Kirisuna oneshot

By DieuthuyenCanhmong

507 10 30

this will be a collections of kirisuna oneshot fluff (this is my first time writing so sorry if it bad) More

chapter 1:alicization

502 10 30
By DieuthuyenCanhmong

So this is the first chapter please enjoy
I ,Kirigaya kazuto, have been through a death game named SAO ( sword art online) and after beating it and sending free 6000 surviving players there were 300 was trapped again in another game name ALO (alfiem online) and thats include my beloved ingame-wife/RL girlfriend Asuna. After a long rough challenge I finally able to send her and 300 other player home a real home.

For about after 2 years the death gun incident occur in a famous game GGO (gun gale online) and once again I go in to the game and push back 2 of the death gun member and make the game go back to the way it was although the last member still out there lurking in the dark.

In one night while I was walking back home with asuna I have met him the last member of the death gun trio, and he give me a one way ticket to Underworld by injecting me with a deadly posion.

In Underworld I have met Eugeo
my bestfriend and the brother that I never have. After a long journey and a lot of painful tragity there i have become a souless person who can't even talk and think properly. Asuna and a lot other friends and teamates had save me from myself and help me stand up once again.

After some accidents me and Asuna stucked in this world for 200 years. The end of introduce
(A/N so i have skip most the thing so you guys could enjoy the movie and i don't want to spoil them all :P)

I was sleeping peace fully on my bed when i heard heart warming voice from my left ears

"Kirito-kun, wake up~~"
Still trying to go back to my slumber i reply

"Its still early go back to sleep"

"Mou you promised me to take me to the hot spring"

"Humm fine but i only get if i get some boost which is a kiss" i said trying to be cute


Look like she has given up to my whining she kiss me on the check
"But you have to kiss me on the lip... But its alright i have enough energy to get up"

Before i could ask for more I suddenly feel chill sent through my spine from Asuna killer voice when she get mad

I then pick her up and go to the bathroom

"Uh heh? Kirito-kun what are you doing"She said while being carried by me

"I want to get my tooth brushed by you , please"I said as i put her down

"Haizzz fine open your mouth and says aaaaaaa"


Feeling gentle brush from the tooth brush and get to admire my beautiful wife at the same height
as I am really is one of the best thing to do in the morning. After i done i turn around and give her peck on the cheek as a thank you.
Then i get to my usual dining room waiting for breakfast while asuna goes to the kitchen preparing breakfast.

I was sitting in my office relaxing from work and thinking what to do for our wedding anniversary I saw a newspaper sitting on my desk so I decided to read it and wouldn't you believe it I have found my solution a newly opening hot spring and due to knowing how much Asuna loving spending time in the bathtub I decided to give it a check later on

Time skip after work
"This place is cozy" I think to myself as I walk around the hot spring small hotel.
"I think I book this room" I said to the hot spring host
"Okay would you like anything else?"
"Its okay"

Flashback end
"Kirito-kun breakfast is done" Asuna calls from the kitchen wake me up from my own thought. Asuna walk out and put her famous sandwich on the table.
"This's really bring back the good memories, isnt it" I chuckled
"Uhm. Now finish them all and lets go" Asuna excitedly said. I smile at her and begin to quickly finish them.


While we're walking hand in hand to the hot spring a big sound coming from my belly interrupted us

"Your belly is a good lunch timer"
Asuna said jokingly then she point to a nearby tree and signal me to come and sit down

"Guess what we gonna have for lunch" Asuna said as she begin to take out a container

"Hummm this smell... is it cream soup?"

" That's right and heres your prize" she said she take a spoon full of the soup cream and put it in my mouth.

"Oh my this taste so gooddddd" Asuna giggles at my reaction.

Eating that creamy soft soup is
like put heaven right into your mouth and it even better when you know it is made by Asuna aka the best chief ever and with a lot of love. To think of it its kinda unfair since I was the only one to get to taste it and claim them all to me but whatever I just gonna enjoy it.

