Power & Legacy || Steve Rogers

Autorstwa areyoutonystankk

32K 785 184

Aurelia Stark, the girl with everything. Only daughter of billionaire, Tony Stark, she has anything a girl co... Więcej

0 || intro
∞ || destiny
1990 || aria's arrival
0.5 || media
1 || the beginning of the end
2 || happy birthday to me
3 || what happens in vegas
4 || doesn't stay in vegas
5 || jets with you are the worst
6 || not the girl i used to be
7 || all in black
8 || robbed by a pirate
9 || kidnapped by a pirate
10 || exploring a government agency
11 || home.
12 || he's back
13 || spontaneous crying
14 || aria: billionaire, socialite... surgeon?
15 || conflicting interests
17 || just a girl
18 || die
19 || ice-cold veins
20 || gone
21 || iron man...
22 || spy things
23 || mojitos & burritos
24 || end-credits
|| iron man 2 ||
1995 || the good ol' days
25 || stark expo
26 || dads, am i right?
27 || jets with you are still the worst
28 || ceo
29 || the importance of family
30 || sun's out, guns out (literally)
31 || private jet talks
32 || apologies
33 || happiest place on earth
34 || goodbye malibu
35 || the big apple
36 || another weapons demo gone wrong
⎊ || end-credits
|| Space Girl ||
37 || the assignment
38|| me and my badly timed jokes
39 || cap'n
40 || brooklyn
41 || under the mistletoe
42 || stark tower
|| aria's future ||

16 || champagne & business

523 14 7
Autorstwa areyoutonystankk

You had a speech, you're speechless
Love slipped beyond your reaches
And I couldn't give a reason
Champagne problems
-Champagne Problems, Taylor Swift

TW: depictions of rape

August 3rd 2008
Malibu, California

Since Dad got back, I've sort of been avoiding him as much as I can. I know. I'm an awful person. But I don't want him to find out about my job at S.H.I.E.L.D, and I am the worst secret keeper in history. Seriously, it's an issue. Also, Fury is constantly on my ass about what Dad's been up to. I've had to make some BS about how 'I'm not allowed in the workshop' and 'he doesn't tell me anything'. So yeah, I've been avoiding my own father like the plague. I haven't asked any questions about what he's been working on while he's locked away in his lab. What I don't know can't hurt me, right?

So, I'm minding my own business. Tonight's the annual Benefit for the Firefighter's Family Fund or something like that. I haven't actually been to a party in... three months- since my birthday. This party isn't going to be anything like my birthday though, less mini dresses and shots, more floor-length dresses, and old, rich people. Hey ho, a party's a party. Honestly, I'm not even sure Dad's invited. Obie's being really weird about the whole Afghanistan thing, he's probably just concerned about Dad and the company. Hell, he's known Dad longer than I have.

With a lot of intensive labor, blood, sweat, and tears, I'm ready to go. Some stylist picked out a gorgeous red dress, with a train that flows behind me as I move. Not to brag, but even I would do me right now. I arrive in front of the concert hall in the Audi I stole from Dad. What? He won't even notice it's missing; besides, his car collection is nice. The man has a lot of flaws but you can't fault him on his car collection. As I walk up the carpeted steps towards the building, dozens of cameras flash my way, so I give them a smile and a wave.

"Miss Stark! Miss Stark! Aurelia!", reporters yell.

I glance at them with a fake smile, deciding to throw them a bone, "Hi!"

"Who are you wearing tonight?", one yells.

"This old thing?", I laugh, "Oscar de la Renta."

"How are you feeling about your father's return?", somebody else shouts.

"I'm ecstatic! I don't think I've ever been happier than when I found out he was returning home safe."

"Will he be attending tonight?"

"I doubt it but then again, he is Tony Stark, so never say never."

"What do you think of his latest decision to shut down weapons manufacturing at Stark Industries?"

I think for a moment, careful of my words, "Business has never been my forte but if that's what he thinks is best, I one-hundred percent support him."

"Where have you been the past three months?", somebody else yells.

"I should get inside now, thank you.", I turn and walk up the carpeted steps, ignoring them as they call after me.

Once I'm inside, I scan the room for anyone who looks vaguely interesting or fun. Surprise, surprise, nobody. Wait, is that... Sweet Jesus! Pepper!

