Property of the Exchange Stud...

By imziamandnarryasf

221K 7.2K 1.6K

Tenoa Amari Silas was just your average sophomore boy at school: thick rimmed glasses, dark chocolate skin, a... More

First of All
fichead 's a h-aon
fichead 's a trì
fichead 's a ceithir
fichead 's a còig
fiche a sé
fichead 's a seachd
fiche a hocht
fiche a naoi


8.3K 276 45
By imziamandnarryasf

Normal POV

Tenoa was sitting on his bed, textbooks and scraps of paper littering his bedspread as he worked to complete his homework. He was having an extra hard time on this one problem and he was on the verge a teary meltdown. Why did he have to be so dumb? He's ask Tenaya to help, but she was impatient and mean; he'd be better off asking Max to be his tutor.

He had decided to skip this one and move on to the next one when his phone vibrated. It practically scared the heck out of him. He stumbled to grab it, wondering who would be calling him. Nobody ever called him.

He questioned was answer when he saw the name Daddy flash on the screen. He short circuited for a second. He was calling him? He actually meant he wanted to talk to him outside of school?

Tenoa didn't know what to do; this was unfamiliar territory. Scratch that, he did know that he would need to answer the phone before he missed. Taking one last second to gather himself and adjust his glasses before answering the phone.

He sucked in a breath at the sight of the older boy on the screen. He forgot how pretty he was and he didn't know how that was even possible.

"Hey doll"

'Oh wow.' Tenoa forgot about that voice. He couldn't help but think about his voice when he would whisper into his ear. He tried to swat the heat from his face. "Hi", he managed to say back without a stutter; that was a good thing.

Daegan noticed this too, smiling at the screen to show his silent praising,"Sorry ah teuk sae lang", he started, clearing his throat as he walked back and forth in a room,"wis at practice then Otto 'n' his mam teuk me oot fur somethings." Since he'd made the team he would need some equipment for practice and tournaments. (Sorry I took so long. Was at practice then Otto and his mom took me out to get some things.)

Tenoa absorbed the information, stomach dropping slightly at the realization that he was an athlete; an athlete like Max; athletes didn't exactly like him. "I- i- i- it- it's o- ok- k- kay." Well it was good while it lasted.

He propped his phone up on his backpack as he continued to do his work. Daegan was getting comfortable as well, sprawling out on the bed to focus solely on the phone screen. "Aye, bit ah wanted tae talk tae ye mair", he admitted with that rough voice. (Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you more.)

Tenoa couldn't help but smile, squeezing his pencil in his hand. He didn't know why him wanting to spend time with him made him feel so gibby. Did he actually have a crush on the foreign stranger? Was he just that lonely? He must've been a bit tired cause Tenoa could hardly understand what he had said. It was quiet for a long time; Tenoa was doing his work while Daegan just watched him do it. He just looked so fucking great; the way he huffed and pulled his lip between his teeth to reveal his shiny braces. He wanted him to smile more often.

"Whit urr ye daein' noo?", the ginger asked him, head titled to the side. (What are you doing now?)

Tenoa held up his thick math book,"H- ho- home- w- wor- ork", he sat it back down and tapped a few more times on his calculator before putting it down,"I j- just fi- fin- ni- nished!", he boasted happily.

Daegan smiled at his celebration,"Guid fur ye, doll", he told him before his face fell,"Awright, tis getting late; hae ye showered yit?", he asked him after he saw the time. He hadn't yet because he'd been out and just got back but Tenoa had been at home or so he assumed. (Good for you, doll. Hey it's getting late; have you showered yet?)

Tenoa was confused by the question until he looked out his window and noticed the sun was long gone, the moon half way in the sky. Tenoa blinked blankly; when did that happen? He looked over at his alarm clock; the 7:23 on the screen.

He didn't know what to say, just looking back at his phone. Daegan however, found it humorous,"Tak' that as a na, aye?" (Take that as a no, yeah?)

Tenoa was even more embarrassed as he laughed at him. He couldn't believe he was that bad at math that he had spent 3 hours doing it. He had started the second he got home and literally wasted the entire afternoon doing 15 questions. Maybe he did need a tutor? His bottom lip trembled slightly as he mentally kicked himself.

