
Bởi dbotttt

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Born on July 25th and August 8th, a lion and a lioness. Chouchou read the horoscope section of her favorite v... Xem Thêm

Tomorrow, at 3PM
Next week, 2:30PM
In two days
A lady's secret
A gentle touch
Salad Saturday
Autumn path
Dream Lion
Local Lion
Bitter & Sweet
No smoke area
The first night
Brother's report
Alone with your thoughts
A little weird


204 11 6
Bởi dbotttt



It had passed a week after their last encounter. To Mitsuki's luck, the day after they met, he had a mission so he hadn't been around Konoha all this time. When he came back it turned out team 10 was out as well. He heard Chouchou's voice through the phone which took him out of his thoughts

"I have a double ticket to the movies, wanna go?"

"...For today?"

"Yep, it's a drama, Nanadaime recommended it!"

Mitsuki chuckled but then he remembered he promised to help Boruto and Shikadai to buy some guidebooks about scrolls.

 "Could it be tomorrow? I have things to do today."

He heard Chouchou make a raspy, angry sound

"No, It had to be today. Ah well, I will ask Sarada then."

A small smile appeared on Mitsuki's face thinking that Chouchou had asked him first since he would expect her to choose Sarada to go to the movies on the regular. But then his smile became a long, forced one when he felt his heartbeats accelerating gradually. He shook his head slowly and asked

"Has your sleeping pattern gone back to normal?"

He heard Chouchou giggle and that didn't help to his now strong agitated heartbeats

"Yep! I feel way better now."

"But you know, Mitsu? That day I wasn't feeling that good so I couldn't say this."

"Even if you decided to change your personality... If that was you really really really wanted then..."

Mitsuki smiled, now feeling his face hot

"I... understand."

He heard Chouchou make another angry sound

"Still! I want you to know that you can rely on me, OK?"

"I want to help you too, that's what good friends do!"

"Alright, it's fine."

Chouchou let a sweet giggle escape her lips

"Let's meet up another time then. Later, Mitsu!"

"Goodbye, Chouchou."

Mitsuki hung the phone, sighing a bit. Then he took a hand to his chest finding the heartbeat rate strange, but now that happened more often it wasn't that scary at the very least. He caressed his face when he remembered the events of that evening a bit before Orochimaru left


"Mitsuki, you are just embarrassed."

Orochimaru said with a peaceful expression but Mitsuki wasn't convinced

"Em... barrassed?"

He looked away with a frown on his face

"That's impossible..."

The dark-haired sannin didn't remove their eyes from Mitsuki and with a wide smirk, asked

"And how do you know? Have you felt this before?"

Mitsuki now looked back blankly


Orochimaru half-closed their eyes and asked

"Let's conduct a little experiment. Tell me when did you first felt like this."

The blue-haired boy stared at his parent confusedly. He just blurted because he didn't know better at the moment

"I was with a friend and..."

It was then when he recalled the moment Chouchou suddenly hugged him. How he felt her face on his chest and how soft and warm it was... like the rest of her body. Her body which was somewhat heavy yet Mitsuki didn't feel discomfort at all. If anything he felt like he wanted her to be even closer to him, to hug her with the same intensity she gifted her touch. His face felt even hotter now


Orochimaru, still smirking, raised a brow


Mitsuki's chest was now drumming and sweat was falling from his forehead. He was shaken but his senses were still somewhat sharp. He looked back at his parent with wariness thinking it was better if he didn't reveal anything more.

"Fine. I'm embarrassed."

Sounding a bit upset he asked Orochimaru

"How can I make it stop and never show again?"

The snake sannin quietly laughed

"That's something you should seek how to conquer."


"I am happy you reached out to me, even if it was something this trivial."

Orochimaru got closer to Mitsuki and cupped his cheek as they usually did. It took some years for Mitsuki to be used to this gesture

"You are my son after all."

Mitsuki just nodded, which made Orochimaru smirk. The snake on the wall opened its mouth again as an indication his parent would leave. But Orochimaru had something else to ask

"Oh... Mitsuki."