After finishing lunch we just resting by the tree talking thing to thing. Asuna rests herself on my chest while I was stroking her hair, together we enjoy the fresh air and our time alone as a newly maried couple without anyone interrupting us because they are busy with there own job. Sometimes we felt kinda lonely and I want to have a lot of children with Asuna seeing them running playing and feeling joy as a real family but we can't because we don't want to leave them behind when we wake up in real world due to them not having a real body there. Asuna suddenly ask wake me from my thoughts

"Hey are we gonna stay here for 200 years?"

"Well I think we are"

"Are you afraid of not being able to go back to the real world"

"If I get to be with you for even a
thousand years I am not going afraid anything except one thing..."

"What is it"
"I'm afraid of losing you" I answear with a serious face

"Hehe if thats what you are afraid of then its not happening anytime soon" Asuna said giggling to my response.

"Hey you can't just laugh while I'm being serious like that" I pouted

"Sorry sorry what do you want as an apologise"

"Well... Oh look up there's a shooting star"

"Huh where?" She ask as she look up and almost immediately I lock her playful pair of lips with mine and push her to the ground hugging her without break the kiss.


"Ok thats enough get up" Asuna said and i got up from that position that i have been for around 15 minutes (A/N They didnt do any lemon *ahem yet)
I give her a hand to help her stand up. I suddenly scoop her up and carry her bridal style as I begin to walk to the hot spring.

"Hey can you walk slower I want to sightseeing a bit"

"Thats fine by me"
I'm not gonna mind carry her longer because I will never get boring of admiring her beauty

When we're 30 meters from the hot spring i asked
"Do you want to get down"

"Nahhh I want be carried" I chuckled at her baby whining as I continue to walk. When we open the door we see the host looking as us kinda suprise for a few seconds and happily welcome us and lead us to the room I book (While Asuna is still on me of course)

Its a 30 square meters room with 1 large bed 1 big wardrobe 1 bathroom etc...

I go in the bathroom to wash my  face and when I go out i saw Asuna sitting on the bed like she was waiting for me. In no time I rush to the bed push her down so her back is on the bed, 2 of my hands locks her 2 wrists, my eyes has not thing except her

"Eh-h K kirito-kun w-what are you doing" she asks with a tomato red face

"Heh why bother asking when you know the answer so well" I
said with a smirk

"But w-we have d-d-done i-it at home already"

"Its because you are so beautiful, cute and so charming so i couldn't hold myself"
"But..." Before she could says anything else I lock her lips with mine, giving her passionate and fierce kiss

"Hehe you love it too and you keep saying no stop lying to yourself"


And with that we go in a heated love session (A/N So no lemon bc i don't know how to write them and i want you guys to imagine it :) also in this fanfic to have baby Asuna need to go through a ceremony a really long and complicate one so even they have done "it" many times it don't bring anything except blissful moments)


After a brief sleep due to tiredness I wake up feeling a light warm weight on my chest
when I open my eye I saw a living goddess sleeping peacefully. I carefully slip out of bed trying not to wake Asuna up
and put on the clothes that have been discard during the "love session". I turn around because I heard Asuna sneezing "she gonna catch a cold" I think to myself. Then I pick up the clothes and carefully put them on her gently then I kiss her forehead and say something to her and go to the bathroom first


I wake up as I feel my pillow become warmer than it suppose to be. When my eye are opened what saw kinda make me flinch a bit. I saw something pink and soft when i fully conscious I realize that was a boy nipple I almost yelp as it than I look up to see an innocent sleeping kirito then I felt calm down a bit I try to remember what happened I starte to feel how hot my cheek is. I felt a light stir on hand and I know Kirito-kun gonna awake I go back to the position I was and pretend that I was still as sleep to see what he's going to do. I saw Kirito-kun wake up put on his clothes and a-chu "oh no he gonna think that I've awaken" . The next thing he did I was expected "HE IS TRYING TO DRESS ME UP" I basically screaming to myself "dummy I could do it by myself but this is very rare so I'm gonna enjoy it while it last" then he kissed my forehead and whispered "Good dream my beautiful princess" and left the room. AHHHH HE'S SO CUTEEEEE


