, did you hurt me like this Steven why?' Spinel smiled she needed to keep this flame of your burning she leaned your shoulder close to your ear “you know Y/N we have all this biopiosion going to waste and honestly this whole planet seems pretty hopeless ” Spinel said with glee. You were angry, upset ready to take your angry out on anything anyone, you looked at Spinel and said “do it” Spinel grinned wickedly, quickly reforming her horn “with pleasure best friend” she then held you for safety as she blew the horn direct towards the Crystal gems, “run for it!” Peridot yelled.

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