~Serendipty~HJP (MAJOR REWRIT...

By dixielovests

306 14 11

"SO YOU DO HAVE FEELINGS FOR HARRY?" Hermione said way to loudly "Lower your voice!" Omina said "I knew it... More

Before we get started...
Chapter 1, year 1, Me and My best friend (s).
Chapter 1, Year 2, when did I change?
Year 3, Chapter 1, Tensions Rising
Year four, chapter 1, A little TOO friendly reunion
Year four, Chapter 3, Home.
Y4C4. Goblets, Gardens, and Games.
Y4CH5. Morning kisses and mail-full breakfasts.
Y4 CH6 The Yule Ball.
Y4CH7 Catch Me If You Can
Y4CH8 The fear in her eyes and the anger that hid the fear in his.
Y4 Ch9 The truth.
Y4 CH10 Farewell
Y5 CH1 Skeletons in the cupboard and Traitors.
Y5 CH2 Just what the doctor ORDERed.
Hi loves!
Y4 CH3 Train Troubles.
Y5 Ch4 bumps on the road
Y4 CH5 Love and Hate

Year four, Chapter 2, Quidditch, tents, and Veelas.

19 1 1
By dixielovests

Omina woke up early as she always did, and Harry was at her side, his arms around her waist, hers around his shoulders as her head rested on his chest, the two young teens had their legs tied up and tangled into each other.

Omina lifted up her head to look around the room, the door was slightly cracked, the door to the bathroom was all the way open, and the light was on "Harry." Omina whispered, patting his shoulder violently. "Someone's been in here Harry." She waited but he didn't wake up. She sat up in bed and looked around.

"Where's my wand?"
She asked frantically, just then in the bathroom she saw a red sleeve, with a red haired owner, then the back of someone's head that was tied up into a neat bun, and was a golden brown color.

"Hermione, Ginny?" She thought out loud. "if you two don't come out I will break your wands in half, I know it's you." She said, sure this time, Hermione and Ginny, low and behold, stepped out of the bathroom guiltily then a huge grin flew up to Hermione's face.

"I knew it!" The brown haired girl squealed.

"I did too! 7 galleons from mum!" Ginny gushed.

"You bet on- never mind. Out! Both of you, you should be ashamed!" Omina said angrily as the two left the room moping, she flopped her head back on the pillow. She looked over at Harry, he still had his eyes closed but was grinning profusely.

"Harry!" She scolded as he had been awake this whole time.

"Sorry 'ina." he muttered, his voice reflected how tired he was.

"It's okay." she relaxed, she didn't have enough energy to even be mad. She looked over at the clock and realized she had woken up too early, it was bloody 3 am! She rested back down into the bed, where Harry's arms immediately found her waist.

As the two laid there they talked briefly, little cute things like how maybe we were all seeing different colors, and Harry was sure his purple was Omina's yellow. And one swearing something happens and the other acting oblivious. (Usually Harry was the oblivious one, a smirk on his face the whole time.)

And wondered about cute morning things like; "if two people on the parallel side of the earth drop a price of bread at the same time, does the earth momentarily become a sand which?" And "where did the term shawty come from?"

"Like who saw a woman was like 'hey this girl would love to be called a shortie, but with a speech impediment, that's a great idea!'?" Omina asked him.

"I dunno, Shawty." He replied, grinning. 

"Literally shut up." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Rude. You wound me, Omina." He smiles a little, throwing a hand to his chest dramatically before dropping it again.

"I'm tired." She whispered, shuffling so she could hide her head in his chest.

"Love you, mean it." He smiled.

"Hate you, kidding." She muttered back. Harry sighed a little and told himself he was content with that. Then again, Harry lied to himself all the time. Like the day he'd fallen in love with her.

Harry had stepped up to the boggart as it shifted into a bone chilling dementor. Just as it looks like it's about to lunge at him, Omina stepped in front of him protectively. He watched as the dementor changed shape but not color, it shifted into what looked to Harry like... Bellatrix Lestrange. Hermione had showed him pictures of her in books. Omina was ok at first until her mother's gaze shifted to Harry. She lifted up her wand and began to create her daughter's worst nightmare. "Avada Ke-"

"RIDIKKOLUS!" Omina shrieked, her eyes brimming. She fell backwards into Harry's arms before watching her mother's feet start dancing an Irish jig. Everyone laughed as Omina stepped backwards to Ron and Hermione with Harry still holding her. She was now actually crying, before just crying about the boggart and now about her fight with Draco, and the million other things that were happening in her life. But class continued.

After class in the Gryffindor common room, Omina would sit by herself, on a small couch, and Harry would sit beside her in the empty Gryffindor common room. "Hey." He turned to her.

