Stripped of Your Love| Catrad...

Bởi brubbs1

4.5K 109 196

COMPLETE - Adora is insecure in her marriage; they've been together three long years, but she wants more. St... Xem Thêm

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

1.5K 30 57
Bởi brubbs1

It was late in the afternoon and nobody was in the bar, light music played above on the speakers and everything felt a little too bright. She turned in the stool to gaze three seats over, she had met someone special in that very spot, and she came back all the time, so she could feel the spark of what they had that night. Adora sighed and sipped at her drink, the spicy taste burning her throat on the way down.

That night, she felt real. Like a real person with feelings, who could actually love someone. And the thing is, she married her. The girl that made her yearn and breathe her in like air, was no longer able to draw that same reaction out of her. It was dumb, really. Who gets married after knowing each other for two hours? There was no romance. Just pure attraction.

Adora tapped her fingernails onto the sticky surface in front of her. After years of being cleaned and wiped, it still maintained its grimy feel. She had visited this place all the time when she was younger, now it felt empty. She used to have fun, drink all night with her friends, and live her life. Now, she was expected to settle down with someone she met and married on a whim. It was a perfect idea at the time. All of her friends were getting married then, why not her? And now look where she was. Alone. Drinking her feelings out.

She and her wife went to a 24-hour wedding chapel and said " I do " purely drunk off of their asses. The next day, they woke up in Adora's apartment with shitty rings on and excited faces. Now, four years later, she wasn't as excited. Just tired. And she tried. She really tried to make it work, to form a relationship out of nothing, but she just couldn't. They could be friends. It totally could work, but Adora didn't have it in her to break it off.

Her legs swiveled herself back around and crossed under the table. She was supposed to be at "work" right now. She put her glass down and leaned her head on her arm, watching the ice melt inside. The woman she married thought she had a rigorous job that needed long hours and weekends, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The truth is, she was a Computer repair technician, people came to the store when they had problems, and that was it. There were only 3 people and it was boring as hell, but it brings in the money.

When footsteps sounded across from her, she knew just who it was. " Hey, Adora. You got any plans today?" The optimistic man washed dishes as he spoke, his face grinning. Adora looked up from her slouched position to her friend's eyes. " No, I don't, Bow."

She and the man went way back. They were friends in high school, all through college, and now. Bow even was one of her witnesses for her marriage. The day was so fun, kids walking into big commitments without a care in the world.

Bow was the biggest supporter in her life and Adora partly blamed him for the mess she was in now. Even though her friend thought she was helping her get with the love of her life, a small piece of her wished he wasn't so damn persistent.

" Aw, you're still in that funk with Glimmer? You know you can talk to me about it." The black boy said, slinging a dishrag over his shoulder. Adora looked at him and smiled weakly, " You always know what to say Bow."

Her friend sighed and walked around the bar to sit in a chair next to Adora. He tilted her head, and collected himself, thinking of the words to say. He started with, " Adora, I've seen your happiness decline over the years. And I feel bad for not talking to you about it until now but... I think you should talk to Glimmer about it." The blonde looked away from her friend and furrowed her brows.

" C'mon, Adora. She doesn't deserve to be in the dark about all this. She's your wife. Don't you think she deserves to know how you feel?" The other girl glanced at her friend and saw the genuine concern on his face. She spoke up exasperatedly, " Bow, I don't know what to tell her! We've been coexisting for four years. She loves me, but I think I don't-." She stopped abruptly, her throat becoming dry.

" Don't what?"

" Don't make me say it. I- I don't know how long I can live like this. Like I'm supposed to love someone I barely know." She crossed her arms and huffed, looking at Bow indignantly, "And I know I made that choice. And I can choose to divorce her, but I just... Can't. I don't know how to talk to her at all. We're just not compatible?"

Bow reached his hand out to soothe Adora, he rubbed at her shoulder as she sulked. She sighed and looked at Bow. " I don't know what to do. I just want to disappear. " Tears began to fall down her face and she wiped them off with the sleeves of her jacket.

The black man pulled her in for a hug, " All I can say is that you should do what you think is best. This is your life, 'Dor. And you shouldn't let this bump in the road get in your way. You're my best friend, I hate to see you sad."

The blonde let a few more sniffles out and pulled back from the hug, " You mean it?" Bow smiled and nodded his head, " Of course I do, Adora. Live you your life."

Adora smiled and added, " you know, you're starting to sound a lot like your dads." Bow chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck, " Really?! That means im getting old." After he spoke he looked down to the ground in panic and put his hands on the sides of his head.

The white woman shook her head and turned in her chair, " It's okay Bow. You're just getting wiser, nothing to be ashamed about. Um- I'm gonna leave, so I'll catch you around?"

