Shingeki no Kyojin: Destiny (...

By Heroes2020

982 37 9

(Y/n) is a kind soul from another world. But life work in mysterious ways as he now stuck in the world of Tit... More

To You, In Another World


267 14 5
By Heroes2020

Armin: "Armin Arlelt, from Shiganshina, sir!"

Keith: "Yeah? That's a stupid name. Your parents give you that?"

Armin: "It was my grandfather, sir!"

Keith: "Cadet Arlelt! Why is a runt like you here?" he said as he leans in Armin's face.

Armin: "To help humanity overcome the Titans!"

Keith: "That is delightful to hear! You're going to be a great light snack for them!" He said as he stands up and puts his hand on Armin's head, turning him 180 degrees.

Keith: "Row three, about face, runt!"

So, that is our drill sergeant is going around the rows picking out random people and scare them. Cruel but effective for turning someone into a soldier.

But when reincarnated in this world like me. This much better than facing a Titans. If you wondering where I am? I am currently, in front of me is Annie Leonheart and between me is Eren and Mikasa.

He does skip a few of the recruits because some of us have already seen hell. You can just see it in their faces including me.

I hear Keith found a new target to torture and the lucky target is Jean Kirsten. Keith asks him why he's here and he answers that he wants to join the Military Police Brigade and live in the Inner District.

Eren seem to glance at him at first, when say about Inner District. If those two meet I going be busy babysitting than training.

Keith: "So you wanna live in the Inner District?"

Jean: "Yes sir" he says with a smile on his face.

Keith headbutts him hard which causes Jean to go on his knees in pain.

Keith: "If you can't handle that, you'll never make it to the Military Police Brigade" He told him.

He then goes on to torment some of the others breaking them down and destroying their dreams. This guy is intense. He's currently berating Conny for an incorrect salute until something catches his eye.

(Y/n): 'This is going to be amusing seeing in person.' I thought.

He sees Sasha eating a hot potato hoping that she is not being seen. Unfortunately for her, everyone could see her. If I was near, I might've been able to help but now she's screwed.

Keith: "Hey you. What the hell are you doing?"

He asks her menacingly. She doesn't even know who he's talking to. She thinks it's someone else. Oh how wrong she was.

Keith: "You. I'm talking to you! Who the fuck are you?" He exclaimed to her.

She swallows the bite she at hard and salutes with the potato in her hand.

Sasha: "I'm Sasha Blouse from Dauper, in the Wall Rose's southern district, sir!" Sasha says to him with confidence.

Keith: "Sasha Blouse. What's that you are holding in your right hand?" He asks her scarily calm.

Sasha: "A steamed potato, sir! I came across it in the kitchen, so I picked it up!" She informs him.

I don't know whether to laugh at her or laugh at that answer.

Keith: "You mean you stole it? Why? Why are you eating the potato now" he asks her.

Sasha: "I wanted to eat it while it was still warm so I figured it was now or never sir" she says to him.

I literally about to crack in laughter. My stomach can't take it anymore.

Keith: "No... I don't get it. Why are you eating a potato." he reiterates as she looks very confused.

Sasha: "Are you asking why people eat potatoes in general, sir?" Sasha asks him.

Everyone is just stunned at her question. My body is shaking from me holding in my laughter. Keep it together me.Then Sasha realizes something. She rips the potato in half and offers it to him.

Sasha: "Take half for yourself, sir" she tells him.

Keith: "Half?" He asks as she smiles.

Keith's stunned face is priceless. I think crack a little bit at the end there.

Few moments later, it's in the afternoon. Sasha has been running for five hours. Her stamina is impressive. Keith told her to run until she dropped while also being denied food. A cruel thing to be honest.

In the distance is a wagon of dropouts. They couldn't handle Keith's methods and so they left hoping to find some other way to contribute to society.

Eren: "The weak have no choice but to leave" he comment as we saw the wagon.

Marco, Conny and Mina look at him when he says that.

