5 days left โ€ข Class 1-A (โœ“)


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deยทcay (n.)the state or process of rotting or decomposition "๐˜ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฉ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ. ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๏ฟฝ... More



1K 67 18

Throwing up black and red already got old. The stench of rot and blood filled your bathroom. The two smells did not go very well together. The smell made you nauseous.

After ventilating your bathroom and room you just sat beside your bed. Out of curiosity you decided to check your back to see how it bad it had gotten.

You lifted up your shirt and found yourself feeling disappointed. Another patch of decay was visible on your stomach on the left side. The spot was black and looked rotten. More so than the other on your back.

You didn't leave your room. Hoping to sleep a little more. You just laid on your bed hoping this was all just a dream. rather a nightmare.

You could hear your friends pass by your dorm. A few stopping just in front before walking away. Almost as if they wanted to go in.

You had no appetite. The subtle taste of metal and rot ruined it for you. You sat up from your bed and leaned against the wall.

"Why can't things be like before? Why did it have to be this way?" You asked yourself, questioning if it was your fault.

You had stopped taking your meds and stopped doing your treatments allowing for it to get worse. It wasn't for a couple days no, it was for a month.

You allowed it to happen know very well during that time you could've gotten rid of it.

"It really is my fault." You whispered quietly, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

"Stupid! If only I wasn't so fixated on dying! I could've been better!" You yelled slightly through your clenched jaws.

You didn't yell loud enough for anyone to hear. Only loudly enough for you to hear the guilt in your voice.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." You repeated as you beat your pillow for no reason. Out of pure angry for yourself you hit your pillow over and over.

"Stupid. Stupid. Why? Why? Why did I have to ruin what I had? Why was I so stupid? I could've been happy! I could've lived!"

You finally accepted your death. You finally accepted that you were going to die. Your anger turned to sadness. Tears slowing slipping down your face as you continued to hit your pillow.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault." You whispered as you stopped hitting the pillow. The guilt you had of leaving them behind grew as it was your fault.

It was all your fault and you knew it. Your doctor warned you on what would've happened but you didn't listen. Had you listened to warnings along with the others, you would be living with out the fear of dying in front of them.

You were the cause of your suffering. Not the gods, not the universe but you. You specifically. You blamed everything on the world but never yourself. You always thought it was never your fault.

"I blamed the world...for something I did." You whispered so quietly you were even sure you said it.

"Oh guys...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You whispered softly as you tucked your knees to your chest.

"It really is my fault. You guys are just paying the price." You whispered to your self. You hit your knee in anger at your self.

"I wish I could change what I did."

You wallowed in self pity for quite sometime. Understanding that you would rob them of the happiness that their friend would stay.

It was 11 when you finally decided to leave your room. Before you left you went to the mirror in the bathroom and checked how you looked.

You looked tired. You felt tired. Your eye bags were starting to show from the ground lack of sleep the past couple days. A small patch of black on your right cheek. It was quite unnoticeable. Had you not put your face close to the mirror you wouldn't have seen it. It was like a small black dot.

You looked as if the life was slowly being drained from your face. Suiting your situation.

Your eyes no longer red an puffy from crying. No one would be able to tell you had been. You quickly rinsed your face. You walked out to your dorm down to the common room.

You walked slow. Your legs aching as they carried your weight. Wanting to lay down you leaned on the hallway before continuing to walk.

You found Momo sitting there on the couch enjoying a cup of tea along with reading a book.

"Tell me why but you look so elegant just reading." You spoke out to her making her aware of your presence.

"You're finally up." She said looking up from her book.

"Yeah. I wanted to sleep in today." You lied. Before you couldn't even lie but now it seemed that's all you knew how to do.

"That's quite alright given you've been waking up early and going to bed late." She said as she closed her book. You went to sit next to her.

"Where is everyone?" you asked.

"The boys went out. They got permission from Mr. Aizawa. The rest of the girls are in their rooms. No one wanted to bother you." she said.

"It's alright. I'll be fine if I spent the day here." you said. You leaned back against the couch. You regretted you're decision so much.

"Hey y/n, are you okay?" Momo said as she looked at you. She sounded sincere. She always did.

