chapter 1:alicization

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So this is the first chapter please enjoy
I ,Kirigaya kazuto, have been through a death game named SAO ( sword art online) and after beating it and sending free 6000 surviving players there were 300 was trapped again in another game name ALO (alfiem online) and thats include my beloved ingame-wife/RL girlfriend Asuna. After a long rough challenge I finally able to send her and 300 other player home a real home.

For about after 2 years the death gun incident occur in a famous game GGO (gun gale online) and once again I go in to the game and push back 2 of the death gun member and make the game go back to the way it was although the last member still out there lurking in the dark.

In one night while I was walking back home with asuna I have met him the last member of the death gun trio, and he give me a one way ticket to Underworld by injecting me with a deadly posion.

In Underworld I have met Eugeo
my bestfriend and the brother that I never have. After a long journey and a lot of painful tragity there i have become a souless person who can't even talk and think properly. Asuna and a lot other friends and teamates had save me from myself and help me stand up once again.

After some accidents me and Asuna stucked in this world for 200 years. The end of introduce
(A/N so i have skip most the thing so you guys could enjoy the movie and i don't want to spoil them all :P)

I was sleeping peace fully on my bed when i heard heart warming voice from my left ears

"Kirito-kun, wake up~~"
Still trying to go back to my slumber i reply

"Its still early go back to sleep"

"Mou you promised me to take me to the hot spring"

"Humm fine but i only get if i get some boost which is a kiss" i said trying to be cute


Look like she has given up to my whining she kiss me on the check
"But you have to kiss me on the lip... But its alright i have enough energy to get up"

Before i could ask for more I suddenly feel chill sent through my spine from Asuna killer voice when she get mad

I then pick her up and go to the bathroom

"Uh heh? Kirito-kun what are you doing"She said while being carried by me

"I want to get my tooth brushed by you , please"I said as i put her down

"Haizzz fine open your mouth and says aaaaaaa"


Feeling gentle brush from the tooth brush and get to admire my beautiful wife at the same height
as I am really is one of the best thing to do in the morning. After i done i turn around and give her peck on the cheek as a thank you.
Then i get to my usual dining room waiting for breakfast while asuna goes to the kitchen preparing breakfast.

I was sitting in my office relaxing from work and thinking what to do for our wedding anniversary I saw a newspaper sitting on my desk so I decided to read it and wouldn't you believe it I have found my solution a newly opening hot spring and due to knowing how much Asuna loving spending time in the bathtub I decided to give it a check later on

Time skip after work
"This place is cozy" I think to myself as I walk around the hot spring small hotel.
"I think I book this room" I said to the hot spring host
"Okay would you like anything else?"
"Its okay"

Flashback end
"Kirito-kun breakfast is done" Asuna calls from the kitchen wake me up from my own thought. Asuna walk out and put her famous sandwich on the table.
"This's really bring back the good memories, isnt it" I chuckled
"Uhm. Now finish them all and lets go" Asuna excitedly said. I smile at her and begin to quickly finish them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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