"Hmm?" She hummed looking up from her book.

"The woman, Bellatrix, in the dark arts. She pointed her wand- at me." He said to her bringing back bone-chilling memories. She never really thought about her mother, well she did. Every hour of everyday the thought of her mother would come to her and she would push it away.

"Yeah she did." Omina answered back.

"So you must care about me a whole lot then." Harry replied bluntly. Omina shut her book and turned her body towards him.

"You are probably the most important person in my life, Harry Potter." She smiled softly. "I would take that kind of risk for you any day." She insisted.

"Oh yeah?" Harry smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh it's not that big of a deal!" She replied and turned back to her book. And this friends. Was the moment he had fallen completely under her spell.

With the thought of his best friend forever, he fell asleep with her in his arms, loving every second of it.

Omina woke up and stumbled down to the kitchen in her pajamas, her bed head companion by her side. Before she could say 'expecto patronum' Mrs. Weasley shoved a piece of toast in her mouth, and another in Harry's. The two looked around to find that everyone else was already dressed and at the door. Omina snatched Harry's arm demandingly and ran back up the stairs to get ready.

After sorting out all the details Omina was walking with the rest of the group, Harry on one side of her speaking to Ron, and Ginny, Emma, and Hermione on her other. "How'd things go with Harry?" Hermione teased.

"Oooooo" Emma joined in.

"How did you know?" She asked her.

"I totally didn't ask them as soon as they got back." She said fast. Omina just merely rolled her eyes dismissively, she was about to speak when an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"D'you ladies mind if I steal this one for a minute?" Harry asked she stared up at his face with a huge grin.

"Absolutely not." Ginny joked, rolling her eyes while she, Emma, and Hermione walk off away from them.

Harry pulled her away from the crowd. "What is it?" She asked with a little smile.

"Well uh-" he stuttered out, trying to think of the reason he wanted her to walk with him, in truth he didn't have one, except that he wanted to be near her 24/7.

"Just tell me what's on your mind, Harry." She said, hoping to get something out of him.

He bit his tongue. There were about a million things on his mind. 'I can't stop thinking about you, I want to hold you again, I want to see you in something of mine, your lips look so pretty, can I kiss you?'

But of course, he didn't say any of that. "I was just going to ask you about if you already had your dress robes for this year!" He made up something on the spot.

"That's what you pulled me aside for?" Omina raised an eyebrow at him with her arms crossed.

"Yeah! Yeah of course." He stumbled through his words awkwardly.

"The answer is yes. Is that all, love?" She asked with a little smile. I should give you a fair warning that Omina loves to flirt with all of her friends, but this is not that, because she calls everyone 'love'. I should also give you a fair warning that it drives Harry absolutely mad.

"Brilliant- then! Yes-yeah that's all." He smiled, and she could have made him insanely nervous. She walked off to her friends, still sporting that same smirk as Ron began talking to Harry about something he couldn't care less about.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Cedric Diggory." She said, looking over at Hermione and Ginny, who admired him beyond belief. Surprisingly, Cedric has made quite a few passes at Omina before. And while Cedric was handsome, it was easy to say that Omina had her eye on someone else. Harry really had no issue with the boy at all, and he respected Omina's decision to not accept his advances, but Harry was always the jealous type.

"You two know each other?" An old man, presumably his father asked.

"All too well." Omina answered back, smiling at her friend, they had decided on a mutual friendship after Omina shut him down and Emma began dating him.

"All jokes " She rolled her eyes. "Good to see you again, champ." Omina smiled to him and shook his hand.

Emma squealed and ran over to hug her boyfriend. While Harry focused back on Omina and they all began walking again.

They finally made their way to an old boot and everybody grabbed on. With a few more words the group began spinning. Harry was starting to feel sick. They all let go and hit the ground with a thud. Hermione had landed on her own, Ron fell on top of Fred and George, Ginny on her own as well, and Omina was on top of Harry.

"Awkward." She stated, grunting as she made her way up.

Cedric, Amos, and Mr. Weasley made their ways down with ease. "I presumed you knew how to use a port key Omina!" Mr. Weasley said as he landed.

"Oh I did." She said, throwing him a glance, Harry blushed a deep shade of red.

They were led to a nice flat, they unpacked their bags and relaxed before the game. "Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry!"

"Out of the kitchen Ron!" The twins chorused.

"Feet off the table!" Mr Weasley shouted at them.

"Feet of the table!" They repeated, taking their feet off for a moment and then putting them back the moment their father turned his back.