"Is your friend a boy or a girl?"

The young boy took a brief while before replying while smiling half-closing his eyes

"Does it even matter?"

Orochimaru stopped in their tracks and looked back at Mitsuki with the corner of their eyes. Golden yet menacing eyes that glowed out of no more but parental love.

The kind of love only the snake sannin was capable of.


"Maw maw"

Mikazuki rolled over Mitsuki's feet to caught his attention. Lately, the feline was too hungry, making it look bigger and rounder. The blue-haired boy rubbed the cat's head gently while his thoughts started to act up. He carried Mikazuki in his arms and sat on his undone bed, then he looked at his pillow. 


It was common for Mitsuki to sleep in one position, belly up and hands to the side. He has been sleeping like this from the very moment a bed was introduced to him. So when he woke up sleeping to the side with his pillow between his arms, he knew something had changed within him. Even more when his pillow now had a strange hourglass shape out of how hard he held it while sleeping.

He knew what he wanted and that desire was somehow manifesting even when asleep, but how was he going to accomplish it? Mitsuki wasn't exactly a shy boy, if he needed to do something, he would do it without thinking about a repercussion on his actions(Part due to being ignorant about some of the human ways)but when it came to Chouchou, and even more after what happened lately, he wanted to be more cautious. He heard Mikazuki mew once more, so he smiled and held it closer to his chest.

"You are as chubby as her..."

Mitsuki knew that wanting to hug Chouchou again would not help his cause to keep those pesky heartbeats in check, but he had the hopes that it would make the yearning fade away. "A little progress would be still progress," he humbly thought.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Later, that day

"Hurry Mitsuki! Shikadai is gonna be buttmad!"

Both Boruto and Mitsuki were running their way to the plaza where they accorded to meet Shikadai. 

"You should start thinking ways to convince him you had something more important to do than buying games."

"A limited-edition, Mitsuki! A limited-edition! Shikadai would understand..."

"...He would, right?"

Mitsuki just shrugged as soon as they arrived at the point of meeting. To their luck, Shikadai wasn't there yet.


Boruto proclaimed while he rubbed his nose victoriously.

"Hah... You are too loud, Boruto."

Next to them, there was Sarada who was crossing her arms, looking not that happy

"...Sarada? Why are you here again?"

She looked away clenching her teeth

"Please, I'm not in the mood."

Mitsuki and Boruto exchanged looks but then turned back when they heard a melodious voice calling


Chouchou was running with all her might looking more tired than usual. Mitsuki just looked away as soon as his heart decided to act up again

"Oh... Sarada...  We had a surprise meeting today and-"

Sarada fulminated Chouchou with her eyes

"You know you could have called me, right?"


"I've been here almost an hour!"

Chouchou's eyes began to tear a little

"Believe me, it was a sudden meeting..."

"Hmmm, could it be this is why Shikadai isn't here too?"

They heard Boruto say, so they all immediately looked at him. He scratched his nape and said with a sweet smile

"Come on, Sarada. These clan things happen often."

Chouchou's eyes became glossy when she quickly took both of Boruto's hands in an appreciative manner while shaking them. Mitsuki followed the gesture with his eyes in a very stoic way

"Borutooo, you understand me!"

She kept shaking Boruto's hands while a tear of sweat rolled off his face. Sarada's frown slowly disappeared by seeing this. She shook her head and with an awkward smile she said

"Fine... Fine. It couldn't be helped, right?"

Chouchou's smile grew bigger and wider and without thinking it twice she jumped over her friend to give her a warm hug. 

"Oh!! Sarada!!"

Sarada patted her friend's head in an affectionate mannerism

"There, there. Let's go before we miss the movie."

Chouchou cheerfully nodded and with a simple wave, they both said goodbye before leaving. Mitsuki watched all of this while a bitter taste pooled in his mouth. He had been thinking ways all night on how to obtain a hug from Chouchou and it just took Sarada to literally do nothing but complain. Boruto noticed the serious face his blue-haired friend was now displaying while he shook his head. Mitsuki was clearly losing his cool and this was kinda amusing to Boruto. He had to ask.