Daegan's soft laughter dissipated immediately and his face softened,"Awight dinnae be sae 'ard on yersel' noo, doll", he told him. He could see he was getting upset and he didn't like it one bit. He just wanted to wrap his arms around him and hold him close; to smell him and just enjoy his company; tell him how proud he was and that he should be proud too,"At least ye git yer wirk dane, aye?"  (Don't be so hard on yourself now, doll. At least you got your work done, yeah?)

Tenoa nodded,"G- gu- guess y- yo- you'r- you're r- ri- right- t." He was right; atleast he did it. At the least he would get an A for effort.

"Go tak' a bath 'n' ca' me whin ye git in bed, yeah?", Daegan suggested, sitting up and getting out of his bed. He didn't know about him, but he smelled of something foul mixed with sweat and he needed to remove it from his body as soon as possible. His mum would scrub him clean herself if she could smell him right now. (Go take a bath and call me when yo get in bed, yeah?)

Tenoa quickly smelled himself; he didn't stink but he didn't smell good either,"O- okay."

"Ah will see ye in a bit, doll." (I will see you in a bit, doll.)

With that he hung up, more than likely to do the same thing. Tenoa stared at the blank screen for a moment before putting it down. He couldn't explain why he was smiling suddenly and no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't go away. He got off his bed, grabbing his phone and heading out his bedroom. Daegan gave him specific instructions to follow.

He padded down the hallway in thick pizza socks, heading to the hall closet to get a towel when Tenaya's bedroom door opened. Noticing it was just him, she didn't go back inside, instead leaning against her door passed by your room. She just stared at him as he tried to reach for a towel on the high shelf. It was as if they forgot he wasn't as tall as the others in the house.

Tenaya finally decided to help, moving over and grabbing the towel with ease. She handed it to him, silently taunting him with a smile as she looked down at him.

Tenoa took it from her, pouting as he shut the closet and went to leave,"Who were you on the phone with?", she asked him as she watched him leave.

As expected, he froze, his frame stoic proving exactly what she had thought. He ignored the heat rising to his face, collecting himself,"Th- that's n- none of yo business", he said, not daring to look back and let his face give him away. He was such a bad liar and it wasn't even funny.

Thankfully Tenaya didn't probe any farther than that. She just eyeballed him as he entered the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind himself.

* * * * * *

Tenoa got out the shower feeling nice and clean, the smell of his shampoo and body wash wafting off him. He wrapped his towel around his waist and went over to the sink to brush his teeth. It was a hassle with his braces but $5000 was worth more than his laziness. After finishing his usual skincare routine, he exited the bathroom.

He hummed the lyrics to Love Me Less by MAX as he jogged to his room, hoping to avoid his sister's interrogating. He tossed his phone of his bed as he pulled on a pair of superman boxers. He decided to throw on his teddy bear onesie and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked absolutely adorable.

Tenaya had gotten it for him for Christmas and he looked it. It was so soft and it swallowed him up because it was about 2 sizes too big. He wondered if Daegan would make fun of him for wearing it. 'Maybe I should change?' Suddenly remembering the redhead, he padded over to his bed and grabbed his phone.

All done, he texted simply as he got into his bed. When he didn't respond, Tenoa just put the phone down, grabbing his favorite book off his nightstand and starting to read.

About 3 minutes later, his phone was ringing and he didn't hesitate before clapping the novel shut, scrambling to grab the phone in the sea of his sheets. He didn't answer it immediately, taking a moment and try to calm the sudden beating of his heart. 'Calm down, Tenoa, it's just Daegan; you've talk to him before.' After repeating that to himself one more time he answered the phone and Daegan was looking back at him.

"Hey doll."

Tenoa smiled, his braces peeking between his full lips, "H- hi." Why was he so giddy?

He watched as Daegan dried off his hair, having to stop himself from looking at his freckled red chest. He had a really pretty body; Tenoa wondered how many freckles were on it.

"Ye hae a guid wash?", Daegan asked. (You have a good wash?)

Thankfully Daegan had put his phone down and he was able to begin thinking properly again. "Mhmm", he nodded, not realizing that he probably didn't see him,"Uh y- yeah", he answered aloud.