I walk down the hallway looking for the bathroom and I finally found it but... Its a shared one so I gonna share it Asuna, huh whatever its not like I hate admire her full body and its not gonna be anyone else because I've already book the whole play so I went in and drown myself in the hot water and ahhhhh it feel like heaven, the feeling of the just hot enough water touch your skin make all your muscle relax.
While enjoying the relaxing sensation I saw the door open and the beautiful goddess wrap in white towel walking in and she just THROW IT AWAY like there was noone there oh no I don't think that she saw me here. And I was speechless at everything that was shown to me right in front of my eye, the long soft silky hazel nut hair matching  with a pair same color eye that is always sparkling like a shooting star in the midnight sky, that pair of eye could see all the deepest emotions could look through all physical and mental of a person. That beautiful bare body that so soft and warm the one thing that I addicted to the one thing that I never once want to stop touching and those already magnificent thing have been beautify even more by the orange sunlight.

"Eh? Kirito-kun what are you doing here?"

"Huh what do you mean? This is a shared bathtub"

"So you know and dare not tell me"

"Uh I n-never da-dared to li-lie my wife"

"So what are you trying to say huh"

"I am very sorry for not telling you please forgive me"


After a spine-chilling series of question from my wife I open my arm for her to fall into it. To think of it if I do it in the battle field that gonna make me look so cool.

"And for not telling me I will punish you by not doing anything in a month"

"What but"

"No but"

"Then I will"

"Will what huh?"

"Then I will eat you"

I then run toward Asuna and push her down to the water light enough not to hurt her then she struggles to break free but my grip on her was stronger
"Give up you know you can win me" I said with a victory smirk
"Uhm... I give up..." She says as she lean toward me and wrap her arm around my waist, wow I didn't know she could be so romantic and


"Hehe just kidding knockout"

Just as I was loosing my grip on her she flipped me resulting me being sent to the air and smack my back to the ground

"Hey thats not fair"


"Now you gonna get it" I said as i dived into the water

"Where did you go?"

Taking advantage of her carelessness I tackle her down gently that make us both fell into the water

"You can't do that that's unfair"

"Said the one doing the same to me"

And we both burst into laughter.

After it die down I ask

"So about the thing will you forgive me?"

"About what?"

"About the ealier punishment"

"What punishment"

"The one about me can't do anything with you"

"Oh that just a joke you didn't know how priceless your face was back then"

"What you gonna pay for it"


I immediately fling myself into her and my two hands started to massage her chest while I giving non stop passionate kisses

"Hey don't do it here someone might see it"

"Don't worry there won't be..."


The door opened

"I have already done your laundry and do you..." The host says as she stare as us while in the position


Oh no I'm done

"OMG IM REALLY SORRY" She quickly run out of the room and slam the door shut

"Don't mind me countinues what you were doing" she quickly add before she runs off

And when we confirm that we are alone Asuna speak up with the most terrified and deadliest voice ever





And with the title lightning flash she slap me with full force right in the face without even able to see it.


Ahhhh so refreshing drinking iced juice after a hot spring bath is the best but...

"Asuna why are sitting 10 seats away from me?"

"What if you gone wild and try to do that to me again" she said with cold tone

Huhu already slap in the face that hurt and now get cold by my beloved wife haiz i should have control myself then these thing won't happen. "But this trip is for our anniversary so I better buy the gift for her and also make it a apologise gift too" I think to myself then quickly finish the drink

"Hey Asuna I will go out for a bit"

"Ya whatever"

"Hey I'm sorry don't be mad"

"Who said I'm mad, just go and don't return~~"


What, with that killer voice and the way she slam the door theres no way she not mad. Haiz if we not on a vacation like this animal in the wood gonna have a new tonight. Anyway this place is about 30 minutes walk away from the central city so heading there alone in the street at this time is kinda creepy. Yes I know the Underworldians is friendly and the Taboo Index says you can't just attack people and every follow it but walking like this is not very comfortable so I decide to talk to myself to at least break this creepy silent

"What to buy"

I remember Sugu and her friends usually talk about makeup like lipstick or something but Asuna has a perfect beauty so those thing are no go

"Hmmm how about bracelet nah I already give her that"

"How about rings?"

