Ben 10 Omniverse: the Predat...

By Geo-devourer

54K 565 255

Dr. Psychobos makes one last attempt to get his nemtrix back from the Galvan, Axmuth, once he gets he finally... More

Nemitrix Reborn
Alien Predators
Love interest.
Predatrix vs. Omnitrix
King of the predators
New predator.
The Alien predator meets Cryptids.
The Beast of the beach
The Revenge Beast Style
2 twins 1 beast
Like Son Like Ma
Season 2
Bros, Girls, and a Rumble Dome.
Milk Run
Alien Vet
The Drilling Question
The Speed For Greed
Winter Break in July

Tetra Beauty and Alien Beast

4.7K 46 22
By Geo-devourer

Leo finally got everything he wanted, his best friend back, a new life, new power. And being on his first mission.

Leo: yeah this is not how I pictured my first mission would go

Leo and Ben were hanging over an acid pool in chains in Zombozo's circus. Zombozo came out of  the shadows showing his dunk the heroes button.

Zombozo: hah, looks like the laugh is on you

Ben: aren't you in forgetting someone 

Zombozo: hah, your furball friend, my circus freaks are taking care of him.

Zombozo laughs until he hear a crash and looks to see rook and his unconscious freaks. His jaw drops and Leo and Ben chuckle as Leo frees himself and Ben with his tail.

Zombozo: no matter, I'm still going to drop your friends

He pressed the button and see the chains falls but no hero skeleton. He looks around until he hears a thud and looks behind him to see ursasolar.

Ursasolar: I rethink that comment punk

Ben: too late,care to do the honors 

Ursasolar: gladly 

Ursa then uppercuts Zombozo as he falls on top his freaks. Outside they drag the Zombozo and his circus freaks into the Proto-TRUK. They drove off heading drop off point for the villains.

 Ben: so how was the first mission

Leo: heh, not bad but it was dull. I want a little more

Ben: hah been there, don't worry

Leo: yeah I know but it's just I feel like something is missing, something special, something sweet

Rook: I believe what you missing is a mate, or what you call a girlfriend.

Leo: heh, your probably right, but I never found a girl that I liked, or gets me.

Ben: don't worry, you find someone, like me and Kai

Leo: oh yeah you and Kai 

Ben: ugh no nevermind 

Leo: nope to late, tell me how great you two lovebirds are

Ben groans as leo and rook laugh. On the plumbers headquarters, Ben team put Zombozo and his goons into their new cells. 

Leo: hey guys I'm going to get a bite to eat. I heard max made fried grub 

Leo leaves as Ben gags. Ben and rook meet up with max and see he in a conversation with patelliday.

Ben: hey grandpa what's wrong 

Max: well as you know Leo and you went on an brawl across the universe.

Ben: yeah I remember going to khoros 

Max: and how Leo saved the universe, aliens are puns the universe are praising him

Patelliday: and let's just say there's a special fan 

They sigh as max pressed a button and the screen turned on revealing looma red wind. This caused to scream and hide behind Rook.

Ben: ah looma

Max: relax Ben it's only a recording.

Max then plays the video.

Looma: attention plumbers, I am hear to tell you that I found a worthy betrothed, the one who defeated me in battle with power, speed and agility. So I need you to bring me my betrothed, or else I'll will come there with my armada.

Ben: well this should be easy, who is it

Looma: I need you to bring me Leo 9

Rook: well that's going to be difficult 

Ben: relax she doesn't know he was frenzyback, we can just tell her-

Looma: and don't even think about saying that he wasn't the alien that bested me in battle, I know perfectly clear that he wears the predatrix.

Ben: oh man

Looma: I will be waiting, goodbye former beloved.

Then the video ended and everyone saw Leo entered eating grubs.

Leo: so what I miss.

Later the others were showing Leo videos of looma red wind.

Most people would be terrified of what she could do, but with Leo. Leo would do the same to anyone. Leo, Leo.... was in love.

Leo: wow

Ben: alright Leo should stay here while rook should go inform the looma the news. Leo?

Leo was in a trance until he snaps out of it.

Leo: wha

Ben: rook will handle this

Ben then starts slowly walk away until Ben guest called out.

Leo: Ben

Ben: y-yeah 

Leo: your doing it again

Ben: what

Leo: everytime there's a girl you scared of you let someone else deal with it

Ben: no I don't 

Leo:mmhmm yeah you don't. So I handle this since I caused this, it will be quick and painless 

Leo pats bens shoulder as he leaves and heads towards the teleporter.

