An Icy Rose (Discontinued. Up...

Af Scanza

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FemTodo x Deku story. probably won't be the best. It starts with the original One-Shot, before the real story... Mere

1 - It's Your Power
2 - Endeavor
3 - A Quick 180
4 - Corruption Meets Decay
5 - Encounter
6 - A Hellish Nightmare
7 - Internships Pt. 1
8 - Internships Pt. 2
9 - Internships Pt. 3
10 - A Stain on Life
11 - A Stain Wiped Clean Pt. 1
12 - A Stain Wiped Clean Pt. 2
13 - Heart of Ice
14 - Love And Recovery
15 - Race
16 - A New Foe
17 - Sukio Origin
18 - The First Warning
19 - Comfort
20 - Round One
21 - Memories Pt. 1
22 - All For One
23 - Shigaraki
24 - Let's Go To The Mall!
25 - Power Play
26 - When Dreams Become Nightmares
27 - The Ballad Of The Broken: Prelude
28 - The Ballad Of The Broken: Mezzo Forte

An Icy Rose

11.9K 155 407
Af Scanza

"You thought of anything for Todoroki yet?" Kaminari asked his green haired friend.

"No. Nothing yet. She's so hard to pick out a present for." Kaminari chuckled and patted Izuku's back.

"Nah, don't sweat it. The girl loves you, more than Hawks loves chicken wings."

"Wait isn't that cannibalism." Denki laughed at his friends comments. They were walking through Shinjuku crossing, in Tokyo. Both guys decided, that they needed a trip away from it all for a weekend, to which Nezu actually approved. For Kaminari, even though he loved his girlfriend, Ibara Shiozaki, to the ends of the Earth, they both agreed that some time to relax for themselves was in order.

Talk about a surprise couple. What started as a joke at the sports festival, with Kami saying they should go out after it was done, turned into her actually taking him up in his offer. The shocker was, Kami didn't know what to do. He froze big time, and she wondered if she had hurt him in some way. Thank Kirishima for helping him get out of that jam.

Izuku's case though, was much, much different. This wasn't just some time away from his ice queen girlfriend, Shoka Todoroki. This was a time, to get ideas on how to give her, the best anniversary gift imaginable. Shocking, I know.

Denki insisted, that Izuku let the boys help out, but after what happened on her birthday......

"Guys! Where the heck is the present!"

Izuku looked down, only to see the charred remains, of the dress he picked out for Shoka.

"BAKUGO!" Deku full cowled down to the common room, and slammed his fist into Katsuki's face.




Never let Kacchan get involved.

"Hey. I know we screwed up on her birthday-"

"Screwed up? You guys got Kacchan involved, when I specifically said not to do so." Kaminari scratched the back of his head.

"Yeeeeaaaahhhh. We tried to tell Kiri that it was a bad idea."

"S'why I don't ask him for help anymore."

Kami chuckled again, and they just kept walking. Shinjuku was a pretty place, but even sometimes, Izuku had to take a step back and just marvel at it all. The lights were entrancing, sucking you into them, while you simply tried to make it from one place to another. Their bright neon patterns and colors, just hypnotized you, luring you in like a siren on the open sea.

It wasn't just the store fronts and bright signs that were lively, the people also brought their own spunk as well. Vendors, shopowners, hell even just people on the street, were always so different. Yet, so interesting. It gave the place character, that Izuku didn't really see at home. Even if Denki was his classmate.

But no matter how much they entranced Izuku, he could only see two colors. Red and white. The colors, of the one he loves most.

"Do you have any ideas for her?" Izuku looked away from the signs, and you could swear you heard a sigh from somewhere.

"Yeah. I do actually."

"Oh really? Well lay it on me." Izuku gave Denki a glare.

"I'm not going to spill." Izuku kept giving Denki, "the stare."

"You really need to trust people dude." Deku rolled his eyes.

"You really think I should trust YOU?!"

