One Day at a Time

By stephanimelado

1.2K 43 6

Xavier King. He's apart of the notorious popular guys. Girls want him and guys want to be him. He's by far th... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 4

163 6 1
By stephanimelado

My friends had left for the night leaving in the house alone. My friends left thinking the most dangerous thing I have was surfing in a simple storm. I wanted to keep it that way but I knew it would be too good to be true. 

I dragged myself up the stairs peeling the wet suit off my body. I stepped into a boiling hot shower that couldn't possibly be safe but this was the reality. I have a tough or friendly exterior on the outside but really I was a mess. I was only 15 and I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I didn't have day off because who would pick up what had to be done. My mother put me through so much and it was clear she didn't value my life. My father had died leaving me with her. My life was an utter shit show. It caught up to me sometimes like tonight and the pressure continues to build. There is no room to breathe or even crack under it, just keep going. 

I let the hot water cover every inch of my body while lost in my thoughts. Finally when I had used all the hot water I curled into my bed in a sports bra and shorts. I laid on my bed until I drifted off into an unsettling sleep.

Blood trickled down the side of my head covering half of my face.

"This is what happens when you enter places you are not welcome" my mother held the bloody knife she just used to slice my face. Her eyes were clouded with nothing behind them. I couldn't tell if she was sober or not because honestly she was just as psychotic sober as well.

"I-I d-d-didn't m-mean to-o" I stuttered with tears streaming down my cheeks. This 'place' she was referring to was existence. She hated me for existing even though it was her doing that brought me here. I felt myself become more and more dizzy and lightheaded as more blood poured from different parts of my body.

Keep breathing

Keep your eyes open


My only support was myself.

She raised her arm with knife in hand above her head. In slow motion her arm swung down and the knife pierced into my thigh. I let out a painful scream which only seem to excite her more. She twisted the knife in my thigh and dug deeper with every scream. I looked into her eyes and I didn't recognize the person that looked back, she had an evil smile of amusement.

I woke up gasping for air in a pool of my own sweat. ai reached for the scar on my face making sure it was only a dream. The look of my mother smiling at my pain was forever carved into my mind and was not leaving anytime soon. I looked at the time and it was 4 am. I knew I wasn't going back to sleep so I decided to take advantage and go for a run.

I got up and brushed my teeth before pulling my long hair into a ponytail on the top of my head. I threw on a pair of lulu shorts and a sports bra. I headed downstairs and turned on the coffee pot so that it would be done by the time I got back.

I ran for two hours totaling 26 miles. I got back inside just as sweaty as when I woke up and I felt disgusting. I poured myself coffee while catching my breath. This was my awful routine. Whenever the nightmares came back I would push myself to a breaking point just to see how much I could handle. I downed my coffee and dragged myself back up the stairs. I got into a cold shower washing every part of my body and my hair. I scrubbed all the pain and sweat in hopes to be normal. It was a hopeful dream that would just never happen. Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a large towel around me and my hair. I walked to the closet searching for something to wear. I was super exhausted and had absolutely no energy left in me. I put on a pair of black leggings and a hoodie with nike socks and air forces. I threw my hair into a messy but and called it a day. 

I threw my notebooks and pens into my bag and searched my room for my computer. Once I found it I put it in with the charger and zipped up my bag. My phone dinged and I walked over to check it

The Backstreet Boys🕺

*'Izzie' has been added to group chat*

what the fuck is this

Elijah- you've been added to the honorary gc

Isaiah- It is 6 am wtf are we doing up

why was I added

Xavier- yeah why was she added

aw how sweet of you 🥰

Elijah- she's new and my favorite out of the spice girls

did you just refer to Hailey, Naomi, and Skylar as the spice girls

Isaiah- he most certainly did

Xavier- aren't there five girls in the spice girls

Elijah- I would say you guys should find a fifth girl but I can't handle that

its ok Elijah can be scary spice, we all know his 

face can scare a girl from a mile away

Elijah- you're an awful human being

Isaiah- she's my new best friend

Elijah- I hate you both 

Xavier- was there a reason for you to grace us with your internet presence this early in the morning

Elijah- yes actually, I need a ride from one of you fuckers

be ready in 10  if you're late I'm leaving you

Isaiah- that was aggressive twin

thanks I try

I headed downstairs with my bag and grabbed my keys from the hook. Elijah sent me his address to put in my gps. 

Why the fuck did I agree to drive him

I got into my car and backed out into the long street. I sped out of the gates following the gps. It was about a 15 minute drive so on the way there I decided to make a call to the only person that could momentarily cheer me up.

"hello" said a very tired voice from one end of the phone

"don't sound too excited to talk to me dumbass"

"Izzie why tf are you calling me this early?" shea grumbled.

"when do you think my car is supposed to arrive" I asked ignoring his question.

"today shithead"

"thank you sir"

"your welcome ma'am, is that all you need me for" he asked still very tired

"yup, I love you" 

"love you too" he said before hanging up. Just in time I pulled in front of Elijah's house where he was waiting. He walked in long strides to the car and got in. I sat there for a moment almost falling asleep forgetting that Elijah existed.

