My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

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chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)

6.3K 260 4
By paranormalRHlover


I'm going over some things with Michael and Alex. They've rounded up all those that aren't still in the hunt from this pack now and have them in cells awaiting their interrogation. So far all the people they've seen, knew and/or participated in her abuse. I'm disgusted to find that Daniel wasn't just goading me when he said every unmated male and some who are now mated raped her. And Though all the children are innocent, they too were taught that it was OK behaviour, to treat someone this way.

Noone can really tell me why they all followed his orders and thought it OK to abuse a member of their pack. And when asked where she came from. Noone could tell us. The extractors even said it had been wiped from there memories. So again another thing he didn't lie about! They've left Daniel for me like requested so I go down to his cell while they carry on with their interrogations.

When I reach his cell I see him chained to the ceiling, feet dangling down, though they brush the floor he can't stand to relieve the pain, he no doubt has pain in his wrists due to the silver cutting into them and his arms as they've been raised above his head all this time. And the dreaded death collar. When I open his cell door he looks up at me and smirks.

"What's so funny Daniel?"

"Oh nothing. Still not mated I see. How is my lovely IT doing? Does she miss me?" He taunts. I can't wait to kill him, it's hard holding myself back when I have to hold Zander back too.

"Just tell me how to remove that bracelet you put on her! And the speech spell. How is that broken? And anything else you put on her to hide me from her or her from me."

"The bracelet didn't quite do its job did it. It was supposed to completely hide her from you. And of course she would be your mate, should have seen that one coming. All that power...... wasted!!...on you, like you need anymore. You won't be able to handle it you know, it's too much for any one person. That's why I never mated her, and covered her power up. I wanted to eliminate Darren, so when he came to me and told me he would be mateing her this hunt, one way or another, I decided I might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone. He'd be dead soon with so much power anyway and I'd be much richer. It drives you crazy you know and all you want is more and more, I can't imagine how crazy it will drive you being the King and the most....Well one of the top 5 most powerful people. But I won't have to wonder long. Once mated im sure it will consume you too. It will kill you or you will turn out just. Like. Me. It's inevitable, you will need to dominate, posses and take all her power away, so you will force and abuse her just like I did. It was never my intention to do this to her, well not until.....anyway, even with her powers hidden some still leaks through and her bracelet? It won't come off unless I personally remove it or.....No, you don't want to know. Take me to her and I'll take it off! But really you might want it to stay on! I decided to infuse the Bracelet with everything. Power and mate blocks. Once I removed....well good luck. As for the speech spell, that won't happen until she's mated I'm afraid." It's as if he has multiple personalities! He'd go from excited to sad, angry, wistful. So many it was hard to keep up.

"You don't know what you're talking about. I'm her mate, of course I'll be able to help her contain whatever power she has. I'd never do anything to hurt her. Ever. And not your intention until.... what? You've just given me a load of information. Why stop there? What don't I want to know? And you won't be setting your eyes upon her ever again so what's the alternative?" I spit out angrily

"Yeah, good luck with that. The alternative is mate her and it will come off. What you don't want to know is that it was designed like that so when Darren mated her it would fall off as there's no need for it. The power would consume him and it won't matter if she then met her true mate as it would be done and there would be no pull. You'd be able to do nothing about it. And I kept her naive about mates, all she really knows is she has one and one of our laws is that noone is allowed to interfere with mate's, well unless you challenge them directly during a hunt, but only a hunt of course. She knows no other details. I've told you all I have because..... well, I want to stay alive for as long as possible. I told you more people will be coming for her, Mated or not. others were already looking, your not the only one iv been hiding her from. So I just have to bide my time. I haven't told you everything..... yet! As for seeing her, I can wait. We will be seeing each other though."

"What the fuck does that mean?" I snarl at him

"Nothing really, she will be seeing me in her dreams. I'm a frequent tormentor there too." He starts laughing maniacally

"What's THAT supposed to mean?!!" I glowered

"Tell her I'll see her when she goes to sleep for me. She might tell you what I mean if you're lucky" He babbled.

