My Best Friend Is My Dom (18+)

By _anime_princess

98K 1K 165

πŸ…†πŸ„°πŸ…πŸ„½πŸ„ΈπŸ„½πŸ„Ά ✧This book is mature. +18(Contains BDSM content) ✧ Contains lots and loads of swearing and cu... More

CHAPTER ONE(prologue)
Chapter TWO


4K 43 21
By _anime_princess

This chapter is dedicated to @_amberfire. Thank you for you comments and votes. You are the best. Check out her profile.( ˘ ³˘)♥..

Get ready for a boat load of drama.


It's 11 in the morning and Leo is sitting in the back yard trying to put up some security bars. And he's doing a horrible job.

I'm in the kitchen watching a video on how to make some fancy cheese filled dish. I'm so confused.

I hear back then a grunt and finally a a thud from the back making me rush out. I look around for Leo but he's no where to be found just a lone tall ladder. Ruby barks at the fence. I squint my eyes a bit finally spotting a dark figure.
"Damn dog" Leo says from the other side of the fence. I hear some shuffling on the other side before he walks in through a door on the fence.

"It won't kill you to hire someone to do it" I say as I walk towards him.
"To expensive." he mutters scrolling through his phone for something.
"You're a billionaire"
"Saves money. Just because I have money doesn't mean I spend it anyhow."
"You rented a Ferrari once when you had two in the garage and set your yatch on fire because there was no alcohol left in it's fridge."
"I was drunk and childish." he argues.
"Last year you walked into Forever 21 slapped a woman with a wad of cash calling her broke hobo"
"I was spoilt and let the money get to my head" I shake my head and seat on over if the lawn chairs watching the disaster unfold before me.
   The loud chime of my phone interrupts the show and I'm forced to turn my head away. I look around for my phone which is no where to be seen. I then remember I leaving it in the kitchen. I walk in and pick up the phone before it had the chance to cut off.

"Hey babe." my blood goes cold, my mouth runs dry not being able to form another word as soon as I hear the voice on the other end.
"Look I need your help please. I need you to...bail me out of jail." I blink several times trying to pull myself together.
"Why are you in jail?" My voice sounds so different.God help me.
"I'll tell you later when you pick me up. It's nothing bad. I promise" Aiden says before hanging up on me. I releases a shaky breath.

Should I to?
Should Leo come with me?
Can I trust him?
Why can't I breathe?
Oh shoot!

In.Out.In.Out. Breathing, something I've been doing for EA are suddenly seems difficult.

I continue this out processtry to stand but my legs feel like Jell-O. I quickly grab my keys and head out the door deciding not to tell Leo where I'm heading to. I drive slowly ignoring the curses and honks I get from other drivers. An old guy even gave me the bird. I would have laughed but now is not a time too .

  A large part of me screams telling me to turn back and let him find his way out but it to late to turn back. The car stops in front of the station and I get out convincing myself he can't hurt me since I'm surrounded by the police.

I walk into the station. The place looking more lively and happier than I imagined except for the people here to bail out someone or report a case. Even the police dogs chained up are happy.        

   Some Police men and women discussing or eating while others are rushing about to complete on task or the other.

   I walk to the front desk remembering the mission at hand.
"How may I help you ma'am?" The middle aged man the the front seat asks with a smile on his face, a little southern accent slipping in as he talks.
"I'm here to pick up an Aiden Parker"   his friendly smile is replaced by a big frown.
"Are you sure you want to be associated with some one like him? He's a troubled man. I know he's rich,fine and all but you can do better sweetheart." I stare at the man wondering what the hell he's taking about.
"I'm not saying he's 'bad bad' but he has issues, lots of em'. Do you even know what he's here for?" I shake my head no.
"Just a warning be careful." he turns back to a colleague telling him to bring Aiden out. Aiden walks out from the back looking like he did nothing wrong. He holds his cuffed wrists out too the cop making the man roll his eyes as he reaches into his pockets to  fish out some keys to unlock them.   

    The moment they are released he let's out a sigh and stretches his body. I take this time to fully analyze him.
   He's not the Aiden I knew. This Aiden suddenly had more tattoos and is darker than usual. I can see them peaking out if the sleeves from his orange color jumpsuit. He smiles at me before following the cop to a back room. I stand there waiting, ignoring the looks other officers give me.