"Ya know, you're right." Denki shrugged, agreeing with his best friend.

"Look, as long as you promise not to tell anyone, ASHIDO INCLUDED, I'll show you."

"It is my sworn duty, by the laws written in the bro code, to not meddle with anniversary affairs." Izuku chuckled.

"Ok then."


"Oh come on Todoroki! You mean you won't show us anything?" Yaoyorozu had to hold Ashido back, because Pinky was getting a little too nosy with Shoka.

"If I wanted to show anyone, it would be with someone I could trust. And Ashido, that someone. Isn't. You." Shoka's cold stare, sent shivers throughout all the girls, and Aoyama's, spine.

"Oui. She does have a point madamoissile. You did ruin Midoriya's Christmas gift." Uraraka gulped.

"But that was one time." Shoka glared directly into the soul of Uraraka.

"You're one to talk Uraraka." The arctic voice, of a woman near her breaking point, slowed time to a halt.

"Do I need to name all the times, where you messed something up for me and Izuku?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Because I don't remember doing anything." Lightning struck between their stares. A rivalry between the two, that to this day, has yet to be mended.

Similar to Denki and Shiozaki, Izuku and Shoka's relationship, had started at the sports festival. However, unlike KamiZaki, where Denki just joked about the date, Shoka's love for Izuku came from a much more meaningful place.


Those seven words, ignited a fire not just from her body, but also from her heart. This was the first time, that someone truly showed the heterochromadic girl, that they truly cared about her. She had pushed all feelings of love, happiness, and really all others away, becoming cold and careless. Somehow, this dunderheaded dolt of a bone breaking human, managed to break through to her. She didn't fall fast. At first. It was going to be a slow burn, that was until Stain.

In those moments, watching Izuku fight, one of the most dangerous villains in Japan, not named All for One, broke her inside. She couldn't lose him. She needed him. Her smiles, only came from when he was around. He was a light, that the darkened soul within this girl needed, to finally break from her past.

And then Uraraka came into the picture.

Oh was this a shanty. It wasn't any secret, that Uraraka liked Izuku. She made that pretty clear, with how she reacted to Izuku's injuries at the USJ. It became ever more apparent, when at the sports fest, she straight up yelled out she loved him. He reacted exactly how you'd expect, but there was a secret that not even Robert Downey Jr's: Sherlock Holmes, could figure out.

Izuku was in love with both, Shoka and Ochako. Not just a random crush, or a little flare from seeing their strength. No. He fell in love, the first day of class, and he never looked back. The only situation was, who to choose.

For Uraraka, the truth just wasn't sitting right with her. Her hate festered. Her jealousy rose to new heights, and her Yandere mode, was about to take full effect. He liked someone else, rather than just liking her. She played nice with Shoka, but she really wanted to float her into the sun. So she did was all level headed teenagers do, when their crush doesn't notice them. Date their bully.

Yep. She started dating, the exploding piece of trash himself. Katsuki Bakugo. Hilariously enough, he did have a small thing for Ochako, but his damn pride wouldn't let him admit it. But this played the script perfectly. Since Ochako hated Shoka, and Katsuki despised Deku, that means free reign, to fuck everything up for the two.

"Try dating Bakugo for one. His bully. The jerk, who told him to kill himself. Or all the dates you have tried to ruin. Try my birthday present, which your stupid boyfriend ruined, by blowing it up. The Christmas party. You burned Izuku, by purposefully spilling hot chocolate on him. I have never been able to have one true date, or anything with my boyfriend, because you're there messing it up." Ochako gave a shit eating grin, prideful in her accomplishments.

"So? I'm not doing anything wrong. Just a prank or two." Shoka froze the room, while her flames roared in intimidation.


"Shoka, shoka, calm down. I wasn't doing this to get at Deku. I just hate you." Shoka stared at her for a few second, while the other girls (plus twinkler boi), huddled in the corner. No one wanted to try and lay a finger, on the pissed of ice queen, unless said person wanted death. Last time someone insulted Izuku, i.e Monoma, she put into a hospital for two entire months. Protective, didn't even begin to describe her feelings about Izuku.