Thats gonna be weird since we already have wedding ring


That already have gone with the bracelet

"Oh I know necklace thats gonna be good"

Just as my light ball lighted up I realize I have arrived to the central market. While searching for the necklace from store to store I saw a girl running to me and ask

"Hey I saw you looking a necklace how about I introduce you some they are at my shop"
She says as she drag me to her shop. Kinda impress how young she is (like 14 or lower I think) but she have a very good talking skill.

When we arrive at her shop I saw a lot of necklaces from low to high

"Oh I gotta have that one please"
I point to the one on the very top.

"Hehe what good eye you have. Thats one of the most beautiful around this shop"

Wow that really is beautiful. The soft golden chain and the patterns got meticulously sculpted. Its made from one of four great flower - dahlia flower.
Asuna gonna love it.

She put the chosen necklace in a beautiful red velvet box

"Who do you buy this for?"

"This is for my wife"

"Hehe she gonna love it"

"Yes she is" I answer with toothy grin and inside I felt so so proud of me for buying this. How about buying something else oh I know a new under- no no a new sleep wear for her.

And I walk in a sleep wear shop. After walking around the shop I pick the crystal clear thin and having flower pattern at the belly and I know the size due to almost every night of 'work out'. Then I quickly go pay the dress and go out because the shop isn't that crowded and the people keep staring at me for some reason. After I got back to our little hotel I look at the time and realize its 10 o'clock thật mean I have been out for 4 hours straight.

I call for her but no reply. Maybe she already has asleep then when I walk in a saw a bottle of juice standing on the ground.

When I pick it up I was surprised
"Wait what this is whiskey that mean..." Just as about to turn around.
"Oh darling -hic- you home -hic-"

"Speaking of the devil" I think in my mind and quickly hide all the presents

Yep she has a very bad alcohol tolerance so one sip mean she's a goner now

"H-hey I'm back"

"You know -hic- how long have you go -hic- and how much I miss you?"

"Anyways I'm here now let's go to sleep"

"Noooo -hic- I don't want to sleep yet"

"T-then what do you want"

"I want to..."

"Hey how about stars watching"

"Hehe thats good"

"Then shall we go?"

Then I walk her to the nearby field kinda suprise how she could walk while being that drunk.

Then we sit down and begin to gaze at the beautiful night star well mostly her because I'm to busy watching her. That beauty under the moonlight. Then she suddenly speak up

"Do... you like me?"

Ehhh what kind of question is this its like when we used to be a new couple. I cant answer that question too jokefully because she is drunk now she could go in yandere mod anysecond and can't answer it too serious or it would make me look silly. Haiz then I must speak the true

"No I don't like you"

"Heh? You hate me?"

"No I love you more than myself how could I possibly hate you?"

"Oh hehe I love you too Kirito-kun"

Then she fall into my chest and fall asleep

"Love you too" I kiss her forehead and carry her bridal style back to the hotel.


I struggling with own sleepiness and go out of bed while my eyes haven't opened properly. I try to be stealthy walking down the stairs and walk to the kitchen. A smell that make me drooling started to be clearer by every step and I know immediately what is it. Thats Asuna cooking. I walk behind her and wrap both my hands around her waist and my head on her shoulder

"K-kirito-kun you scare me"

"Hehe is it wrong to cuddle with you? Happy anniversary"

"Um thanks and you go to the bathroom fresh-up now"

As much as I want to cuddle with her when she says that I must comply I don't want to get scold at the morning. Then after i done fresh-up and breakfast I quickly go to the part that I have waited for so long the gift giving part.

"Asuna guess what it is"

"Is it a hairpin?"

"Guess again"

"A bracelet?"

"No I have already give it to you"

"Ummm a ring"

"What we already have a wedding ring"

"Oh right hmmm oh is it a necklace?"

