patience, miguel diaz

By p4ulsboutique

84.1K 3.7K 2K

‎ع˖⁺ ⊹ ⋆ ୭ ❪ patience ❫ hunter was never one for sports let alone karate, but what happens when karate is he... More

act one.
o. prologue
i. the halloween dance.
ii. out with the old, in with the new.
iii. cobra kai means no mercy.
iv. cobra kai's new beginning.
v. lab partners.
vi. strike first.
vii. golf 'n stuff.
viii. junkyards and dinner.
ix. love and car fires.
x. what comes around goes around.
xi. the all valley tournament.
act two.
xii. be honest with me.
xiii. the old dude.
xiv. miyagi-do ?
xv. the robby keene story
xvi. valley fest
xvii. hopelessly devoted to you
xix. the calm before the storm

xviii. the beach club

1.6K 99 22
By p4ulsboutique

・☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 【PATIENCE 】
»»————-act two. ————-««

‎ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

"grow some fucking balls
sam and stop feeling
sorry for yourself. "


CLASS SOON CAME TO AND END and Hunter found herself walking to the convenience store with Aisha."It feels like we haven't hung out in forever." Aisha spoke up. "You know just me and you." She smiled as the two walked into the small store. It was true, the girls hadn't hung out without Miguel and Hawk in awhile.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. I've been so preoccupied with Miguel." Hunter chuckled, tugging her gym bag closer to her body.

"It's okay, if a boy was head over heals in love with me I'd probably spend all my time with him too." Hunter just chuckled. "How is that going, by the way?" Aisha asked curiously.

Hunter shrugged her shoulders as a blush tinted her cheeks. "It's going really good. It feels so natural, us being like this." She giggled a bit.

Aisha just grinned. "You seem genuinely happy and I love that, but I gotta know..."

"What?" Hunter hummed.

"Have you kissed?"

Hunters cheeks tinted a bright shade of pink as she shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe?" She said, letting out a nervous giggle.

"Oh my god, how did it happen?" Aisha squealed like a school girl.

"We were watching Grease and hopelessly devoted to you came on and I don't know... just heat of the moment I guess?" She scrunched up her nose, giggling a bit.

"That's so cute— ugh..." Aisha trailed off, looking down at her phone as it buzzed. Hunter raised an eyebrow, stepping closer to peak over her shoulder.

"Let me guess, dick pic?" A voice spoke up. To hunters surprise, it was Tory.

"No. My mom wants me to go to the beach club with her." Aisha frowned.

"I wish I had that that kind of problem." Hunter retorted making Tory chuckle.

"That sounds miserable." Tory said sarcastically.

"No... it's just, this girl Sams gonna be there and she and I are not on good terms... but it's whatever." She shrugged. "I'm Aisha by the way, and you've met Hunter." Aisha said softly, introducing herself. Hunter gave a short wave towards Tory. "Hi." She smiled.

"Tory." The blonde nodded their way.

"Hey, that's a cool bracelet."

Tory looked down at her studded bracelet and let soft a soft chuckle. "Oh this? It's not just for show."

"Oh really?" Hunter said softly with a grin.

"Yeah, some creepy guy at the mall tried to grab me once, but I managed to block him—" Tory pumped her fist in the air. "And gave him a gift he won't ever forget."  She smiled smugly.

"Oh..." Aisha trailed off.

"Wow." Hunter said softly.

"You seem like you already know how to kick ass pretty well..." Aisha trailed off.

"Yeah, what do you even need Cobra Kai for?" Hunter asked.

Tory shrugged her shoulders. "I've had a couple kick-box lessons but I've always wanted to smash boards blindfolded."

Aisha giggled, shaking her head. "Oh, you saw that." She smiled. "The secret is poking holes into the blindfold,"

"Mhm, cool." She hummed. "I've already heard so much about Hunter too." Said Tory.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Like how you socked your ex girlfriend in the jaw." Tory winked playfully before walking away.

"When you put it that way it sounds so much worse than what actually happened." Hunter groaned.

Aisha chuckled before letting out a sigh,  looking down at her phone. "You wanna go to the beach club?" She asked Hunter.

Hunter shrugged her shoulders. "Sure why not."

"Should I ask Tory?" She questioned. Hunter shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey!" Aisha called to Tory. "You wouldn't wanna go to the beach with us, would you?" She asked anxiously. "It'd be nice to have some back up."

Tory's nodded her head and smiled. "I guess I could suffer through a day at the beach." She smiled at the two girls. Hunter felt giddy making another friend, especially one like Tory. She seemed fearless and ruthless. It was like a rush talking to Tory and Hunter absolutely loved it.

As soon as Hunter and the girls walked into the beach club they were met with almost every wealthy person in the valley. It was more like a resort than a beach, it even had a pool.  "Okay, this is not the beach." Tory said in disbelief.

"This is like a Disney resort, Jesus Christ." Hunter mumbled, looking around.

"Where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades and the guys shoving shitty hip hop demos in your face?" Hunter laughed, shaking her head at what Tory said.

"No, don't worry. They'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuvres." Aisha joked. "C'mon, let's go check out the food table."

As soon as Aisha said that, Hunter get her stomach rumble. "Yes please." She chuckled, following her and Tory over there.

"So what's your story?" Tory questioned Hunter, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You don't seem like you exactly belong here either." Tory said, gesturing to the beach club.

"Oh yeah, definitely not." Hunter laughed. "I feel like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb. My family's more lower middle class."