However though, this time she was losing. Her insecurities that had always plagued her, kept rolling through her thoughts. Her body insecurities, that had fucked with her mind, whenever she saw the other girls. Momo was, well Momo. Toru, Uraraka, Tsu, and Mina, all had well defined bodies. Hell, Shoka even felt Jiro was curvier, and prettier than her. Not that Jiro is ugly, but she felt that she couldn't compare. She felt trapped, ugly, and worthless. Yes her father played a part, but it was also because she was raised to think she was worthless. So when the time came to want to feel beautiful, she just couldn't.

She always felt, she wasn't girly enough. That her dull, emotionless personality, was just all who she was. She never felt right for anyone, much less Izuku. And it is shit like what Uraraka does, that just fuels the fire.

Shoka stared at Ochako, who was just smiling at her. Menacingly. All of the emotions, and insecurities, finally broke through the barrier. She rushed forward and slammed Ochako into the wall, gripping her by the collar. Shoka looked directly into her eyes. Tears were streaming down her face. Shoka had, had it. Everything that she had bottled up, had now burst the tank inside.

"Shut up dammit! Just shut up! I know why you hate me so much, but I could care less. But the fact that you try to ruin things for me and Izuku, pisses me off! The one and only man I've ever loved, and all you do is try to mess it up for us! It's not my fault he chose me, but I couldn't be happier he did! The fact that you're still jealous, means that you were never meant for him! So do me a favor, and stay away from us! You stupid! Fucking! Bitch!" The girls all gasped. She cursed. The pure, well not so pure, Shoka actually cursed. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you know you fucked up.

Shoka dropped Ochako and stormed out of the room. When she got outside, she was met with the last possible person, who she wanted to see in that moment. Her boyfriend, Izuku.

"Shoka. What....what happen-"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE DAMMIT!!" Shoka shoved Izuku out of the way, nearly making him drop her present. Luckily Denki caught his friend's balance, getting Izuku back to ample footing.

"The fuck happened here?" Denki asked, seeing all the melted ice in the room. Izuku didn't need an explanation. He already knew what happened, and who the culprit was.

"Uraraka." Ooh that voice. Damn was that voice scary.

"What did you do?" Ochako severed at his cold words.


"What. The hell. Did you do." Before Uraraka could give a poor excuse, Momo stepped up to try to simmer everything down.

"Midoriya, as much as I don't want to admit. She didn't do anything. We were trying to see what Shoka got you for your anniversary, but some people," Momo glared at Mina, "got a little pushy. Ochako was being rude, but nothing that could have set her off like this."

Izuku didn't buy it for a second, but decided to play along just for the sake of his sanity. He was more worried about Shoka, than he was about the bitch he used to be friends with.

He looked down to Ochako, who was now fearing for her life.

"I'm gonna find out the truth one day, and I swear I will send you, mangled in a box straight to Bakugo, if I find out you hurt her. You got it?" Ochako frantically nodded, and Izuku walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Denki asked.

"I know where she's at. So I'm going to go calm her down." Denki pulled the present from his pocket. Izuku had handed it to him after he nearly fell, because he was about to kill someone.

"Here." He handed the present to Izuku. "You're gonna need that."

Izuku nodded to him and headed for the roof of the building. Kaminari watched him round the corner, then turned to Uraraka. He charged up his electricity and gave the floaty bitch a death glare.

"Bakugo's in for a shocking surprise."



"W-Why? Why do I feel like this? Why am I not good enough?" Shoka wrapped her arms around herself and leaned on her elbows, which were pressed on the the concrete roof.

Shoka kept letting her tears fall, as the wind breezed past her. She couldn't feel anymore alone in that moment. Everything that rushed through her head, was now beating the life out of her.