Eren: "They'd prefer picking up rocks and pulling out weeds than to stand up and fight"

(Y/n): "True but you have to remember Eren that we are only human. Not everyone can help by becoming a soldier." I reason with him. He nods in acceptance to that while everyone else is amazed to my reasoning.

Marco then asks us a question.

Marco: "That reminds me. We never heard where you are from or anything" he asks.

Eren: "We are from Shinganshina, same as Armin" Eren responded to him.

Everyone just looks shocked at the news.

Conny: "Then you were there that day too? Did you see it? The Colossal Titan and the Dark Titan?" He asks us in excitement.

Eren: "Yeah." He said as he looks at me.

I didn't say a word as I shrugged on it but the bloody image of the event stuck in my mind.

Few minutes later, people start to surround me and Eren as we are eating.

Eren: "We already told you, we saw it" he told the group of people.

They start to ask a series of questions about the events of the attack.

Samuel: "How tall was the Colossal Titan?"

Eren: "Tall enough to look right over the wall?" He replied.

Franz: "What about the Black Titan? What was it like?"

Eren looked at me to answer since I'm the one who saw up close from what I tell him. Everyone else also looked at me. I just sigh. There no way I can avoid it now. Might as well give them something.

(Y/n): "He is nothing I has ever seen. He killed many of the Titans and saved so many people. When he saved me, I can saw in his eyes that he wants to protect us." I said to them.

They were in awe about that.

(Y/n): "I even remember he spoke." This really got everyone's attention.

No had heard of a Titan speaking before.

Mina: "What did it say?" She asked as everyone is waiting for a response.

(Y/n): "Run" I said to them.

This sends chills down their spines.

Samuel: "What do normal Titans look like?" One of them had the courage to ask.

This catches Erens attention and he smiles an evil grin.

Eren: "The Titans are no big deal. Once we master the 3-D maneuvering gear, they'll be no match for us. Then, I'll join the Recon Corp and purge the world of all of the Titans." He says with confidence until we hear a voice.

Jean: "Dude, are you nuts? Did you just say you want to join the Recon Corps?" He asks him.

(Y/n) "So what if he wants to join. It doesn't even concerns to you police boy" I get up from my seat and stand in front of him.

He's a bit afraid of my imposing figure.

Jean: "I'm just saying. I'm no liar, unlike someone who pretends to have balls of steel, even when he's about to piss himself." He said as Eren get mad and get up from his seat but I stop him.

(Y/n): "If you so honest then tell me this when they come and tear down on the Wall brick by brick. When they devour all human. Will you pick up the sword show them your not weak human where they can eat or will you run away hoping they'll never devour you? Time to choose police boy." I finished talking and leave the cafeteria.

Eren follows me and so does Mikasa. Jean starts to think about what I said until he sees Mikasa. He's mesmerized by her.

Jean: "Hey there" he calls out to her with a blush

Jean: "I-I didn't see you around, so... Sorry, I just think your black hair is gorgeous" he said to her.

He's not wrong she has beautiful hair but I think short is perfect for her.

Mikasa: "Thanks" she says to him in a monotone voice as she continues to walk away.

Jean just stares at her until he fixes himself and goes to chase after her.

Eren: "Nice job (y/n)" Eren compliments me.

Mikasa: "Yes but I would like if you don't pick a fight with people." Mikasa adds.

(Y/n): "Sorry for worrying you, Mikasa." I said as I saw Mikasa scarf is falling down and wrap it around her properly.

She blushed at this and hide her smile behind the scarf.

I know Mikasa protective of her new family especially me but since that day she got overprotective. We got very close these passed years. It became a habit for me to wrap her scarf properly. Her face doesn't show emotion but I she is happy about it.

(Y/n): By the way Mikasa, I think you should cut her hair. It could be dangerous for you if your hair gets caught by something. Besides I think you'll look cuter with short hair." I said to her.