"What's up? You are serious out of nowhere."

Boruto taunted, with hopes to get Mitsuki to reveal his not-so-secret to him

"They hug a lot..."

"Oho~ Jealous," Boruto chuckled in his mind

"Yeah, they are girls, right?"

Mitsuki turned to face Boruto while he arched his little brow

"Does that hold any significance when it comes to hugs?"

Boruto now was evaluating his carefree words

"Errr... I'm not sure, but girls like to touch each other casually more often than guys."

"I see..."

Mitsuki was now staring at the floor thinking deeply but his chain of thoughts was interrupted when he saw Shikadai running towards them

"Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't think our clan's meeting would take this much."

Boruto smiled

"Yeah, we kinda knew, Chouchou crossed with us a while ago."

Shikadai raised a brow

"She did? And where did she go?"

He looked strangely interested and that was weird to Boruto

"With Sarada... Why?"

The emerald-eyed boy scratched his nape in a tiresome way while he literally bitched

"Uncle Choji, man. He is insufferable when he is jealous."

"I don't know why, but he got the idea Chouchou is hanging with a guy or something, so he requested Inojin and me to pay an eye on her."

Boruto's mouth became a line, blue eyes wide open on behalf of his snakey friend who had a poker face as if he wasn't involved in this. Shikadai kept venting

"Like that's impossible, how problematic."

Mitsuki felt an itch so he asked

"Impossible? What do you mean with that?"

Boruto was sweating now. "Damn it, Mitsuki! Don't say anything stupid!" he pleaded in his mind. Shikadai looked at him seriously and said

"Because InoShikaCho lives and dies together."



"...Oi what the heck you mean with that?"

"She can't get a couple before Inojin and I get one as well, OK?"

"...Shikadai are you listening to yourself?"


The blonde boy was taking both of his hands to his face thinking Chouchou was living 100 years ahead of this guy while he worried about dumb promises that probably nobody agreed on

"Tell me Inojin thinks otherwise..."

"Yeah, why wouldn't he?"

"Because sounds absolutely stupid!"

"I agree, individuality is something one should aim for, therefore Akimichi-san shouldn't be worrying about who Chouchou hangs out with."

"After all it's just a couple, am I right? What harm that can cause?"

A couple, it just implied that two people hanged around, right? Mitsuki failed to see what was the problem and how it was OK when it was a girl who accompanied Chouchou as opposed to a guy. Shikadai looked at him briefly before sighing

"Some guys are bad news and Chouchou isn't particularly adept to see that when they are handsome."

"You know this when we had that mission with the actors."

Ah yes, that actor. Mitsuki actually forgot about his existence and his slimy ways. Shikadai approached both Boruto and Mitsuki while holding their shoulders

"...Hey, you two are like Inojin and I. What I mean is you know her since little."

He looked even more serious

"She is like our sister, right? So you two will tell us if you see a weird guy hanging with her, OK?"


Boruto looked like he was about to implode when he saw Mitsuki with a fricking wide smile and agreeing to Shikadai's shit. The nerve this guy had...

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At night

"That movie was absolutely amazing!"

Sarada had glossy eyes when they came out of the cinema. On the contrary, Chouchou munched the leftovers of her caramel popcorn with a displeased face

"You think so? I found it kinda tacky... Who knew Nanadaime had that much bad taste..."

Her dark-haired friend exasperatedly fixed her glassed and reproached

"Hey, show some respect! You just didn't get the hidden message of hope at the end."

"Sarada... with or without a message, that last scene was pretty dumb. It killed all the emotion of the previous events."

She kept munching

"It was like... Adding the wrong seasoning to the rice you cooked for hours!"

"Chouchou... Not those food analogies please..."

"Why? I think it fits!"

Sarada sighed

"I liked anyway. Thank you for inviting me."

Chouchou scratched her cheek

"I didn't think you would like it that much, if not I would have asked you first."

"...Hmmm? You didn't?"

