
By tmahaffey82

5.2K 204 313

Sup gorgeous people of wattpad, just gotta put a lil disclaimer here for the new people reading. This was the... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
explanation for what's going on in the book atm
chapter 9

chapter 1

1K 36 33
By tmahaffey82

YOOOO it's been a year since I've acknowledged this fic for obvious reasons 😭. After going back and reading the first chapter I'm just going to make it known that this is an easy read.  I don't really have the time to change everything to make it a better book so I'm letting you all know that now. There is a much better book, in my opinion but I'm biased so I really don't have a say, in the works that may or may not be coming near this summer so that's fun. Alright I won't waste any more time, bye and drink water loves.


I'm counting down the minutes until my never ending shift at this god forsaken bar is over. The smell of sweat and alcohol used to burn my nose and the bright, flickering blue and red LED lights would nearly blind me during the night. Not to mention the blasting of dirty music would make my ears ring. Though that was the life style of a bar like this, nothing I could do to change it and over time I've learned to love the repeating music and sweaty dancers. It was the men that made this job so unbearable. I'm not going to lie I love attention, but not from the same thirty + year old men. 

Making my way over to a younger mans now empty beer glass pint, I refilled it up graciously and gave it back to him. The door opened and closed out of the corner of my eye but I was too distracted over the tip the young adult handed me. Wiping the sweat off my brows I wiped the counter over again where new rings of dried alcohol lay. 

After scrubbing for a good few seconds and hand slapped my shoulder, but I didn't have to look up to know who did it. "Someone just walked in, can you see what they want?" James, my boss, said a little worked up with all the people in the crowded bar as it was Friday night. James pointed to a man in a suit just a few feet away from the door.

I couldn't really see what the man looked like but he seemed rather young, not as old as the majority of the men here so I slowed my pace to the booth he took refuge at, not dreading it like I normally do. I had almost made it when suddenly a hand was on my wrist and hot breath tickled the back of my neck. I mentally rolled my eyes at this predictable encounter.

"What time does your shift end pretty." A man with a gravelly voice spoke, his words dragged out and slurred out due to his drunken state. his unshaven beard poked my neck and jaw, making me groan.  

"Not interested." I say back to the unknown, drunk out of his mind, man. Obviously not pleased with the response he received, the unknown man gripped my wrist harder and tugged my back flush against his middle. 

"Aww don't be so stubborn lovely." He says lustfully into my ear, the smell of beer present in his breath almost making the much younger man gag. "C'mon dude let me go I'm working right now not trying to find a hookup." Louis says getting annoyed, trying to get out of his grasp.

Ignoring Louis the man says "Answer the original question gorgeous, when does your shift end, I'll wait." While moving impossibly closer.

"Please let me go." I whined, also growing impatient.

After not budging another voice finally joins their conversation. "Don't make this difficult, no one is in the mood to deal with your pathetic attempt to get into his pants ." Another being buds in. He isn't too old but not as young as me maybe mid or late twenties.

The man thankfully seems to have given up with trying to get anything out of me as he lets go and turns around, but not without glaring and rolling his eyes.

"Thank you for that but I need to get back to work and get orders." I say hurrying to get to the other young man who was probably annoyed how no one was getting his order and drink yet. As I goes to walk away I notice the man at the table I was going to wasn't there anymore. After trying to figure out where the man was a voice speaks up from behind me.

"You were going to my booth."

I turn around and look at where the voice had come from. Turns out it was friend the guy who had just helped me out.

"Oh, well is there anything I can get you." I say getting out a little notebook and pen.

"Just a beer."

"Alright. Simple that makes it easy for me."

"Did that man hurt you."

I look up from my notebook and into the young mans eyes. "Umm no, he was just being needy he wasn't hurting me." I say looking back down to scribble down his simple and short order.

When I looked back up, he was furrowing his brows together looking like he didn't believe me but hoped I was being truthful. "Are you sure?"

I smiled a little bit by how he was acting "Yes he didn't hurt me, he didn't do anything but annoy me."

After this was said he softened up and wasn't as tense as before. It didn't last long though cause only a second later his brows were furrowed and he tensed up again.


I smile lightly, obviously not offended by his words, but the other man doesn't look like he feels the same

"Is he serious?" He turned to look at me rubbing his thumb over his upper lip.

"No its just busy here tonight, he's just worked up a little."


"Well that's my cue, I'll see you around.."

"Edward. Edward Styles and your Louis"

I look at him confused as to how he knows my name. He chuckles and says "your name tag and your boss just screamed your name twice."

"Oh yeah duh" I mentally face palm for forgetting something like that. It's been a stressful day.

He smiles, his dimples showing. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. This man was fucking hot. His long chocolate brown curly hair, long past his shoulders and his tall, built, muscular look was to die for. As well as a couple tattoos showing under his sleeve.

"Well I'll get that beer for you and then I'll see you around I guess."

"Yeah of course."

I smile and walk away to the bar. I get a glass fill it up with beer. When I go to grasp a straw in case Edward wants it my boss says to me "Who's your little friend."

"His name is Edward."

"Well he better stop distracting you, you have a job to attend to."

Normally James is not this serious, but from time to time when the bar is packed, he gets a little worked up.

I bring Edward his drink and after he mutters a thank you I ask "Do you wanna pay now or when your done."

"Now is fine."

He goes to get his wallet out and after paying I go back to finish the hour and a half I have left of this boring shift.


My shift just ended and I'm getting my things to leave. The boy who has the night shift comes in and says "What a crowd out there yeah?"

I look at him and respond "Yup. James is a little on edge so if he yells at you don't take it to heart."

"Never do."

After we say our goodbyes I start to head out and towards my car and once I'm there I drive home to my apartment. Once I get inside my old flat I get ready for bed and pass out as soon as my body hits the soft cushion.


When Louis walks away I pull out my phone and dial a number in quickly. After only a second or two the person at the other end of the line picks up "Did you talk to him." They say immediately.

"Yup, he's even more intriguing in person. He's so small and petite, but his personality is like fire."

"Calm yourself Edward, your talking like a crazy person."

"Yeah well I'll be home soon don't do anything stupid in the mean time."

"I think you should be telling yourself that, not me."

After we hang up I look back towards the small boy who already won my heart without even trying. He's getting someone's order and has no idea how much we know about him and want to protect him from the world. He has no idea how long ago we were told about him and were intrigued by him. But only time will tell how much longer until he's in our arms.


okkk I've never written anything before so this is all new and probably very bad so sorry. I made this up on the middle of the night cause I was bored but thanks for reading anyways. love you.

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