Her friend nodded and got up from his chair to hug her again. " I'll be thinking about you. Don't hesitate to call." They unembraced and Adora nodded at her friend. She got off the stool and headed out the door, not knowing where her next stop would be.

Adora sighed and pulled her phone from her jacket pocket. The blonde swiped through app after app, seeing her old college or high school friends successful and happy, meanwhile, she was stuck in an unhappy marriage. At least, her side was unhappy. If her wife was, she sure did a fantastic job of hiding it.

Then, the phone buzzed in her hands and she saw a message from the girl she could not bring herself to talk to.

It read:

Hey Adora-blel! Do you want to go out today?? Or like hang out?

Adora cringed at the pun and turned her phone off. NO, she didn't want to hang out. What would they talk about, the weather?

She put the thoughts about the text to the back of her mind. Bow told her to live her life, and she was going to do just that. So, she walked. She walked around the city of Bright Moon and observed. She saw people with their partners, swinging their arms and laughing, living their best lives.

The blonde was in a daze. And When she finally had the sense to take awareness of her surroundings, Adora saw that she was in front of a place no married woman should be. But, this is somewhere she could go to live her life. To do what she thought was best. It was this. It wasn't bad, she was just living. Separate from Glimmer.

There was a tall woman with long white hair and sunglasses outside of the establishment and Adora fished her Id out of her back pocket to get inside. She was very beautiful and muscular. Her stature making Adora blush a little. She gave a grunt and Adora was let in.

She walked around and saw most of the stages empty except for about two. There was a guy with a mustache gyrating his hips around and a beefy lizard guy lifting himself on the pole vertically.

This was definitely not what she wanted to see and she was starting to regret coming into the building. She walked backwards and as she was about to head out the door, a willowy blonde came up to her with a smile.

" Hi, you must be a newcomer. I'm Perfuma. Welcome to the Rebellion, a wonderful place of self-exploration and sexuality. I'm the owner." She had her hand out in greeting and Adora took it, shaking it slightly.

She looked up and down at Perfuma, her hair was tied back into a long braid and her clothes were loose and earthy tones.

The woman in front of her held her hands in front of herself, rocking on the balls of her feet. She looked at Adora, " Are you enjoying yourself so far?"

She thought about the question and her face morphed into one of confusion. " Uh. No. Don't get me wrong. They aren't ugly or anything but-"

" Ah, I see. Ok, let me show you something I think you'll enjoy." Perfuma said reaching her hand out for Adora to grab. She led them over to a heavy curtain in the middle of a wall. She swiped the curtain over and Adora was met with one of her wildest high school fantasies.

There were half-naked women everywhere. Adoraget like she was intruding on them. Overall, the room was dark and that helped ease her nerves a bit. Perfuma had her hand on her back, guiding her around the room and giving her a tour of the place.

The room was huge as hell, the ceilings were painted with stars and had spotlights above the stages. On the furthest wall was a set of doors with the sign " Private V.I.P Rooms". The doors had lights above the frames. Probably to signal if it's in use or not.

When Adora stopped looking around, she faced Perfuma again, this time her smile was gone and replaced with a stern expression.

She stared dead into Adora's eyes and spoke, "They are not here to sell their bodies to you, alright? They have the right to say no and refuse anything you ask. This is not a brothel." When Adora nodded and held her hands up, " Okay. Yeah absolutely." To top it off she saluted Perfuma. At the seriousness she displayed, Perfuma's face morphed back into a calm smile.

She leaned back and clapped her hands softly, "Okay that's great so- Oh! I never got your name." She waited for a name. "Adora." Perfuma continued her original thought. " So, who's your favorite so far?" Adora considered the question when a new sound entered her ears.

Her head swung around to find what the sound was, only to find out that a new dancer had gotten on one of the four stages. The dancer's music was R&B influenced and her movements were rhythmic.

The first thing she noticed was the girl's physique. She was lean and fit. Her legs were long and she used them to walk around the pole, entertaining the crowd before her. Her eyes were two beautiful colors, one blue and one yellow. She had a pretty coat of fur, an orangey color, with darker stripes along her back and arms.

" Oh, that's Catrina."

Interrupted from her staring, Adora turned back to Perfuma, her eyebrow raised. The blonde inhaled and exhaled and interlaced her hands together, " She's a fan favorite." Adora's mouth was wide open and she answered Perfuma's previous question, pointing to the stage. " Her."

Damn was she pretty. From afar, she looked ethereal. She had to see her up close.

The blonde walked up to the stage, pushing past a few girls who had money sticking in between their fingers. When she got closer, she could see the outfit she had on in detail. Not like there was much to talk about. It was a simple red bikini set that showed off her soft curves. There was so little fabric, Adora was sure she could just be naked. The top of the set tied at the neck and the waist and the bottoms accentuated her pert ass.