"Yeah I'm fine. My body hurts because I kept hiding in cramped spaces yesterday." You said laughing it off.

"Where does it hurt?" She asked.

"Just my shoulders." You lied. Your whole body was hurting.

"I can help with that!" She exclaimed. You looked at her with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" You asked. She smiled brightly.

"I'm a great masseuse. I took a bunch of class a couple years ago. I had a lot of free time." She explained.

"Really? Just how much free time did you have?" You asked slightly laughing.

"Come sit!" She motioned for you to sit in front of her by the couch. You nodded before you got up from the couch. You sat on the floor in between her legs.

She put her hands on your shoulders. Your body tensed up for a moment before relaxing. As if your body remembered you're with Momo

"That feels so good Momo. You've been holding out on me." You replied. She laughed slightly as she felt your body relax.

"Well you never asked." She replied.

"Well you never hinted at this. This, what your doing to me is a gift. If you chose not to be a hero you could be a professional masseuse." You said relaxing even more. She laughed once more.

The pain you felt slowly going away. It was still there you just didn't pay attention to it.

"Momo what's your favorite thing about living?" You asked.

"Well there's lots of things. For me I guess reading."

"Reading? Most people don't read anymore." You responded looking up at her. She put your head back down to how it was before.

"I know. I just find reading relaxing. It may be a bunch of words but those words hold a story. I think it's amazing how people can create stories from their imagination and create books with over 300 pages."

She sounded so happy just talking about it. Like she'd been waiting for someone to ask.

"I like it especially when the author makes the reader cry." She said.

"Why? That sounds evil." You replied.

"It sounds evil yes but when you look at it this way, when they cry it means their words reached them. They understand the book. They understand the feelings the author is sharing."

You understood what she meant. You recalled the time you read books or 'fanfics' for that matter and cried from them.

"Would fanfics count?" You asked. She smiled.

"Yes of course they would. You're still reading them." She said.

"Then I guess I do read." You replied sinking into her touch.

"I guess playing the piano is another thing I favor about living." She spoke. You didn't have time to respond, when you looked up you found Mina walking your way.

"What's going on here?" She said as she put her phone away.

"Momo here is an excellent masseuse and she's giving me a massage." You replied. You sank even more into her touch.

"I think I might just fall asleep." You said as you shook your head.

"Can you do me?" She asked. "I can do you. I may not be great as Momo but I'm not bad either." You replied.

"Thank you!" She yelled as she sat in between your legs. You started massaging her shoulders.

"Y/n this feels so good." She replied.

"Let me sit on the floor so it's easier for me." Momo replied. You moved forward and so did Mina.

"That's better." Momo said.

"Hey Mina, what's you favorite thing about living?" You asked.

"Getting a massage." She said melting in your touch.

"Thanks but in all seriousness what is it?"

"Dancing. I love dancing! I don't know if you noticed but the way I move with my quirk is similar to dancing!" Mina exclaimed.

"Oh your right. You do move pretty well with your quirk." You replied complimenting her in a way.

"Oh hey guys!" Mina exclaimed as Uraraka, Tsu and Hagukure had come down from their dorm.

"Care to join us?" you said as you peaked your head out from behind Mina.

They nodded yes in excitement. Uraraka sat in front of Mina and Tsu sat in front Uraraka. Leaving Haguruke in front of Uraraka. Then Jirou in front of Haguruke.

"Why don't we make it into a circle so Momo gets a massage as well." Uraraka said. You stood up and fixed yourselves.

"Would this count as a cult?" You asked earning laughs from the rest of the girls.

It felt nice to seem them happy. You could hear them giggle ever couple minutes saying what they did earlier. Or the drama they had heard.

"Jirou I've heard a faint sound of music coming from your dorm. Are you playing your instruments?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, I've been trying to learn a new song." She said.

"I thought you said you were on a music block." Mina spoke. You were confused on what they were talking about.

"I was but after Sunday night I got my motivation back. So now I'm learning a new song." She said.

You faced away but you smiled. You didn't know why you just did. You were giving them false happiness but at least they were happy. For now anyways.

