Stay With Me (Merome)

By amberstars

33.8K 1.4K 458

In the darkest nights of Jerome's life, Mitch has been there for him, a guiding light, a reason to live. Now... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Happy 15th Chapter! :P)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (I'm such a bad person pls don't hate omg I'm so sorry love me)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue (but it's a flashback because why not?)

Chapter 28

839 39 35
By amberstars

Jerome's POV

I ran up the stairs, and instantly grabbed my suitcase. Not bothering about weight or organisation, I threw various clothes in, and occasionally used one to mop the tears before chucking it in. My eyes trailed to the small blade I'd still hidden, and my fingers lightly traced the sharp edge before I buried it in my suitcase, making sure to keep it secure.

I wanted Mitch to chase me, take it back, say he was the idiot he was, but he didn't. Instead, I heard the door slam, bringing on another bout of tears which left me on the floor, shaking uncontrollably.

I guess this is where we say goodbye then.

Pulling myself together, I took deep breaths. I had a time constraint here. I had to leave before he got here... or did I? I could stay...

And then nothing would change. He'd still take me for granted, and I'd still hurt over, and over, and over again.

Swallowing the lumps in my throat, I closed my suitcase. Where would I go? My shaking fingers pulled out my phone, and I found myself texting Preston, and him replying readily. Thank God.

I scribbled a note, dumped it on Mitch's bed, and grabbed my suitcase and walked out.

A taxi came whizzing by ASAP, and I hailed it down. "Airport." I whispered, and as the engines roared to life, I turned to watch our house disappear, and felt my heart go with it.

When I touched down in Texas hours later, Preston was there to greet me, dressed in a thin green shirt and shorts. I, on the other hand, was wearing in jeans and a Posh jacket, and instantly regretted my decision as I stepped out the airport. Preston laughed when he saw me, and used his hand as a useless fan. "Yeah, it's really warm."

"I should've known." I replied, and felt myself fall flat. In seconds, my mind flitted back to Mitch, his voice saying the exact sarcastic comment, and the tears came to my eyes, a few escaping before I could stop them. I wiped them furiously, and it caught Preston's attention. "Oh Jerome, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" I replied miserably, and leaned on my suicase. "This sucks. Why is it that I just can't have it all for one second?"

"You do Jerome!"

"I don't have Mitch. He didn't even call." I said, eyes on my phone. Preston looked at me softly. "You know how hard it is for him. He was with Lia for two years, and while I can't say I know much since I've never met her, he'll always feel a connection to her. You both just need time to breathe." He took my suitcase a put it in his car, before I got in. It was a sleek silver Jaguar, an addition to his black one. "See, this is why all I need is my baby here." He mentioned, patting the hood. "I just watched, and he got in. I buckled my seatbelt. "Hey Jerome, have you got any videos backed up for the next few days?"


"Recorded videos. In your laptop."


"Jerome, did you forget your laptop?"

"... yes." Preston groaned as he took off, and I leaned back, butterflies in my stomach. "I don't feel all that great when I think about Mitch right now. My stomach is all clenched, I feel like I wanna puke, and there are cold shivers going down my body, never mind I'm so overdressed!" I complained, and Preston looked at me knowingly. "I may not be a certified doctor, but Jerome, I have a diagnosis for you. I believe what you're currently feeling is love."

"No kidding Sherlock."

"Now Jerome, would you like me to list the possibilities why you feel this."

"Would you like me to list the reasons to punch you?" I responded, and Preston thought about it. "I think I'll skip it, thanks."

"I just miss him. Sorry." I blurted out instantly, and Preston nodded knowingly as we drove off, my hopes slowly diminishing.

The night sky darkened as we approached Preston's condo. We went in, and I slumped immediately on his bed, and fell into a deep slumber.

The next day, I woke around 1pm somehow, and got onto Preston's laptop. "Okay. Jerome. Hunger Games?" He asked, and I felt myself shrink. "Okay." We both got onto the Nexus, and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

We played it through, and the whole time, all I wanted was to fly back home. Home... real or not real?

We wrapped up around seven, and I found myself in the company of darkness and hunger. "You know what would be nice? Chipotle." I started, and Preston groaned. "Please no Jerome, you'll just make me hungry..."

"Then I'll go get some. That okay with you bud?"

"As long as you're paying, sure!" Preston grinned, and made a grab for his keys. "Do you wanna drive, or?..."

"I'll walk. I'd like some time to think, thanks. Another time though! I'd love to take the new one for a ride..." Preston nodded and I left.

Admittedly, Chipotle was like a half hour away, but I just wanted to get to think about everything. The quiet walk was nice, and everything had been still except for the one car that passed me.

I wandered into Chipotle, ordered, then grabbed my food and left.

Ten minutes into the walk back, I felt someone watching me, but as I turned, no one was there. "Odd..." I continued my walk, and then I felt an arm wrap around me.


I asked myself that for the split second before I also felt a cold knife join my neck.

This chapter moved way too fast, I hope that's okay with you all! I'd probably just rewrite it later >~< which, btw, like 2 more chapters to go (probably) and then I'd like for you readers to decide what you'd like next.

A diary thingy.
Endstone Sequel.
In The Shadows (my book) sequel.
Full Moon Expansion (another book of mine) (the plugs) (so many)

I'll be picking one, and that'd be released once this is done, so please put a vote down! They'd also be up to about 15 chapters at most, and some are in writing already... >:)


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