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This is a JungkookFF Jeon Jungkook had a relationship with Min Eunji when they were in High school. But, due... More



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Finally, that day came. The day when the two families will get united through a holy ritual.

The wedding ceremony of Jungkook and Y/N.

Y/N was wearing her wedding gown, designed by herself.

Her gown trailing as she walked down the aisle with her Appa.

She looked at Jungkook with a soft smile on her lips.

Jungkook had a warm smile on his lips that could steal one's heart. He gazed at Y/N. His bangs made him look more attractive and handsome. Y/N could hardly remove her eyes from him.

When she finally reached, Mr. Kim swiftly moved to his wife and the bride and the groom stood in the middle.

They held each others' hand and looked each other with a sweet smile.

The priest cleared his throat before the vows began.

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?"

Jungkook held Y/N's hand more tightly and said, "I-I do"

Y/N could sense that he was hella nervous.

"Do you, Kim Y/N, take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?"

Y/N looked straight into Jungkook's eyes and said, "I do".

"The groom may kiss the bride and accept her as his life-partner".

Jungkook leaned forward and cupped her face in his soft hands. Y/N leaned closer to him and their lips met. They closed their eyes and kissed passionately. Y/N felt Jungkook's warm breathe on her lips.

Everyone awed them and when they finally pulled themselves apart, everyone clapped.
Jungkook produced his hand and Y/N wrapped her hands around his. She felt warm and protective as she did so.
The newly married couple went down the aisle. Everyone congratulated them.

Mrs. Kim hugged Y/N and behind her Y/N saw a tear tricking down her Appa's cheek.

She went to him and hugged him warmly.

"Don't worry. I will be happy", she smiled and assured him.
Mr. Kim smiled.

The wedding ceremony was over and the party began.

"Hey Y/N meet my bestfriend", Taehyung called her and introduced her to his soulmate.

"Jimin Oppa!!!", Y/N was surprised to see him.
She went to him and hugged him.
"You came here!! I am so happy!!"

"Congratulations Y/N!!!"Jimin greeted her and shook hands with Jungkook.
"You have got the best wife, you know. Take care of her and don't hurt her", Jimin said Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled at him and looked at the woman beside Jimin.

"Rose!!!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Jungkook!! Congratulations!!!" Rose said and shook hands with him.

"Y/N, meet my best friend. Park Rose. The best best friend one can have", he introduced Rose to Y/N.

"Unnie!!!. I know you. I mean obviously I'll know you since you are Jimin Oppa's girlfriend".

Rose smiled and congratulated.

"Umm.. Eunji didn't come?", Rose asked Jungkook.

"N-no. She said that she had to attend an important meeting today. So, she couldn't attend the wedding", Jungkook replied.

After the wedding party, when everyone went back to their houses, only the family members were left.

"Y/N dear, thank you for loving my son. I must have done some great deed in my past life for which I got a daughter-in-law like you", Mrs. Jeon smiled at hugged her.

After all the last minute greetings and all, the newly married couple went to their house.

It was going to be their first night which they will spend together.

*It is upto your imagination what they did*

Everything was fine. They were getting closer to each other with every passing day.
Almost a month went like this.

Now, Jungkook had to go to Seoul for business purpose.

Y/N was very happy since her husband was gaining popularity each day.

She wished him good luck and bade him good bye.

*Next day*

It was a Sunday. Y/N was busy watching television when her phone rang.

It was Jimin.


"Hello Y/N. How are you?"

"I am fine! How are you and Rose Unnie?"

"We are fine! Umm..can I ask you a favour?"


"Will you go to Seoul with me? I want to show you something. And.. today itself"

"Today? Is there any problem?"

"No no. There is no problem. Just like that. It's a surprise! I want to show you"

"Umm..okay then. When are you coming?"

"I am on the way. You better get ready"

"Okay Oppa", saying she cut the call.

She quickly went to her room and wore a mid hip jeans and a top, brushed her hair and let it down. She put some face powder and then went downstairs.

The doorbell rang. She went and opened the door. Jimin was standing with a smile.

"Are you ready?" asked Jimin.

"Yeah. Let's go"

Jimin took her to his car which was parked outside and off they went to Seoul.

They reached Seoul in the early evening. Jimin drove the car to a hotel.

"Here?", Y/N asked.

"Here is the surprise"

Jimin parked the car and  waited for Y/N . She came out and together they went inside the hotel.

Jimin went to the receptionist and asked for the keys of a room.

The receptionist gave him.

"Y/N let's go. I will show you our room"

Y/N looked at him with suspicious eyes.
"Don't worry. I won't harm you. You just need to know something very important."

Y/N followed him.

They reached the second floor and Jimin stopped at the fifth room.

"Here, you open the door."


"No, Y/N. I want you to open the door."

Y/N inserted the key in the keyhole. She looked at Jimin.

"Oppa, are you sure this is our room? You seem tensed and distressed."

"Y-yeah. It is our room. Just open the door"

"Umm okay". Y/N smiled and turn the key and opened the door.
Y/N entered the room and...


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