ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ ʜᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (Dis...

By JacksterHolmes

125K 3.6K 910

You let me violate you... You let me desecrate you... You let me penetrate you... You let me complicate you... More

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ (ʜᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) soundtrack
Chapter 1: A Killer Knows A Killer
Chapter 2: Hobbies
Chapter 3: Soft Spoken Boy
Chapter 4: I See You
Chapter 5: Iris (Smut warning)
Chapter 6: Random Author's Note
Chapter 7: Dinner
A/N: Note
Chapter 8: Jealousy/Tearing
Chapter 9: A New Realization
Chapter 10: Interested (SUMT WARNING)
Chapter 11: Afraid
Chapter 12: Punishment
Not a Chapter update
Chapter 13: Encounters
Chapter 14: Caught
Chapter 15: Nightmares
Chapter 16: Contemplation for a Heart
Chapter 17: A Boiling Point
Chapter 18: Respect & Harm
Chapter 20 Part 2 of Fear of Speculation
Chapter 21: Unraveling Darkness
Author Notes
Wattpad has deleted my another Hannibal story

Chapter 19: Fear of Speculation

3.7K 144 42
By JacksterHolmes

Your eyes shot open and you found yourself standing in front of the harsh chair you had been tied to. The pain in your knee had dissipated and you didn't even feel the throbbing from your burned skin. Will was sitting in the chair opposite you, the bag still over his head. In your hand was the hunting knife. The same one that was given to Will. You were suddenly confused. This wasn't what happened. Or at least that's what you thought.

"Go ahead." Danum said, his voice right in your ear. "I could show you exactly where to stab him that could kill him quickly or even slowly if you want."

Your hand tightened around the hilt. "You're just going to kill me too." You had already heard these words. But they weren't yours. Without thinking, you swung around and rammed the knife deep into Danum's gut. His blood was so warm as it spilled over your hand. It was satisfying. It was beautiful. You pulled the knife out and promptly reinserted it into his gut again, smiling at the stunned man. "You were right about there being real power. Holding a life directly in your hands and then taking it away." The gushing sound of blood and tearing flesh filled your ears as you twisted the knife. The deep iron smell filling your nostrils. "You only know false power, Danum... Or is it Oliver, now?" You said, now looking at the face of your uncle whose face was half gone and clearly rotting.

The sound of a gun going off and an abrupt burning in your body startled you. You turned your head and saw Will standing behind you, his gun aimed at you. And then you realized, you had been shot. That was what caused the burning. You looked from the weeping wound to the man you stabbed, but no one was there now. You had no knife in your hands and the blood that stained them was your own. "Will?" The tone in your voice was strangled from the disorientation of it all. But Will said nothing as you met his furious eyes, the next bullet pierced your forehead and instead of falling, you flew up in bed with a scream.

Hands grabbed at your shoulders, trying to restrict your thrashing around. "Y/n! Calm down!" A nurse's voice urgently ordered. You didn't know where you were now, but you knew that the pain you felt from the shots were real. The pain from it consumed your entire body and you couldn't stop the panic. Another voice chimed in and another set of hands came to rest on your still swollen cheeks, attempting to center your focus. "Y/n." The steady voice was familiar. It belonged to Hannibal. "You're in the hospital and you are suffering a panic attack." If it wasn't for that panic attack, you would reply with some smart ass comment, but you were too busy trying to breathe. Hannibal reached for your hand and lightly squeezed it. "Allow me to guide you through this." And you both sat quietly, only hearing your breathing and the beeping of the vital signs machine.

Time passed and you slowly regained composure. Finally grounded again, you remembered what happened. Jack shot Danum before Will could be executed and you were both rushed to the hospital in separate ambulances. Will's life was hanging in the balance and it was crucial he got into surgery as soon as possible. You tried to fight the exhaustion, but your body immediately crumbled into unconsciousness as soon as the ambulance started moving.

You looked down and saw your leg was wrapped in a cast and the rest of your body was bandaged up to care for the burns. "How long have I been out?"

Hannibal cleared his throat, looking at the time. "I'd say you've been asleep for about nine hours." He answered. "But that's to be expected. You were taken into surgery for your knee. So you've been unconscious significantly due to medications."

"And Will?" You asked, the anxiety returning to you at the thought of receiving a certain answer. You couldn't look at Hannibal. "Is...He okay?"

Of course, Hannibal noticed this body language from you and his lip twitched into a smile for a brief moment. "He was in critical condition from the wound. He was very lucky that the bullet narrowly missed his right lung. The surgery went well, but he will remain in the ICU for a few more days." At this, you nodded in relief. "You know that Jack is going to ask you about everything that happened, don't you?" You nodded again.

By now, the nurse had left to get the doctor and so you could talk freely. "I have a plausible alibi for everything. The only issue is...Will. I can't be sure if he believes what that prick said about me. He could tell Jack and then I'd be in a harder spot. Even if he's unsure, he's going to be watching me even more carefully now."

