Our Way Through The Dark

By IsisB14

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Baila- Social butterfly, Puts others before her, but she is really just broken deeply. Putting on a fake smi... More

Intro/Important (0)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author Note (0)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors note
Chapter 27
just a note

Chapter 20

830 22 8
By IsisB14

Five days prior___

Jay POV:

"Yes a fucking tattoo!" she screamed sitting across from me in front of my desk,

Baila was clearly scared which I could easily tell by the way her hands were shaky and sweaty but she was honestly hot like this, all mad.

"I'm not understanding, Baila." I was the complete opposite from her right now, I was being calm about it and I already figured out who this could be, I just didn't know why they would come after her, but I would find out sooner or later.

"He took a fucking picture of me! do you understand that?!" She threw her hands up in the air, face red and blue eyes a darker shade of blue, I just knew she was beyond pissed and it only cause me to smirk,

Baila was small but her temper was big, She was shorter than everyone in the house besides Quinn and Bria so when she got angry like this it was quite cute.

I hated how much impact she was having on me lately, so hearing how someone was fucking stalking her pissed me off more than I can show. I honestly wanted to go to the place and kill everyone there but I had to be smart about it and talk to Jocelyn about everything, she was my second brain my first was probably Antonio but he was often focused on Bria lately; I just hope he wasn't falling to deep for her.

Don't get me wrong Bria is a kind girl, complete opposite of  Baila though, she's more quiet and observant, doesn't have a temper and is quite patient, sneaky but smart and I would honestly hire her for my mafia but I didn't want my neck chopped off by Baila.

Seeing Baila in the bathroom harming herself broke me, and that's the day I realized if anything happened to her I would probably loose— seeing her so vulnerable and afraid scared me and I wanted nothing more to have her in my arms and protect her. I hope soon she would open up more so I can be here for her, but for right now I'll give her time.

"Okay he took a picture and it'll be handled." I chucked amused by all this, "What's the thing you Americans say? 'It'll be a piece of cake' Sì?"

A lot of people didn't know I was half Korean and half Italian that's probably because I didn't open up much. My mom was full Korean and grew up working for the Korean mafia as a assassin at only 15, her father ruled the Mafia but when her father own debt to the Italian mafia and couldn't pay the price he sold her instead. My father brought my mother. She was one of the best assassins alive so I can only imagine the smile on my fathers face, she was quick and quiet, she knew how to kill with any weapon giving to her and she knew how to seduce.

My mother was only 15 and my father was 29 at the time—she fell, "inlove." and soon she had me, my father raised me, beat my mother not shortly after so when he found out she was pregnant again 5 years later a week after my birthday he was thrilled until he found out it was a girl. Being a girl in the mafia was hard, you had to train harder and people took advantage of you no matter what. The look on my fathers face was nothing but fury and I will never forget that day.

I kilt my father at sixteen. I found him cheating on my mother with the maid, Jocelyn was in the garden at the time but the gunshot didn't go unnoticed by anyone. I wasn't dumb I knew a lot about the mafia and how the whole system worked so I kilt everyone with the help of my little sister.

Some people called us psychopaths, some wanted to know how a child and a teenager took down a whole mafia, but others praised it. They called us the devil and that's exactly how I felt at the time. by the time the news went out to every mafia who existed they all knew of what had happened and it was the headline of the underground, 'Jay Willson now the ruler of the Italian mafia' but we never kilt my mother, she was pregnant with my younger brother at the time so we hid her.

"Is this fucking funny to you?!" She yelled knocking down the chair and I flicked my eyes between my black chair and her until I landed my eyes on her and clenched my jaw, "A fucking man in a suit with a tattoo ! came in! knows where I work! and took a PICTURE of me! and you're fucking laughing?" She slammed her hand on the desk,

and that's when I had enough. I always kept my temper at ease for Baila but one thing I didn't like was disrespect.

I walked towards her until I was at the tip of her toes, "Listen Baila," I started off my voice low and calm everything I wasn't feeling at the time, "I said i'll take care of it so i'll fucking take care of it." I grabbed her chin roughly pulling it until it touched mine slightly and I watched as her breath for heavier, "and if you ever raise you voice at me again, the mean will be the least of your worries, baby." I admitted with a threat.

I pulled back walking towards the door but before I opened it I looked over my shoulder, "You're not too leave the house until further notice, i'll have guards around the perimeter in case of anything." I grabbed the knob twisting it and with my last demand, "And pick up the chair." I walked out slamming the door behind me.


"Okay, as everyone should know my mother's back." I announced standing in front of the table as I looked at everyone.

Jocelyn, Antonio, Lorenzo and Oliver all sat at. This was my main group of people that I was close to that got every Intel in the underground world.

I met Antonio when he was only 13 he came from a abusive family and shortly after I slaughter each and every one of them. I had a thing about people abusing kids, it was disgusting to take a joy from such a little creature for your own pleasure and call it "discipline." I took Antonio under my care for the past 3 years and now he is my brain. He's the smartest here and the best fighter which is why he usually trains the new trainees each month.

Lorenzo was my second commander, he took care of Jocelyn and I when I took over the mafia, he trained me to be the best and the best I was. He was a father figured someone I went to if I was stuck on a situation and sure and hell was most of the time.

Oliver was someone to trust, he can get any detail about any mission we had and I praised him for the looks and the brain let's be honest not many people have both. He was no younger than me 23 and married to our second best assassin in the world. Orella.

Orella we met on a mission, Oliver was hired to kill her if anything he hated her most of all. But sometimes hate can turn into no other than love. She was the most ruthless killer in the world, she ripped out tongues and made her victims cry out while she would enjoy her dinner in front of them, she once even poked out a eye ball and feed it to a person for betraying her. She kilt their love ones in front of the victims eyes but she was very beautiful. And Oliver fell right into it.

Jocelyn was always by my side. Most people feared her more than they feared me, and I enjoyed that very much more. I always made sure my sister was never left out of any headlines, Jocelyn preferred knives over any weapon, she loved the way that if someone had a gun she could die much more faster.  she craved the pain and death which is why people feared her.

We were the biggest and most successful mafia in the world and everyone knew or heard of us. Some people called us the devil, reapers, and others called us angels.

We were the black angels.

"But she didn't come alone." Jocelyn stood up walking next to me in the front of the room, in her black suit and her hair in a ponytail, "No other than out sweet brother Jackson decided to tag along." she laughed and I had to smirk with the evil glint in her eyes,

"What trouble are we into this time?" Lorenzo asked leaning back into his chair,

"They aren't dumb enough to come alone." Antonio stated plainly, "And they aren't dumb enough to take something."

"But they're dumb enough to take someone." I finished and smiled as I solved the puzzle.

"Now not to long ago my sweet Baila informed me that someone with a tattoo took a picture of her, I wondered why? who would be dumb to take what's mine and what cause." I explained,

"The cause being revenge." Jocelyn continued walking back and forth in the room, "She was the best of the best assassin in the world and she craved power. Power, envy and a army."

We all knew our mother to well, She wasn't dumb and having our younger brother by her side made her a threat.

"The empire." Antonio mumbled,

"And what's the biggest place to make deals durning this month?" I asked a smirk plastered on my face as everyone was beginning to connect the dots,

"The mafia ball." Oliver blurted out with a smile on his face,

"And that ladies and gentlemen is where it'll begin." Jocelyn laughed, "Get the best of the best ready, we have a war coming our way." She demanded and I mentally praised my sister.

Ooh we love a back to back story :)) I would love to start a enemy's to lover book show casting Oliver and Orella.. what do you think my babies? anyways love you guys!

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