   The officer at the desk gives me a little shake off the head as I walk out of the station. Aiden reaches for my hand but I immediately pull away.

Why did you bail him out?
What if he kidnaps you?
Or worse kills you?
You didn't even tell Leo where you're going to?

These taughts run around my head in circles giving me a slight head ache.

"Are you going to tell me now?"I ask looking anywhere but at him.
"No. Keys." He stretches his arm out for the keys. My heart skip a beat and not the nice skipping a beat. The one that happens when you skip a step on the stairs. I hand the keys over and walk to the passenger side. The moment we get in he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette and lighter. He lights one up and takes a long drag.

  Aiden rarely smokes except for when he's frustrated or has lost his temper. Looking at him right now he looks pretty normal. He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" I finally speak out cutting through the silence. He sighs turning left into the street leading to his house. I reach over and turn on the air conditioner.
"I kind of attacked a woman" my chest constricts at words that come out of his mouth. I stare at my hands suddenly finding them interesting. I really need to visit the saloon. A pedicure will be nice.
"That's assault.Why?" I ask not lifting my head up.

"After I left house, I'm sure you know it's me." Damn stalker! "I was walking home from a bar and I saw..I saw this girl. She looked like you. I couldn't get a good look at her face but she had your dark hair, almost the same height but there's one difference. I followed her home and as soon as she opened the door I wrapped a hand around her mouth and pushed her into the house." He stops taking in a deep a breath. Fuck I'm not sure I want to hear this.

"I turned her around.She had green eyes. That was the difference and it angered me. I wrapped my hand around her throat in anger, fear built up in her eyes as she struggled against me. I didn't know her roommate was upstairs and saw us. I guess she called the police and that's how I ended up in jail." 

    Disgust bubbles in me like a volcano. Leo's father was a very powerful man, still is but he's retired now and his business is in the hands of his first child- Anabelle. Since he's from a rich powerful family her can get out of cases easily with just a flick of the finger from his dad. My mom was right, to get everything you want in this life all you need to have are connections. I look at him from the corner of my eyes, a new cancer stick is in his mouth.

  The car suddenly stops and i look out the window. We are parked outside his house.

Bitter Sweet memories.

He kills the engine and turns to look at me. He grabs my shaky hand in his and places a light kiss on it. I think if the times where I had to deal with his mood swings, anger and drinking days. The times where he got physical for just the smallest things.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He asks softly. I stay silent not responding to him. His gives my hand a tight painful squeeze making me wince.
"Okay?" He repeats. I nod yanking my hand out of his and rubbing it softly.

"Good girl. See ya."with that he hope out of the car and walks towards the house. The moment he steps out i hop over into the drivers side start the engine driving off and not looking back.

I turn on the radio to distract me from my taughts. Summer country music playing instantly calming me. The ring off my phone pulls me away . I look at the caller ID which says 'Momma '. A smile pops up on my face. Taking to my mum just makes things better.

"Hey mu-"
 "O-oli-. Liv dear. Your da-" my mum gets cut off by a sob. Tears gather in my eyes as I hear my mum's broken voice. No one likes to see their mother in pain.
"Mum calm down. Deep breaths.Now tell me,what's wrong?"
"He's dead." My heart beats faster waiting to know who. A little part of me already does.
"Mum?" She continues to sob." Mother answer me! Who's dead?"

"Your father he's dead. "the phone falls from my hand as I stay frozen. My car comes to an abrupt stop causing the driver behind my to honk loud. I sit there not being able to comprehend what just came out of my moms mouth. The screams and curses drivers throw at me and the sobs of my mother in the back ground seem to fade away. Something runs down my cheek making it feel ticklish. I reach to wipe it off and I'm met with a wet substance.

I'm crying.

I let the tears flow freely till i start to scream and hit the wheel like a child having a tantrum. After a while I stop, my head leaning on the wheel. The pounding ache in my head still persistent as ever.

"No. No..." I say this word like a damn mantra trying to convince myself.

  I jump letting out a little screams as I hear a knock on my window. I turn to see a police officer standing there with an inpatient look on his face. I quickly wipe my cheeks and roll the window down and plastering a smile on my face.