"You know, you can't hide from me forever." Izuku calmly said, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Never said I wanted to." Shoka said through tears.



"Why do you love me?" Izuku was surprised at her question, as she has never asked this before. In fact, she's never cared much for why he loved her. Just the fact that he loved her.

"What do you mean?" Shoka released herself from his grasp and turned to face him. His heart sank, noticing the tears that were about to fall.

"I'm not pretty. I have this ugly scar on my face. My body isn't anything special at all. I'm not girly. I don't do dresses and heels, and, and, make up and......*sniff*......I'm just this.......I'm.......why date me? You could have had Hado. Hatsume. Yaoyorozu. Tokage. Kendo. So why me? Why-mmph." Izuku slowly pressed his lips onto hers. He didn't do anything crazy. Just a slow, loving kiss.

Shoka stared into the unknown for a few seconds, before caving in and returning it.

"Shoka." Izuku pulled away, getting a little whine from her.

"I fell in love with you for many reasons."

"But why? I'm not good enough for you. I see how other girls look at you, and they are so mu-" Izuku put his finger on her lips.

"Bullshit Shoka."


"That's bullshit and you know it. I fell in love, with the strongest woman in the world.......not named Mitsuki or Inko." Shoka giggled a little.

"But just listen to me. I fell in love, with a strong, beautiful, kind, and caring woman. You don't see beauty, but I see perfection. Your scars. Your voice. Your personality. Your body. Your, everything. All I see is perfection. All of your imperfections, are what make you the most beautiful woman in the world. I didn't fall in love with you, because I felt pity. I fell in love with you, because you're just so amazing. I would walk a million miles, just to see you again."

Shoka was staring in disbelief. Tears were streaming down her face. She, even after being with him all this time, couldn't believe of just how amazing Izuku was to her. Everytime she fell, he was always there to help her up. If she needed help, her hero would be right there to save her. He gave her everything he had, and still had some more to fight on after. No matter how angry she got. How upset she was. Even, if she wanted to be alone, he was always there. Never once backing away from her. Waiting for when he was needed, comforting when she felt vulnerable.

He was the perfect person for her. There was no way around it. Izuku Midoriya, was her soul mate. Her light. Her everything.

"I'm.....sorry." izuku looked at her with concern.


"I yelled at you. I didn't mean it." Izuku wrapped around her again.

"Its okay. You were angry."

"I love you Izuku." Izuku smiled at her quiet voice. He kissed her on the forehead, which actually got her to smile.

As she got comfy in his arms, he wiggled free. When she looked at him, wondering why he let go, she gasped and covered her mouth. The tears that had slowed, now burst free again. Izuku was in front of her. On one knee. With a box in his left hand, and her hand in his right.

"Like I said Shoka. I will be there no matter what. No matter how far, I will always manage to be there for you. This journey we've been on, hasn't been the easiest. There have been ups. There have been downs. But all they do, is remind me, just how perfect you are. And how dumb I'd be, if I ever let go. I know it's too early to ask this truly, but I'm going to ask you this. Shoka Todoroki, will you promise, that once we graduate high school, become pros together, and start our agency, will make me the happiest guy in the world, and marry me?" Izuku opened the box, revealing a platinum silver ring, with a white and red, jeweled rose in the center.

Shoka fell to her knees and threw her arms around Izuku. The girl just let it all out.

"Of course! Of course I will Izuku." She pulled back and cupped his face with both hand. She pulled him into a long, sweet kiss, full of more love than a human could handle.

Once they pulled apart, Izuku slipped the ring onto her finger.

"It's perfect Izuku." Her voice still had been a bit warbly.

"How much was this......" Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Ummmm. 24?" Shoka smiled and kissed him again.

"You are an idiot. *chu* but you're my idiot." Izuku chuckled and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Yeah. Yeah. I love you."

"I love you too." They kissed one last time.

A perfect ending, to an imperfect night. One that will last forever, for the Emerald Knight, and his Icy Rose.

Welp I tried.

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