Ben: you sure he'll be okay

Rook: I believe he's well aware of what he's doing

Max: you might be right rook

On khoros

Leo teleported in the front entrance. He walks up to the Tetramand security. They let him enter as Leo is amazed by the sites. He walks to one of the markets to see a giant vehicle.

Leo: wow how much power does this boy have

He then spots food and runs over. The alien shows the food as an alien snake leaps out try's to bite him but fails as Leo grabs him, defanged it and eats it. Then the alien backs up as two Tetramands stand before Leo. He turns around an notice them.

Tetramand: the princess would like to see you.

Leo then follows the Tetramands. Inside we see Leo come in front of a large door.

Leo: isn't her throne in the arena.

Tetramand: it only use for sport or debates. Here is where the royal family and elites train. She is waiting inside.

Leo nods as he push opens the large doors. Once inside he's see a giant arena with broken practice dummies, punching bags, pillars and more. He walks down and starts looking around for looma. He hears something and looks up to see looma dropping from the ceiling with her hammer. Leo dodges as she impacts the ground creating a orange shockwave. Leo got up and saw looma charge at him. Looma swung her hammer at Leo who dodges them. Leo grabs loomas hammer as wells kickeing her in the gut sliding her back. She goes for a punch but misses as Leo goes under it, turns around, grabs it as he throws her over his shoulder into a pillar as it collapses. She was about to get up and see Leo pins her down( his knees on her lower arms. Leo breathes heavily and realized what happened and gets up.

Leo: oh me gosh looma I'm so sorry I didn't mean you know reflexes 

Looma: oh no worries beloved, I was simply testing you 

Leo: testing me?

Looma: yes, I wanted to see if you actually able to handle yourself in a fight, and to see if you would come

Leo: why

Looma: because, my first betrothal never actually wanted me, and the second run was tricked into fighting me by the first, and like you didn't know so I had to test you.

Leo: looma you didn't need to, because once I saw you on the video recording, and I maybe... sorta... fell in love.

Looma: you did

Leo: I mean yeah who wouldn't, your big, beautiful, strong, independent woman who loves to fight. Just like me

They both chuckle as they look into each other's eyes. Later looma showed Leo around her home as well as talking about the throngs she like which were also the things Leo liked. They look over on the kingdom over a balcony. Looma bend over laying on Leo's back as she kiss his cheek and close her eyes as Leo smiles. Later they were into a main hall, Leo were eyeing looma.

Leo: looma, this was the best moments of my life 

Looma: mine as well

Looma and Leo stare into each other's eyes as she picks him up as there faces got close. There were inches apart until an explosion happened in the main hall sending them back. Tetramands guards readied their weapons but were swiftly taken out. A ship appeared in the entrance of the explosion.

Four aliens then jumped out of the ship. One was two Arachnichimps, a Vaxasaurians, and Cerebrocrustaceans all pirates themed. Then a large brute came out a scooped the area until they found looma. They went over to her and the arachinichimps web her up her unconscious body. Then the Vaxasaurian carried her as they jump on the ship as Leo get up to see what's happening ship flys off with its hanger door open.

Leo: oh heck no, you don't get away with ruining my kiss

Leo jumps out of the hole falls through the sky and transforms into divebomb.

(Divedrop: natural predator of Chamalien) divebomb spun and flew up towards the ship inside, some of the pirate goons were closing the hanger until a giant tail came through the closing gap and pulled it down revealing divebomb. Divedrop shot his heat vision at the  goons as he see the four main pirates throwing looma in a cell cuffing her hands in chains. Divedrop growls and roars catching their attention.

Looma: Belov-

Her mouth was covered in tape as the pirates charged at divebomb. Divebomb smacked the two chimps away as he wrap around the humongousaur rip off. Then we see the Cerebrocrustacean shocks the two off them as divebomb shakes it off and throws the humongousaur pirate into the oneee eye crab. Divebomb flys straight towards looma but a red net comes out of nowhere and we see the large figure from before drop down. He looked like Kickin hawk but more of and owl( blades on his arms).

???: hah the mighty Divedrop , dangerous hunter snakes of true sky's, but thee one weakness in that is, they can't fly when wet.

Hunter shot a dagger a button on the wall and a cannon came down and fired high pressure water at divebomb making him fall out of the hangar. Divedrop crashes into the middle of the kingdom. Tetramand com and free Divedrop  from the cage as he times out.

Leo: they got away from the princess 

???: more like your to weak to save her

Leo looks at the punk who said it and saw a tetramand who needs a workout. And a kick in the but.

Gorvan: you were too weak to save her. So it's all your fault 

Gorvan puts his finger at Leo's chest. Seconds later Leo grabs his wrist, flips him over and twist him again.