You winced as you hand cramped. At the same time Momo hand pinched your shoulder. She to got a cramp.

"I think thats enough massages from me." You said, shaking your hand.

"I think that's enough massages form everyone." Uraraka said as she shook her hand.

"You know what we should do?" Mina said.


"Have a spa day!" Mina exclaimed. You got up and started walking back to your dorm.

You looked behind you and saw Mina running after you. You started running.

"Y/n come back! Nothing bad is going to happen!" She yelled.

"I don't trust you. I might fall asleep!" You yelled. Your legs were already hurting but you pushed yourself.

"Why is that a bad thing?" She yelled still running after you.

"Because i don't know what's going to happen! I could wake up with my head shaved bald! Or I could wake up with missing eyebrows! I could wake up on the side of the street! "

Just as you right in front of your dorm you tripped. You tripped on air. There's was nothing to trip on and you still tripped.

You panicked. Mina was coming towards you. She looked terrifying. You started crawling to get up. You foot slipping. You managed to push yourself up for a moment before falling.

Mina walked slowly with a devilish look on her face.

"We're going to have lots of fun."

"Mina go away. I know you're lying." You said desperately crawling to your dorm door. She slowly creeped up to you.

It was like something out of a horror movie.

It felt like one too.

You were so close. You right there. You reached for the doorknob an then that's when it happened...

She grabbed your ankle. You screamed.

It was one of the most blood curling scream you ever let out. It even frightened the girls in the common room.

"No mina! Let me go!" You yelled. She started pulling you. You tried grabbing the air but it wasn't working. You reached out to Casper but he wasn't there.

"Mina! Let me go!" You thrashed your legs. She had a strong grip on your ankle.

You tripped grabbing onto the floor as she dragged your.

"I was so close. I was so close too." You whispered as you excepted your fate.

It did hurt your stomach where the patch was but you weren't about to ruin Mina's fun because you were hurting.

And yet her you were. Sitting with your legs crossed with your arms folded as well. You had a headband to get your hair out of the way. You sat there with a peel off charcoal face mask.

"I'm guessing it's too late to back out now?" You said earning nods and hums of conformation.

"Y/n it was never an option. You were stuck with us the moment you came to the common room." Mina said smiling.

"I hate you." You said. You didn't mean it of course. You love Mina and her attitude.

"Awhh I love you too y/n." She said. You couldn't even smile because the mask was already drying. You saw Mina looking at the bottle. Her eyes widened as she placed the bottle down.

"What?" Your said the best you could.

"Oh nothing." She said. She ended up going for her phone and typed quickly and read even quicker.

"Uhh y/n, you're not going to like this." She said. You hummed in response.

"It's says that when you peel it off it's going to hurt. Like a lot. Like you're going to cry." You stared at Mina.

"I should've ran faster."

"It can't be that bad right? I mean we all have it on our faces." Momo said the best she could.

You all had the masks on your faces. If one of you were to go though pain then you'd all go through pain together.

When the time was up you were the first. You scrunched your face loosing the make the best you could.

Uraraka was the chosen one to peel it off. She grabbed a part that was loose but before she could do anything you stopped her.

"Nope I can't do this. Mina you should've kept what you read to yourself." You said.

"It'll be fine y/n. Trust me." Uraraka said. You sighed then nodded in approval. She then started peeling.

It felt like your face was peeling off. You kept groaning in pain as Uraraka peeled the mask. When she got to the forehead part she ripped it off so quick, you felt your brain go with it.

Tears welled up in your eyes from the pain.

"Oh That hurt so much." You whispered. The girls laughed.

"I don't know why you guys are laughing, you guys are going to have to go through what I just did." You replied. They stopped laughing and looked at each other.

One by one they each felt the pain of having the mask ripped off their faces.

"Mina I don't trust you anymore." You said rubbing your face.

"Like I meant it to hurt." She said.

"Yeah well you didn't read the labels or the reviews."

"You know what your right." She replied. The rest of the girls laughed.

"Okay makeup time!" She yelled.

"No thank you." You said getting up. Jirou pulled you back down.

"Sorry y/n you're stuck with us." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I should've stayed in my dorm." You replied groaning.