The spectacled girl was now joining the dots

"Oh! Did you want to see this with Mitsuki?"

Chouchou took her hand to cover her mouth thinking it was dumb of her to let that slip that easily. 

"Y-yeah... But I'm glad you came instead. I doubt he would have enjoyed as much as you did."

"Hehe... So you two are that close that you already can guess what he likes?"

"Sarada, please!"

Chouchou was getting a bit flustered, her cheeks tinted in dark red. Sarada let an "aww," slip inside her mind because it was very clear to her that she liked Mitsuki romantically. Chouchou was a hard nut to crack sometimes so Sarada knew she would deny it again. She decided to tell her in a different way

"You know, Chouchou... I think Mitsuki likes you."

For a brief moment, Chouchou forgot to breathe. She barely asked

"How do you know?"

Then she dryly coughed

"I-I mean I obviously knew! Haha..."

Sarada looked at her slyly. She could have told her how Mitsuki reacts when Boruto and her brought Chouchou to their conversations on purpose. How Mitsuki smiles when she talks about Chouchou, and how eager he is to finish the missions so they all can come back to Konoha as soon as possible. Now that Sarada and Boruto knew, it was easier to tell how clear Mitsuki's motives and feelings were.  Chouchou though didn't like how Sarada was looking at her


"Aren't you going to do something about it?"

"Why should I...? I like how things are now..."

Sarada looked at her friend with concern


With a smile Chouchou said

"I'm not going to be bound to a guy, ever! Everything is fine as it is and I want to keep it for the rest of my life."

Sarada still looked at her worryingly

"Is that's what you really want or could it be you are-?"


The dark-haired girl yelped when Chouchou's raised her voice. She didn't face her when she said

"Can we leave that for today? I don't really want to discuss this."

Sarada fixed her glasses quietly


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The next day


Chouchou walked aimlessly through the busy streets of Konoha's plaza. She was feeling down after her meet-up with Sarada yesterday. They continued their night after the movies and went to grab a bite and do some shopping but because of their conversation, the mood was sour and Chouchou felt awkward and guilty about it.

"Maybe some treats will do..."

She spotted a brand new dango stall with some weird new flavors and everything. Despite feeling down, she felt a spark of happiness and emotion when she imagined the amazing flavors and textures. She bolted to reach the stall when she crashed with someone else

"Owww... Who the...?!"

A bubbly adult figure turned over. Someone Chouchou knew very well


"Ah, Chouchou-chan. How have you been?"

"Good, good! Hope sensei is good and healthy!"

Anko looked indeed healthy and happy. In fact, she looked like she hadn't aged at all since Chouchou's academy days.

"Heh, I am. Do you want to grab some sweets from here too?"

"Ehhh, Anko-sensei knows me so well~!"

They sat on the bench of the stall waiting for the owner to attend them.

"Sensei, these flavors look soo good!"

"I know, I know! I've been meaning to come here as soon as I heard they open."

An old guy with a white apron approached them

"Hello, welcome to our stall. Do you know what are you going to order yet?"

Chouchou looked at the large menu printed on the entrance of the stall.

"Anko-sensei...I can't decide at all..."

The chubby woman smirked and said

"Let's order everything and split the bill!"

Chouchou nodded cheerfully and announced facing the owner

"We would like to order all the menu, please!"

But the man was looking at them with a serious face. Ultimately, he said


"Is Mitarashi Anko your name, ma'am?"

The purple-haired woman stopped smirking and with a wary face asked

"And why would you care if it was the case?"

It could be read all over his face how displeased he was. With a broken but loud voice, the man said

"I-I'm sorry but I will have to ask you to leave this place."

"E-excuse me?!"

Chouchou stood up in a menacing way but Anko held her arm gently as a signal to let it go.

"It's a pity."

That was the last thing Anko said before she took Chouchou by the shoulder to leave the stall.


"Anko-sensei...? What was that?"

The older woman poked Chouchou's nose with her finger and said

"Nothing you should be concerned about, girl."

Chouchou looked at Anko and then dropping the head she said

"But I care about Anko-sensei... That man wasn't polite or fair."