The woman's hair was brown and worn back in a high ponytail. It went all the way down to her mid-back. Her ears were cat-like, perhaps she was a magicat? Adora trailed her eyes down and widened at the shoes she wore. They were thick and tall. The trims had gold and the sides were black. How could she walk in those?

Adora watched as she dropped low when the song hit its apex, money suddenly flying everywhere. She was squatting and bouncing, thighs holding up the movements. There were tons of whoops and yells around her and she wanted to participate, but she couldn't. Almost as if she were in a trance.

The song went through the chorus again and Adora saw the woman get on her hands and knees, crawling towards the front of the stage. It almost seemed like she was coming towards Adora. Her eyes were intense and fierce with passion. The strings of her outfit looked as if they couldn't handle the movements.

As the blonde made her way to the end, Adora realized she was on her way over. The dancer's cleavage was on full display when she got to Adora. She sat on her knees and ocean eyes looked into cerulean and amber ones. Catrina smiled and got even closer, herk fancy smile showing proudly.

The brunette above her was reaching her arms out and accepting the money the women around Adora held out. Satisfied with the amount she collected, the Magicat turned her head and Adora saw her lean over to the side of her face. The woman whispered into her ear, her sultry voice making Adora's hairs stand on end. " I'll meet you in room four, I'll let security know you're coming."

She deserved this. She needed control of her life. She answered breathlessly, " Okay."

The dancer leaned back and announced her gratitude to the crowd, " Thank you!" She got up and went over to the pole to clean it up quickly. Then she was gone.

All around her, Adora saw the crowd disperse to move over to another dancer, this woman had caramel skin and a strong physique.

This is the point where she could stop and not do this at all. She could leave this strip club and go home to her wife.

But she deserved this, right? She didn't reciprocate her wife's love, so it was okay. And she wouldn't find out. This was one time.

Adora walked up to one of the private dance rooms she saw when inspecting the new section of the club. At the door was a South Asian woman with a bored expression. " Ugh, what do you want?" She had an all-black outfit on with black boots. Her shirt had the word 'Security' in white across the chest.

Adora crossed her arms and looked around the hallway, "Uh, is there some misunderstanding or something?" She crossed her arms and challenged the woman with a look. She would not ruin this for her.

The security guard's face changed into one of surprise, " Ugh, Nevermind. You can't take a joke." The dark blue-haired woman opened the door, pulling the handle down and pushing it open, holding it open for Adora to walk in.

Once Adora walked in she served her surroundings. The room was medium and light pink, it had black glittering floors and plenty of lights. Music was playing from the overhead speakers. The lights were changing, from blue to purples, every few seconds. There was nothing in the room but a couch and a few chairs, so she decided to sit on the couch.

After she sat, she heard some talking outside and saw Catrina enter the room. She had a different outfit on, this one was still red, but it was a darker shade, more like a burgundy. The top was lace and didn't do anything for support, it was more a fashion choice. Her small boobs sat in the bra, and because of the lace she saw a peek of her nipples.

" Hi, I'm Catrina, but you can call me anything you want, " she said, her voice melting Adora's brain like butter. She sat next to her on the couch and smiled at her, waiting.

What was it she wanted? Adora could not put her tongue on it. She trailed her eyes down the tantalizing girl's body. Her tail was swaying idly behind her, moving up and down the couch.

Oh, Right. Money.

She dug her wallet out and handed her a 50 dollar bill. Ouch. It was worth it though. The sensual woman smiled and crossed her legs, showing off her pretty long legs and beautiful shoes.

" That's an hour's worth, sweetheart." She said as if that was a mistake. Adora nodded dumbly and looked at the woman next to her. She smirked and spoke, "Well, we've got an hour and I'm all yours, but you can't touch me or kiss me. Alright, Sweety?"

Yes. Whatever she wanted. Adora was under a spell. She nodded again and put her wallet away.

" So, what do I call you? I can keep calling you cute names or.."

" Adora."

" Okay, Adora. Enjoy the show." the woman winked and uncrossed her legs.

The Magicat got up and sauntered in front of the couch, the background music complimented her demeanor, soft and seductive. The woman looked back at Adora, a fang peeking out from her lips.

She trailed her hands up her athletic body, hips shifting to beats and eyes focusing on Adora.

Adora ached to touch, she was beautiful and mesmerizing. Catrina got closer to Adora and kneeled over her body, their eyes meeting in the intimate space between them. " I saw you looking at me. I know you want me, but you can't." Adora sighed at the words and her eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds.