I've had enough of him for one day. And he has given me some information to think about. Maybe the magic practitioner or Rush will know a way to get rid of the bracelet. I don't want her anywhere near that vile creature ever again.

I'm walking back to the office to get the guys to do their thing, see if they can get the information I seek so I can eliminate him soon. I just push open the door and head towards Parker when I get a link come through

"Hey Par-"

"Alpha, we heard a crash and ran in to investigate. Luna was in the shower and had fallen somehow, knocking into a unit and the small mirror crashed to the floor. She seems OK, a few scratches. But aahhhh." I was out the door as soon as I heard Alpha, they were only to contact me if there was a problem. I hate that I wasn't there when she woke up.

"But what?"

Before he can explain I'm there rushing in the door with him still stuttering on what to tell me. I go straight into the room and she's not on the bed, Coltan said something about the shower so without warning I barged open the bathroom door.

Her arousal is like a punch in the face. And I'm instantly rock hard. Fuck, she's sitting on the floor with her fingers inbetween her legs and moaning. She doesn't even stop when she sees me standing there. I'm now thinking that's what they didn't know how to tell me, that they walked in on my mate like this. I might have to kill them.

Zander, pushing to the surface making my eyes glow, takes a bigger sniff and my eyes dilate with want. Growling low he remarks

"Jesse!! I know we can't, but fuck I want her so bad. Her heat is so much more fiercer and more intense than anyone else's. It's not supposed to be this strong the first day. I don't know if I will be able to fight off my baser instincts to mate her when hers peaks. I really want to taste her though, show her how good we can make her feel!"

"I know Zander, I know. Hopefully it doesn't last too long, we might have to put Parker on protection from us to stop us mating her."


I walk over to her and hoist her off the floor, taking her hands to stop her as that's my job, I pin them and her to the wall. Taking in her arousal which got stronger. In a provocative way I say

"You smell so good, my little mate. But you need to stop that. I'm here now." I start to lick and suck on my mark, knowing she will enjoy it and open a link to her thoughts. She knows I can hear her and I don't want to miss anything she might say to me. continuing my assault on her neck she starts panting.

"I'm... I'm not you're... you're mate! I told you your....confused. oh fuck!...This bracelet blocks...... blocks me from my..... mate and him from.... Mmhhhmm..... me. And makes others....... Think! I'm there mate.... I really need you to fuck....... Fuck me now. Please! your touch is..... mmhhmmm... please!" She's making this difficult for me, pleading like that. I want nothing more than to lift her legs and plunge deep inside her and make her scream, but not untill she's in a more stable state to want me without her heat affecting her decision. And she knows I'm her mate.

"Do you know how mates work? Because I'm telling you. Magic bracelet or not, nothing can hide my mate from me. You. Are. Mine."

"Pr-prove it!" Growling I divulge

"Ok little mate of mine. Ways one knows their mate include: smell. You smell like hints of sandalwood and honeysuckle, which should get stronger once that bracelet comes off. Touch. Where I touch you there's a hum. Which will become a pleasurable spark, and we won't be able to keep our hands off each other. The bond. Is what will draw you to me, a pull. You want me you just don't understand it and think it's because of what he said about others claiming you. But a kiss is all it take's to know I'm yours! Now tell me, were you thinking of my cock inside you while you were playing with yourself. Hmmm?" She cries out, so she likes me talking naughty to her. Then the little minx wraps her legs around me and grinds into my erection. I manage to hold in my moan. I want her to admit it though, that's the first step to getting her to believe I'm hers

"Answer me. Was you thinking about my cock deep inside you?" She nods yes and I smirk, now onto the second step

"Good girl. Now I'm going to go and find some other girl to play with as you're not my mate." I nonchalantly pull away, dropping her feet to the floor and walk away. I hear the desired growl as the thought of any other female touching me should drive her mad like it does me when I think about her with another guy.