The older woman felt moved. She didn't want to admit but she liked to hear when people felt concerned about her well-being. Even more, if it was her cute student and partner in crime when sweets were involved. She sighed briefly and said

"Sometimes the shinobi world is complicated."

"A hero can become a villain and even if some can expect it to happen, most of us don't want to see it. More like we don't want to believe or think that can be our reality too if we just give a miss-step in our journey."

"There was a time I was out of Konoha traveling together with my sensei. He was a great shinobi, respected by anyone disregarding their skill or age... So when he chose me as one of his apprentices I was incredibly happy and proud someone as great as himself saw potential in me."

Anko looked a bit gloomy while she narrated

"But it didn't take long for me to find out my sensei's moral compass was off. As long as he could meet his goals, he was ready to sacrifice even other shinobi life."

"He had committed many crimes, and by his hands, the life of lord Sandaime and another Kage ended."

"Because of this, anyone who is related to him sometimes gets a bit of crap like you saw today."

Chouchou was now looking a bit gloomier, so Anko smirked and reassured while placing her hand on her hip

"But you don't have to worry, OK? It's not the entire Konoha population who thinks like this."

Then she sighed a bit

"My sensei could be a wicked twisted guy, but we can't deny sometimes he helps when we most need it."

"I can't forgive him...! Because of him, Anko-sensei's was denied of a dango banquet back then!"

Anko blinked a couple of times before she broke into laugher

"HAHAHAHA, what a silly thing to worry about!"

Chouchou looked at her with a slightly disappointed face

"Anko-sensei... I mean it..."

"Thank you for worrying about me, Chouchou-chan. You are sweeter than red bean soup."

The auburn-haired beauty scratched the back of her head feeling a bit shy about the compliment.

"Aww, sensei..."

"You don't have to worry about it... These days are peaceful anyway."

"Sometimes I miss the bit of dread of having your life pending in a cord, but I can't say I hate how it is now."

With a wide smile, the older woman said

"I am very happy."

Chouchou watched the picture feeling a bit of comfort knowing Anko was strong-willed enough for those negative things to take her down. When she was about to compliment, she saw a small greenish figure approaching her. It was one of Anko's snakes

"Ah, here you are!"

The serpentine figure crawled until it reached Anko's shoulder and stood perfectly straight and still... and as if it was informing her something very important, Anko nodded carefully. The scene Chouchou was seeing felt awfully familiar to a certain blue-haired someone and his pet snake so she chuckled...


And how curious it was... How similar some things were...

"Come, Chouchou! She says there is a discount in the usual dango place! I will treat you a little extra."

Anko invited with a smirk on her face, which took Chouchou out of her deep thoughts. "Could it be...?" she started to wonder


"Chouchou-chan has become quite silent, huh?"

Anko said before she half ate a dango stick sitting now on the bench of their well-known pastry store

"Anko-sensei... May I ask the name of your teacher?"

The younger girl held her hands anxiously

"Why do you want to know? Is it important?"

"I-I'm just curious."

Chouchou continued

"Is it bad if I know?"

"I would rather not tell you."

Anko kept eating her dango not looking Chouchou into her eyes, but she said sincerely

"And before you think it's because I don't trust you, then take that out of your mind."

"Is he Orochi-?"

The older woman looked back at Chouchou with eyes wide open and that was enough for Chouchou to tell the man who had hurt Anko-sensei in the past... The one who did so many wrong things to Konoha was nobody but Mitsuki's father, Orochi-san.

"Ehh... So you knew his name."


For a brief moment, there was silence. Anko evaluated now what she told Chouchou a while ago. From the regime of Hatake Kakashi to the current one of Uzumaki Naruto, information has been carefully chosen to be disclosed to the average citizen and even the younger shinobi. Orochimaru's condition was one of them. She sighed

"I stand by what I said, Chouchou-chan. Times now are different, therefore we need to change as well..."

What did that even mean? Chouchou felt distressed and afraid to ask more, while Anko was glad her student dropped the topic. 

