Lovers Forever! (A Servamp St...

By katebluejaguar

7.8K 203 10

This is based after the war with Tsubaki. All is peaceful until the Eves have an unwanted and unexpected mee... More

Prologue: After The War.
Chapter 1 The Meet Up.
Chapter 2 The Group Chat Truth or Dare.
chapter 3: The Phone Calls.
chapter 4: Mikuni Brings The Potion!
Chapter 5: The Truth-telling Potion.
chapter 6: Promises Are Broken.
chapter 7: Servamp Messenger Chat.
Chapter 8: End to a wonderful day and a start to another.
Chapter 9: A Not So Good Unexpected Meeting.
Chapter 10: Sleepover.
Chapter 11: Servamp Drama.
Chapter 12: Gifts And Marks.
chapter 13: Hide and Seek in the Dark (part 1)
Chapter 14: Hide And Seek In The Dark (part 2)
Chapter 15: The Night Of The Crazy Eves.
Chapter 16: Shopping Trip Ruined.
Chapter 17: Truth Of The Eves Bad Past And A Unwanted Phone Call.
Chapter 18: Unwanted Home Visits.
Chapter 19: Problem And The Servamps House.
Chapter 20: Meeting Two Of The Season Servamps.
Chapter 21: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/ Eves.(part one)
Chapter 22: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/Eves. (part two)
Chapter 23: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Eves Kidnapped.
Chapter 26: Bonds Broken.
Chapter 27: Eves Great Escape
Chapter 29: Eves Five Years Later.
Chapter 28: Servamps Five Years Later.
Chapter 30 Return of the Servamps (part 1)
Chapter 32. Return Of The Servamps (part 3)
Chapter 33 Return of the Servamps (part 4)
Chapter 34 Return of the Servamps (last part!)
Chapter 35 Everyone Reunited (part 1)
Chapter 36 Everyone Reunited (part 2)
Chapter 37 The Melancholy Phone Call.
Chapter 38. The first night being reunited!
Chapter 39 Eves Off To Work.
Chapter 40: Yelling and confusion!
Chapter 41 Servamps being stupid!
Chapter 42: Really Great News!
Chapter 43: Before the big day.
Chapter 44: The big day.
Chapter 45: Homecoming!
A/N Happy Birthday
Chapter 46: 30 years later!
Chapter 47: Flashback number one.
Chapter 48 flashback number two.
Happy Birthday.
Chapter 49 Nighttime meet up and drama.
Happy Birthday!
Not a chapter. But please check it out!
Chapter 50: Sad news.
Not a chapter.

Chapter 31 Return of the Servamps (part 2)

172 4 0
By katebluejaguar

*Mikuni and Tetsu have been reunited with their Servamps/lovers.

Read on to find out how the other Eves got Reunited with their Servamps/lovers.


*With Licht*

Licht had just walked off of the stage after performing another of his new songs. After leaving Tokyo he rarely performed. He even would not go near his piano. He did it for a few reasons. One was because the Eves wanted to have a low profile and two because he missed the annoying hedgehog and playing reminded him of how much he missed the hedgehog annoying him. He walked down the corridor leaving the cheering crowd behind him. Licht walked to his stage room to rest.

He collapsed on the couch🛋 when his new manager walked in.

"Hey Licht. Good job. Nice song🎶."

Licht nodded "Yeah thanks. Now leave, I need rest."

His manager smiled then left locking the door🚪. Licht began humming a new song that he had made but not finished, about his and the hedgehog's love🧡. Licht had almost fallen asleep when he heared someone knock on the door🚪 and turn the locked handle.

When he heared a key🔑 in the lock Licht leaped up and rushed into his walk in closet where he had all of his stage clothes where and closed the door panting as he leaned against it. One thing Licht hated was fans disturbing his rest.

But he was not expecting to hear the voice that spoke. "Angel-chan?"

Licht gasped as his heart sped up when he recognized the person the voice belonged to.

He felt warmth in his heart as if it had been frozen in ice.

When Licht did not replie the voice spoke again. "It's Lawless. I was wondering if you still wanted to be my Eve again."

Questions rushed through his thoughts. Licht felt anger but it was quickly replaced by sadness when he heared Lawless walk away from the door and was about to leave when Licht torn open the door🚪 and pounced at Lawless, who had heared the door open and was turning around with tears in his eyes when Licht wrapped his arms around him and dragged him towards the walk in closet.

As Licht dragged his lover in and tried to close the door, the two tripped and fell. Lawless on the floor and Licht on top.they stared into each others eyes while both had tears falling out their eyes. They stayed that way for 5 minutes until Licht asked "Where have you been these last couple of years🤨? What took you so long to come find me😟?"

Lawless was speechless, "You were waiting for me😳?"

Licht glared😠 at the Servamp "Of course I was waiting you, stupid hedgehog🦔!"

Lawless laughed🤣.

Licht got a 💢 on his head. "Just what is so funny stupid rat🤨?" Licht glared.

