Next week, 2:30PM

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Mitsuki walked at a hasted pace through the crowded streets of Konoha. It was 2:45 PM still, he had plenty of time to get there but he wanted to make sure he wasn't late. The day before he had arranged a meeting with Chouchou and while he wasn't really sure what they were going to do today, he felt thrilled. New experiences always were.

When he reached the spot Chouchou chose, she wasn't there. He guessed she was probably busy or she lost her way in some sweets store, who knew, Chouchou was always full of surprises. He sat on a nearby bench and crossed his arms. 10 minutes later he was holding both hands together. 

And after more than half an hour later Mitsuki stood with the means to leave.


When he reached the intersection of the street, he heard someone calling his name.


Chouchou stood behind him looking briefly out of breath

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Chouchou stood behind him looking briefly out of breath. They both stared at each other as an uncomfortable silence was present. With a lot of effort, catching her breath,  Chouchou said.

"Sorry... I didn't think you would be this early."

 "It's fine."


She nervously held one of her braids between her fingers looking away.

"Shall we go then?"

But Mitsuki kept staring at her until he finally said

"I... I didn't know I needed to dress differently today."

"Well, it wasn't necessary-"

"Then why you dressed like that?"

Chouchou's cheeks burned in dark red, why did she, indeed? She said before this was a meetup, but she really wanted to say that this was actually a date.

Her first date ever.


"Don't you think they are cute, haha...ah??!"

He kept staring. Chouchou panicked

"The clothes! The clothes are cute, right?!"

"They are trendy at the moment, these braids and hat. Aren't they?!"

Mitsuki brought his sleeved hand to cover his mouth in a thoughtful mannerism

"They are indeed cute."

Chouchou energetically nodded 

"But that's because you..."

Mitsuki was a blunt person, for him, it wouldn't be hard to say Chouchou was cute because he genuinely believed she was. But today was different. He felt different since yesterday. The dark-skinned girl looked at him curiously, guessing what he was going to say so she finally relaxed and teased non-stop.

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