Daegan had picked the phone back up, now wearing a red long sleeve nightshirt. It still fit him like a glove, his necklace low on his chest. He tossed the towel somewhere off camera before laying down on the bed. He tucked his arm behind his head, his bicep flexing tightening at the angle. Tenoa thought he'd choke on his spit.

"Lik' yer footies", he noted, getting comfortable in his bed as well. (I like your pajamas.)

Tenoa was confused for a moment until he put the pieces together,"Th- thank y- you", he said with another stomach-turning smile. It was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He was glad he liked it.

Daegan was glad he made him smile; he was gonna be sure to do it again. "What's my name in your phone?", he didn't know why he had asked, but it just popped in his head. Plus he was kinda curious what he called him considering he put his own name in his phone.

Daegan casually carded a hand through his hair,"Baby doll", he answered without hesitation. In fact, he seemed prideful of it,"Whit's mines in yers?", he bounced back. (Baby doll. What's mine in yours?)

Tenoa ducked his head down,"Y- you know wh- what i- it is." Was he really gonna make him say it?

Judging by the grin on Daegans face he was,"Kin ye tell me?", he asked in a sweet voice. The world rolled off his thick tongue like warm cream.

Tenoa chewed his bottom lip, eyes dancing over the screen,"D- daddy", his squeaked out, face hot to the touch.

Daegan didn't dare hide his smile at that. As much as he enjoyed the words on his tongue- and he did- he would love anything he called him as long as he was called his. Daegan couldn't believe how whipped he was already.

"I- I like y- you- your sm- smile", Tenoa told him in a sudden burst of confidence. He couldn't help but say it, his dazzling and slightly crooked smile just for him. After saying it he couldn't help but draw the sleeves of his onesie over his hands. He couldn't believe he had said that to him.

He almost caved in on himself when Daegan suddenly froze. He wondered if he had crossed a line until Daegan smiled again,"Ah lik' yer smile tae, doll", he responded with a slight pitch in his voice. (I like your smile too, doll.)

Tenoa could clearly see the blush on his cheeks; he was usually red all the time anyway, but this was next level red. It was cute that he didn't know how to take a compliment considering how much he gave them to him. He could tell you that it only seemed to worsen as the seconds passed. Daegan threw a thick arm over his face, trying and failing to hold back the butterflies. He was just too perfect; he didn't know what else he could take.

"Tell me aboot ye doll.", Daegan said, rough voice cutting the comfortable silence between them. (Tell me about you, doll.)

"W- what d- do you wa- anna know?", Tenoa asked him softly, voice barely above a whisper.

Daegan blinked, bright blue eyes shining,"Everything", he answered,"anythin' 'n' everything yi'll waant tae; a'm waantin' tae ken a' much as ah kin." (Anything and everything you'll want too; I want to know as much as I can.)

That was a shock. Not many people cared to learn anything about him; even Aunt Monica had difficulty keeping up with her nephew's interests. "C- can I ask y- you questions too?" He would liked to get to know him more too. It felt weird just talking about himself.

"Aye", he answered, rolling onto his stomach and propping his head up on his pillow. He was flattered that his doll wanted to talk about him too; such a gentleman. (Yes.)

Tenoa and Daegan spent the next hour talking and getting to know each other. Daegan talked about his family back home and how it was just his mum and folks and Tenoa told him about how he lost his parents and it was just his aunt and Tenaya along with a couple cousins here too. They talked about their likes and dislikes, hobbies and even tossed a few compliments in as well. They both quite enjoyed finally having someone to talk to.

They continued to talk a bit until Tenoa yawned mid-sentence.

"Ye sleepy?"

Tenoa nodded his head, rubbing his drooping eyes.

"Ah will let ye git some sleep then. Ah will chat wi' ye tomorrow, aye?", the older boy promised him rolling over onto his side. He couldn't help but stare at the beautiful tired boy, drinking in everything that he could. (I will let you get some sleep then, I will talk with you tomorrow.)

"O- okay", Tenoa answered in a sleep filled voice. He put his books into his back pack and placed it on the floor by his bed. He pulled back his sheets before getting under them and laying down.

Once he was settled, he picked his phone back up,"G- good yawn night d- daddy", he murmured through a small yawn.

Daegan cooed aloud at this,"Guid nicht, doll." (Good night, doll.)

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