By Psalm-chan

3.6K 70 30

The angels (tops) fall down in front of the lifeless devils.. The devils (bottoms) took a revenge at their Un... More

The Angels and The Devils
Two Years Later
Their Alpha
Final Days

The Reunion

340 10 0
By Psalm-chan

Suga look around at the park, surprise. "Wow, how did you do this, Layla?"

"I was ordered to, but it was so much fun." She look at her watch.. "Damn, they will arrive here in thirty minutes. Hide!" They all scrambled, hiding in the bushes and Atsu climbed the tree, excited.

"I'm so going to surprise, Samu!" He giggled quietly, Suga glared at him. "I-I.. Why do I feel like I'm stab in the back multiple times? Hehe." He buried himself by the trees.

"Layla?!" The angels arrive, looking around.

"Why is there lights here?"

"Is there a party or something?"

"Young masters." Layla came out, smiling. "How many years have you live here in the human world?"

"Almost three years, why?" Daichi look at their maid, getting suspicions.

"Hahaha, you will now go back to our world." Yamaguchi covered his mouth, suppressing his laughter.

"What! After three years, your going to send us back?!"

Sakusa shrug. "Fine by me, never like it here."

"Shut up, Sakusa!" Osamu yelled. "I need to find my brother, I can't leave." The curly flinch.

"It's not my problem anyway." He jumped inside the portal, Layla sighed and snapped her fingers.

"What are you going to do now, young masters?" She whistled, the signal.

"Hehe." Atsu ran on the branch, jumping. "SAMU!" Sitting on top of him. "Surprise?"

"Sumu! Oh gosh, I think I might die." His breathing getting uneven, the blond laughed and laid down on his chest.

"I miss you, Samu. I can't take it anymore with my heat.. It's so painful." The devils stop laughing, looking away.

"It's so annoying, my throat hurt so much after." D-did they?

"I'm sorry, young masters." W-wait, what!

"It isn't your fault, we understand we can gey violent and yell so much." Violent? So how do they do it?

"I'm breaking my nails every time I scratch the door." Kenma look at his fingers while still playing on his new game console.

"Hinata gone wild every time."

"S-shut up.." He sat next to Yamaguchi who's eating the cake on the table.

"Yamaguchi!" He froze, waving at Suga.

"I-it's strawberry cake, I'm sorry." Tsukishima moved quickly, grabbing a plate for the cake.

"I want." He got a piece. "Yes! Thank you."

"Hahaha, Tsukibro!"

"Shut up." He glared at Bokuto and Kuroo.

"Is this why you didn't come with us at the amusement park?" Daichi stood in front of her.

"Master Sano ordered me to, it's boring at our apartment. You guys keep fighting and so annoying, young masters."

"Hahahahaha." Yaku and Kaashi couldn't hold back anymore, Suga wrap his arm on her shoulders. "Just move in without us, our George will be in your care," he whispered in her ear.

"Oi, oi." Kaashi pulled him away. "Don't tease her about you know."

"Fine. Fine." He placed his hand up.

"Kaashi, look at her face." They look at her face, he shook his head.

"Even though she just found out recently, but this reaction is out of control." Grabbing George's jacket, covering her with it.

"Y-young master?" George look at them confused.

"Keep it, Layla."


"You know you want." She nod, smiling under the jacket.

"Okay, let's get this party started!" Noya, Yaku, and Atsu head to a table, grabbing their food.

"Don't eat too much." They gave him a thumbs up. "Your not listening."

"Come on, Suga." Kaashi pulled him away, stuffing some chocolates in his mouth. "Relax, they ain't going to do anything, right?" He look at them, they nod. Terrified.

"Yama! Kenma!" The two boys look at Hinata, flying.

"At least it's dark, right?" Yamaguchi nod, jumping and spread his wings.

"Kaashi? Should I just let it go?"

"Just let it go, they can't let it out."

"I understand." But then there were a thunder coming toward the three boys. "This isn't good. Get down!" He was too late though, they were both got hit.

"HAHAHAHA!" They look up.