They made their way to the stands, Draco constantly bothering them. Omina brushed him off, and just like her mother, when the thought of him came up she pushed it away, but the truth was that she missed her best friend.

They watched the game, not very exciting from Omina's perspective. She only liked watching Harry's quidditch matches and playing herself. Especially watching Harry's though. She likes the little habit he has of running his hands through his hair constantly. She could barely keep her eyes off of him when he did that-

And right before the game, all the men in the stadium couldn't keep their eyes off of a group of Veelas dancing, Ron was especially happy about them. Harry, not so ecstatic, he liked them sure, but he wasn't insane. Mr. Weasely didn't seem to be glued to them either, in fact, he wasn't even looking at them. "Mr. Weasly," Omina began. "Why aren't you watching the Veelas?" She asked.

"Not all of us are so in love with Veelas." He smiled.

"But, what makes someone like that?" She inquired.

"Some people have something simply, better than a Veela."


"He's an artist!" Ron exclaimed.

"I think you're in love Ron!" Ginny laughed.

"Viktor I love youuuuu," The twins sang

"Viktor I doooo," everyone joined in, Omina took Harry's hands and they spun around a little.

"And when we're apart my heart beats only for youuuu."

Mr Weasley ran in rambling something about an attack but Omina only heard two words before her body went into complete panic. "Death. Eaters." The words took her breath away...

...Emma's pov

But the more he explained it the more and more his voice started sounding distorted. So did everyone else when they spoke. And I had a bad headache. And my stomach hurt so bad I couldn't move. Suddenly everything was dark and I could feel myself moving but I don't remember starting to walk.

Then I could see again people were running every which way. I tried to follow but I couldn't. My legs turn the other way. Why can't I control my own body. I don't understand why I'm not going the way in trying to go. Almost like my mind is in someone else's body. I saw my arm pull out my wand. Why am I following the death eaters?! I'm doing whatever they do but why? I need help. Someone. Maybe I can at least speak.

Silly, girl. The voice sent a shiver down my spine and I tried to look around for a voice that I shouldn't be able to hear over all the noise. Yet I can't, and trying to look around does nothing, because I still can't feel my body. This is what being paralyzed is like.

A spine-chilling laugh comes from somewhere. Somewhere close. It's not In front of me, I would see them if it was. But I can't tell, nowhere around me seems like the right spot. Suddenly, a loud ringing fills my ears and I wish I could cover them, but that won't do much. I can't hear anything, but the screams of people around me. I can't see anything but a white light, then everything fades to black. For a second I think I've fainted, but then I come back to reality.

I can see, and I can hear, I think, it's deserted and nobodies around. But I can move, I know because I can finally turn my head to look behind me. I got up and I ran to where I saw everyone else. But they looked scared.


Mr Weasley started assigning people buddies. "George you with Omin-" but before he could finish his sentence Omina could be seen running with Harry out the tent door. Mr. Weasley sighed a little, and he would've smiled if it wasn't such a tense moment. Harry clasped Omina's hand so tight she felt it going numb. He was so scared he was going to lose her, then again, wasn't everyone?

They kept running until eventually Harry was swept away from the crowd, Omina didn't notice until a few seconds later.

"HARRY!" She yelled once she realized she'd lost him "HARRY!" She shrieked, running back through the crowd. The others looked at her as if she was crazy, but she kept running, she felt something on the ground and looked down to find Harry asleep. "Harry!" She cried "Harry wake up!"

People we're now scarce, and we're running around them. She tried to move him but he wouldn't budge. She stayed there to protect him, she didn't care about rescuing herself " 'Mina!" A familiar voice said. She knew it at once. The only person who called her that. 

"What do you want now Draco?" Omina said, starting to cry a bit. To her surprise her cousin walked over and lifted up Harry's unconscious body, she stood up and held part of it helping him.

"But you hate Harry!" She said, shaking her head in disbelief as she ran alongside the two.

"Well, I don't hate you!" He shot back, they ran together and Harry began to wake up mid run, they stopped and saw a strange man make a light in the sky, the dark lord's mark. Harry stood himself up, and before she knew it Draco was gone.

They met back up with the Weasley's and Emma. Who looked spooked beyond reason. "Are you ok?" Omina asked the girl.

"Yeah it's just, the death eaters, I got really close to them, it was pretty scary." She said in a small, shaken voice.

"Alright." Omina shrugged, leaving the subject alone, looking back at it now, she knew she should have asked more questions.

"You should've ran 'Ina."

"I wouldn't leave you there to die"

"Draco was helping me!"

"He wouldn't have if it wasn't for me!"

She stormed off and went to bed. He also did the same, he had another awful nightmare, and wished she was there with him.

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