"I have missed you calling me that!" Lawless replied making Licht blush😳 and look away.

"I missed you too." Upon hearing that

Lawless flipped them over so Lawless was the one on top. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my Eve again☺?"

Licht's eyes widened and he smiled😊 "Sure!"

And Licht pulled Lawless down for a kiss😚.

Lawless kissed😚 back.

Then they remade their contract. Lawless became Hyde again and Licht got his boots👢👢 back, which he used to kick Hyde as a punishment for being so late which made Hyde laugh😅. Then the two decided to go back to the Eves house for some fun.

*With Misono*

Misono worked at the local library🏫. Misono spent most of his time in his room. He never went out to their houses garden cause it reminded him of Lily, Misono told them. Misono missed telling Lily off for stripping, Lily's hugs and conversations and Lily's beautiful face, even though Misono will never admit.

Misono spent most of his time reading📚 or working at the local library. Misono was just putting away some books when he heared voices behind him.

"Can you help me? I'm looking for a book😄!"

Misono did not have to turn around to see who the voice belonged to, because he knew exactly who the voice belonged to. "Sure, like I have the time for you three knuckleheads.🙄😞" Misono replied continuing to put books📚 back on the shelf.

"So mean!" Sakuya pretends to fake cry😭.

"I agree!" Kouki agreed with Sakuya shaked his head sadly.

"Meany!" Ryusei added.

Misono sighed, "Shh🤫. What books📚?"

Sakuya smiled, "Fiction."

Misono points👉 in a direction. "Over there!" Misono said putting books📚 back on shelves.

Sakuya smiled then walked off. Sakuya had a new passion for books. He came to the library nearly every day. After 2 years of being here, Sakuya had become a famously known author across the world. The first books he wrote were about the love life between the Eves and their Servamps.

But Misono knew that writing books📝 was just a distraction, so that he was not think about Who's Coming. Kouki and Ryusei went with Sakuya. Misono was just going back to the front desk when he saw Kouki leave, probably going to his job at the local bar. He saw Sakuya and Ryusei reading.

A fellow Liberian approached Misono. "We have some boxes of books📚 arriving soon. Could you go out back and wait for them?"

Misono nodded before heading towards the back of the library.

Through the gaps in the books on the shelves Misono glimpsed a tall familiar man wearing a kimono.

Misono stopped.

'Did I just see Tsubaki😐? No my mind must be playing tricks on me😑!' Misono thought and started walking again.

Suddenly noticing that someone was following him.

Lately a couple of the Eves had been attacked by subclasses, so now everyone had to be extra careful.

Misono walked quickly through the maze of shelves. Anyone who worked at the library would say that Misono knew every short cut in the maze of book shelves and that he never got lost in the library.

Misono ducked into a empty and unused storage room and waited for the suspicious person to get near the door. Misono's eyes widened as he saw who it was.

When the familar person was about to walk away, Misono reached out, grabbed the back of the persons coat and dragged him into the room and pressing him against the closed door🚪. Then his body moved on it's own, pressing his lips😙 against familiar ones.

All of Love was surprised😳. He had expected Misono to start yelling and telling him off, not to kiss him. All of Love responded by wrapping his arms around Misono's waist. Misono was also surprised.

He expected the Servamp to pull away. Suddenly Misono found himself leaning against a wall of the storage room, which surprised him cause he never noticed that they had moved. They broke off both panting hard.

Misono groaned as All of Love licked his neck. "Perv☺!" Misono groaned smiling 'I have missed this.' Thought Misono.

All of Love chuckled. His breath hitting his neck sent shivers of pleasure up Misono's spine. "How did you know it was me?" All of Love asked, continuing to lick Misono's neck.

Misono gasped with pleasure when the Servamp found his sensitive spot at the base of his neck.

Misono stayed quiet for a moment enjoying the pleasure that he had missed over the years. "You were not doing well in hiding your presence😑." Misono finally replied. "So was it Who's Coming that I saw earlier?" Misono asked the Servamp.

"Yes. He came to find Sakuya." All of Love replied with a smile.

'We need to continue this later, somewhere else.' Misono thought to himself. When Misono looked up he asked. "What's wrong😟?"

All of Love stared into Misono's eyes and replied in a nervous voice, "Will you be my Eve again?"

Misono was shocked😳. He had expected the Servamp to ask why he had left with the others, even Misono had wondered that cause the Servamps had not come to them earlier was because they did not want Eves anymore.

Obviously now that was not the case. Misono smiled😊 and kissed😚 his Servamp, the one he loved. "Of course. After all you are my Snow Lily❄🌸!"

All of Love smiled. Then just like the Greed, Envy, and Pride pairs they to renewed their contract. However, once Misono had his chair🪑 lead back, he made his Servamp sit down while he lectured him about his late he was. Once Misono had finished work the two went home and up to Misono's room to continue what they had been doing earlier.

(In the next chapter find out how the other Eves get reunited in their Servamps)
(Created by katebluejaguar!)

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