"F-father?" Atsu trembled down.

"Hello, my children."

Suga clenched his fist, he couldn't move his legs or anything.

The King of Devils landed down on the ground, smiling. He snapped his fingers, everyone in their true form.

"H-how? Hinata? He is supposed to be in the depth of the ocean." Yamaguchi's anxiety rose up, both Kenma and Hinata trying to calm him down.

Tsukishima flew toward him, covering his ears with the earphones. "Listen to the music." He nod, calming down a bit.


"I'm fine." His nails digging on his palm.

"This is a nice reunion, isn't it?" His kids trembled, their anger rising.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Noya yelled.

"Don't be like that, Yu" 

"Don't fucking call me that!" Atsu grabbed his hand.

"Stop.. Noya, please." His hand shaking under the fear which is now exploding inside him.

"H-he ruined everything, Yachi didn't have to fucking die."

"That woman, I'm glad. Atsumu, you didn't tell them when you saw what actually happened."

"Atsu?" They look at him.

"I-I'm sorry. I froze when I saw, not by my visions, but I was there when he ripped her body in piece. He enjoyed it, I couldn't do anything.. I wanted it to disappear every time I go to sleep.." 

"It isn't the curse? Only we have the curse."

"You boys know you have the curse, perfect! Now I don't have to deal about the boys stealing the throne from me."

"Atsu, Yaku, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Noya, Kaashi, and Suna." They walk toward Suga, holding their hands.

"Are you going to fight me?"

"Young masters, please be safe." George backed away, pulling Layla from the park. "Come, angels. This isn't your place to interfere. Do as I say." They followed him.

"What will you do? It's going to be exciting, I don't have to play with those useless low-level demons." He sighed.

"Ready? What happens if we use this, Atsu?"

"It might take three years of our lifespan. So we only have fifteen years left."

"We can't do this without everyone." Suga snapped his fingers, bringing Kawa and Ten.

"What happen?"

"W-wait! Is that Father!?"

"I want to do it, he killed Yachi for his entertainment." Hinata started glowing, the color of orange. Orange symbolizes warmth, sunshine, excitement, and good health. Though it also include freedom and balance.

"Yachi is our little sister, whether it is by blood or not. We love her." The color red - blood, lust, passion, courage, and confidence. Tendō smirked.

"She helped us when we were little, even if she is older than us, we still consider her our little sister." Tears stream down from Yamaguchi, green droplets was surrounding the tall boy - green symbolizes nature, health, and jealousy.

"Yachi. The one who stood up against the big beast." Yaku smiled sadly, brown symbolizes isolation, solid, strength and reliability.

Kawa laughed. "She always laugh so beautiful, the flower that pulled us away from cowering in darkness." Blue - calm, depression, and ocean.

Kaashi trembling, his eyes turning purple. "She knows how to handle us whenever we lost control of our powers." Purple - mystery, sexual frustration, royalty, peace, and pride.

Suna laughed. "She always scold me whenever I smoke in front of her." Black rising from underground - darkness, certainty, despair, and elegance.

Noya smiled. "Yachi would always chase me when I broke some glass." Yellow covering him - caution, happy, and youthful.

"Hahaha, what the hell is happening?" The father couldn't hide the disgust at their color.

"She didn't care what kind of status we had, she still stayed with us whether she was ordered to or not." The wind blow at each boy, white growing big from Suga - bright, freshness, and  cold.

"I can't change anything if I want to, but I should have stopped you before whether I died with her or not. We loved her." Atsu's color produce grey - intellect, neutral, moody, timeless, and loss.

"Whether we make out alive here or not, we will defeat you!" The colors came together, shooting high toward their father.

"What is this!?" They started to fall down, still holding to each other's hand. "I never seen this before!" Fire crawled from his leg, a fire that will never disappear once it touch someone. "No! It isn't.." The fire enveloped him, biting at his skin. "Ahhh! Why would you do this to your father?!"

"We never saw you as our father!"

"Who watch you grew up?!"

"Uncle Ito, George and Yachi!"

