1 - It's Your Power

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Izuku Midoriya, the stuttering, bone breaking, ninth user of One for All, was hit hard with a massive slab of frozen death. He was trapped, barely avoiding being impaled, as three spikes of ice, barely missed his body. The inheritor, stared at his opponent, not even caring about his own injuries. He only cared about her's.

The girl he was fighting, had heterochromadic eyes. The one accompanying the right iris, was a dark, grayish color. While the one inhabiting the eye to the left, was and light blue shade. Upon the left eye, was a bright reddish, pink splotch of flesh, that was discolored from the rest of her skin. It was scared over. Bringing a pretty defining feature, to the otherwise, untethered face.

Her hair, was also bi-colored as well. The strands of follicles to the right, were and icy white spray. The left, was a fiery red. These were also symbols, of the girls personality.

The paper colored side of her hair, represented her icy, cold, calculated personality. The side, that rarely emitted emotion. The most you would get as a reaction, would be a hum or two. Her demeanor never escalating, to no more, than a mere scowl. Making her upset, was damn near impossible. Unless you were her father. The hellfire quirk user. The number two hero. The jealous ball of fire, that was that, of the pro hero, Endeavor.

"Dammit Todoroki! Why aren't you using you using your flames?!" The bi-colored female, stared at our titular hero, anger and disgust filling her musk. Her left side sparked with slight bursts of red and orange, but no true ignition to the flame within.


"Tch. Did my father pay you?! Did he put you up to this?!" Izuku growled. He didn't expect it to be easy to crack through her diamond-hard shell, but he was going to do it. No matter what it took.



Izuku broke his ring finger on his right hand, sacrificing yet another skeletal piece, in order to save this double quirked lady. The ice shattered around him, sending bit and pieces scattering in all directions. The sheer pressure of the blast, managed to disintegrate most of the ice, but some shards still found their way into the stands.

"Dude holy crap! Midoriya and Todoroki are gonna kill each other!" A blond head, with a distinct black streak going through it, screamed out and clinging to another blond.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME DUNCE FACE!" The other blond, one with an explosive temper, shoved his fellow classmate all the way over to the other side.

"Ow. Dammit, what the hell dude?!" Bakugo shot him a demonic glare, scaring the poor human Pikachu, comepletely dumb.

Some of the class giggled at their, extravagant exchange, yet others were way to focused on the fight. This was one of the biggest displays of power, any of the students in class 1-a, had ever laid eyes on. It was a battle, of two seemingly gods of UA. And it was eery to think of the implications, that surrounded this battle. On one end, the green headed, tear-filled, glass boned, seat 17 student, clearly had someone big in his corner. Not just big, like a celebrity endorsement. Not big, like a famous athlete, or politician. No. What he had, was bigger than life itself. The eighth, One for All holder. The world's hero. The bunny ear haired, superhuman, jacked, always smiling, man. The number one hero.

All Might.

The class didn't know, just how close their connection really was, but they did know, that All Might was definitely behind Midoriya. The body of educators, and pupils, of course didn't know just how deep the connection was. Just that All Might, or know by few as Toshinori Yagi, was backing the boy known as Izuku Midoriya.

The other fighter, that stood in the cement arena, was the actual daughter of a pro hero. A pro hero, that very few, of really any, like. The number two hero, Endeavor. On the surface, the young heiress to that tumultuous title of number two, just looked like she had a bad case of, "daddy issues." A simple, trivial, unnecessary assessment, to a girl, who has been through more hell, than majority of heroes.

To many, this was seen as the future for hero society. The future number one, and number two. There were some kinks that needed ironing out, but the statement was being made very clear.

The future, was now.

"Why? Why are forcing yourself, to go through this torture?!" Midoriya shouted to his opponent, furious that she was putting herself through pain.

"I need to show him." She sent another massive wall of ice at the protagonist.

"I need to show him, that I can win without his power." Midoriya flicked at the ice again, destroying it once more, but now fully shattering his right index finger.

"Dammit Todoroki! You are shivering!"

"You said that already."

"You need to stop being afraid of who you are! It doesn't matter what you about him! If you don't fight me with your full power, either you'll kill yourself, or you'll lose!" Todoroki snarled at him.

Before the sports fest started, Todoroki made it a point, that she would defeat Midroiya. However, the icyhot woman kept it secret, that only one power was to be used. She wouldn't fight for herself. Instead, she'd fight against herself. Not allowing one bit of acceptance, of who she could really be.

"Look at me Todoroki!" He clenched his fist, showing off his purple, beaten and battered fingers.

"You haven't laid a scratch on me yet! All this damage, was my own doing. If you want to be me so badly, THEN COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"

"Why should I care Midoriya. I will not fight for him. I will not let him control me."

"Because you need to realize something!" Shoka readied to fire another massive ice creation.



Shoka stopped dead. Her body came to a complete halt. Her mind went blank, and her eyes just stared. Those words. Those seven words, were what she finally needed to hear. It didn't come from her father. Her mother, sister, or brother. It didn't come from a friend, teacher, or any other hero. It didn't come from within herself, nor did it come from an enemy. It came from someone, who she declared war on. Someone, she vowed to defeat. Someone, who showed her, that they can actually care for her.

He was beating himself bloody. Everything on him, would be broken, had he really wanted to. He couldn't. He had to see this fight to the end. He had to break through to her. He had to show her, that she was her own person. Not some puppet that could be controlled out of jealousy.

She could feel it. The heat rising on her left side. The side, which was represented by red. The color of fury, and rage. The color of her hidden temper, that was gnawing at its cage. Begging, scratching, please to get out. All of these years of refusing to listen, had all been washed away. Just seven words, was all it took.


"Midoriya. Thank you. I will never forget this." She smiled widely, but could ignore the buying in her chest.

'Maybe. Maybe he will be the one.'

Well what do you know. He did it.

Special thanks to ParanomalKnight for giving me this idea, to continue on with this story. I know it was short, but it was the establishing chapter, so yeah.

Thank you all. Love you all.

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