"good morning to you too" he said buckling his seatbelt.

"shut up" I said while throwing my head off the steering wheel and driving away.

"so we're about 45 minutes early for school, what the fuck are we gonna do" he asked while scrolling through instagram. I didn't answer as I didn't have the energy to. It was silent until we pulled into the Dunkin Donuts drive through line.

"Hi! what can I get for you today?" the woman asked through the intercom

"A large iced caramel latte-" I said looking to Elijah to see if he wanted something.

"-and a chocolate frosted donut" Elijah finished for me.

"your total is 5.72. Have a nice day" 

I drove around the drive through the next window where a woman read out my total again. I moved Elijah's hands from the glove compartment. Reaching in I pulled out a large stack of cash from my last race. I pulled a couple bills from the roll and paid in exchange for our drinks. I could feel Elijah's stare and motioned for him to save until I drank my coffee.

We got into the student parking lot just on time and was met with Xavier and Isaiah in front of our lockers. I finally had to open up and be a real person even though I felt like I was gonna pass out any moment now. Elijah and I approached Xavier and Isaiah and I saw the girls coming down the hall.

"you look like shit" said Xavier leaning on a locker way above my head.

"thank you so much" I muttered while messing up his hair.

"I could throw you in the ocean if it would help" he said jokingly

"This is no time for you two to be flirting" he turned to me ready to interrogate "she has like ten thousand dollar in cash sitting in her car!" 

"yeah shout it just a little louder" I said while hitting him in the arm

"why do you have that much cash?" Hailey asked walking up with Skylar and Naomi.

"I hope you get robbed" Isaiah piped in while pulling Naomi closer.

"haha funny, die" I said flipping him off. The warning bell rang and we all headed to our classes. I had chemistry with Xavier, Elijah, Isaiah, and Hailey first period. We walked in and the room had long black tables with two chairs to each table. I sat next to Xavier and Isaiah and Hailey sat one table down. I put my head down on the table before I heard a very chipper voice laced with a thick spanish accent.

"Where would the new student be?" she asked standing at the front of the room. I picked my head up and saw I tall hispanic woman ready to teach a class.

"Yes ma'am" I groaned

"Isabella Castillo, is that right?" she said pronouncing it perfectly ( most teacher did NOT)

"si" I answered

"mucho gusto señorita" she said while opening a slideshow presentation. She continued on with class and I just could not be bothered. My head was pounding and my eyes were starting to cross. I felt like shit.

 I zoned out completely and didn't even realize that I was being lead to my study hall. All of my friends sat in front of me trying to catch my attention. I was gone, lost in my own world. All I could see was my mother's evil look and I couldn't shake it out. I closed my eyes hoping that when I opened them it would go away but that sad thing was it was in my mind and it wasn't leaving anytime soon. I zoned back in finally focusing on my friends.

"are you like dead" Skylar asked getting a few shoves from Naomi and Hailey "ok but really are you like ok"

"yeah I just haven't slept" I said. They were not about to get the whole truth today. My friends continued their usual conversations and it all sounded the same to me blurring together in my ears. I let myself fall into a light sleep to keep me alive for the rest of the day. I woke up and it was time for lunch. We all headed to the cafeteria and sat down at the middle table with Elijah to my right and Hailey to my left. 

I felt all eyes on me as I was sitting with the most popular guys in school. I ignored it pulling out my lunch. I had a kale salad with creamy balsamic dressing, hopefully this would give me some energy. As I went to put a bite into my mouth I tasted cotton candy perfume. I looked to my right and there was a Barbie looking girl glaring at me.

"What do you think you're doing" she asked me totally pissed off.

"eating" I said completely over her already. She was clearly a mean girl and I had no time for it. 

"just so you know they'll choose me over you in a heartbeat , don't get too comfortable"

"have them" I said, my response clearly seemed to shock her and she crossed her arms in anger. "I will not keep them away unless they want you away" I continued.

"you guys want me right?" she asked the guys. They all violently shook their heads muttering to each other.

"I think you're answer is pretty clear, go away" I hoped she would but I had a feeling she wouldn't.

"who do you think you are" she said grabbing my shoulder.

"don't touch me again, it's not a suggestion" I said angrily. Her grip on my shoulder tightened and any patience I had left my body. I stood up punching her straight in the nose which probably broke. She fell back completely knocked out. All I could see was red and I couldn't help but smile at what I had done.



Surprise! I felt very motivated today so I got two chapters out for you guys. Im not a fan of the blonde who's name you'll learn soon. I have some exciting plot twists coming up so get ready.

Please let me know what you think of it so far and what you wanna see in the future by commenting here ----->

I will be answering a couple questions every chapter to give you guys a better look on what you want to know about any characters, plot, setting, etc. Please ask any questions by commenting right here ----->

word count: 2273

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