The brunette began to grind her hips down over Adora's and felt herself up and down her body.

" You want to touch me so bad, don't you, baby?" The blonde nodded her head and opened her eyes fully. She got an eyeful of tits, and she could've drowned in the smell of Catrina's sweet perfume.

The woman in front of her started to knead at her breasts, moans slipped out of her mouth that sounded like a prayer to Adora's ears. She put her hands on the blonde's shoulders and eyed her lips. She leaned down to Adora's face, her bi-colored eyes searching Adora's features. Her mouth was centimeters from the hers, the pants from her efforts were felt in little puffs.

Adora didn't move a muscle, Catrina moved into the extra space and moved back at the last minute, teasing her. She laughed at Adora's confusion and leaned back on her thighs.

" Nope, no kissing either." She said, taunting the blonde girl. As she tipped back, the expanse of her stomach showed, strong and firm muscles making an appearance. Adora bit her lip and watched the brunette woman's face,

" Y-you have a pretty body." The blonde stuttered out, her mind too mush to control her mouth.

The aforementioned person grinned wickedly at the compliment. " Thanks, Sweetheart." She took her hand off of one of Adora's thighs to tap at her chin.

" Hmm, maybe I will let you touch me. It can be our secret." She winked and reached for Adora's hands.

" Uh, but the cameras," Adora said weakly, her body taken over. The other woman tutted and looked over her shoulder to the camera in the corner of the room. "Babe, they can hear us. They'll know I let you touch me." She continued to grab Adora's hands. "Now, come on. Don't you want to touch my boobs?"

Adora nodded and let her hands be grabbed. Then, her eyes went wide and she took her hands away.

" I- I'm married. I can't." It was the right thing to do, right?

But this was for her.

What if Catrina didn't want to associate with a married woman?

" I don't care."

Adora stopped her internal panic and stared at the woman in front of her. She had said what?

" Huh?"

" I don't care, Adora. Do you know how many married people I see on the regular? And if you're here, you must not feel for her in that way anymore." The dancer said, stroking the blonde's hands.

Adora's eyes fell into her lap, her brain was going a mile a minute. Bow said to live her life. And this beautiful woman wanted her to touch her. How could she pass that up?

" Yeah... Yeah, you're right, I don't feel for her the same way I did when we got married. But I'm here now and your body is.. wow and yeah." Adora rambled.

The Magicat laughed and held onto Adora's hands, tighter this time. " You're so cute. You know that right? And you're going to touch my body and forget all about your wife. I'm going to be the only woman you'll ever think about." She said as she brought the blonde's hands onto her breasts, guiding Adora to squeezing them.

Adora was hesitantly getting used to the feeling of touching another woman. It had been years. And it was exciting, she felt dangerous. She felt alive.

She moved her hands from Catrina's tits and down to her waist, feeling the soft short fur under her fingers. The blonde gripped her hips, " Woah! Okay, you're getting a little too excited." The woman in front of her said, clasping onto her hands and chuckling. Adora glanced up into her eyes and let out a quiet apology.

" It's okay, you can keep going. It just surprised me." Catrina said, stroking at Adora's blonde hair.

She nodded resolutely and continued. Adora felt the hands fall away from her and move onto her shoulders. The blonde moved her mouth to Catrina's neck and licked at the spot. She used her teeth to bite at the skin, marking it until she felt it was enough.

The blonde moved her head back slightly and turned to glance at her face. Up close, she could see freckles that scattered across the dancer's face.

" You have freckles." She pointed out dumbly.

" Yeah... I noticed." the brunette answered breathlessly.

When Catrina answered, Adora, moved her mouth to hover in front of the brunette's. " Can I kiss you?" she asked, looking into mismatched eyes. Catrina's eyes widened and she nodded. So Adora did. She tilted her head and met their lips together.

Soft arms wrapped around her neck and she gripped and the dancer's ass, bringing them even closer together. At the movement, the brunette sighed into the kiss and brought her hand to Adora's cheek.

The kiss was hurried and rough, the sharp teeth Catrina had poking Adora plenty of times. Adora slipped her tongue into her mouth, licking at her teeth and exploring her mouth. "Uahh, mmm, s-stop Adora."

Adora stopped kissing the magicat and pulled back, " huh, what?" The dancer smiled at the blonde and pushed back her messy blonde hair. " Our time is about to be up, sweetheart."

The blonde wondered how she knew that, but probably guessed she had an internal timer in her brain. The dancer got off of her and fixed her hair, tightening her ponytail. " I had a good time, Adora. Make sure you come back, who knows what we might do then," she said, a teasing lilt to her voice.

She came back over to Adora and kissed her on the cheek. And the blonde watched her walk out of the room.

Now what?

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