chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning at 7 am for my morning job. I only work here for about 3 to 5 hours Monday through Friday as a side job just to get extra cash for small things to treat myself. My shift at the bar is from 6:30pm to 12:30am so in other words I have the "afternoon shift" even though I get out in the middle of the night. I didn't make the schedule so don't question me about it.

My morning job normally ends at 11am so I get a few hours of freedom until I have to go to the bar. I work at my local clothing store as a cashier person. It isn't the most exciting place to work at but that doesn't really matter now does it.

I brush my teeth, change clothes and grab my necessities like my phone and keys and head out.


I'm halfway through my shift when someone very familiar walks into the store. At first I think its Edward but the man who is now looking through a magazine rack near the exit has short hair so its either not him or he got a haircut out of the blue. I don't pay too much attention to him as I get back to work and quickly forget about him.

About 25 minutes later, the man that looked like Edward comes towards me. I finally get a good look at him and I notice a few things different about him then Edward. Other than his hair he seemed a little taller and a lot more lanky. He also is wearing rings which is something Edward didn't wear, but the big factor between them is that he has an eyebrow slit and Edward did not. Once he is in front of me he hands me a shirt. I take it, scan it then put it in a bag. "that'll be $14.99." I say before handing him his bag.

"Here you go love." He then hands me a 20 and smiles his dimples showing. I hand him his change and stare for a few seconds. He seems to notice and asks "What."

"Nothing you just look very familiar."

"Well you met my twin last night so I guess I would look familiar."

"Ahh" I say, looking down so I can put his shirt in his bag as well as his receipt.

"I'm Harry and before you introduce yourself,  just thought I would let you know that I already know who you are so." He declares nonchalantly. This statement takes me by surprise, I mean obviously, if a total stranger says they know your name do you expect me not to be freaked out.

"Ahh lovely I've got a stalker."

"Don't worry love we don't want to harm you. In fact we want the exact opposite"


"Me and Edward."

"Ok I don't know if you want me to respond with 'oh goody two men want me and have been stalking me for god knows how long, yippee' but sadly I find that creepy."

"I know that it might sound bad but if you could give us a chance and meet us for coffee one day."

"Are you actually being serious right now," I scoff "as much as I would like to have coffee with two incredibly good looking twins, I'll pass for obvious reasons."

"I won't push it but this isn't the last time we'll be seeing each other."

"Great." I say sarcastically.

After he walks away and out the door I start to question my life at the moment. Having two men 'want you' and know certain things about you is kinda scary. Ok a lot scary. I might not be in the best situation but it's better than my old life. Two years ago I was living with my step dad and step brother. It  was absolute hell. They were never physical but very verbal, always saying things like how worthless I am and how my "lifestyle" is a sin. They were very religious so too them being gay was a sin.

But anyways we don't wanna talk about them, they aren't worth anything. Especially the aggravation of remembering them. The rest of my shift goes by slowly, mainly because there wasn't many people here. When it  is finally over I get my things and start to head home. When I get into the parking lot I realize that I don't have anything to do. I'm bored out of my mind and all of my "friends" are back in my home town. When I moved here I didn't try to make new ones, they will most likely end up hurting me in the long run.

I sigh getting out of my car and start to head inside. I step inside the elevator and press the button that was the big 3 on it. When I make it to my level I get out and head for my apartment door.  As  I'm walking to my so called home, I run across a boy that looks my age and seems very confused. This boy has blonde hair (that looks very fake most likely dyed), blue eyes and looks like he hasn't shaven in a week or two. Once he sees me walking he comes over and stops me from walking the rest of the way to my home.

"Do you know a Lewis that lives here by any chance?" he asks me, his thick Irish accent unmissable.

"Um no sorry I don't really know any of my neighbors."

"Oh well thank you anyways." The man takes his hands off my shoulders and dramatically sighs. When he's done with that, I nod slightly and start to walk away but I'm stopped yet again by the boys voice.

"What's your name?"

"uh Louis."

"Well louis, I'm Niall." He smiles big and holds out his hand for me too shake.

I smile lightly and shake his hand "nice to meet you."

"You too, I'm moving in with my friend but I don't remember what apartment number he is which isn't good cause soon it'll be mine too." He laughs and when I heard it for the first time it almost made me wanna laugh too. It's contagious and loud, very loud.

"Oh, well I hope you remember I'll see you around then I guess."

"Yup see you around neighbor." He chuckles and waves again then starts to wonder aimlessly around the hallway, trying to look through the peep holes on each door.

I shack my head and make my way towards my door and once I'm in front of it, I open the wooden plank and walk in. I put my keys and phone on the counter and walk to my couch. As I sit down my mind wanders back to the twins. As much as I hate to admit it, they are good looking and from what I know right now, they are nice enough people, just creepy people.  It just scares me how much they seem to know about me. Who would tell them about me? Who would've told them what I look like or show them a picture of me? Cause quite frankly I have no friends or family. I'm too tired to think about them or the situation and I have a few hours to kill. I decide to have a nap cause I could use some sleep, only getting about 5 or 6 hours last night.

I get into more comfortable clothes and put my phone on do not disturb. I put on a playlist that is supposed to calm me and I climb into bed. I stare at my wall for a few minutes trying to get tired with the calming voice of Ed Sheeran playing softly from my desk. For the last time for a while, my mind goes to the twins yet again. I literally can't stop thinking about them. I hate it but I wanna know more about them I know it's not right and it's crazy but I want to. Of course I will have to trust them a little more before I agree to go get coffee or do anything with them but I want to sadly.

I decide to forget about them for now and drift off to a quick nap before my shift at the bar.


ok this chapter was more like a fill in chapter I guess. He met harry and Niall so that's something. I also think Niall is the only other 1d boy in this story. I hope you liked it so far and the only reason I'm able to update it this frequently is cause I'm on spring break lol. anyways love you thanks for voting, commenting and reading ❤️

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