Leo: say that again if you want all your arms and legs ripped off and used as sand ripper bait.

Leo then pulls more on his arm until.

???: that's enough 

They all look to see the king of khoros and looma's father, Gar Red Wind

Gar: we have more pressing matters than teaching him a lesson

Leo let's go gorvans hand walks over him walking towards gar.

Leo: greetings your majesty, sorry we couldn't meet during calmer times

Gar: indeed but I'm happy my daughter found a person who truly loves her. But to the matter at hand, I knows pirates, there space pirates for a rival gang on the other sides of khoros,, if they force looma to marry their leader he'll will have total control. Pirates leader is name hunter, trusty me when I say he's dangerous.

Leo: why

Gar: because he was the one who gave me my scars today. My best guest is he use our planets gravity to slingshot him and his men toward the rival gangs camp, you think you can catch up.

Leo: don't they going to refer messing with me

Leo transforms into swiftstinger 

Swiftstinger: or my looma

Swiftstinger(predator of jetray) swiftstinger flys off creating a large sonic boom, and flys into space.

Gar: hah, he will make a fine king.

Swiftstinger caught up with the ship and noticed a open vent. He crawls in and crawls until he notice the four pirates through one of the vents.

Arachnichimp 1: hah, this is going to be the biggest score we got

Arachnichimps 2: yeah, think of the stuff we can buy, what will by crabby, a new eye

Cerebrocrustacean:  a pair of silent headphones to shut you two up.

Vaxsasaurian: I would bye weights

Cerebrocrustacean: is that all you think about

He shrugs.

Cerebrocrustacean: whatever, the boss to us to move the princess to the deck and wait for the slingshot take off.

They then left as Swiftstinger continue to crawl as he finds a open area to and jumps out the vent and times out. 

Leo: I'm going to something to take out all those pirates. Something strong, fast, smart,, but with instincts to go for the kill.

Leo turns the predatrix past the crabdozer- dashslicer silhouettes and spot an new predator.

Leo: he'll do

Leo slammed the predatrix and turn into an alien predator with blade at the edge of his forehead, long arms and tail at the back of his neck.

Khanivore: alright khanivore, let's see what you can do 

He then roars which echoes around the ship. With the two Arachnichimps, they were making something in the kitchen.

Arachnichimp: hey bro pass me the spice

Arachnichimp 2: sure

He goes to grab it and was about to give it to him until a tail grabs him from the ceiling.

Arachnichimp: hey bro did you found it

Khanivore: yeah 

Khanivore passes the spice over the chimp's shoulder as he grabs it.

Arachnichimp: thanks 

The chimp pours the spice in. But then he drops it in the pot and eyes widen and notice the khanivore standing behind as it knocks him out. He was about to leaves but taste the food and gags

Khanivore: too much spice 

Later we see the Cerebrocrustacean program future coordinates as he hears clanging noises. He look around but sees no one. He then sees a bolt fall from the ceiling and looks up to see the khanivore fall down and slams him into the ground with his tail.

Khanivore: hah, who knew crabs were good at wack-a-mole.

With the vaxsasurian, he was busy  punching a dummy until he gets hit the head with something. He looks behind him only to get tangle by the khanivore. Outside we hear grunts screeches and sounds of metal, then a giant dent was made in the vault size door. The door open and we see khanivore walk over the humongousaur rip off and rotates his shoulder. With hunter, he was in the deck and tap his chair waiting for his "guest to arrive as he looks up to see looma smashing her floating dome. He hears shooting and turns around and sees khanivore holding one of his pirate goons.he drops him and charges at hunter but fails as a secret hatch opens under him. It opens on the lower half of the deck as khanivore slid out and landed as he looks up to see hunter getting up from his chair.

Hunter: looks like I got to do this myself 

Hunter activated his blades and jumped down and started attacking. Khanivore jump on the glass and jumps back at hunter and tail smacks hunter into the wall. He dodged khanivore next attack and grabs his head and smashes it into the wall multiple times. He then throws him and jumps him into the air and slams him into the ground. Khanivore gets up and see hunter charging at him. Then we see khanivore glare as the back of his tail starts moving up.

Hunter crashed into the wall as khanivore walks back. He drops down as hunter gets up. Khanivore then throws a barrage of of attacks at hunter who tries his best to block the attacks but couldn't keep up. Eventually he couldn't keep up as the attacks were devastating. Khanivore then spins and combine his tails and hits hunter knocking him into the ground. Hunter tries to get up but khanivore puts his foot down on him.

Khanivore: looks you got out matched hunter.

Hunter: as a good leader always knows, have a plan for you plan.