Mikasa "If think so. I'll cut it. But how short should it be?" She said as she play with her hair and blushes.

Jean was watching this in despair. The crush he had on Mikasa was shattered for she had eyes for somone else.

Conny passes by him and he wipes his hand on his back.

Conny: "What the fuck did you just wipe on me!" He yells as he trying to figure out what Jean did.

Jean: "My faith in others" he responds in a tone that basically said he was giving up.

Time skip

Sasha had just finished her running for the day. She is both tired and hungry. She almost faints to the floor until I catch her.

(Y/n): "Whoa there happy feet. You don't look so good." I told her.

She is so exhausted that she can't even respond. I help her sit down at the steps of our dorms.

(Y/n): "You look hungry. I got some food here if you want" I said as I take out some bread.

To which she goes berserk and tackles me to the ground. Snatches from my hand and devours it completely.

(Y/n): "Ouch, I forgot about that' I thought as I feel the pain.

She is still hungry and I give her more. To which she starts to eat and gets up off of me to sit on the ground. I can see her calm her down. She's realizing what she is doing.

Sasha: "Bread!" She exclaims with joy.

(Y/n): "I was able to save you some. I figured that you would be hungry so I got you something" I said to her.

On cue, Historia or from this timeline she go by the name Kirsta makes an appearance from the shadows with a bowl of soup and a bag of water.

Krista: "Umm... I think it would be best to wash that bread down with some soup and water" She says with a cute voice as she puts down the soup next to Sasha.

Me and Krista talked to each other sometimes and she is as caring as she was in the show. True innocence made manifest. I would feel bad if she die because of my existence.

Sasha looks at both of us with awe.

Sasha: "Are you Gods?" She asked us frantically wondering if we were real.

I just laughed at her question.

Ymir: "Hey, what's going on here?"

Ymir, another Titan shifter. If I'm not mistaken, she is in love with Historia and will die for her if need be. Oddly enough she is cordial with me when we met.

She seems different than the original and we even met face to face too, I don't know what doing on with her head but I know right now we are not friends. Not yet at least.

Her voice shocks Krista and Sasha to look at her direction.

Krista: "Well she looked hungry so (Y/n) and I figured to give her food when she came back" Historia reasoned to Ymir. Sasha was busy eating the food to say anything.

Ymir: "Seems like you were trying to do a good deed" said Ymir

(Y/n): "Yup. How about you? Are you also want to do a good deed?"

She just stares at me. I don't think she's ever been shown such kindness let alone see it. It's probably foreign to her. Sasha then passes out after eating her food. It's incredible that she was able to last this long.

Ymir: "Whatever. Let's just carry her to bed." she said dismissively

Sasha was surprisingly heavily when she's asleep. What is she made of? We all went to bed after that.

Next day was our aptitude test to see how well we could handle the 3D gear and maintain our balance. Keith warned us that this who fail will be sent back to the reclaimed lands. Some of us have a talent for it. Mikasa, obviously, was a natural. I was doing just as good. It wasn't really hard actually. Eren, on the other hand, was having difficulty. It was kind of funny.

Later that day Mikasa, Armin and I were helping him try to balance himself.

Mikasa: "The goal is not to be perfect. The goal is to keep yourself centered and to rest your weight on the waist and the sole belts" she explained.

(Y/n): "Just stay calm little riot." I told him.

Eren: "Alright, I think I can do this. Lift me up guys" he tells us .

Armin do just that and then he instantly is flipped over, hitting his head hard. He pretty much goes unconscious for a few minutes. We take him to the infirmary to oath him up.

In the cafeteria, some of the cadets want to make fun of Eren. Meanwhile, Eren is in a daze about his performance. Mikasa and I jog him out of it.

(Y/n): "Look don't worry about it. You still got until tomorrow to get better" I reassure him.

Eren still look depressed.

Eren: "I'm so pathetic. I won't be able to kill the Titans at this rate" he said in depressing tone.

(Y/n): "So will you gonna give up?" I ask him bluntly.

