curiosity kills | lee minho

Oleh hyunjinsiconicmole

355K 20.4K 45.3K

Crush Series #2 in which satisfaction brought it back started: 03 january 2021 ended: Lebih Banyak

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e

f i f t e e n

10.9K 711 1.7K
Oleh hyunjinsiconicmole

c h a p t e r 15


The name has been running through Gyeoul's mind for quite some time now. It was actually starting to be embarrassing. She told herself that she was only hung up on the name because she couldn't help but wonder why it seemed so familiar. As if she had heard the name before.

There was no other reason to be hung up, right? Right. Simply out of curiosity. She couldn't possibly be jealous. No way. That's fucking stupi-

"Okay, you could have just said I was wrong. No need to call me 'stupid'." Areum was already erasing her answer.

Shit. Was I thinking out loud?

Gyeoul snapped out of her thoughts and hastily apologized. "No! That's correct. Sorry, I was out of it." She groaned before dropping the pencil she had been fumbling with. She pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling a headache coming.

Areum raised a brow in wonder. "Boy problem?"

Gyeoul prevented the shock from showing. "Is there any other causes for headaches?" She snickered.

The younger nodded in agreement. "Don't even waste your time stressing over them. Boys are stupid." She murmured, glaring at her worksheet.

Gyeoul had noticed that Areum's grip on the pencil had tightened. Obviously, her words meant something.

Gyeoul pursed her lips to hide a smile. "So, who is it?" She nudged her shoulder teasingly.

Areum's face glowed a bright red. "Who's who?" She asked, feigning innocence.

"Oh, come on. I won't tell anyone." Gyeoul laughed, finding the younger's flushing state rather refreshing.

It did not take much convincing.

"His name is Han Jisung." Areum doodled on the worksheet, avoiding Gyeoul's teasing eyes. "He's a year older and friends with both Seungmin and Minho." She pouted, seeming to be disappointed with the fact.

"Well, what's the problem with that?"

"He only sees me as his friend's younger sister and nothing else." The tight grip on the pencil was back. "Whatever. He's stupid anyway." She quickly added, embarrasssed.

Gyeoul could not help but laugh. "But have you told this Jisung about your feelings?"

"In a way.." Areum muttered.


"I set his clothes in fire."

Gyeoul felt her headache worsening. "Lovely." She said. Okay, she was not much of a charmer. Actually, she does not have experience in the confessing department but she was sure as hell that wasn't the ideal way to go. That, she knew as much. "You sure love setting things on fire."

Areum shrugged nonchalantly. "We have a love-hate relationship."

Gyeoul was getting culture shocked by the younger's generation's pursuing methods. Was she really getting that old?

"By the way," Areum pulled on her drawer, withdrawing an envelope. She slid it towards the other without a word.

Gyeoul opened the envelope, taking out the beach-themed card.

You are invited to..

"You're getting married?" Gyeoul exclaimed upon reading the tagline.

"No, idiot." Areum huffed. Gyeoul tried not to take offense by getting called an idiot by an 18 year old. "It's not my wedding." She pointed towards the cursive letters in the center.

Indeed it wasn't Areum's name. Some couple with Seo and Park as a surname was getting married next week. Due to the card's theme, Gyeoul concluded that it was a beach wedding.

"Good for them..?" Gyeoul said reluctantly, confused as to why Areum was showing her the invitation card.

"Can you come with?" Areum asked.

Gyeoul's brows furrowed. "I don't even know these people." She raised the card.

"Neither do I. But the groom is friends with mom and I don't want to be left alone with a bunch of old people." Areum huffed.

Gyeoul could not help but coo. "Aww, you want me there with you?" She raised her tone.

"I mean, you're kinda old too but you'll do."

Gyeoul's smile instantly dropped. "Girl, I'm only 21."

Areum shrugged. "Older than me."

Gyeoul sighed exasperatedly. Maybe she was old.

"Don't bother thinking about it. Mom will bring it up at dinner and will find a way to make you come. You're practically her second daughter by now." Areum said.

"Then why ask?"

Areum marked a period on her last worksheet. "Formality."


At the time, Gyeoul did not think much of the wedding. She found it rejuvenating actually. She finally had a summer related agenda. She can finally consider her 'summer vacation', an actual vacation. Who in the right mind would pass up a free 3-day trip to the beach? She found the circumstance convenient since it would also help take her mind off of.. certain things.

Initially, she was skeptical in attending a couple's wedding whom she did not give two shits about but as Seoyun explained that it was a grand wedding and that they were encouraged to bring a plus one, the insecurity instantly vanished.

She was capable of clapping and faking a smile for half an hour. Easy. No problem. Certainly. Basic. She was practically a veteran. Kudos to her college professors who had the humour of 6 year olds.

Gyeoul was supposed to hitch a ride with Yeji but she was specifically instructed by Seoyun to head to the mansion as they will be the ones leaving for the venue altogether. She had no choice but to oblige. Seoyun literally threatened her with stripping her from the job. If kidding, not sure.

As the day of the departure came, Gyeoul was packing last minute.

"Ooh! That's a cute bikini set!" Yeji commented, seeing Gyeoul aimlessly throwing things inside her small suitcase.

Gyeoul ran to the bathroom to fetch her toiletries. "It'll look better on me." She managed to say.

Yeji laughed harmoniously, amused by the confidence. She played with her own suitcase, waiting for Gyeoul patiently.

Gyeoul found out that Yeji's family was friends with the groom's family and that the bride's daughter was friends with her. Yeji had made a whole discussion board of family connections and truthfully speaking, Gyeoul remembers nothing of it. There were a few familiar names but not familiar enough to leave a mark in her head. And that's on shit memory. All she knew is that there were eight families and that all of them were ridiculously wealthy.

She was beginning to wonder how these people crossed paths with her.

It was nice to know that Yeji was coming along as well. Although Areum was great company, she still found comfort in having someone of similar age there with her.

"Oh no! I forgot to pack sunscreen!" Yeji gasped. "You have any?"

Gyeoul shook her head 'no'.

Yeji started to panic for a moment. But then stops. "Minho has some!"

Gyeoul abruptly stopped from zipping her suitcase. "Minho?"

Yeji nodded. "Yeah. Never leaves for a family trip without it. He's always bringing it for Areum."

Gyeoul would have found the story adorable if it weren't for the hammering in her chest. Suddenly, she wanted to shove all her clothes back in the cabinet, curl into her blankets, and convince Seoyun to spare her.

How could she forget that Minho was part of the family? She considered taking memory supplements. She thought of just avoiding him for the entirety of the trip but that seemed as if she was making a big deal out of nothing– which she actually was. Could it be possible that she was the only one affected?

She so wanted to deck herself for allowing someone –a boy no less– to make her act like a preteen.

Was she really ready for a 3-day trip with him?

"You ready?"


Not really.


"Good morning, Mrs. Lee!" Yeji greeted from the window as Gyeoul was stepping out of her car. "See you all at the venue!" She flashed a dazzling smile.

The sunglasses that Seoyun wore –despite the shade–suddenly seemed appropriate. "See you, dear!" The woman waved gracefully, flashing a smile of her own. As Yeji drove away, Seoyun stepped down from the staircase on her porch as she skipped over to Gyeoul. "Looking fabulous as always!" She commented.

Gyeoul scanned the sheer white top over a black bralette that she was wearing. She paired it with some denim shorts. It was actually plain as compared to the elegant sundress that Seoyun was wearing. She decided to thank her anyways.

Areum soon appeared from their doorframe, sporting a floral printed sundress of her own. Seungmin was tailing behind. Without the crutches, the young man stood taller and looked even more dashing. As the two siblings stood next to each other, bickering over who will take the shotgun seat, Gyeoul chuckled. For a moment she wanted to be in high school again.

"Where's Minho?" Seoyun wondered aloud, seeing only two of her children.

"I'm here."

Gyeoul spun around, hearing Minho's voice behind them. She prayed that the gasp she took was inaudible. He was wearing a thin white v-neck long sleeved top with salmon coloured shorts. She wondered how can something so basic look so breathtaking? It didn't help that his hair was styled up, revealing his forehead.

"I fetched the other car." He said, lifting a set of keys from his pocket.

Other car?

And then, Gyeoul had only noticed the two cars parked beside them.

"Wonderful!" Seoyun cheered, clapping giddily.

Gyeoul's eyes gravitated back towards to Minho. He was not looking at her but even if he did she wouldn't mind. She would probably keep staring. There was something eye-catching in front of her and it is only reasonable to stare.

She then found her incessant worrying unreasonable.

Her heart did a jump when Minho finally met her eyes.

"Gyeoul! You don't mind riding with Minho, right?" Seoyun asked sweetly. The question caused Gyeoul's eyes to tear from him. "I decided to give our chauffeur a day-off and drive myself but our car will be filled with the luggages." She gave a sympathetic smile.

Areum bounced next to Seoyun. "Does that mean I get to ride with the-"

Seoyun puts a hand over Areum's shoulders, pulling her closer. "No, honey. There is room for two more. You and Seungmin will be riding with me." She quickly said, pushing her towards the car where Seungmin was already sitting in. "Go on! We can't afford to be late!" She giggled, already walking over to the first car.

Gyeoul's eyes met Minho's once more.

"Looks like you're going to be riding with me." Minho smirked.

Gyeoul couldn't help but scoff at the inuendo. "Oh, you'd like that, huh?"

Minho twirled the set of keys with his finger once. "Definitely."

(a/n: ok first of all, im shit at outfit descriptions but heres what Minho's outfit supposed to look like

second of all, areum with her little crush might just be a spoiler for my next story. MIGHT. who knows hehhehe third, thank you all sm for 1.3k followers what the hell? even to my non followers thank you still for taking the time in reading this book— speaking of, i kind of want to apologise for the long descriptions because i compensate the lack of dialogues wt it !!! i prefer descriptions over long dialogues omg okay this a/n is getting long stay safe and healthy everyoneeeee !!!)

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