Legacy of Kain: The Final Sta...

By Gameninja-8000

46 2 0

I'm making this game on unity, but i thought i would make a novel version. Not long after Kain's battle with... More


44 2 0
By Gameninja-8000

Kain: "If you were to fall, rise, then fall further than ever before, would you not break the inevitable cycle of fate? Or would you maintain the fabric of the universe and merely repeat time again and again in the hope of a better future, a more grand future for the rest of eternity? What was the wheel of fate to decide...?"

Kain: "Ever closer, we move toward our destinies... matching, move by move, the tyrannous stars..."

The sky was dark and full of enticing, twinkling stars. A large blood moon lit up the ground with a shade of beautiful, crimson light. the grass is a dark shade of green, trees barely moving in the wind. waterfalls crashing all around the great southern lake and built halfway through the lake, cutting through it as water flows helplessly around is the gigantic, magnificent structure of the Sarafan stronghold.

Overhead is a faint cloud of bats flapping wildly as if dancing in the moonlight. As they near the ground they clump together and begin covering themselves in a sticky mucus, then a character begins to emerge and a man steps out of the shadows, Kain....

He looks down at the stronghold from atop one of the many great towers.

Kain: "What mesmerizing landmarks these pathetic humans have."

He thinks to himself, watching, as he takes a brief moment to capture the beauty of this era of Nosgoth, the world he will destroy from his refusal to sacrifice himself at the pillars, but he refused let that deter him from finding the answers he was looking for, he was here for a reason, and that reason was to learn of the Soul Reaver sword's mysterious timeline for himself, to find out what to do next. It was imbued with Raziel's soul, but now what? Would he simply return the Reaver to Avernus cathedral? Or was there more to be done?...

He stands patiently waiting as the devoted knights of Mobius-the-time-streamer's crusade pace out their patrol paths...

When the time is right, he jumps down and continues on his way unnoticed as a crawls along the crumbling walls of the inner castle, using his claws.

Kain: (monologue) "Yet again, I returned to this place, the former home of Mobius the time streamer...who I had the pleasure of slaughtering not once, but twice. I remain hopeful that I'll get to kill him a third time. It was in his quarters that I would find the truths that I required if I was indeed to learn more about the legend of the Soul Reaver, for he had one of the most elaborate libraries in Nosgoth, it was said to contain all the prophesies of the universe including the one about the timeline of the Soul Reaver..."

Kain's blood reserves were getting low. He would need to feed soon, and so he pulled a helpless guard up from the ground using his highly evolved powers of telekinesis.


Kain: "ssshhh, it will all be over soon."

Chuckling quietly but menacingly, a flick of his wrist was all he needed to snap the guard's neck, as it let out a loud crack, blood painting the walls with crimson.

After Kain gorged on the sweet taste of the adrenaline in the guard's blood, his hunger was sated.

Kain: "Now to get back to the task at hand..."

He silently thought to himself.

As he paced the corridors of the stronghold, a large metal door marked the end of his search. He soon found himself in the library. He wasted no time in inspecting the many tomes and volumes that surrounded every wall for five floors.

There it was... a dusty book with a skull mural surrounded by symbols Kain didn't recognize on the front cover. The book was written in the language of the ancient vampires, but Kain could make out various bits and pieces.

Suddenly he looks up, his face a mix of shock, enlightenment and puzzlement.

Kain: "So this is what must be done..."

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