"Can I help you sir?" I ask, my voice cracked and raspy.
"Good day and yes actually. If you haven't noticed you are kind of blocking traffic" the man motions to the cars around him.
"I'm sorry. I just lost it.." he eyes me a bit looking around before his eyes landed on a pack of cigarettes. Aiden's pack of cigarettes.
"Have you been doing drugs?"
"No no. Why will you think so?" I ask offended. He motions to the mirror and that's when I see it. My flushed cheeks,red swollen eyes and lips, the cigarettes and messy hair. I look like a crack head. I sigh and turn back to the officer
"I'm sorry. I just lost someone close to me" I sniffle looking down at my fingers. The officer clears how throat,  clearly finding the situation awkward.

"I'm sorry for your loss ma'am but you still have to move" I nod my head and start the cars engine quickly driving off. Ten minutes later I arrive at a little cabin in the woods. My family comes here once in a while, mostly during the summer. It belonged to my grandfather who is also no longer with us. I sit on the little couch there looking around and relieving the moment I've spent with my father in this very cabin. The walks, the camp fires, the songs,everything.

  And that's when it hits me. He's dead. My father's dead and there's nothing I can do about it. I clearly have not prepared for this day.


It's seven in the evening and I've ignored every call coming through my cell phone. Leo's number reoccurring the most. I switch off my phone and resume business. A bottle of alcohol in my hand as I lay on the floor. I pay no attention too the show on TV something about a cooking rat. I sniffle wiping my nose on my sleeve. I know it's disgusting but I ran out of tissues and I don't want to get up. I grab my phone turning it on. Calls and messages pour in most of them full of sympathy. I view on of my Aunt's status (my dad's twin sister, 5 mins younger). Pictures of my dad are posted. A beaming smile on his face in all of them. I stare at one of them. It's an old picture. The whole family at the beach with my dad and his brother buried in the sand smiles on their faces. It was the day a crab bit my uncle. He cried running to his wife.

My dad. I miss him so much. I push the phone away and tears stream down my face like a river.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!

The door to the cabin shakes as someone hits it.

"Olivia I know you're in there!" the voice of my older brother rings through the partially empty woods. Asher is 6 years older than me and own a big textile company two states  down. I jump up to my feet and rush to the door. I haven't seen my brother in half a year and last time he only came here for a business trip. I pull the door wide open and jump into the arms of my brother clinging to him like a koala. I sob into his shoulder and her carries me into the cabin. He says down with me still hanging on to him.

"It's ok. Everything's going to be ok. It was his time to go. We're here for you." he coos into my ear. I sit up wiping my eyes. Good I'm so selfish. My mum is hours away crying for the love of her life and I'm here isolated and drinking my heart out. I look around and it's then I notice Leonardo standing there looking at us.

"Sorry for interrupting your reunion." He mumbles awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
"It's whatever. How did you guys know where to find me?"
"I didn't. It was either I check the bar, airport or I came here.I just settled for the later." I climbed of Asher.
"How's mum?"
"Worried. Depressed. Sobbing. She taught something has happened to you. You got everyone worried Olivia. She just lost her husband she can't loose a child too." I'm a horrible person." I think we should be going before we give her a heart attack" he chuckles a bit before getting on his feet.


Some feet away from the house i stop rows and rows of cars, the moment we roll Into the driveway my mum rushes out and pulls the passenger door wide open. Before I can even get a word in she pulls me in for a grizzly bear hug. I hug her back as she cries.
   "Oh my baby!" She exclaims.
  "Mom is he.." my voice cracks at the end. I've been praying that all this is a cruel joke and someone decided to play April fool's on the 12th of September.
  "I'm sorry" she says through her tears. My dad's twin(Liliana) comes up behind her and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looks like the shorter female version of my dad. Her eyes are sightly red from shedding so much tears I assume. They have the same striking blue eyes and brown hair. Looking at her brings tears to my eyes. I get out of the empty car and walk towards my childhood home. As I push the door open,my phone vibrates telling me I just got a message.

' I heard about what happened. I'm sorry for your loss. He was a good u later'

I'm sure we all know who sent it. It's about time I blocked his number.

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Holoooo! Whatchu think. I've had this chapter in the making for two weeks and hasn't had time to go over. I mostly write when I'm out with people and don't want too talk....
What do you think about the death of Olivia's dad? Expected? Or not?
Anyways don't forget to vote,share and comment.

     Question-  If the world's was to end in twenty four hours what will you spend them doing?

I'll spend it eating and on omegle

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