"You never were there for us. All you did was killing and doing whatever you want." He couldn't argue anymore, they were right, then he disappeared.

"Is he gone?" They let go, collapsing on the ground.


"Young masters!" They shook their head.

"D-don't come near." They spit out blood, barely seeing everyone else.

"Hahaha, I couldn't get a boyfriend."

"S-shut.." More blood coming out. "Never mind.. I fucking agree." Losing their consciences.

George ran, checking their heart beats and sighed. "Let's bring them back to their apartment, we can't go to the hospital." The boys carried them toward the apartment.

"What are we going to do?" George couldn't think straight, so Layla flick his forehead.

"Calm down, they are strong." He nod, opening the door.

"Put them all in the room, on the right of the hall and continued down." Looking around the big apartment, finding a master bedroom. Eleven beds waiting, empty.

"Are they going to be okay?"

"They use the Life Combination."

"Life Combination?"

"Is that the legendary power?"

"I though it was just a myth."

"Only one person who ever master that, Goddess Maria."

"They found a book on how to do it when they were young, they practiced using that magic and now they have fifteen years of lifespan left."

"Can't we remove the cruse?" Osamu holding his big brother's hand, kneeling down.

"We can't." They turned to look at their uncle and Ito. "I want to help them, but it's already too late."

"No. No." His power overwhelming the whole room, Daichi rest his hand on his shoulder and he fall asleep.

"I'm sorry, Osamu. Seventeen years that curse rested in them, if I have known, then I could have prevented this." Ito slam his friend's back.

"They will enjoy the life they have right now, don't take it away from them. Come on, stop pretending to be asleep."

"Hahaha." Tendō sit up. "I got to feel some those long fingers Mr. Ushijima have."

"I got carried as a princess." Yamaguchi giggled.

"So mean," Hinata whined, coughing up blood.

"Stop moving."

"Who's idea was it?" He glared at his nephews. Suga laughed. "Suga, was it you?"

"We never did expect Father to actually come here and at least we found out the real truth of what happened to Yaichi, but it was my idea since we found out that we can just pretend we passed out from blood loss." He coughed again. "Whoops."

"I never expected you to have this kind of idea."

"Sooo mean. Kaashi and Yaku didn't expected it either."

"It's a nice change for him."

"Well, rest for now. George call their jobs and schools that they are sick."

"Yes, Master Ito." He rushed out the room.

"Sano, bring your boys with you."

"Yeah, yeah. Just call me if you need anything."

"I know, you stupid playboy."

"You're the same, the handsomest devil to marry."

"Shut up." Rolling his eyes, kicking his friend out of the room.

"Handsomest devil to marry?"

"We never heard of this, Uncle Ito!"

"I never told you that's why."

"Meaann Uncle Ito."

"Tell us why they call you that."

"So you're interested now after what you've done to me."

"We know that you can easily grew it back."

"You all just like your mothers."

"At least we can finally rest in peace, though Uncle Ito would be coming and banging on our doors."

"Haha, now you mention it." They look at him, shaking their head. "I live just across from you."


"Across the hall, hahaha."


Iwaizumi look back at the building. "Did you guys hear someone scream no?" He wore a confused face.

"Haha, I feel bad for those boys."

"Why, Uncle Sano?"

Sano look around at the buildings, sighing. "His going to annoy the living hell out of them, though Oikawa has the power to block all noises from the outside and Suna can just zip his mouth."

"They sound dangerous."

"Not sound, Lev. They are dangerous, they cut off their uncle's dick."

"That's true." Lev lowered his head from hitting the lights.

"But the Life Combination."

"Life Combination is a powerful spell, don't ever use it. I don't know how they learn it, but I advice you, boys, to never ever try to learn that spell. You'll be risking your whole lifespan."

"If we use it once, that will be the end?"

"Yes. Angels and devils are in different islands, but devils are born with protection against strong spells."

"Then what's the purpose of being an angel?" Tsukishima grunted.

"To keep the balance between the three world. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, it's how you were born as."

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