When their dango order arrived, Chouchou barely ate her part.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Later that day


Chouchou walked back home feeling more than down, ultimately she stopped when she was crossing a small pedestrian bridge. Her chest hurt and for the longest time, she didn't know what to do or who to approach and talk to. She couldn't talk to Sarada due to the events from yesterday nor she could talk with Inojin or Shikadai. She knew if they found out about Mitsuki's parent, they could become distrustful of him. Could she even confront Mitsuki about this? And what was she going to ask about? If this Orochi person was treating him right? She always thought it was kinda odd she never saw Mitsuki's parents in Konoha...

"Ah... Why does it...?" 

"Hurt," it did hurt a lot and she hated it. She buried her head on her arms which rested over the rails of a bridge. 


The auburn-haired girl looked up to meet the person who just called her. She knew that voice very well. It was Sarada who was standing in front of her with a gentle smile


When Sarada caught a better look at Chouchou's distressed face, she could tell there was something wrong. Slowly the dark-haired girl opened her arms, inviting her friend to a recomforting hug. Chouchou didn't think twice and jumped over her

"Sarada!... Oh... Sarada...! You are heaven's sent!"

Chouchou rested her face on Sarada's shoulder easily since she was a bit taller than her, while she embraced her slim figure completely. Sarada, on the other hand, with her face completely red, and agitated heartbeats, timidly hugged Chouchou. Her arms barely being able to encapsulate the Akimichi's voluptuous body

"...These arms are so short," Sarada in frustration thought, because she couldn't get what she was looking for completely-


A kunai flew accurately directly to Sarada's direction which she quickly and stoically almost evaded since it made a small cut in her arm. She immediately stood in front of Chouchou in a protective mannerism

Chouchou, who was now in deep confusion, brought her hands to cover her mouth. Was she seeing doubles?

Standing in front of them was a very upset-looking Sarada.

While another Sarada was protecting her with a kunai in her hand.

The angry Sarada ran towards them while shouting, Sharingan activated

"Who the heck are you?! How dare to take my appearance to get close to Chouchou! PERVERT!"

"Pervert," resonated in Chouchou's head and she quickly understood, standing farther from the fake Sarada


With a cold smirk, the fake Sarada threw a kunai to the real Sarada and while she evaded, the fake quickly ran away.

"Oh no, you won't!"

Chouchou enlarged her arm to grab the fake Sarada but she wasn't able to catch her, making her way through the ceilings of the nearby buildings. Both Chouchou and Sarada exchanged confused looks and quickly pursued the impostor. 

Sarada, while running next to her friend asked with concern

"Chouchou, are you alright?!"

"I am, yeah!! And I will be better when we catch that creep!"

"Damn, right! How lame to do that!"

Chouchou, despite being a bit crept by the events, felt a recomforting feeling on her chest by having Sarada by her side. Her lips formed a trembling smile when she said

"Thank you for being there for me."

"Come on, Chouchou! Save that for later."

"I want you to know it now, silly!"

Sarada chuckled, feeling joy now that things felt less stiff between them

"I know, I know. Let's talk about it later when we catch them!"


The fake was lost behind a building when they jumped down, taking advantage of the crowded streets of Konoha's evening. When they reached the point, they saw a familiar face. There was Mitsuki sitting on a bench reading a small book. Chouchou quickly approached him 

"Mitsu~~!! Great timing! Did you see a weird Sarada passing by?"


The blue-haired boy lifted his arm and pointed out an alley full of grocery vendors. There, the running figure of the fake Sarada could be seen. Chouchou clenched her fists and cursed

"That damn creep! The beat-up he is going to get!!!"

And just like that Chouchou ran after him. Sarada was about to do the same but felt it was opportune to thank their friend

"Thanks, Mitsuki!"

He just nodded and didn't say a thing, displaying an awkward face while at it, which made Sarada a little suspicious. When she was about to ask if anything was right at all, she noticed there was a darkened spot in his kimono shirt, around the arm.

Around where she wounded the creep with her kunai before. 