"Well," Hannibal breathed deeply before exhaling. "If I know our dear Will as well as I believe I do, which I do, he's not going to say anything." You raised your eyebrow and glanced at him. Hannibal looked back at you with that all knowing smile. "He's already been keeping his eye trained on me, Y/n. He's going to want to see how far this goes for himself."

Before you could respond, the doctor came in. She had a kind voice and you could appreciate the smile lines around her mouth. She explained to you the procedure that had been done on your knee and that they placed pins in your knee to promote the bones to heal together. "You received second degree burns, and so you have blistering and damaged skin. So the healing process with the cast may be a bit of an inconvenience, especially when it becomes itchy. But you're very fortunate. You should make a very nice recovery in the next month or so. Do you have anyone that might be able to help take care of you after you are discharged? You're going to need help for a while."

"Yes. She will be staying with me during her recovery." Hannibal quickly yet smoothly answered, charming as ever. This shocked you and caused your cheeks to heat up. "Especially while her home is being investigated as a crime scene."

'Oh yeah,' You thought. 'My apartment is technically a crime scene... And there is definitely some irony in the fact that I'm the victim in this.'

The doctor smiled awkwardly at the statement. "Well, we're going to keep you for another day or so just to keep an eye on your burns and then you'll be set to go."

When the doctor left, you glared at Hannibal. "What's the catch?" You demanded.

Hannibal chuckled. "Must there be a catch?"

"There always is with you."

"I suppose you'll have to come back with me and discover for yourself."

You rolled your eyes and just as they came to rest, Jack walked in. His face wore that same frown as always and although you weren't surprised, a part of you wanted him to just smile in relief that at least Will was okay. "Hey, Jack." You greeted, raising your hand to give a small wave.

Jack's eyes went right to Hannibal and gestured for the door. "I'm sorry, Dr. Lecter, but could you excuse the two of us for a few moments?"

Hannibal glanced at you and stood. "Of course, Jack. I'll be right outside should either of you need anything." And then he quietly left you alone with the tense man. You knew there was a storm raging within Jack and you questioned how badly you'd feel that wrath.

Jack's hand came to rest on his mouth and chin, rubbing it as if trying to figure out what words to use. "I feel like you haven't been completely forthcoming with me, Y/n."

You donned your poker face, determined not to get caught in any trap Jack may have laid out for you. "How exactly?"

"You knew Charles Danum from the academy and you mean to tell me that you never suspected that he could be a killer?"

Your face was cold and you let out a spiteful laugh. "Are you being serious, Jack? You think I would just know something like that?"

"Of course not. You're not Will." Ouch. "But he specifically chose you and Will, and I want to know why."

You once again rolled your eyes at the blind punches Jack was pulling. He was trying to back you into a corner by accusing you of knowing something more, which you did. "He told me that Will had gotten too close and he wanted him dead." You explained. "He said that right before he fucked my knee up." A slight lie.

"Why you?"

"Because I'm the one close to Will. I'm his partner. So if he's a threat, then so am I." You watched Jack shake his head in disbelief. "Look, I didn't ask to get the shit beat out of me. I didn't ask for Will to get shot. Clearly, he was good at staying under the radar."

"Did you recognize the building you were in?" Jack sat down. You shook your head. "Danum took you to the abandoned factory where we found the Chesapeake Ripper's last victim. The mutilated body with the irises in the chest." It would be a lie to say you didn't feel a bit unsettled. "He brought you both back to the scene of the crime. Why, Y/n?"

"He was a psychopath, Jack!" You yelled, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the line of questions.

Jack nodded at your response. "He wanted the Chesapeake Ripper to see something."

"He wanted to prove that he was the more clever killer. If he could kill Will Graham, the most sought after profiler, then that would give him a title that the Chesapeake Ripper could never have. And it turned out that he wasn't that clever. His head has a bullet through it and the Ripper is still out there."

"Danum was still very clever, Y/n." Jack countered, straightening his coat. "Once we went through the original suspect's computer, we found all the evidence tracing back to Danum. And Danum had clear instructions to have you framed for the crimes."

You scoffed, even though you were already aware of that fact. "Fucking asshole..." You mumbled. "And then he chose to kill me instead."

Jack sighed and stood up, walking over to you. "Get some rest. You'll be on leave, but I'll be following up with some more questions. Once Will is fine to talk, it'll be a bit easier to begin piecing the entire story together."

You nodded and watched Jack leave and Hannibal promptly reenter. "Things are looking pretty fucked right now." You laid back down.

"Try not to let Jack's suspicion bother you too much. If he sees you sweat, then it'll only make him pry for more answers." That was obvious to you. "I will not allow you to be found out, Y/n. It would bring too much attention my way and we can't have that. So follow my lead and try not to give in to recklessness." Hannibal picked your hand up and kissed it gently. You always believed that if you died, you would go to Hell and from there, you would meet the devil himself for your crimes. But you were alive. And the devil was caressing your hand.

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