"Go on then! See if care! I'm sure one of thoes guys from earlier would be more than happy to come and fuck me. And there close by. Let's go ask shall we." She exclaims, brushing past me. And she turned it on me, clever girl.

"Be my guest, no one here will say yes to you. Unless they want to die." I fume making her turn and face me.

"And why would they turn me down?"

I quickly get infront of her, and step into her, making her grab and fist my top. She licks her lips and I hear her remark of 'please just kiss me'. I'm gonna do more than kiss her but not until she tells me who I am. I'm her mate and she needs to accept it. I keep stepping into her and she's not realising that although she's stepping away from me, she's also pulling me to her. Her legs hit the bed which is where I was steering her, she wants me just as bad as I want her. But first

"Are you ready?"

"Fo-for what?" She says breathlessly

"To tell me who I am to you. You feel the hum, the pull, the want and need for me. And don't try to deny it. Well let's see how long it takes to make you tell me who I am." I can't resist and kiss the corner of her mouth but turn away when she tries to capture mine.

"Arrrrgggghhhh you're so fucking frustrating!!"

"You have no idea love, and your just as frustrating, trust me! Tell me. Who am I?"

"You're the Alpha king!"

"Wrong answer!" I bite down on my mark eliciting another cry from her and I can smell as her body gets slicker for me, then I step back removing all contact and strip my top over my head and throw it on the floor. I see the small movement of her hands clenching, she's dying to touch me. All in due time little mate. I step to her again and wrap my arms around her and whisper

"Who. Am. I?"

"What do I get if I get it right?" So she's trying to negotiate! But I know what she wants and I can only give so much as I won't mate her until that bracelet Comes off, and she believes I'm her mate. If I can restrain myself that is. It's getting harder and harder to resist. I notice her top is wet from the shower so run my hands down her back past her bottom and grip the hem in my hands. She's really breathless now, anticipating my next move and shivers as I start lifting it from her body.

"Arms up!" She does as she's told and lifts them and when I get it off her shoulders and just over her mouth, I decide to stop. Traping her in it, then I lean in and brush my lips over hers, feing that tiny spark again. I smirk when she tries to kiss me back but I pull away. From the smell of her, her arousal is dripping down her legs now. And I can't wait to lap up every last drop!.

"If you want me to kiss you, tell me who I am!!"

"Jesse, pleeeease, stop teasing me!" Holy fuck, hearing her say my name makes me harder and more impatient, if she would just answer me I'd give her what her body is begging for me to do.

"Nope! Still wrong" I growl, but I keep her trapped with one arm holding the top at the small of her back while with the other I slip my fingers over her dripping wet folds and she gasps. I love how fucking wet she is for me! We're both gagging for it now and for the first time I look down at her heaving chest taking in her delectable body. She's perfect. When she tries to push onto my fingers I pull them away

"Seriously!! Either do me or Get off me!! Pick One and stop teasing me! you're driving me insane" I chuckle at her frustration, but her body starts releasing stronger pheromones telling me she's ready to mate, i'm gonna be in trouble soon If they get any stronger.

"Jesse, stop teasing her, if you don't and her body keeps sending me thoes powerful mating pheromones I'm gonna lose it and fucking take her. So get on with it and please our mate before I do something we'll regret later!"

"I know what I'm doing! Now shut it!"

"No, I'm not going to stop.... Fuck I want you so bad it hurts" i growls out.

"Then fucking take me!!" She breathlessly screams

"Not until you tell me! I can always go find someone that would know the answer by now!" I slip the tip of my finger inside her no longer able to resist, making her moan


"Yes, I'm?...." I ask and stop all movement

"Mine!" She cries. Fuck, she's doing this on purpose, I think she secretly like's how much this is turning her on. She knows the answer but isn't saying it!.

"Yes, but still not the answer I'm looking for!" I push my finger in deep and the noises coming out of her is music to my ears. But I stop as she leans into me needing more contact. I'm so close to just kissing her when she exclaims

"You're my mate! Now please!"

"Right answer" I say then push her back onto the bed and watch as her body bounces. Then I'm on her.

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