Tory nodded her head. "Yeah, me too." She sighed. "Have you always lived here?"

Hunter shook her head. "I'm originally an east coast kid. I'm from Baltimore but when I was seven my dad got moved out here for a job and I haven't been back home since." She frowned a bit thinking of her late father. "Shit happened with my dad and all the money we had then— it.. it doesn't matter." Tory sensed her mood change and gave her a small frown.

"Hey don't get all bummed out on me."

Hunter smiled and shook her head. "I won't, I promise." Tory looked over her shoulder as a small smile made its way to her face.  "C'mon I got an idea." Tory said and grabbed Hunters hand, pulling her over to the bar.

"Holy shit, what a rush!" Hunter laughed as she and Tory ran back towards Aisha, a bottle of vodka tucked away in Tory's purse.

"I told you!" Tory laughed as they walked up to the table where Aisha sat with Sam. "Heyyyy." Tory smiled. "Look what we got." She said, pulling the vodka bottle out just enough for the Aisha and Sam to see.

"Where did you get that?" Aisha asked.

"We swiped it from the bar." Hunter said proudly.  Aisha and Sam gave the girls a worried look, more or less a judging look. "Oh relax, all the adults are getting wasted. No ones gonna notice if we have a little fun."

"You should put that back. You'll get into big trouble." Sam spoke up making Hunter roll her eyes.

Tory looked down at Hunter who was looking at her shoes, avoiding eye contact with Sam. She could see the tension between the two girls and suddenly felt defensive. "And you are?" Tory already felt some sort of way about Hunter, almost like she needed to protect her.

"Oh, Sam, this is Tory, Tory Sam."

"Oh, the Sam." She smiled a bit. "Come on, like anyone's gonna miss one bottle of vodka. I could swipe half of the silverware in this place before anyone would notice." Hunter let out a snort at what Tory had said.

"You shouldn't steal anything..." Sam trailed off.

"What're you a nun?" Tory retorted. "Come on, are we gonna drink or not?"Hunter watched as Aishas face crinkled, she could tell she wanted to give in. "Alright, one drink."

"That's my girl!" Tory giggled, wrapping an arm around Aisha as they began to walk away, leaving Hunter alone with Sam.

"I thought you were different, Hunter. This isn't like you... Stealing? Really?" Sam spoke up suddenly.

Hunter looked over her shoulder, her eyes meeting with Sam as she let out a low chuckle. "God, I'm so tired of people saying that!" She hissed. "Seriously, first Riley and now you? Do you even know what I'm like, Samantha?" She said, a bit defensive.

"I don't know Hunter. I don't know who you are anymore. I thought you were my friend!" Sam fired back. "Before you stole my boyfriend." She muttered under her breath.

Hunter just laughed and shook her head. "Jesus christ, Sam! We weren't even close before all of this." She shouted, taking a step for award. "Look, I've been trying so hard to be civil with you, to be friends with you, I even apologized because of the whole situation but you keep bringing it up and giving me an evil eye because of it."


"Oh and not to mention I didn't even say shit about how you and your snobby nosed family threw a jab at Cobra Kai!" She chuckled, shaking her head at the fact.

"The point is, Sam, we're kids, not every relationship is going to last at this age, there's no reason to lose a potential friend because of some high school sweetheart. I have been the only mature one in all of this and I'm tired of it. Grow some fucking balls Sam and stop feeling sorry for yourself." Sam let out a soft gasp before looking down at the ground, avoiding all eye contact with Hunter.

"Hunter!" Tory called out, running back up to the girl. "We good?" She said, looking over at Sam with a concerned look. Hunter took one last glance at Sam before intertwining her arm with Tory's. "Yeah, we're good." She muttered before walking away with Tory.

"Did i miss something?"

"I'll tell you later." Hunter mumbled.

"You guys gave her a front wedgie?!" Tory laughed hysterically at the story Aisha was telling her.

"I split that bitch in two!" Aisha giggled. "And that's the same day that Hunter punched her ex?"

"Hell yeah." Aisha giggled even more making Hunter laugh as well. "Oh my god." Tory giggled.

"Hey!" Hunter's grin fell as she turned around on her heal, it was Sam. "My moms missing her wallet."

"Sucks for her." Tory snickered. Hunter raised an eyebrow. She already knew what Sam was getting at but she wanted her to say it for herself.

"You wouldn't know anything about that?"

"Wait.." Aisha trailed off. "What are you saying?"

"Yeah, what're you saying, Sam?" Hunter stepped forward, blocking Tory from Sam.

"Just give me the wallet, and I won't tell security." Sam said sternly making Hunter chuckle.

"Are you freaking kidding me?"

"Sam," Aisha scolded the girl. "She didn't steal your moms wallet."

"Right, and she didn't steal a bottle of vodka." She said, looking over at Aisha. "And you wouldn't steal half the silverware either." Sam fired back.

"Sam you're way out of fucking line here." Hunter spat at her.

"Listen I didn't rob your mom bitch." Tory said, staring Sam right in the eye. "You know what, let's go." She muttered. Hunter and Aisha agreed and went to walk away with Tory, but Sam grabbed Tory's bag, pulling it and her back.

"Get off of me!" Tory shouted, pushing Sam off of her, making the LaRusso girl fall into the dessert table.

Hunter let out a snort before grabbing Tory's hand and tugging her away. "C'mon, let's go, fighter!"

i think Aisha, Hunter and Tory are about to be the new golden trio 🤌🏼!!

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