
By kimaleeclarke

963 18 15

Ellie a 17 year-old-girl, has her life planned out, but that changes when she learns that Tristan Ashton, the... More

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By kimaleeclarke

Two weeks later.

It has been a couple of days since the little incident had happened between Tistan and I.

We also got a few week's holiday and we were going back to school today. To be honesty I stayed in my room and ignored him.

I was about to take a bath when I heard my phone gave off a buzzing sound.

I gladly took it up thinking it would be one of my friends but shocked to see that it was an unknown number.

Unknown, 7:35 am: Hello Ellie Lockwood, I've heard about you.

Who could this be? My hands trembled as I typed a response.

Me, 7:36 am: Who is this?

Is this some sort of prank, I think it may be some kids from school.

Unknown, 7:37 am: Meet at Cornwall street in 15 minutes, don't be late.

Is this person physco do they really think I will meet them at some place, to get kidnap.

Me, 7:40 am: What is this about?

I really wanted to know what this was about.

Me, 7:43 am: Hello!!

How dear this person texts me and then left me unread maybe I should go and see what they need.

No hell no I will just ignore it and proceed to go take a bath.

I spent my time in the bath relaxing; lathering my hair with shampoo and conditioner.

The bath water turns a light shade of red, though I assume it's just the bath gel tinting the colour.

When my hands start to wrinkle, I decide that enough is enough, and I hop out of the bathtub.

I wrap my body with a towel and dry my hair with another towel.

But when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I freeze; my stomach dropping and eyes widening.

"Holy moly"

My dark brown hair was now tinted red, and there could only be one person responsible for this.

Jake my brother he must have put red dye in my shampoo when I wasn't looking, what did I do to deserve this; I'll get him back am sure of it.

I stepped out of the bathroom and swing my room door open, I almost scream at the sight of Tristan.

"Oh, hi Tristan,'' I greet him, What are you doing in here?

"I just came here because your mum said to tell you that breakfast is ready," he mutters

And his eyes travel down my body to which I realize was only covered by a small towel.

Oh goodness,

Can you turn around let me get change?

He hesitates at first then he turns to face my room door.

I hastily put on my underwear then I struggled to zip up my dress.

When I saw him turned around, not sure of what he could have seen he offered to help.

I turned and let him help. His touch sent shivers down my body, in a quick turn he wraps his arms around my waist and brings my chest closer to his.

He bites my lip and kisses me aggressively, I let out a moan not for him to hear and pulled away my body from his and furrowed my eyebrows in shock and asked.

''What was that for?"

Uh, ''I don't know It just felt like the right moment I guess''.

"What" I shrug, you can't just go around kissing people, and besides you and Melissa have something,

"I don't know what it is but I wouldn't want to come between what you two have", I said

"Wait what no what you saw at the party with the two of us gave off the wrong impression", Tristan explains

"We had something but it's over now, between the two of us it was just sex nothing more and she was just forcing herself unto me at the party", he states.

"Well, whatever you two have please work it out because don't want to be that girl that comes between what you too have".

And we both know that Melissa would flip if she ever found out that we kissed.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to finish getting ready for school".

And tell mum I will be there in a few minutes.

Okay, I'll leave you to it, and by the way, you look amazing in that dress, he said before walking towards the door and locking it behind him.

* * *

In class, I layed my head on my desk to hide my bright red hair under my beanie.

Mr. Hamilton walked into class, he had a student beside him which seems familiar to me.

I thought to myself I know I saw him somewhere but I can't quite remember. Then I got a glimpse of his face clearly and saw that it was the same boy I met in the car the same night of the party.

Students, Mr. Hamilton high his voice;

"Right here we have Jaxon Henderson he just transferred from Westfield High to here, let him feel welcome.

"He can take the empty beside Ellie.

Everyone gazed at him admiring his amazing features mostly his tattoos, the sluts of the school started to drool over him.

I shrug and sat up in my seat.

He walked in my direction and sat down beside me.

I didn't move a muscle or talk although I knew him, He glances sideways and look at my hair tucked under my beanie and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and said.

"Why is your hair like that?"

Can't you dye your hair properly what a shame?

I turned to face him and rolled my eye in annoyance, and muttered

"Please mind your god damn business you might think you know me but you don't."

"There's no need to be harsh, that colour red suits you, nice to see you again Ellie."

When I heard him mention my name I was shocked to see that he even remembered my name from that night because he seemed annoyed by me and wasn't paying attention to what I had said.

''Class, listen up!'' I glance at Mr. Hamilton and listened as he spoke.

I hope you've all read my email about the upcoming task which will be due by the end of the class; you will be working in pairs as you hopefully already know.

That was enough to make the class explode into conversation about their partners. To be honest I rather work alone.

''Class! Mr. Hamilton snaps, ''Jesus what does it take to get you guys to shut up?. ''I will be choosing your partners".

"Sir", the entire class groans.

"Partners will be assigned in alphabetical order.''He began to call out the partners group one by one."

"Ellie Lockwood and Sabrina Moore.'' He finally calls.

I was relieved that I got paired with her she's the nicest person ever apart from my friends, of course, she was the type of girl that studied a lot and got all A's in her exams.

"You are to work together finishing pages 120-131, and then do the big activity on page 132, which will require the information you've found from the other pages. You will have the entire lesson to work on it. So without further ado please begin."

I nod and immediately got up from my seat, and when I turned to look.

Jaxon wasn't there he was at the other side of the room with Tristan whom he was paired with.

I shrug and went to sit at Sabrina's desk. ''Hey'', I say.

Hey Ellie, so let's start working she states, I nod and started writing.

A few minutes later I saw her placed her pencil on her desk and lay down; I was shocked to see her finished so fast while half the class wasn't.

''Are you done already?"

'' Yes'', I'm smart and don't bother doing the other page I already did it.

''I can see that now you are smart'', is there any reason why you work so hard all time, I question curiously.

Well, she sighs, I work so hard because I want to get into a good college like Harvard.

Not only that but to make my parents proud and to take over their business someday.

So yeah that sums up everything.

Thats quite fantastic Sabrina I wish you all the best, I said

* * *

Who could this unknown person be?

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