Sarada's glasses reflected the sunlight as a deep frown appeared on her forehead. She crossed her arms, lifted in a menacing manner her head and said in a reproaching tone

"It was you."

Mitsuki remained silent for a brief while he settled down with the idea of confessing he transformed into Sarada in order to hug Chouchou. 

Or maybe not. He was too embarrassed for even that, not being able to look at Sarada directly.

"Don't ever do that again, OK? I doubt Chouchou would like to know you tricked her like that."

Mitsuki finally spoke, with a low paused voice

"It was never my intention to take advantage of her."

Sarada's voice was still harsh

"Then what?"

Then Mitsuki pondered, wasn't he really? He just wanted those heartbeats to be in check. One of those rare events where he was being purely selfish, but it seems his efforts were futile in that regard. No, even worse than that. He had worsened the situation by allowing Sarada and possibly Chouchou to discover he attempted to hug the latter without her consent.

"Sarada~ Mitsuki~!!"

When Mitsuki heard Chouchou's voice, he stood up with the means to leave, who knows what could happen if he stayed and if his body would take the damage. 

"That creep just disappeared on me!"


Chouchou stared blankly at the strange picture of Sarada crossing arms in a menacing way while Mitsuki faced the opposite side. An uncomfortable silence reigned for a moment until Chouchou decided to break the awkwardness to check on Mitsuki and as soon as she reach his side, an epiphany struck her like a thunderbolt

"...Mitsu? Could it be?"

"So this is it," Mitsuki thought barely looking at Chouchou who had a questioning look. He shut his eyes and held his breath as his chaotic heartbeats became the lesser thing to be worried about

"Do you got a fever?"

Her hand rested on his now sweaty forehead because his flustered face and glossy eyes seemed to tell he had a fricking high fever. His eyes widened as soon as he felt her touch, and adverting his glare, he managed to say

"Could it be, yeah."

Sarada's expression changed from anger to excitement. She was witnessing the love story she weaved in her mind in person, while she completely forgot why she was upset, to begin with. With an evident smile, she thought

"Get together already! Shannaroo...!"


Author notes(NOW):

AHH I can't believe I took this much to deliver, sorry!

Author notes(THEN):

Hey, it's been a while since I updated a chapter. I've been feeling the mitsucho blues more now than ever, it's hard to keep writing, but I know we fans pretty much live from fanart and fanfics so I guess I will continue to publish more of these chapters. I really want to reach the confession part which is a little far from where the story is now. Hope I get to write it!

Thank you to everyone who left a comment and voted on this fic! 

I usually read replies via my phone which is kinda broken tbh :_: But I will reply to some of the things I've been asked about this fic.

About love triangles/ Rivals: I must say I have a huge aversion to those. I'm not going to write a wall of text on why I don't like them because I don't want the peep who likes them to feel bad. If you like them, it's fine! I simply do not and prefer not to include them in my stories unless they are needed for the story to move. Of all the things I wrote for mitsucho, the only one I can see myself introducing those are the Moon Princess fic(but I haven't reached those chapters yet lol) That being said, you will see them in this fic getting insecure/jealous too, not that prominent tbh. I think I'm more prone to like angst but mitsucho is so cute.... aaaa

About the pictures in this fic(And in every fic I write!) Yes, I draw them! Glad you liked them ;D I'm actually an artist before a writer. If I write its because I want to take out of my head all these scenarios where mitsucho hook up lol. If you want to see more of my art search for decadentboat on tumblr,  twitter or Pixiv

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Bạn Cũng Sẽ Thích

394K 6K 42
Pretty self explanatory lol. I hope you enjoy this book. I'll prolly stop at like 40 parts edit: excuse the cringe names i used i go by cyni for now...
44K 2.5K 16
▂▂▂▂▂ 『 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄 』 ▂▂▂▂▂ On a person's 18th birthday, a counter rev...
185K 10.1K 38
Soulmate AU In a world where you are born with a black ink somewhere on your body that decolorizes only when your soulmate touches you after you're e...
108K 3.1K 56
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader