Detch OneShots

By Endermenz

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It's in the title, enjoy More

Detch part 1
My Little Demon
The Dare (DenisxElijah) Smut
Project (smut)
Cloud 9
Stream pt.2

Stream pt.1

266 6 0
By Endermenz


○Denis POV○

I was on the sofa just scrolling through tiktok for a while.

About an hour later I get up and just cook some food for myself and Gabby, speaking of Gabby, she's been acting weird for the past few months.

She goes out ALOT, and I'm not talking 1 or 2 days a week, it's almost ALL week, and no she won't be out for an hour, she won't come home until either 6 or 7 in the morning or just be gone for 3 days straight. And yes, she actually left for 3 days no texting or calling, and then the bitch magically appears.

An hour later

I finish making dinner and Gabby still hasn't come home yet, its 10 at night pitch black, where the hell is she?!

I eat alone but not for long until my starts to ring.


             📞                              📞

       Answer                  Decline

It was Elijah, he always calls me when he can, which is almost all the time.

I answer and I'm greeted with a happy smiley Elijah.

"Hiya Denis!"

"Hi lije" I reply

"Can we go on face time? I miss seeing your face"

I blush lightly and agree while tapping the face time option on my phone.

He accepts and he's wearing my merch hoodie which was quite huge on him and had the hood on too, he was also had a pillow which he was resting his chin on.

"Giggle what ya eating?" Elijah asks.


"What kind of food?"

"Edible food"

He laughs a bit into his pillow, it was a little bit cute.

"What kind of edible food?"


"Ooooo tuna?" He asks and I nod as a response since I had taken the last bite out of my bowl of pasta.

I put my plate in the sink with the rest of the dishes I have to do, but I can do them later.

"Denis, is something bothering you?" He asked concerned and he can read me like a book so I was honest with him.


"Gabby I assume" he says.

"Yep, its like she doesn't even love me anymore, and when she gets back and I ask her where she's been, she just..." I look down to the side while letting a few tears fall.

"She what Denis? You don't have to say it if your not ready okay" Elijah says in a soothing and comforting voice.

"Its fine, but she just...yells and says things such as 'you always do this' 'I am never allowed freedom' or 'you always controll me' it just...makes me feel like I am actually like that, and maybe I am...maybe I am controlling, maybe I do not give her freedom, im just a horrible boyfriend and I'd be a horrible husband too" I say letting tears fall.

"Denis, just leave her, she isn't worth it, she isn't worth your tears, she isn't worthy of anything you are, She has the entire world in her hands and she throws it away, plus it is toxic so I recommend leaving her" Elijah says.

"I'm not the world, Elijah. She deserves better then me anyway"

"Denis, I will go there and stay there for how ever long I need to, just for you to realise that your valid, alright. And I will" He says.

Silence fills the call and the Elijah ends it, I most likely screwed ot all up.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the front door so I get up and answer the door.

And Elijah hugs me instantly, I hug him back and he looks at me.

"Mind if I stay the night?"he asks.

I respond with "yeah, sure you can"

He hugs me again and then let's go so I can close the door.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asks and I nod.

We head up stairs and Elijah hops onto the bed and pats the spot next to him, keep in mind he is under the duvet, I go next to him as I pull the duvet over the both of us while we both lay there looking at each other.

Silence filled the room, the comfortable type, Elijah breaks it by mumbling,

"Your so hot"

"What was that?~" I ask.

"N-nothing!" He was blushing alot.

○Elijah POV○

I look back up at him and he gives me a soft smile and I couldn't help but blush more and smile back at him.

I snuggle closer to him and bury my face into the crook of his neck while he puts his arms around me and I could feel him lightly stroking my hair and we slowly fell asleep.


I wake up to someone being loud downstairs and so does Denis, plus it looks like he does this everyday.

"Stay here, alright I won't be long" he says and I nod in response.
"Thankyou kitten" he says and then gets up and leaves to go downstairs I assume.

I hear nothing and then I hear yelling a minute later, it sounds like Gabby and then Denis is I assume yelling back at her, the noise from downstairs was muffled from the door so as much as I wanted to, I didn't open the door and just stayed in the bed, and just went on my phone hoping that no one was going to be hurt...physically

After a few minutes of them telling at each other I hear a door slam and panic, cause I don't know if its Gabby that left or Denis......well fook

Luckly it was Denis, he comes in and closes the and he hugs me instantly and I hear him lightly sobbing, I hug him back while stroking his hair and ask him,

"Denis, what happened between you two this time?" I say in the most calming voice I can do.

He responds with "its over"

"Do you know why" I ask and he just nods and I don't ask anything from there about him and Gabby.

"She always used me..." he mumbled and just held me tighter.

"I'm sorry to hear that, you deserve alot better than her" I say knowing anyone would be able to treat him better than her.

After a while of silence and only being able to hear our breathing and Denis calming down from crying earlier.

I feel bad for the poor guy, he loves her, well...LOVED her alot and she does this, now we have sad debsy :(

After a while of sitting there in silence I start to slowly fall asleep and know that Denis is already asleep due to the light snoring, god he's adorable.

○Denis POV○

The next day

I wake up and see Elijah there, I feel my face heat up, I shake myself out of my thoughts and get up while trying to not awake Elijah and succeed.

I go downstairs and make a coffee and check twitter, many of the fans want a stream of me and Elijah together. I mean I wouldn't mind doing it, it would take my mind off of things plus it would be nice knowing Elijah is goofy on camara, I mean...he's goofy on the usual and its quite cute, and his smile, nice floof dirty-blonde hair, beautiful hazel eyes, his cute and kinda and playful and caring personality is ama-.....WHAT THE FU-

"Hiya Debbie, why are you so shocked?" I hear Elijah say and I just snap out of my thoughts.

I reply "oh I was just thinking that's all, anyway how did you sleep?" I try changing the subject and it worked surprisingly.

"Oh okay, I slept well what about you?" He asks me.

"Good, that's good" I respond.

He hugs me with his arms around my neck AND NO HE WAS NOT STANGILING ME. He looks over to my phone and says,

"Ooo that would be fun to do, don't you think, it would take your mind off of things too" He said and I nod.

I this is one of many things I like about him, he ends up doing a cute giggle and kisses me on the cheek.

Ight so imma split this into 2 parts since this is hella long, so yeah, bai

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