She looks stunning. I mean, she's always pretty, but right now, she's just... wow. She's wearing a silk, navy-blue, backless dress. Again, she looks stunning.

I walk over to her with a wide grin, "Pepper! Wowzers.", I say.

She turns around and sees me, "Oh, Aria, hey! You look gorgeous!", she exclaims.

"You look amazing, where'd you get that dress?", I ask.

"Uh... your dad, for my birthday.", she tells me, a knowing look on both of our faces.

"Well, it looks great on you.", I tell her.

A group of investors come over and start talking to us, "Miss Stark, how are you?"

"I'm fantastic, thank you. How are you?"

The numbingly dull conversation about stock drops and whatnot drags on at snail's pace. At some point, Pepper manages to slip away, abandoning me to go through this by myself. Just as I think I'll forevermore have to discuss Stark Industries' new fate, a hand taps on my shoulder. Spinning around, I see Obie stood behind me and I smile at the sight of a familiar, vaguely interesting face.

"Mind if I borrow Aurelia for a dance for a moment?", he asks and all the old men I was stuck talking to murmur something along the lines of 'yes'.

He places a hand on the small of my back- a little too low for my liking- and leads me onto the dance floor, making me slightly uncomfortable. I squirm a little at his overly-friendly touch, though he doesn't seem to notice. He wraps his arms around my waist and sways to the music playing, towering over me. His eyes meet mine and a shiver runs down my spine, though I've known the man since before I can remember.

"I'm just going to grab a drink.", I excuse myself, moving my way out of his grip and hurriedly walk anywhere away from him.

My heels clip over to the bar and I lean against it. The bartender looks at me, then turns around and starts making me a margarita. Fantastic. The whole world thinks that my dad is addicted to scotch and thinks I'm addicted to margaritas. Not wrong about my dad, and I do really like margaritas, but-

"Aria, I'm glad to see a familiar face.", a voice says, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

I spin around and see Coulson standing next to me at the bar, "Phil!", I force a grin.

"Were you okay on the dance floor? You look pale as a ghost.", he tells me, as we both watch Obadiah walk outside.

"Yeah, I was fine, just thirsty.", I lie with ease.

"I don't trust Stane. Something's off about him."

"Phil, I've known him since I was about two days old. I promise, it's fine.", I assure him.

"Mhm.", he hums, unconvinced.

 "I didn't know you'd be here.", I change the topic.

"Well, Fury's sent me to hassle your dad.", he says.

"Best of luck with that, I'm not even sure he's invited.". Over Coulson's shoulder, I see Dad saunter in, all the attention turning to him, "Never mind. Scratch what I just said."

Coulson turns around and sees what I'm looking at, "I might need your help here."

"I'll try, can't say he listens to what I tell him anyway.", I shrug.

I take my margarita and start sipping, as Dad comes and stands next to me; he turns to the bartender, "Give me a scotch, I'm starving."

"I didn't think you were going to come.", I laugh slightly, awkwardly.

"And I didn't think they were serving minors at this bar.", he taunts.

I suck in a breath, "Ooh, low blow."

He gives me a slight smile, though I can tell something's on his mind, "You look gorgeous, by the way, Lia. Really grown-up."

"Thanks.", I blush.

Coulson steps out from behind me, "Mr. Stark."

"Yuh-huh.", Dad turns to him.

"Agent Coulson.", Phil introduces himself.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy from the, uh...", Dad pretends to know him.

"Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division.", Phil says.

"Right, yeah.", he lets out a puff of air, "You need a new name for that."

"Yeah, I hear that a lot.", I look at Phil and raise my eyebrows, "Look, I know this must be a trying time for you but we need to debrief you. There's still a lot of unanswered questions, and time can be a factor with these things."

"Let's just put something on the books.", Dad says.

"How about the twenty-fourth at seven PM at Stark Industries?", Phil suggests.

He looks very distracted, "Tell you what. You got it. You're absolutely right.", I follow his gaze to Pepper. Ah, that explains it. They better get together. "Well, I'm going to go to my assistant, and we'll make a date.", he walks off, his eyes fixed on Pepper.

I turn to Phil, "Just turn up and hope he's there."

"Solid advice.", he nods.

I give him a cheesy smile, "I'm full of it."

"First mission soon, eh? You're growing up so fast.", he teases.

"Were you absolutely terrified before your first mission?", I ask.

"Well, given that mine involved shape-shifting aliens and flying women who shoot lasers, I'd say yeah.", he scoffs.

I raise my eyebrows, "You'll have to tell me about that sometime, you big liar."

"Well, believe what you wanna believe.", he shrugs, "But you'll be fine. You're one of the best I've seen go through the training program. This should be easy pickings for you, especially with Nat and Clint."

"Yeah, well, fingers crossed.", I press my lips together.

"I should get going, but I'll see you in the morning.", he smiles, turning to leave.

"See you!", I call after him.

As I glance back and see Dad and Pepper dancing together, a smile spreads across my face. Turning back to the bar, I drink the last of my margarita and when I turn back around, the two of them have disappeared.

Eventually, I go to make my way outside but Obadiah's just coming in through the lobby, "Ah, Aurelia! I was just wondering where you got to.", he wraps an arm around my waist and a lump grows in my throat, "Come on, down here."

He takes me down an empty corridor, away from the actual party, "The ballroom's back there.", I tell him, glancing around in panic, having seen this play out too many times on the big screen to be naive.

"I know a nice spot.", he says, none of the usual kindness in his tone as he stares straight ahead.

Maybe I'm trained in fighting and could probably take him out, but something else overtakes my entire body. I'm paralyzed. Only able to move enough to rigidly walk along beside him.

Suddenly, we come to the end of the corridors and he pins me up against the wall. He runs a hand down my cheek and traces the outline of my lips, studying my features with such focus that it shakes me to my stomach.

I don't scream. I don't fight. I can't. I just stand there.

"You always have been such a beautiful girl, Aurelia. Lord knows everyone could see. And your father, Tony, he didn't take as much care with you as he should have.", his hands start to move his hands down from my face, "He should have treated you like the china doll you truly are Because one chip", his hands settle on my hips, "and you're damaged goods. Such a shame your father isn't here now, isn't it?", his smirk shows the golden replacement teeth glinting at the back of his mouth, my wrists struggle to free themselves of his harsh grip but it's no use, "Even from a young age you were beautiful but now... Well, I don't think there's a man in America who'd want to keep his hands off you.", he traces my figure, running his hand down my waist, "And I'm no exception."

Fifteen minutes later, Obadiah has disappeared and I sit in a crumpled heap on the floor, my head resting between my knees. Cold tears roll down my cheeks and black mascara stains the underneath of my eyes. My hair, which only half an hour ago had not a strand out of place, has been pulled on and hangs around my face in limp clumps.

A waiter walks past and gives me a funny look, before turning and walking into some room. I decide it's best to get out of here now, to be sure Obadiah doesn't return. I'm going to have to face the crowds and cameras outside sometime anyway.

Staggering to my feet, I keep my head ducked low as I pace toward the lobby. When I get to the front door, I see Dad and Obadiah stood on the steps together. Immediately, my lip trembles and I turn to go and hide inside again, but behind me stands Christine Everheart- a nasty Vanity Fair reporter.

It's like all the walls around me are closing in on me and I have nowhere to go. My breathing picks up and my usually sharp reactions decide to let me down. So, I do the only thing I can think to do.

I take off running.

Straight out the door and down the steps. Cameras flash and reporters yell but I don't care. Past Obadiah and Dad.

"Lia?", Dad calls out, but I ignore him.

My red dress flows behind me as I keep going and I hitch it up so I don't trip. But I don't stop. I can't stop.

I run and run.

I think some paparazzi and reporters had chased after me but soon stopped. I was running fast and I wasn't stopping. Something sparked inside me and I wasn't even thinking.

Before I know it, I stop and fall to my knees my choked sobs only drowned out by heavy breathing. I have no idea where I am.

From the looks of it, it's some middle-class neighbourhood, though every light is out and everyone is asleep. My red dress is ripped and scuffed at the bottom with mud-stains but I couldn't care less.

I just stare up at the moon and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

A message from the author:
Sorry guys, this chapter was tough but we can only go up from here, I guess. Anyways, hope you all had a good week! Remember to vote and comment! See you all next chapter! (;

- Hannah xoxo

Word count: 2305

Date published: March 12th 2022

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