"Bingo now close your eyes and don't peak"

Then I walk behind her and carefully wear it on her neck without making any of her beautiful hair stuck in it.

"Now open your eyes"

"Wow this really is beautiful I like it so much thanks Kirito-kun"

Feeling so proud of myself when I hear her praising. That really pay off the long searching.

"Oh yeah when did you buy this?"

"Oh on the night you mad at me"

"Thats explain why you came back that late"

"Hehe and there's also another gift"

"Hm? What is it"

"Just go and you will see"

Then I quickly drag her to our room because I'm afraid that I couldn't hold myself when I see her in it

"Tadaa here it is"


"Are you that perverted"

"And I can't imagine how could you buy it in front of everyone"

Oh thats why people were staring at me back then (Whatever used to it :]]] )

"Can you wear it now?"


"Huh why?"

"If someone visit us what I'm i suppose to do"

Phew I thought she hate it

"Don't worry noone gonna be here"

"Fine in return you must do the ' I'm your present' thing "

"Wait you mean the one being naked and wrap ribbons around you? I thought thats for girl only"

"So do it or not"

"... Fine"

And she begin to use a lot of ribbon to wrap me up. Thats feel so annoying. And around 20 minutes of struggling finally I'm done and she said she gonna go changing. And three to four minutes later see walk in.

"What took you... so..."

Omg I'm speechless at the sight in front of me the dress I bought for her more than fit her and she also wear a white cat ear (I don't remember she has one). Her beauty is more than words could describe.

"How do I look"

"You look so beautiful that no word I says could fully describe it"

"You really know how to flirt"

"Nah I just say the truth"

Then she goes to bed and begins giving a passionate kiss. I really want to hug and touch her but the ribbons stops me so I have to stay still. Then we go in a second one. Suddenly

"Kirito-senpai, Asuna-senpai are you home?"


"Aw dath hurth" (aw thats hurt)

"Ple serve you right thats for not listening"
"I will go and get them you get rid of those thing by yourself"

She bit my tongue and wrap herself a new thick jacket and went out and at the same time her cat ear disappear


"Good morning Asuna-senpai"

"Tieze don't call me senpai"

"Thats right Ronye call her Lady Asuna"

"Mou Fanatio-san and welcome in guys"

Wait that mean there are more people coming. I press myself against the door hoping there is something could cut the ribbons.
"What is this thing make of why is so tough" I think to myself and the space force have already been used up (A/N Thats what Asuna cat ear made of). Asuna why do you have to be so mean to me.


"Where's Kirito-senpai I haven't seen him"

"Yeah is there something suspicious behind that door"

"There's nothing suspicous Tieze"

"Then Fanatio-san open the door please"

"Um sure"

Oh no no Thats right I could use the left over force to change the ribbons to a short then pretend to be changing


Oh my just in time

"Oh I'm sorry I'm changing right now please wait a bit"

"Oh okay"


Phew and just for a phew second it turn back to the way it is the hope now is that Asuna come in and do the rescuing job

"Seems like nothing wrong to me"

If it Ronye or Tieze they gonna freak out and not gonna be as calm as Fanatio

"Wait for me a bit okay guys there's something I need to do"


What I just rest please please be Asuna.


Oh thanks god that it is a hazel nut hair with a killer beauty girl none other than Asuna

"I only help because of the situation" Say as she take a scissor out of her back pocket and cut all the hell chain that imprison me with a pouty face

"And you better be changing and go out quickly"


"Woahhh thats took quite some time"

"Hey lets continue where we left of"

"Huh? What do you mean?" She title her head act to be confusing. So she want to tease me again huh. Then let me...

"I will cure your amnesia A-su-na-chan"

Then I immediately grab her and begin kissing non stop to her face

"Let me go you pervert"

"Try pushing as much as you want I won't stop ,moahhh <3"

"Geez why you always have to be hasty, come here"

Then she pull me to her soft chest

Then we "having fun" till nightfall

Whoa finally done hope you guys this is my very first chapter and I gonna continue writing these oneshot so stay for more up coming
Have a good day

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