He just looks at me

(Y/n): "You said you going to kill them all right? Well only the strongest can survive in this world. That why you chose to come here. Is to be the strongest. Mom believe in you Eren and so do I. So, we'll doing to fight untill the end. Together." I said as the cadet also heard it

After a few long seconds, Armin talks

Armin: "And what if? What if after everything, we lose?" he asks me in fear.

I can understand why he is asking this. He doesn't think we will succeed in fighting the Titans. Even Eren has a look of rare doubt when the question is asked. The Eren I know would still be resolute in his mission and never question it. Right now, he is terrified that he is useless. Everyone around him is more skilled than him and he feels that he might never be able to be a soldier. The cadets are wondering what I am going to say.

I look at Armin and Eren with determination.

(Y/n): "Then we do that together too"

Eren, Armin and the cadets who have been listening were in awe at my declaration. I may be say we need become the strongest but we are soldiers. We don't fight alone. The trust of our comrades it's the only way to succeed. The only way to survive.

We soon head back to our respective dorms. I give Eren some tips on how to stay balanced. Bertolt then asks us a question with Reiner next to him.

Bertolt: "Both of you are from Shinganshina, right?" He asks me, Eren and Armin.

Armin: "Yeah" he answers the question.

Bertolt: "Then you know firsthand how dreadful the Titans are. Why would you want to be soldiers" he asks us.

(Y/n): "I have a goal to create a future where everyone can smile without worry. I just know when the Dark Titan saved me, this is fate. So, I going to fight for my goal until the end."

This seems to satisfy his curiosity for my reasoning in being here. Armin is the next to speak

Armin: "Unlike (Y/n) and Eren, I didn't see the horror caused by the Titans. But when I saw the monarchy's insane attempt to recover the wall, I just couldn't stand by and do nothing. (Y/n) was the one to inspire me to be here." He said while giving me a smile of appreciation.

Bertolt: "I see" he says in understanding.

Armin asks him and Reiner about why they joined up. Bertolt told them their story about living in a village and then hearing the Titans come and killing almost everybody there. I knew the story already to which I knew was a lie. Unfortunately, I don't have any proof. What I would give for the Internet right about now.

Bertolt even talked about how most of these people don't know the experience of facing the Titans. They are only here just for social status.

We then go off to a hilltop and see the view of a river in the forest. It truly is a magnificent site. It makes you think even in darkness of the world there is light.

Reiner: "Hey, your name is (y/n) Yeager right?" Reiner asks me cutting me off of my thoughts.

(Y/n): "I am" I answer him.

Reiner: "I can tell that you have the spirit of a warrior in you and that your heart is good. I have faith that with you in the battlefield, we may have a chance." he compliments me.

(Y/n): 'Stupid Reiner. You will kill us after this. But you too also fight for humanity.' I thought as I make up my mind.

Even if you guys are Marley and think we are the devil. Even ruined and killed innocent people but you all have a good heart. I promise that I protect humanity that include all of you traitor.

(Y/n): "Thanks. If anything happens to me I entrust you two with my goal along with Eren and Armin." I said to him.

They were shocked to hear that but they face seem to appreciate the trust I gave them and nods at that.

Agreeing on going home and being at peace. We all go back to the dorms and get ready for tomorrow.

Time skip

Today is the day. Eren is strapped to the belts of the machine to simulate the 3D gear. Every cadet is watching. He is visibly scared and nervous. I know he will succeed.

He starts getting lifted up to balance himself. He is steady and everyone is cheering for him. He has done it and the equipment isn't faulty like canon so this is truly a remarkable moment. Once he gets set back down, he runs up to me and hugs me in thanks for my help.

Hours later, all of us are wearing 3D maneuver gear and soaring in the air. It feels extraordinary.

Pretty soon I land on a branch of a tall tree looking at the sunset in front of me. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin join me. We have determined looks on our faces.

I ready to face hell throw whatever at me.

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