"Sorry y/n but the moment we came down you were stuck with us." Hagaruke spoke. You sighed.

"I figured. Oh the gods hate me don't they?"

"Nope I don't think so. In fact they love you because you get to spend time with us!" Mina exclaimed. They all smiled bright smiles. You smiled slightly.

Maybe she was right. Maybe they did love you. If the gods or any being with power beyond your comprehension hated you, you wouldn't be able to spend time with them.

Most likely your life would've already ended. That wouldn't be okay. You wouldn't let yourself die until your time was actually up.

But until then you'd spend it the best way you can. For you were slowly starting to realize something.

Something important.

For now you'd wait. You'd wait until you'd die. Something everyone does. Some earlier than others. Others never get the chance too. And for some they'd wait quite a long time.

Most people would wait for so long until their time was up. Some earlier than other but they lived their life.

You were neither. You weren't given the chance to live a long life. Nor were you given the chance to live properly.

Maybe you did live. You just don't realize it. But you knew that wasn't the case. You never found a point in living. Finding life to be irrelevant and irritating. But then again some people also found life the same way.

After hours of being tortured by makeup and manicures they finally fell asleep. They had piled on top of each other. You would've joined but it would be painful. The thought of one of them laying on the patch of decay made you feel pain in the area.

You sat on the couch as the girls laid together in the floor. You sat beside them closing your eyes.

"Goodnight y/n. Sleep well." Uraraka and Jirou mumbled at the same time. You opened your eyes. You found Uraraka drooling. Jirou slept soundly on her. You caressed their faces carefully.

"Goodnight you two. I hope you sleep more than me tonight." You spoke closing you're eyes once more. You didn't sleep though.

The decay plaguing you to stay awake. That and the shuffling of the boys finally coming back.

You continued to have your eyes closed not wanting to reveal you were awake.

You heard them whispered not wanting to wake you guys up. A few left for a couple minutes before returning. you could hear someone walking towards you and the girls.

Then you heard Mineta yelp. Based on what you could hear, Sero had taped Mineta to the ceiling.

"Dude their sleeping, at least respect that." You heard Sero speak. You then felt something being placed on you. It was a blanket.

You could hear a few boys wish the others goodnight as they walked away. It was Shoji, Koda, Todoroki, Sero, Bakugou, Sato and Iida. Sero took Mineta along with him.

"Hey Kaminari I don't think you should do that." you heard Midoriya speak.

"Yeah, I agree with Midoriya. What if the girls get mad. And you know how y/n gets." Kirishima spoke agreeing with him.

"Agreed. Remember what happen last time you made y/n mad. We all collectively paid for it. We had to sleep in the common room for 2 weeks." Tokoyami said recalling the time Denki made you mad.

They weren't able to sleep in their dorms for two weeks. You were the only one who was able to sleep in their dorms. He remembered how poison ivy blocked the entrance to their dorms.

"Yes I agree. Someone as fabulous as I am will not be subjected to sleeping in the common room again." Aoyama spoke.

"I said I was sorry, jeez." Denki replied. He then continued to uncap his marker. You could hear him snicker as he wrote on the girls face. You stayed still as he drew on your face.

"There all done." he faced Midoriya and Tokoyami. Both their eyes widened as Tokoyami walked away. Aoyama walk with him.

"um Kaminari..." Midoriya spoke quietly.

"y/n's awake, aren't they?" he said. Midoriya nodded.

"You know Denki, I really hope you didn't draw anything you'd regret." you said opening your eyes.

"You know what I'm really tired. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight y/n!" He said running off.

"You know what I think I'm gonna go too. You know long day and what not." Midoriya slowly crept away.

"Goodnight y/n!" he yelled. Kirishima also crept away.

"Uhh goodnight y/n!" he said running off. When he was out of sight you laughed.

You were too tired to get up and see what Denki drew on your face. You didn't want to get up.

You just sat there wondering if any of them had the suspicion you were dying.

For a moment you felt your body tense as a wave of pain shot throughout your body. You checked your phone.

12:00 A.M.

It was official. Your 4th day was over.

3 days left.

⋆。˚ ❀ •°.

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