Hunter slams a secret pressure plate that activates by his finger prints and four energy balls swarm khanivore and electrocuted him and immobilized him as hunter gets.

Hunter: your good but, you didn't have home field advantage. Now sit there and relax as we wait for the slingshot effect to kick in. Soon the lovely princess will be married to a guy who doesn't care for her. 

Hunter laughs he set the coordinates as looma punches the dome. Then khanivore gets to the verge of snapping as the he started to move and the energy balls starts short circuit. Hunter looks to see khanivore growing a red light starts coming out of his mouth. Then he shots a laser beam from his mouth that hits hunter as he is knocked into the ceiling. The balls around him falls as khanivore falls to his knees panting. Then an alarm starts going off as the the elite pirates grab hunter and exit the room. Khanivore gets up to see the ship is going down. Khanivore runs up the ceiling an slashed looma dome as she falls.khanivore catches looma in his arms as at first she was confused bet then notice the predatrix and smiles as she glees and hugs him. Then they find an escape pod and we're shot out of the ship towards khoros. Once they crash landed they bust out of the pod and see the ship explode. The sit down as khanivore times out. Leo then lays his head on looma's shoulder.

Looma: that was amazing, you risked yourself to save me

Leo: of course I did, I love you looma, your the only female who gets me. I would risk my life again over and over for you

Looma then smiles and blushes.

Looma: I believe I owe you something 

Leo looks at her as she picks him up and plants a kiss on him. Leo sinks in as he wraps his arms around her neck. The kiss  last literally five minutes as Leo rest his head on looma's neck.

Looma: we should probably get going, if only we have a fiece. Powerful, strong, dangerous-

Leo: you just want to turn into frenzyback don't you

Looma: it's just bring out the best of you

Leo laughs and he gets up. Back at the kingdom frenzyback and looma made it back.Leo was outside of looma's room waiting for her to answer.

Looma: come in.

Leo enters as he is amazed by her room, it was huge for a house could be in, she had a giant bed on the end to the front wall, 2 giant windows, on the left was a hot tub, the in the corner was a closet room, and right by the bed was looma's hammer. He walk in not noticing looma closing the door behind him. He looks she looma without her fur clothing or winged helmet seeing more skin and her long luxurious hair as he blushes. 

Looma: hey beloved, I know my father all ready awarded all acres around thee kingdom. But I though I'd give you a more personal award

Looma then moved closer to Leo and bends over and wraps her top arms around Leo neck as she kiss him. Leo enjoys as he moves his hands around looma's chest grabbing her breast as she moans. A few seconds later he moves to kissing her neck, then to her chest, and the her stomach while his hands roam through out her body making their way to her butt squeezing and playing with  it as looma moans. Then Leo lifts her up startling her as she is thrown on to the bed. Leo jumps on top as he starts french kissing her grabbing both sides of her face pulling her closer.few seconds later his hands move to her chest and gropes her breasts. While his tail wrapped around looma's thigh and rubs it. This make out last an hour as they were breathing heavily as leo was resting his head on looma's breast like pillows as they smiled. Back on the plumber headquarters Ben was playing against rook in the lounge until they heard a noise. They look to see a beaten up Leo. Leo manages to walk over to Ben and puts his arm on his shoulder.

Leo: oh Ben it's bad it's so bad.

Ben: what, what

Leo: I did what you said and dumped looma and she didn't take well. First she threw through six walls, the gave me a brutal beat down breaking my ribs, my leg, and face, then she[whimpers]she, she ripped off my tail. And that's not the worst of it.

Ben: it's not

Leo: no, she's bringing her whole armada, she's coming to take her revenge on the ones who dump her, that means you.

Ben then screamed as he runs away to warn grandpa. Then Leo gets and go gets a drink as rook smiles and chuckles.

Rook: I assuming he didn't get your message 

Leo: hahaha,nope, best prank ever. It actually went well as me and her are a couple. I can't wait to see the look on his face.

Ben: LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rook: I believe you don't have to.

Leo looks over to see Ben far away but thanks to his new eyesight he can see his blood boiling face and chuckles.

Leo: well that's my que to go, see yah

Leo then runs to a direction as Ben reach the room and rooks points the other direction Leo went and Ben heads there. In space we see a ship and inside we see hunters and his elite pirates.

Hunter: don't worry boys, we'll get our revenge on that Nuevo brat, luckily our benefactor has the same opinion.

Hunter and his elites laugh as the ship flys off.

Boom times four as I am happy to say I got to show off three new aliens in the story. And that our buddy Leo found got the chapter, Animo back to his old tricks in, the alien predator meets cryptid.

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